Girl Scouts of the USA

The Girl Scout Badges for Financial Literacy with Banking on Our FutureBadgeBOOF ModuleKey Points:Junior:Savvy Shopper Budgeting (Kids)Needs vs. wants, savings plan with their allowanceCadette:Budgeting Budgeting (Teens)Spending habits, savings goals that reflect their valuesCadette:Comparison Shopping Banking (Teens)Safe, secure, financially savvy online shoppingCadette:Financing My DreamsBudgeting, Banking, Credit (Teens)Financing and goal-setting for dreams for the future: travel, education, dream city to live in. How can they realistically achieve them?Senior:Financing My FutureBudgeting, Banking, Credit (Young Adults)Financing and goal-setting for a college education without going into years of debtSenior:Buying PowerBanking, Budgeting(Young Adults)Learn requirements for an ongoing financial requirement (car, cell phone, etc.) and create a financial plan for payments.Ambassador:On My OwnBudgeting (Young Adults)Creating a realistic “future budget” to determine costs of living on their own.Ambassador:Good CreditCredit (Young Adults)Comparing different ways to borrow money, setting a strong financial foundation for their future. ................

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