A Few Good Men- Justice Review - Weebly

A Few Good Men- Justice Review

The purpose of this assignment is to allow students an opportunity to critically review a film on the law and to practice their analytical writing skills.

What to do:

1. Watch the Film ... with a critical Eye. Most of us are used to passive watching of films and videos; as a result, much passes before us without much thought. For the purposes of this assignment, you'll have to not only watch the film, but also engage in it. In particular, while you are viewing the film, keep in mind the concept of justice.

2. Your review should contain an explanation of the concept of justice and a thesis statement, which shows how justice is exemplified in the film.

3. Several paragraphs of analysis dealing with the concept of justice. Use specific examples to illustrate your point.

4. You should also demonstrate examples of injustice presented in the legal system

5. A clear concise conclusion. Length: 1-2 pages, double spaced, typed.

Film Review Checklist

|Students will… |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

|Spelling and grammar |No errors |Few errors |Some errors |Multiple errors |

|Proper formatting was used (thesis, | | | | |

|conclusion, discussion of justice, etc.) |Thorough |Considerable |Somewhat |Limited |

|Demonstrated a clear understanding of | | | | |

|justice and injustice |Clear and Concise |Clear |Not clear |Limited understanding |

|Demonstrated a clear thought process | | | | |

|(paper was fluent) |Clear and Concise |Clear |Not clear |Limited |

|Specifics from the movie were present | | | | |

|(name’s what kind of trial it was, the |Multiple examples used |Multiple examples used |Example used |No examples |

|charges, examples of justice, etc.) |effectively | | | |



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