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+ Pastoral + Epistle +

Rev. Michael J. Roth Vol. 7, No. 1

2015, can you believe it? It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were wondering what would happen when we began the third millennium of Christian history. Indeed, time marches on; it waits for no one. It is the most precious commodity we have for without it happiness, health and wealth would do us no good. It is also a commodity we cannot create or save. The past is time we can never get back and the future is time we cannot be sure of. We can only spend time in the present and everyone has the same amount to work with—24 hours every day; no more, no less. The only question is: what will you do with the time you have. Every day we make choices; every hour we do some things, but not others.

Now, although we can only live life in the present, it does not mean we should not plan ahead. The truth is, as we plan ahead we have more options in using our time the way we wish. So, what are your plans? How will you use the time the Lord allots you in 2015? Will this be the year of the new job or the new house or the new baby or the new car or the new degree? Will this be the year you replaced your couch or your carpet or your routine or your knees? Will 2015 be the year of the surgery or the funeral or the set back? Will it be the year you took control of your schedule, your health, your habits, or your free time?

Many of these things we have no control over, others are in our hands. May I encourage you to take into your hands those things you can change and accept those things you cannot. Setting aside those things we cannot change, what should we do with those things we can change? What in your life would you like to change? What about you would you like to improve? What about the world around you would you like to be different? Whatever you come up with you would be wise to enlist the help of One greater than yourself. The Lord encourages us to caste our cares on Him, to pray without ceasing, to trust in Him and to do all things through Him who strengthens. To make positive, godly changes in your life you will need the help of the only One who can transform. Make it a practice to focus daily on those things that must be confessed and then soak up the forgiveness the Lord promises. Then pray daily for a renewed heart and a will determined to be blessed by Him. Give the year 2015 to the Lord and pray, “Here I am Lord, send/use me.”

Ministry Opportunities

TRINITY’S PRAYER CHAIN Our Prayer Chain is a group of very devoted people who have committed to praying for the needs of others on a daily basis. This group is committed to keeping your prayer request confidential. If you would like to join this group or have a prayer request, please contact the church office, Anita Schultz at 983-4454 or 1frenita2@, or Mary Shuler at 429-5600.

SERMONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE: In case you missed a sermon or liked it so much that you want to hear it again, we have started posting the weekly sermons on our website. Go to and click on the Publications/Sermons tab, click on Sermons, and then click on launch Sermon Audio tab. From there you may select which sermon you would like to hear.


Do you have a question during a sermon that never gets answered? Whenever you have a question during a sermon, write it on the back of your Welcome & Communication Cards and Pastor Gerber will answer your questions throughout the week. All questions and answers can be found at: .


The Greeter will fulfill a special ministry in the Welcome Center by being a welcoming presence to help answer any questions, give directions or help meet any needs that may arise with members or guests. Please contact the Church Office or Kathy Kasischke for more information.

Church and School Announcements

Benevolent Fund Door Offering. Today we will hold our Monthly Benevolent Fund Door Offering following each worship service, the funds are used to assist families faced with utility disconnects or evictions.. Please prayerfully give as you are able.

Big Boy Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser – save the date!

Monday, January 19, 2015 from 5:00 – 8:00pm.

We will  be selling tickets for an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner at the Stevensville Big Boy to raise funds to support Pastor Roth’s mission trip to South Sudan. When the tickets are available, they will be $12; from this $6 will go to toward the mission trip. Plan to come out and enjoy a fun evening with friends from Trinity. Ticket sales after church services in the 1st floor of the school or in the Church Office.

“Respect Your Enemies, Says Hillary Clinton” will be the topic for discussion on Wednesday January 7, 6:30 PM at the Wired Word class meeting on the second level of the Ministry Center 619 Main Street. All are welcome to attend the class.

At Ease! There will be no “At Ease” Veteran support group

meetings until Thursday, January 8th 2015. We will be starting in January with a new format of meetings. Look for more information to follow in the church bulletin and local newspaper.

“SAVE THE DATE” Sunday, February 8, at 6:00pm, for Trinity’s Team Trivia Night! Start thinking about putting your team together now. All adults welcome. Hosted by Trinity Stephen Ministry.

Now Hiring!  Trinity ECC is once again looking for a lead caregiver for our Infant Room.  Sadly, Alanna Bader, our current lead, has taken a new job and she will be leaving us very soon.  We wish her all the best and send her God’s blessings as she begins this new chapter of her life.  The minimum requirements for this position are:  at least 19 years old, High School diploma, at least 12 credit hours in a child-related field and 6 months experience in a childcare setting.  Lead caregivers must also have 3 semester hours in infant/toddler development and care practices.  If they do not already have these, they must be obtained within 6 months of hire.  Please call Robyn Adams at 269-983-0040 x201 if you are interested or have any questions.  Thank you! 

Also Hiring: A Preschool Aide:  Trinity ECC is looking for a qualified individual to be an aide in our four year old childcare Explorers Room.   This part time position would be Monday –Friday from 7am – Noon.  The aide would assist the teacher in the day to day activities in the Explorers room.  Please call or email Robyn Adams in the ECC office for more details.  Thank you.  

Returnable Can and Bottle Collection:

The Trinity Youth will be collecting your reimbursable cans and bottles during the holiday seasons. As you have guests over for the various celebrations, please keep this in mind. There will be boxes located in the Welcome Center entrance and by the Canopy Entrance for you to drop your cans off. Proceeds will be used to improve some equipment in the Solid Rock Café.


Please inform the church office when you or your family member’s status

changes or are well enough to be removed from the Prayer List

Those ill or Recovering: Diane Atkins (mother of Candy Briney), Lori Burkall (Mary Schmidke’s sister), Heather Metz (friend of the Bradford’s), Zachary Matzke (son of Mark & Sally Matzke), Steve Kasischke (son of Harold Kasischke), Lois Fox, R. Keene Evans, Raymond Hurt, Milton Reisig

Special Birthdays: 1/10-Edward Schultz (93)

Special Anniversaries: 1/10-Jim & Judy DeLapa (56th)

Special Prayers:

For Those Mourning:

Prayers will remain on this list for 2 weeks, unless otherwise requested.

Emergency Contacts

Pastor Roth, Senior Pastor

cell: 932-8456

Hospital Visitation and Care - if you or a loved one is hospitalized please contact the church office and let us know.  During times of illness or injury we want you to be assured of Christ’s love and compassion, and the hospital cannot report to us as members are admitted.

QR Code for On-line Tithing:

If you have a Smart Phone and would like to contribute on-line, please scan the QR code, which will take you to our website and then to the bank site for processing.


This Week at Trinity

Sunday, January 4th Benevolent Fund Door Offering

8 & 10:30a Worship Services (S)

9-10:30a SCRIP Sales (school hallway)

9:15a Contemporary Worship (Gym)

No Sr High Youth Group

Monday, January 5th

2-4p Plarn Gathering (LHC)

6-8p DBSA of SW Michigan (LHC)

9:30-11a Lifelight Bible Study (LHC)

6:30-8:30p Bd of Education (school)

6:30-8:30p Stewardship Committee (MCB)

6:30-8p Lakeview Terrace Bible Study

Tuesday, January 6th

7:15-7:45a Faculty Bible Study (school)

8-11:30a Quilters (CFH)

11a-Noon Care Team (LHC)

2-3:30p BH Worship (Harbor Towers)

5-6p Stephen Leaders Meeting (MC)

5:30-9p Thrivent Board Meeting (LHC)

6:30-8p Adult Instruction Class (MC-1st fl)

6:30-8:30p Bd of Prop & Finance (MCB)

6:30-8p Stephen Ministry Supervision (MC)

Wednesday, January 7th

6:45-7:45a Sonriser’s Bible Study (LHC)

8-8:45a School Chapel (S)

9-10:30a Christ & Coffee Women’s Bible Study (LHL)

5:30-6:15p Family Pizza (CFH) 6:15-6:30p Devotions (S)

6:30-8p WOW - Adult Choir (S); The Wired Word (MC-2nd fl); KFC+ (Gym); Chasing After the Heart of God (LHL); Marriage by God’s Design (LHC); Public Sch Confirmation(Rm 205/206)

Thursday, January 8th

8-8:30a SCRIP (school office)

9:30-11a Adult Bible Study (LHC)

11:30a-1p Meal & More – BH

6:30-8p Veteran’s Support Group (LHC)

Friday, January 9th

3-3:30p SCRIP (school office)

Saturday, January 10th

8:30-9:30a Men’s Small Group (MCB)

CFH-Christian Fellowship Hall; CMR-Children’s Ministry Room; LHC-Lighthouse Café; LHL-Lighthouse Lounge; MC-Ministry Center; MCB-Ministry Center Boardroom;

S-Sanctuary; SRC-Solid Rock Café; SCH-School; WC-Wel. Center


Trinity Lutheran Church and School

619 Main St. St. Joseph, Michigan 49085

Church: 269-983-5000 School: 269-983-3056

Early Childhood Center: 269-983-0040

January 4, 2015

Second Sunday after Christmas


We extend a warm welcome to all who worship with us today. It is our joy to worship with you. As the Holy Spirit gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the Church, we believe you will meet your risen Savior today through Word and Sacrament. If you are a first-time visitor, please introduce yourself to our pastor after the service. And if you do not have a church home, we invite you to consider becoming a part of our church family.

Please join together in the Welcome Center after each worship service for a time of fellowship.

Please take time to fill out the Welcome & Communication sheet in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate as it is passed. Thank you.

Serving Today:

Preacher Pastor Michael J. Roth

Liturgist Vicar Nick Kooi

Organist Jenifer Milnikel

Lay Readers (8:00) Steve Shuler

(10:30) Maureen Bradford

Acolytes (8) Clare Berghaus, Tanner Berghaus

(10:30)Noah Lyon, Brandon Rath

Communion Assistants (8) Tim Ernst, Fred Wassilak, Karl Seng,

Pete Fellows, Tim Mitchell, Mike Rushlow, Steve Shuler

(9:15)Scott Kizer

Elders (8)Steve Shuler (9:15)Scott Kizer (10:30) Fred Leitz

Contemporary Worship Leader Scott Kizer

Contemporary Music Team Rickey Moore, Brad Wishart,

Jeff Davis, Kaye Krieger, Anna Rorabeck,

Bonnie Johnson, Brad and Shelly Chaffee


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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