REGISTRATION ADVISINGSemester Calendar: From the Registration & Records website: , choose Calendars.How to release an advising hold online: From NCSU homepage: Choose My Pack and log in.Under the Main Menu, choose Student Information Services.Choose Faculty Services.Choose Advising Holds Release.Check the box next to the advisee’s name.Click the Release Selected Holds Button at the bottom of the page.Current Degree Keys: From the Registration & Records website: on Curricula & Advising:For Eight Semester Display, choose Semester-by-Semester Plans, then Physical & Mathematical Sciences. Choose the desired degree ORFor Degree Audit Information, which will show you classes organized by subject area and more information about which courses are C-Wall and which can be taken for Credit-Only, under Degrees and Programs, choose Curricula Requirements. The Academic Program in Physical & Math Sciences, and the Academic Plan is the degree name. These degree keys also include clickable lists of course options. Past Degree Keys:From the Registration & Records website: on Curricula & Advising.Under Degree and Program Audits, choose Curricula Requirements.On the Curricula Requirements Look-Up page, check Include Historical Requirements.Choose Physical & Mathematical Sciences for Academic Program .Choose the major for Academic Plan.Choose Requirement Term according to the last 3 digits of the curriculum code. For example, the Requirement Term for 17MY036 is June 2003. Plan of Work:The Plan of Work is a useful planning and advising tool. Undergraduate students who came to NCSU since Fall 2002 (freshmen or new transfers), are required to file a Plan of Work. The Plan of Work is generated on line by the student. All undergraduates have been informed to prepare a Plan of Work for at least the next two semesters prior to meeting with you. You can access the plan while meeting with the student and see what they are planning to take. (“View Student's Degree Audit / Plan of Work” is one of the options in the menu for Advisee Information through Registration and Records: Faculty Services.). You can toggle between the Degree Audit and Semester Layout views. Please tell students who come to an advising session without having done a Plan of Work to reschedule their advising session until they can complete one.The Undergraduate Advisor, Maggie Puryear, will approve Plans of Work in the spring so that Registration and Records can determine if the student is making satisfactory progress toward his/her degree (24 credits/academic year). You should not approve Plans of Work. This assessment will be run in May. If a student has not made satisfactory progress toward the declared degree, he/she can be placed on "Progress Warning". The student will have one semester after that to get back on track.GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSResidency: Students must complete at least 25% of credit hours required for graduation at NC State, and they must have earned at least 30 of the last 45 credit hours at NC State.: NC State requires all students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in order to graduate.Performance Requirements: Foreign Language Proficiency: FOR ADVISINGAcademic Regulations: Advising Service: Online resource for faculty, staff, and students concerning general advising issues and academic procedures Center: located on the 2nd floor of the Student Health Center Services Office: Education Requirements: Abroad: Research: for Credit-by-Examination: When a student requests credit for a course due to his/her previous experience or knowledge APPROACHING GRADUATIONGraduation Clearance Form: Your signature indicates that the student has met all requirements for graduation. Before you sign, make sure you check the student’s degree audit for requirements that are unmet. If changes need to be made on the degree audit, send an email request to Carrie Thomas (at and cc Maggie Puryear (at Students must also apply for graduation online via MyPack Portal.Career Center: located in Pullen Hall Advising Office: Help with Scholarship and Fellowship Applications Professions Advising Center (Health PAC): Help with the application and pre-application process for medical school and other health-related professional schools. (Located in 2719 Bostian Hall) ADVISING RESPONSIBILITIESResponsibilities of StudentStudents have the primary responsibility for planning their individual programs and meeting graduation requirements. This involves:Keeping up-to-date with university, college, and departmental curricular requirements through materials available from the advisors or departmental coordinator of advising;Keeping informed of academic deadlines and changes in academic policies; andConsulting with the advisor of departmental coordinator of advising during each registration period, following notification of academic warning or probationary status, and at other times as needed.Responsibilities of AdvisorAlthough students have the primary responsibility for planning their programs, advisors are expected to:Be available for conferences at appropriate times and places about which their advisees have been informed;Provide accurate information about academic regulations and procedures, course prerequisites, and graduation requirements;Assist students in planning academic programs suited to their interests and abilities and their career objectives;Discuss with their advisees appropriate course choices in fulfilling curriculum requirements as well as possible consequences of various alternative course choices;Inform their advisees when the advisee’s proposed course selections conflict with university academic or curricular regulations;Assist advisees with following proper procedures for such things as exemptions to the course drop deadlines, auditing a course before or after taking it for credit, taking a course using the credit by examination policy, registering for 19 or more credit hours, registering for Cooperating Raleigh colleges inter-institutional courses, or repeating a course previously passed;Refer their advisees for special testing or counseling as needed; andAssist their advisees in considering the appropriateness of academic adjustments where these become necessary in cases of serious injury or illness.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWhat courses can be used to fulfill the Humanities and Social Science GERs?Courses must be chosen from the approved lists for each requirement. These courses have been chosen to meet the objectives of each requirement. Lists of GER courses for our curricula can be found on the degree keys through the Registration & Records website (see Current Degree Keys and Past Degree Keys in Advising Resources).My advisee’s Approved Elective or GER is not in the correct location on the degree audit. What do I do?Please email a list of changes to the Undergraduate Advisor, Maggie Puryear at Changes may be initiated over the phone, but an email is needed to place in the student’s file. If the student needs a course substitution or waiver, see below.How do I substitute a course or waive a requirement on a student’s degree audit?All course substitutions and waivers must be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Programs, Carrie Thomas at You should email her the request, and after approval, you will be able to see the change on the student’s degree audit.How do I know if a student has met the foreign language proficiency requirement?The degree audit will list FL* 100 High School Spanish/French/Etc. under the “English/Communication” and/or the “Additional or Non-Degree Courses” section, depending on the curriculum. If the student has not met this requirement, he/she will have to take a foreign language through the 102 level.Can a student repeat a course without a penalty?Freshman and transfer students can repeat a course that was originally taken in their first year at NC State and have the original grade not reflected in their GPA. This can only be done if the second attempt is within 12 months of the original attempt. The student will need to process a First Year Course Repeat Form, which can be found on the Registration & Records website: , under Forms. Students can take up to 2 courses under this policy but can only retake a particular course once.My advisee wants to add/drop a course after the deadline. What can he/she do?The student will need to complete a Schedule Revision Form, which can be found in the Student Services Office, 1113 Jordan. The instructor, advisor, Director of Undergraduate Programs and Dean will need to agree to this change, before it is implemented. If the addition of this course puts the student’s credit hours over 18, another form, Course Load Waiver, will also have to be filed. This form can be found online at Registration & Records and requires the advisor’s signature.If dropping this course puts the student below 12 credit hours, he/she should be aware that this may adversely affect financial aid, insurance, eligibility for on-campus housing or satisfactory progress toward completion of degree. Please note that the deadline for dropping below 12 credit hours is usually about 2 weeks after classes begin.What happens when my student is under academic suspension, warning or probation?Students with 1-59 credit hours must maintain a cumulative 1.8 GPA, and students who have 60 or more hours must have a 2.0 or higher to remain in good academic standing. After a student has attended NC State for 2 regular semesters and attempted 12 hours, they are subject to the Academic Suspension policy. After the end of the spring semester, any student who has not met the minimum GPA requirement will be suspended for the subsequent fall and spring semesters. A student who has received final grades for at least 12 credit hours and received a cumulative GPA of less than 1.0 will be suspended immediately. Suspended students, who are re-admitted on appeal, will be eligible to enroll on Academic Probation.Any student who does not meet the requirement for Academic Suspension but has a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 will be on Academic Warning status.All students who are on Academic Warning or Probation are required to meet with their advisor during the first 4 weeks of classes in regular semesters to review their academic situations and review or revise their Plans of Work. The student must also complete the Academic Warning Contract with you. If a student fails to comply with these requirements, he or she will not be allowed to register for subsequent semesters, unless the cumulative GPA at the end of the semester is greater than 2.0.What does taking a course for credit-only mean? What courses can be taken for credit-only?Credit-only means that the course is taken or offered as pass/fail. A student can only receive a grade of passing (“S” for satisfactory) or failing (“U” for unsatisfactory). Some courses are only offered for credit-only. The only courses that a student can choose to take for credit-only and apply towards the degree are free electives and PE courses. What can I tell a concerned parent/friend if they contact me?The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) states that you cannot disclose any education records of a student to other persons unless that student has given consent in writing. Students can also place a Privacy Block on their information, which would include enrollment information, confirmation of degrees earned, etc. When you download your Advisee List from MyPack Portal, it will also download the Privacy Block information.What courses can be used for the approved electives?Approved electives can be considered as an unofficial minor. They were designed to be chosen with the student’s desired career path in mind. The intent is for these to be math or science courses. For students who wish to take other types of courses, six credit hours can be taken in Aerospace Studies (ROTC), Communication or policy. Math or science courses should fulfill the remaining credit hour requirement.My student wants to take a course that is only offered at another university. How can this be done?The student must fill out an Inter-Institutional Registration form, which can be found at the Registration & Records website, under Forms. This allows the student to take up to 2 courses at Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Greensboro, UNC-Charlotte or NC Central University. The student needs to be enrolled in at least 8 credit hours at the home institution and get the advisor’s and dean’s signatures. During summer sessions, students may enroll in one inter-institutional course, if they are registered for at least one course at the home institution.My advisee is planning to graduate next semester. What is the process he needs to follow?There are two steps the student needs to complete. First, the student needs to complete a Graduation Clearance Form, which Connie Hockaday emails to all students before registration advising time. This form must be signed by the student’s advisor before it should be submitted to Connie. Take this advising time to carefully go over their degree audit to look for any deficiencies, multiple Ds, and any other issue that would keep the student from graduating. If any changes are needed on the degree audit, email the request to Carrie Thomas ( and cc Maggie Puryear ( The second step is for the student to apply for graduation online via MyPack Portal.What should I do if one of my advisees goes MIA or needs validation for excused absences?You or the student (depending on the situation) should contact Dr. Roger Callanan in DUAP. His email is, and his phone number is 513-7204. ................

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