Document title - Subtitle

<Project Name>Strategic / Final (and Light Final) Business Case If seeking Australian Government funding indicate the project phase[Insert Division responsible]Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Proponent and project information PAGEREF _Toc51595006 \h 5Endorsements and approvals PAGEREF _Toc51595007 \h 61Executive summary PAGEREF _Toc51595008 \h 72Case for change PAGEREF _Toc51595009 \h 82.1Business need/opportunity PAGEREF _Toc51595010 \h 82.2Objective of this intervention PAGEREF _Toc51595011 \h 82.3Strategic alignment PAGEREF _Toc51595012 \h 82.4Benefits and risks and links to programs and program KPIs PAGEREF _Toc51595013 \h 92.5Stakeholders PAGEREF _Toc51595014 \h 92.6Potential options PAGEREF _Toc51595015 \h 92.7Cost estimates PAGEREF _Toc51595016 \h 93Value for money analysis PAGEREF _Toc51595017 \h 113.1Economic analysis PAGEREF _Toc51595018 \h 113.2Financial analysis PAGEREF _Toc51595019 \h 124Preferred option PAGEREF _Toc51595020 \h 134.1Proposed funding PAGEREF _Toc51595021 \h 144.2Financial impact statement PAGEREF _Toc51595022 \h 144.3Financial sustainability PAGEREF _Toc51595023 \h 155Commercial analysis PAGEREF _Toc51595024 \h 165.1Procurement strategy PAGEREF _Toc51595025 \h 166Management analysis PAGEREF _Toc51595026 \h 176.1Governance framework PAGEREF _Toc51595027 \h 176.2Project management strategy, framework and plan PAGEREF _Toc51595028 \h 176.3Change management strategy and plan PAGEREF _Toc51595029 \h 176.4Benefits realisation management PAGEREF _Toc51595030 \h 186.5Risk management strategy, framework and plan PAGEREF _Toc51595031 \h 186.6Asset ownership and management plan PAGEREF _Toc51595032 \h 186.7Stakeholder management plan PAGEREF _Toc51595033 \h 186.8Compliance requirements PAGEREF _Toc51595034 \h 196.9Sustainability and planning pathway PAGEREF _Toc51595035 \h 196.10Safety and safety management PAGEREF _Toc51595036 \h 197Appendix PAGEREF _Toc51595037 \h 207.1List of attachments PAGEREF _Toc51595038 \h 207.2Acronyms PAGEREF _Toc51595039 \h 207.3Terms and definitions PAGEREF _Toc51595040 \h 207.4Table of references PAGEREF _Toc51595041 \h 20(To update table of contents, highlight text, right mouse click and select ‘update field’)Notes on the Business Case Template This template lays out the structure and content required for business cases for all NSW Transport cluster capital and operating projects. A business case should be:as concise as possible while still covering all key issuessized to reflect the degree of risk involved in the funding decisioneasy to read and written in plain Englishunderstandable to a reader who has no prior knowledge of the proposal.Use this template, together with support from the Transport for NSW Business Case Guide (the Business Case Guide), to develop all transport business cases. Template coverage Use this template for: infrastructure; Recurrent, Information Communication and Technology (ICT) projects; all modes, including roads, trains, buses, ferries; and all NSW Gateway assurance framework requirements.The template covers projects:over $10 million which require a Strategic Business Case (SBC) at Needs Analysis (Gate 1) and a Final Business Case (FBC) at Investment Decision (Gate 2)under $10?million, which can do a Light Final Business Case (Light FBC)For projects under $1 million, good business practice is to prepare a briefing note outlining the need for investment, analysis of the proposal and the recommended option.Projects under $10 million do not require an SBC unless specifically requested, for example by NSW Treasury. The key difference between SBC, FBC and Light FBC is the expected level of detail required and the focus on options. The level of detail in any business case will depend on the stage, type, value and risk of the investment. Typically, more rigorous analysis, in-depth investigation and more detail is expected in an FBC, compared to a Light BC. The focus of an SBC is on broad analysis of options to allow comparisons, the focus of an FBC is on detailed analysis of the short listed options and the costs and benefits of the preferred option. Content requirements for FBC and SBC are described in the blue boxes in the template while Light BC requirements are described below.For federally funded projects a Federal Project Proposal Report (PPR) Template must be completed. Additionally, for development and delivery phases a TfNSW business case template must be completed and provided as an attachment to the Federal template. Contact Economics and Assurance, Group Finance and investment for more guidance. Light Final Business Case requirements (for projects up to $10 million)A Light FBC covers the key investment decision requirements of an FBC but with less detail and a smaller size, reflecting a project’s small scale and low risk. The table of contents is the same as for an FBC but:the preferred sizes for each section is less than one page a long list of options (sections 2.6 and 3.1.1) is not mandatorythe short list of options (section 3.1.2) needs to only summarise: objectives, assumptions, base case and viable options (benefits, risks and costs)Benefits Realisation management (section 6.4) requires only a register and investment logic map Asset Ownership and Management (section 6.6) can be omitted in most instancesmost attachments are not required – only (i) CBA calculation model, (ii) Financial appraisal model (if appropriate), (iii) Procurement plan, (iv) Benefit register and investment logic map and (v) Safety plan and management are required.A detailed executive summary is not mandatory however, a well written summary is recommended. For example, “We chose to <meet the strategic and specific need > by <preferred option> as this has <net benefits compared to costs> that are better than <other reasonable alternative options> given <an understanding of risks and uncertainties>”.CostAt every stage of a business case, the Estimated Total Cost (ETC) should refer to the whole of life cost also known as TOTEX (total expenditure). This means: the total cost across the life of the project, and the cost in its entirety, capital and recurrent. TablesTables in the document can be converted to portrait or landscape layout as required.Blue boxesThe blue boxes provide instructions to assist you. Please delete them, including this one, prior to submitting the business case. For further guidance refer to the Business Case Guide. Version controlThis template is version 1.3. Changes to this document and version control are included in the Business Case Guide. Date and provide numbers for drafts and final versions of business case documents.Evolving TransportAs Evolving Transport, an internal organisational change program, is in progress, this template may not fully reflect all proposed changes. The relevant sections of this document will be updated as new structures, functions and related processes rmation security classificationThis document must be classified, labelled and handled in accordance with the Transport for NSW Information Security Classification, Labelling and Handling Standard.Proponent and project informationEntity Name:E.g. Transport for NSW, Sydney TrainsProject Sponsor DetailsNameEnter the full name of the project manager and/or director PositionEnter the position title of the project manager and/or director TelephoneEnter the contact phone number of the project manager and/or directorEmailEnter the contact e-mail address of the project manager and/or directorAddressEnter the contact postal address of the project manager and/or directorProject DetailsProject NameUnique Transport for NSW project nameProject managementDivisionProject typeRoad, bridge, rail, bus, active transport etc.GateDecision/gate number the business case is being submitted forTierProject tiering as defined by INSW Portal (if tiering is 1-4)Federal Project Number / ID:For potentially federally funded road projects only.Project locationProvide suburb/electoral areasGeographical References:Provide geographical coordinates of the project location or area under investigation or electoral areas (in shapefile format if available)National Land Transport Network’s coverage of the Project location (if applicable)Is Federal funding to be sought for this expenditure? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoEndorsements and approvalsSet out what you are asking for. Do not include reasoning or justification. Break the recommendation into separate parts. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Project Sponsor:NOTE the ……………………………………………….…………… and/orAPPROVE ……………………………………………………………..Approval request: The signatures below endorse that all necessary areas have been consulted, the details of the expenditure as described in this document and supporting documents are accurate and requests the allocation and release of funds to complete the next phase of this investment. This budget being: Opex: $xx million to fund ………………Capex: $xx million to fund …………….NamePosition & DivisionDateSignatureProposedProject ManagerProposedSenior Responsible OfficerEndorsed/ApprovedProject Sponsor/sApprovedProject SponsorExecutive summarySBC: Provide an outline of the business case, analysis of the proposal and the recommended option being proposed. FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. Where possible highlight any major variation in the project scope, whole of life capital and recurrent costs, benefits or other significant changes since the SBC. The recommended length for this section is under 10 pages. Statement of purpose:Need for the investment:Objectives:Strategic alignment: Project cost:Key benefits:Summary of cost-benefit analysis and financial appraisal of shortlisted options:Shortlisted OptionNet present value (NPV)Benefit cost ratio (BCR)1$0.000.002 $0.000.003$0.000.00Proposed strategy/recommended option:Preferred Option3%7%10%NPV$0.00$0.00$0.00BCR0.000.000.00Note: For projects seeking federal funding replace the lower discount rate of 3% with 4%.Key assumptions:Major changes from SBC to FBC (for FBC only):Financial impacts: Risks and mitigation:Assurance pathway and gateway review status (if applicable):Program/project management (including governance arrangements)Next steps: Case for changeBusiness need/opportunitySBC: Describe the problem, business need and/or opportunity that is causing us to consider new expenditure. Define the customer problem that is being solved. Describe the consequences of deferral and a ‘do nothing’ / ‘do?minimum’ scenario.FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. Describe how the business requirements have been refined, documented and approved. Describe the detailed risk assessment, with likelihood and consequences quantification. Attachment: If available, provide a detailed business requirement specification and other relevant documents to support case for change for both SBC and FBC. For example, demand modelling report, crash investigations etc.<Text>Objective of this interventionSBC: Business case objectives should: reflect the reason for change be outcome focusedbe well defined to ensure the identification of relevant options, be measurable to determine successFBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. <Text>Strategic alignmentSBC: Describe how the proposed change supports agreed government priorities, state outcomes, Future Transport principles and 10 year Blueprint outcomes/Transport Outcome Driver Framework and how it improves performance of the respective outcome(s) over time. Show the extent by which expenditure aligns to strategies. For example, is it directly aligned such as an explicit action; or is it indirectly aligned therefore contributing to a broader objective. Include any specified timeframes for implementation, e.g. short-term 0-5 years, medium-term 6-10 years, long-term 10+ years. Use the table below to answer these questions.FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. Provide additional commentary to demonstrate alignment with other strategies and plans. For example, alignment with federal, council and other sector plans and strategies, election campaigns or regulatory and legislative requirements. For projects greater than $100 million in value, quantify the problem cost.<Text>Problem(What is the opportunity /problem?)Business case objectives(What are the objectives and how do they align to resolve the problem?)How does it align with Future Transport Principles or 10 year Blueprint outcomes?(Start with the extent of alignment -Direct or Indirect alignment)How does it align with State outcomes/Transport Outcome Driver Framework primary outcomes?(Start with the extent of alignment -Direct or Indirect alignment)How does it align with the State Infrastructure Strategy(Start with the extent of alignment -Direct or Indirect alignment)12 3<Text>Benefits and risks and links to programs and program KPIsSBC: Explain the key benefits (qualitative and quantitative) of addressing the identified need and meeting the business case objectives. How do the benefits link to Programs and Program KPIs? Identify risks that may impact the delivery of the identified benefits and how these may be mitigated. Use the table below to answer these questions.FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. Additionally, explain why these benefits are important to government and to other stakeholders. Explain whether the benefits are supported by existing evidence obtained from post evaluation of similar interventions and/or existing literature. Identify the types of project KPIs appropriate to measure the impact of interventions on these benefits. Identify the key interdependencies that might influence benefit delivery through the interventions proposed.<Text>Business case objectivesBusiness case benefitRisksRisk mitigation strategyRelevant programRelevant KPI123<Text>StakeholdersSBC: Identify all stakeholders and the likely impact of the change on each group. Incorporate initial evidence of all stakeholder support in the business case. Identify potential stakeholder risks. Use the table below to answer these questions. Describe how it may impact the project delivery in terms of schedule and costs. Describe how governance will enable stakeholder engagement, support and approval.FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. <Text>Key StakeholdersLikely impact of the change on stakeholdersEvidence of stakeholder supportPotential stakeholder risksRisk Type High/ Medium/ Low123<Text>Potential optionsSBC: Outline a range of alternative approaches to achieve the business case objectives and benefits identified.FBC: Revisit and update the details of the shortlisted options.Attachment: Provide details of any feasibility studies undertaken on options.<Text>Cost estimatesSBC: Preliminary capital, maintenance, operating and service costs can be investigated and presented. Project costs can be P50 (i.e. there is 50 per cent likelihood that the project cost will not be exceeded). FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. A P50 and a P90 cost estimate is required (i.e. there is a 90 per cent likelihood that the project cost will not be exceeded).Base capital costs must include the initial outlay and all periodic renewal costs for asset reinvestment, capital technology upgrades, capitalised interest …etc.Ongoing operating costs should include all incremental ongoing costs required to operate, maintain and service the asset, such as recurrent maintenance, labour costs, advertising and promotion, contracts and professional services, electricity gas and water, insurance, materials and spares, training, travel …etc. Attachment: Provide details on the basis of the cost estimate and the cost management plan as attachments to the business case.<Text>Program/project cost:Construction Client or Owner and Contingency Costs Financial Year, Values in Outturn DollarsP50P90Base Cost Estimate$0.00$0.00Contingency$0.00$0.00Total Project Cost Estimate$0.00$0.00Escalation$0.00$0.00Total Outturn Cost Estimate$0.00$0.00<Text>Ongoing Operating Costs (Operations, Services and Maintenance)Financial Year, Values in Outturn DollarsTotal Project CostP50P90Ongoing maintenance cost (per annum)$0.00$0.00Operating and service cost (per annum)$0.00$0.00<Text>Value for money analysisEconomic analysisBase case and long list of optionsSBC: Summarise:the stated objectivesthe assumptionsthe base casea range of options including alternative modes, infrastructure and non-infrastructure solutionsthe benefits, dis-benefits, risks and costs associated with each option.Attachment: Provide a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) report that complies with the TfNSW CBA Guide and an unlocked version of the CBA calculation model as attachments to the business case. Use the tables below to summarise the analysis and results.FBC: This section is not mandatory. This section should already have been covered in the SBC. However, in cases where there has been significant time lapse in SBC/FBC review and/or change in project scope, a reassessment of the base case and long list of options might be necessary. Update based on more recent analysis of costs and benefits.<Text>OptionsPV BenefitsPV CostsNPVBCRBase case: No change…$0.00……Option 1: [ ]$0.00$0.00$0.000.00Option 2: [ ]$0.00$0.00$0.000.00……………Option x: [ ]$0.00$0.00$0.000.00<Text>Short list of optionsSBC: Reduce the long list of options to a few viable projects based on an assessment of the NPV and BCR. Include a justification for excluding specific options and the consideration of other qualitative factors. Use the table below to summarise the analysis and results.Attachment: Provide details of feasibility studies undertaken on options. Provide a CBA report that complies with the TfNSW CBA Guide and an unlocked version of the CBA calculation model as attachments to the business case.FBC: Review and confirm the shortlisted options presented in the SBC. Include any updates to the CBA from new information or circumstances. Provide details of all critical assumptions used including key drivers, inputs and risks. Provide details of the assumptions for the base case and options, including evidence to support assumptions. This includes identified qualitative factors, distributional impacts and sensitivity testing. Provide a narrative as to how the short list of options was arrived at. Include a justification for excluding specific options and consideration of other qualitative factors. <Text>OptionsPV BenefitsPV CostsNPVBCRBase case: No change…$0.00……Option 1: [ ]$0.00$0.00$0.000.00Option 2: [ ]$0.00$0.00$0.000.00……………Option x: [ ]$0.00$0.00$0.000.00<Text>Financial analysisSBC: Conduct a financial appraisal on the short list of options. Use the tables below to summarise the analysis and results. At this stage project costs are usually P50 which represents project cost with sufficient risk provisions to provide a 50 per cent level of confidence in the budget outcome. That is, that there is 50 per cent likelihood that the project cost will not be exceeded.Attachment: Provide a financial analysis calculation model as an attachment to the business case.FBC: Review and confirm the shortlisted options. Include any updates to the financial appraisal from new information or circumstances. A P90 cost estimate is usually required at this stage, that is, that there is a 90 per cent likelihood that the project cost will not be exceeded.Note: This section may not be applicable to a number of road and rail projects, however is applicable for ICT, property and other development projects.<Text>OptionsRevenueCostsProjected net positionNPV at [ ]% discount rateOption 1: [ ]$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Option 2: [ ]$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Option 3: [ ]$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Note: Where applicable also calculate IRR (Internal rate of return) for each option.<Text>Key inputs and assumptions: Interest, WACC/Discount rate, Escalation/Inflation, Funding StructureRevenue assumptions: Types of revenues, revenue offsetsCost assumptions: Types of costs, total project costsCumulative cash flows:ItemFY20FY21FY22TotalNPVRevenue$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Cost$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Annual cash flow$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Cumulative $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Risks and sensitivitiesRisksRelevant optionsRisk CategoryRank (unmitigated)DescriptionCommentSensitivity analysisCentral base+10% costs-10% costs+10% revenue-10% revenueProject revenue$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Project costs$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Project net position $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00NPV at [ ]% discount rate$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Note: A wide range of scenarios relevant to the project may be tested. Preferred optionSBC: Determine the most likely preferred option from the short list of options based on the CBA and financial appraisal.FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC.<Text>Results of CBA: Preferred Option3%7%10%PV cost $0.00$0.00$0.00PV Benefit $0.00$0.00$0.00NPV $0.00$0.00$0.00BCR0.000.000.00NPVI $0.00$0.00$0.00FYRR0.000.000.00Note: For projects seeking federal funding replace the lower discount rate of 3% with 4%. Where applicable also calculate IRR (internal rate of return) for each optionConclusion: The results of the CBA indicate that the preferred option should be Option X which has an NPV and BCR of ….……...Benefit indicators: The benefit indicator table below lists all the benefits used to calculate the BCR. Benefit areaBenefit indicatorBenefit unitsValue of benefit Value of benefit as % of total benefitsSupporting information: Benchmarking against other similar projectsCritical assumptions used including key drivers, inputs, risks, assumptions for the base case and options and evidence to support assumptions. This includes the identified qualitative factors, distributional impacts and sensitivity testing.Sensitivity testing:Preferred OptionBCRNPVNPVICost Estimate +40%0.00$0.000.00Cost Estimate +20%0.00$0.000.00Cost Estimate -20%0.00$0.000.00PV Benefits +20%0.00$0.000.00PV Benefits -20%0.00$0.000.00PV Benefits -40%0.00$0.000.00Add other criteria0.00$0.000.00Note: Insert rows to test more criteria.<Text>Results of financial appraisal: Option with the highest NPVPreferred OptionWACC -2%WACCWACC +2%NPV$0.00$0.00$0.00<Text>Other factors impacting the preferred option decision:<Text>Proposed fundingSBC: Provide details of the:Funding required for project development. This includes the funding to undertake necessary studies to investigate options, strategic cost estimates and BCR.Preliminary funding to deliver the project. This includes completion of the concept design, the environmental assessment, various studies to complete the environmental assessment, cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, and program development cost to complete the delivery.FBC: Detailed funding estimates are required, split by funding source to deliver the project. In addition, the split of funding between Capex and Opex needs to be included. This is particularly relevant where projects involve complex procurement models, such as Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) or grants to Third parties. Project teams are encouraged to seek advice from Group Finance to ensure projects budgets are appropriately categorised in any funding requests.<Text>Construction Client or Owner & Contingency CostsFinancial Year, Values in Outturn DollarsYear 1....Year 10Remaining YearsTotalBase Capital Cost Estimate$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Contingency$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Total Project Cost Estimate$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Escalation$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Total Outturn Cost Estimate$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00<Text>Ongoing Operating CostsFinancial Year, Values in Outturn DollarsYear 1....Year 10Remaining YearsTotalExisting Recurrent Budget provisions$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Required Provisions$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Difference$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00<Text>Financial impact statementSBC: Prepare a Financial Impact Statement (FIS) for the preferred option if requiring budget funding. If it can be demonstrated that there is no financial impact, please delete the table and write in bold: “No financial impact”. FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC.<Text>Financial Impact StatementFinancial Year, Values in Outturn DollarsBudget YearYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4ETC (capital) OR annual cost on maturity (recurrent)NominalNominalNominalNominalNominalNominalOPERATINGExpenses:Employee related$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00(Number of full time equivalent staff)Depreciation$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Maintenance$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Other$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Total Expenses$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00less Revenue$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Total Net Cost of Services (NCOS)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00CAPITALCapital Expenditure $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00less Offset savings (incl. asset sales)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Total Net Capital Expenditure$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00?TOTAL FINANCIAL IMPACT – (A)Equals NCOS (net of Depreciation) + Net Capital Expenditure$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00?FUNDED BYReprioritising Existing Budgets:Operating budget reprioritisation * – $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00(please specify specific source)Capital budget reprioritisation * – $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00(please specify specific source)National Agreement/National Payments Consolidated Fund$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Agency Cash Balances$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Liabilities accepted by the crown.(Superannuation, long service leave, etc, for inner budget agencies)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Retained revenue$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Borrowings/Financing (please specify)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00?Other - please specify$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00?Total Available Funding - (B)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00?Net Funding Impact - (C = A - B)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00?FUNDING SOUGHTRecurrent appropriation/grant$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Capital appropriation/grant$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00Total Funding Sought $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00<Text>Funding requested:<Text>Financial sustainabilityFBC: Describe how this project will be financially sustainable. This section is mandatory for FBC and Light FBC.<Text>Commercial analysisProcurement strategySBC: This section is not mandatory. FBC: Prepare a procurement strategy including the following:Approved contract budget and/or pre-tender estimateProcurement program(s)High level scope of the sourcing requirementsPreliminary commercial risk profileInternal and external analysis conducted for the goods, works or services to be procuredImplications of environmental, safety, communications and other influencing factorsApproved project delivery strategy, developed in accordance with the TfNSW Procurement Strategy (where applicable explain SME, Aboriginal participation and other policy compliance)Assess risks and how they should be balanced between supplier and purchaserDetermine the best procurement strategy to meet the program outcomesInclude a completed Implementation Statement (IS) as required by infrastructure NSW. Further advice in completing an IS can be obtained from Commercial Services Branch in the Infrastructure and Place division. Attachment: Provide a procurement plan as an attachment to the business case.<Text>Technical requirements: <Text>Procurement options: <Text>Preferred strategy: <Text>Tender process: <Text>Potential contractual issues: <Text>Management analysisGovernance frameworkSBC: Clearly describe the governance arrangements for implementing the proposal including:Governance structureProject management structureProject reporting, monitoring and evaluation arrangementsAny other supporting assurance arrangementsGovernance plan.FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. Attachment: Provide a detailed Governance Plan as an attachment to the business case (can be omitted in a Light FBC)Note: Project management systems are currently being reviewed and consolidated across the Transport cluster as part of the Evolving Transport reforms. The results of these changes will be included, once they are completed, in subsequent versions of the business case template.<Text>RolesResponsibilitiesGovernance arrangements Project management arrangements<Text>Project management strategy, framework and planSBC: Provide a high level project plan, milestones, timeframes and resourcing arrangements. FBC: Describe the methods, timeframes and responsibilities for a target or milestone to be achieved. This includes: Key milestones and timeframes for each stage of implementationProposal dependencies Key decision points and identification of any independent assurance requirementsResourcing arrangements (e.g. staff).<Text>Change management strategy and planSBC: Present a change management strategy and plan: List the stakeholders who will be involved in the change management processDescribe the changes to be managed. This includes the benefits or objectives of the project or program at a strategic level, and workflow analysis at an operational levelOutline change management roles and responsibilities. For example, a change sponsor, change agents and/or the stakeholders that will have to make changes to their work practisesDescribe the stakeholders to be impacted by the change. Articulate who is responsible for delivering change management activities to support these stakeholdersInclude communication strategies and plans needed to deliver the change. Describe potential training, tools, processes or work methods needed to deliver the changeArticulate the change management process and the mechanism to monitor and measure the effectiveness of the change management processDescribe how the project will manage inflight changes and innovationDescribe the handover arrangements and management of transfer of assets.FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC.<Text>Benefits realisation management SBC: Present a high level summary of the benefits realisation management plan, register and investment logic map. Attachment: Provide the Benefits Realisation Management Plan, Benefits Register and Investment Logic Map as an attachment to the business case (BRM plan can be omitted in a Light FBC).FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. <Text>Risk management strategy, framework and planSBC: Present a risk management plan to identify and assess key risks and propose mitigation strategies. The plan should include how to continuously monitor risks and be part of the agency’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework. Attachment: Provide a risk register as an attachment to the business case.FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. <Text>Asset ownership and management planThis section is mandatory if the preferred or short list of options are infrastructure related. SBC: This section should provide an asset register of the project. The asset register should detail the asset owner, operator and maintainer of all assets delivered throughout the project. This section should also identify assets that will be retired because of the project. FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. Additionally, provide details of:the operating and maintenance costs for the life of the assetthe asset management strategy, which indicates how assets will be managed throughout the asset lifecycle inclusion of the project in the TfNSW Asset and Services Plan (ASP)mandatory and projected costing. Attachment: Provide the asset register as an attachment to the business case. This section is not mandatory for a Light FBC.Asset categoryDescriptionOwnerOperatorMaintainer<Text><Text>Stakeholder management planSBC: Provide details of the stakeholder engagement and consultation plan. Attachment: Provide the stakeholder management plan / communication strategy as an attachment to the business case (not mandatory in a Light FBC). FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. <Text>DateConsultation type (stakeholders invited, e.g. industry, community)Issues raisedManagement plan??<Text>Compliance requirementsSBC: This section is not mandatory. FBC: Identify key statutory obligations, policies and standards to which the project must comply. Identify key policies and standards that have been adopted. Describe any particular benefits or costs that may apply as a result. Demonstrate how compliance will be achieved and validated. This section is also mandatory in a Light FBC<Text>Sustainability and planning pathwaySBC: Describe how environmental and sustainability themes have been addressed and identify targets/initiatives to be pursued under each theme. The key themes includes energy management, pollution control, climate resilience, resource management, biodiversity, heritage, liveable communities, corporate sustainability and sustainable procurement. Provide details of how the proposed project is developed in accordance with the Government sustainability and environmental guidelines. This includes a description of management systems put in place and activities/investigations to be undertaken to ensure that these policies are adhered to during the construction and operational phases of the asset.Attachment: Provide the Planning Pathway and Environmental Risk Assessment (PPERA), and the Sustainability and Strategic Management Plan (SSMP) as attachments to the business case (not mandatory in a Light FBC). FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC. A Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) or equivalent would need to be prepared to re-assess the key environmental risks of the project.<Text>Sustainability themesHow has the theme been addressedTargets/initiatives to be pursued??<Text>Safety and safety management SBC: Describe how the proposed project contributes to the improved safety of roads, rail corridors, public transport infrastructures and facilities. Discuss how the project will ensure customer safety and the security of transport assets, consistent with the transport cluster safety philosophy. Attachment: Provide a safety plan and management as an attachment to the business case. FBC: Revisit and update the details entered in the SBC.<Text>AppendixList of attachmentsThis section should include all supporting documentation that will assist in evaluating the proposal. Refer to the Business Case Guide for more details.<Text>Acronyms<Text>Terms and definitions<Text>Table of references<Text> ................

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