
?On-line Training for schools – Bursars and finance managersPlease find below a compilation of on-line and distance training to enable you to continue to develop in terms of your work, your personal skills and your mental health and wellbeing. Training and development is a great way to keep your brain active and your spirits up during this pandemic and after. The CPD focus will also stand you in good stead for personal and career development. Added to this most of these options are free so won’t hurt your bank and the others are discounted for you as UNISON members. This list of courses is not exhaustive and many more interesting learning opportunities (including those relating to past times and hobbies) can be found with each of these providers / on each of these platforms but these courses will give you a good starting point.UNISON - Skills For SchoolsSkills For Schools is a website designed to offer free support and guidance surrounding all of the roles our members may have within schools. It offers guidance on training that may help you progress in your current role or enable you to move on to a different role within the school. E-LearningStudy AreaCourse NameCostLinkSchool Focused / CPD DevelopmentCoping with care: dealing with healthcare needs in schoolFree for members Health and WellbeingStaying Strong: Stress AwarenessFree for members AcademyIf you would like to access Unison’s Skills Academy Platform please email us on anising@unison.co.uk and provide your first and second name and your membership number (or DOB and postcode) - platform available until March 21st 2021. Study AreaCourse NameCostFinance and Money related CPD trainingFree to MembersBudgeting Basics CertificationFree to MembersBudgeting Like a Boss CertificationFree to MembersCash Flow Statements and Logistics CertificationFree to MembersFinancial Documents 101 CertificationFree to MembersFraud Detection CertificationFree to MembersFraud Management & Anti-Money Laundering Awareness Certification Level 2Free to MembersFundamental Concepts of Fraud CertificationFree to MembersHow to Run an Efficient Payroll CertificationFree to MembersIdentity Theft Awareness CertificationFree to MembersIntroduction to Accounting CertificationFree to MembersPayroll – How to Calculate Net and Gross Pay CertificationFree to MembersPayroll Systems – The Basics CertificationFree to MembersPayroll Systems and Management Certification Level 2Free to MembersThe Cash Flow Statement CertificationFree to MembersThe Financial Services and Markets Act CertificationFree to MembersUnderstanding The National Insurance Contributions System CertificationFree to MembersUnderstanding the PAYE System CertificationFree to MembersWhat is Money Laundering? CertificationFree to MembersWhen Employees Pay Less than the NIC CertificationFree to MembersThe social Partnership and OpenLearn (OU) – Free badged coursesStudy AreaCourse NameCostLinkSchool Focused / CPD DevelopmentSupporting Children’s DevelopmentFree for members stepsPlanning a better futureFree for members : OUStudy AreaCourse NameCostLinkFinance and Money related CPD trainingThe economics of flood insuranceFree for all accounting and reportingFree for all of accountingFree for all corporate financeFree for all and management accountingFree for all and the financial systemFree for all Focused / CPD DevelopmentChildhood in the Digital AgeFree for all education knowing what we meanFree for all and ManagementDiscovering ManagementFree For all and followershipFree For all Leadership challenges in turbulent timesFree For all Step up to LeadershipFree for all Digital SkillsDigital Literacy: succeeding in a Digital worldFree to all to Cyber Security : Stay Safe On-lineFree to all a scientific CalculatorFree to all with Maths: Patterns and FormulasFree to all day English 1 and 2Free to all UniteStudy AreaCourse NameCostLinkDigitalFree materials and user guidesFree to Alltechnology-guidesFuture Learn: OUStudy AreaCourse NameCostLinkMental health and WellbeingYouth Mental Health: Helping Young People with AnxietyFree for all Intelligence at WorkFree for all depression and low mood in young peopleFree for all for wellbeing and peak performance Free for all and ManagementManagement and leadership: Growing as a managerFree for all Management SkillsFree for all skills and developmentWork / life balance and the impact of working remotelyFree for all AreaCourse NameCostLinkwork Focused / CPD DevelopmentRaising Awareness: Menopause in the WorkplaceFree for members from Home: An IntroductionFree for members health and WellbeingRaising Awareness: Mental HealthFree for Members from Home: Mental HealthFree for Members Skills Maths Levels 1,2 and 3Free for Members English: PunctuationFree for Members Everyday English: PunctuationFree for Members Skills English Levels 1,2 and 3Free for Members – 10% discount for membersStudy AreaCourse NameCostLinkFinance and Money related CPD trainingA selection of level 2,3 and 4 courses can be found here10% off internet prices School Focused / CPD DevelopmentRecognising and supporting children with special educational needs?90 and ManagementAn introduction to conflict management?90 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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