Form S for Internship


To be filled out by student as CONFIDENTIAL

course requirement. You will This form will only be reviewed by

not be graded on your responses the faculty Advisor. Your candid

to this questionnaire. comments will be appreciated.

Internal Auditing Internship Questionnaire

Biographical (Print or type)

1. Name ____________________________________________________________

2 Address___________________________________________________________



3. Telephone (H)_________________________(W)__________________________

4. Summer Employer__________________________________________________

5. Location_________________________________________________________

6. Name of Immediate Supervisor ____________________________________

Title ____________________________________

Address ____________________________________

Phone ____________________________________

7. Classification of job position__________________________________________

8. Starting date of work____________________Last day______________________

9. Average no. of hours worked per week_______________

10. Expected date of graduation___________________________________________

11. GPA__________overall


12. When will you start interviewing?______________________________________

13. List ten (10) companies/firms that you are interested in interviewing with, for

permanent employment.

| |List before internship | |List after internship |

|1. | | 1. | |

|2. | | 2. | |

|3. | | 3. | |

|4. | | 4. | |

|5. | | 5. | |

|6. | | 6. | |

|7. | | 7. | |

|8. | | 8. | |

|9. | | 9. | |

|10. | | 10. | |


14. Starting salary________________Ending salary________________

15. Included in insurance program?________Yes ________No

16. List any other fringe benefits





17. What percent of your work was away from the home office? ________%

18. How were you reimbursed for travel expenses?

_____________________ Actual expenses

_____________________ Per diem, is so specify below



19. List the different cities and countries you worked in




20. Was there a salary adjustment for travel? ________Yes ________No

21. If yes, explain ______________________________________________________




22. Indicate the composition of your audit work

________% Financial audits

________% Operational audits

________% Compliance audits

________% Management audits

________% Other

| | 100 % |Total |

23. Did you have a training session other than on-the-job? ________Yes ________No

If yes, explain______________________________________________________



24. What type of specialized on-the-job training did you receive?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

25. Were you exposed to EDP auditing? ________Yes ________No

If yes, explain ______________________________________________________




26. How was the summer internship academically beneficial?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________



27. Was the first internal auditing course beneficial in your summer internship?

________ Yes ________No If yes, explain ______________________________



28. Attach a two-page typed report about your summer internship to support receipt of 3 hours of university credit in lieu of course work. (i.e., benefits derived from job, type of work done, professional development, etc.)


29. Do you plan to interview with your summer employer for permanent employment?

________Yes ________No

30. Do you have more or less of an interest in this company as a result of your internship?

________Yes ________No

31. Assign a percent probability that you will accept a job with this company if an offer is made. ________%

32. Would you recommend this company for inclusion in the internal auditing summer internship next year? ________Yes ________Undecided ________No

33. Would you recommend this company to your best friend? ______Yes ______ No

34. Please rate the employer on the following items on a scale of 1-5 (1-outstanding, 3-average, 5-poor)

________Professionalism of audit staff


________Quality of training received

________General evaluation of company

35. What suggestions would you make to your employer to improve the quality of the summer internship program?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


36. How has the internship contributed to your professional development?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________




37. Did you consider internal auditing as a career prior to joining the LSU program?

________Yes ________No


38. Would you consider permanent employment in the city in which you worked?


39. Rank order the five cities that you would like to consider for permanent employment?

| |List before internship | |List after internship |

| 1. | |1. | |

| 2. | |2. | |

| 3. | |3. | |

| 4. | |4. | |

| 5. | |5. | |

40. What suggestions do you have to the faculty advisor to improve the summer internship program?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________



41. Rank order your preference for permanent employment. Select from the following list.


________Public Accounting

________Internal Auditing

________Industry (other than I/A)



| |List before internship | |List after internship |

| 1. | |1. | |

| 2. | |2. | |

| 3. | |3. | |

| 4. | |4. | |

| 5. | |5. | |

42. What impact did your summer internship have on your perception of internal auditing as a potential career for you?

________ Now considering more

________ No change

________ Now considering less

43. What was the most enjoyable part of the summer internship?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


44. What was the least enjoyable part of the summer internship?




45. How can the internal auditing course be revised to be more beneficial to the summer internship program?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

46. Please indicate below any additional comments you would like to make.

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Return as soon as possible. Do not wait until the last day of work. The form is needed prior to assignment of pass/fail grade.

Please return completed forms to:

Dr. Glenn E. Sumners

LSU Center for Internal Auditing

College of Business

Louisiana State University

3117A Patrick F. Taylor Hall

Baton Rouge, LA 70803


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