Certificate Programs in Finance and in the Economics and ...

Certificate Programs in Finance and in the Economics and Management of Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment

Department of Economics

University of Alberta

The Department of Economics offers two certificate programs in cooperation with the School of Business. One is in Finance and the other is in the Economics and Management of Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment. Detailed descriptions of these programs can be found at the following two websites:

Certificate in Finance:

Certificate in the Economics and Management of Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment:

How can a student enroll in these certificate programs? These certificate programs have very limited enrollments. The application and admission process is administered by the Department of Economics. The principal factor used to rank applicants is the cumulative grade point average. Both certificates require two years to complete, so a student should enter a certificate program at the start of their third year in the BA program.

What are the minimum requirements for admission? - Completion of *60 with a CGPA of at least 3.0. - Registration in a major or honors program in economics. Meeting these requirements is not a guarantee of admission.

Important notes

i) Certificate in Finance

The Certificate in Finance requires ACCTG 311, FIN 301 and MGTSC 352. These courses are offered only at very specific times. Before applying to the Certificate in Finance program, a student should ensure that it is possible to fit these courses into their timetable during the third year of the BA.

There are two possible scheduling options:

Option 1:

ACCTG 311, Fall 2010, MWF 11:00-11:50 plus a seminar T 9:3010:50. FIN 301, Fall 2010, TTh, 3:30-4:50 plus a seminar F 2:00-2:50. MGTSC 352, Winter 2011, TTh 11:00-12:20 plus a one hour seminar F 8:00-8:50.

Option 2:

ACCTG 311, Fall 2010, MWF 11:00-11:50 plus a seminar T 9:3010:50. MGTSC 352, Fall 2010, TTh 3:30-4:50 plus a one hour seminar on Friday mornings (several sections available). FIN 301, Winter 2011, TTh, 3:30-4:50 plus a seminar W 2:002:50.

ii) Certificate in the Economics and Management of Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment

This program has more flexibility in the choice of courses. The Business courses which could be taken in the first year of the EMNREE Certificate program are scheduled as follows:

B LAW 301, Fall 2010, TTh 8:00-9:20. B LAW 428, Winter 2011, Th 6:30-9:20pm. BUEC 463, Fall 2010, TTh 2:00-3:20. BUEC 464, Winter 2011, TTh 12:30-1:50. MGTSC 352, Fall 2010, TTh 3:30-4:50 plus a one hour seminar on Friday mornings (several sections available).

What is the application procedure?

To ensure your application is considered, send an e-mail by noon on Wednesday, 8 September 2010, to the Undergraduate Program Coordinator of the Department of Economics - Deborah Choi (Deborah.Choi@ualberta.ca). In this e-mail, include the following:

i) Your full name. ii) Your student id number. iii) The certificate program for which you would like to be considered. If you would

like to be considered for both programs, indicate your preference ranking of the two programs as no student will be allowed to register in both programs, iv) Your University of Alberta e-mail address.

Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail late on 8 September 2010.


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