The Electoral Process Scavenger Hunt Assignment

Unit 4: The Electoral Process Scavenger Hunt Assignment

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, complete all of the following sections.

Section 1: Definition of terms

For all of the follow terms read the text, highlight/underline the term and definition within the text and then write the definition in your own words on your paper. These are not in order…you must read to find them all.

1. Electoral College

2. Voting Rights Act of 1965

3. Primary

4. Stump Speech

5. Federal Election Commission

6. Convention

7. Caucus

8. Elector

9. Party Platform

10. The Popular Vote

Section 2: Question and Answer

Answer the following questions using evidence from the reading and your own analysis of the evidence/reading. Your responses need to be in complete sentence form and in your own words. Your responses may be on the same sheet of paper as Section 1, but please make a title for Section 2 on the paper. These questions are not in the order of the reading, thus you must read to find the answers.

1. According to the Constitution, what are the qualifications to run for President?

2. Explain the major difference between a caucus and a primary.

3. When does the popular vote take place?

4. Explain why the President and Vice President are voted on separately by the Electoral College today.

5. What are the six Constitutional amendments that deal with voting privileges and rights? Explain what each amendment grants to citizens.

6. What are the first two major American Political Parties? What are the original names of the Democratic and Republic Parties?

7. In your own words explain the three major features of the final phase (Sep. to Nov.) of the Presidential campaign.

8. Explain all the ways a candidate can keep themselves in the public eye in order to gain support and votes. For each of the methods mentioned, do you personally think the method is effective? Explain why or why not.

9. Explain who makes up the Electoral College. How many electors are there?

10. How has the media influenced the campaign process for candidates? Is the media influence positive or negative for a candidate? For the public? Explain your responses to each part.

Section 3: Flow Chart

For this section you need to create a flow chart that demonstrates how a person becomes the President of the United States. Make sure to first read Part 1: How It Starts and Part 2: How It All Ends Up carefully; you will want to highlight/underline all the steps of becoming the President. The flow chart, when completed, should stand alone as a visual aide to teach someone who knows nothing about the US electoral process, how we elect the President without having to ask you any questions.

Your flow chart must include:

1. Title: “Path to the Presidency”

2. Approximate time frames and specific dates when given in the boxes

3. Blocks should give enough information to understand each stage/step of the process; meaning there should not just be two words in your boxes; DO NOT COPY FROM READING—put into your own words!

4. Should begin with the announcing of candidacy and end with Inauguration Day/Date

5. Your flow chart should have vertical and horizontal steps (see example template).

a. Vertical steps create the tiers, of which there are seven, and they are: Announce Candidacy, Caucuses and Primaries, Conventions, Presidential Campaign, Election Day, Electoral College, and Inauguration Day.

b. All major places should be mentioned within the appropriate tier (for example, Caucus should mention Iowa and explain its importance)

c. Use as many horizontal boxes as needed to fully explain each vertical tier.


Path to the Presidency


Announce Candidacy:

(Approx. 2 yrs prior to election)

Person in some sort of press conference announces their intention to run for the office of President.


Summary explanation in own words; place(s) of importance


Summary explanation in own words; place(s) of importance

Caucuses and Primaries:

(Approximate time and/or dates)

Summary explanation in own words; place(s) of importance


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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