Vision Statement – Appoquinimink High School is a school committed to fostering personal growth through positive character development and the use of state of the art tools and practices to enable students to make a positive impact on today’s global society.

Mission Statement - Achievement Honor Service


Course Syllabus

Course: Marketing Management II Teacher: Christine Rich

Contact Information: Class Location: A151

(302) 449-3840 X 1151 Period:___4___Semester__1___ Credit: 1

Course Description: This course is designed to help students develop basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them to enter the field of marketing. The course emphasizes the foundations of marketing. Included in these foundations are concepts such as distribution, financing, selling, pricing, promotion, marketing-information management, and product/ service management. Skills in communications, mathematics, and psychology are reinforced in this course. Marketing simulations, projects, teamwork, DECA leadership activities, meetings, conferences, and competitive events provide many opportunities for application of instructional competencies.

Prerequisite: Business, Finance and Marketing Essentials (Core)

Common Core Standards

Marketing Career Cluster™ (MK)

1. Describe the impact of economics, economics systems and entrepreneurship on marketing.

2. Implement marketing research to obtain and evaluate information for the creation of a marketing plan.

3. Plan, monitor, manage and maintain the use of financial resources for marketing activities.

Marketing Management Career Pathway (MK-MGT)

1. Plan, organize and lead marketing staff to achieve business goals.

2. Plan, manage and monitor day-to-day marketing management operations.

3. Plan, manage and organize to meet the requirements of the marketing plan.

4. Access, evaluate and disseminate information to aid in making marketing management decisions.

5. Determine and adjust prices to maximize return and meet customers’ perceptions of value.

6. Obtain, develop, maintain and improve a product or service mix in response to market opportunities.

7. Communicate information about products, services, images and/or ideas.

Course Objectives:

• Understand and use technology to perform marketing activities.

• Understand the key concepts: marketing mix, utility, market, market share and target market

• Demonstrate the importance of communication and using it effectively.

• Explain the process and techniques of retail and business to business Identify

• Discuss the elements of visual merchandising and the artistic aspects of creating displays and advertising

• Explain the promotional mix concept and its role in marketing

• Compose and publish news release

• Identify the different forms of business ownership

• Develop a business plan

• Prepare financial statements used by entrepreneurs to report income and analyze a business’s financial status

• Participate in DECA

Course Outcomes: Students will be introduced to the broad-based foundational areas; Distribution, Financing, Marketing-Information Management, Pricing, Product/Service Management, Promotion, Selling, Communication and Professional Organizations. It will also enable students to acquire broad understandings of and skills in marketing so that they can transfer their skills and knowledge between and among industries.

Text: Marketing Essentials, 4th Edition, Glencoe McGraw Hill, 2009

For the online edition of our textbook please visit this site:

And enter this code: F76FCAFDFE 

Scope and Sequence Materials to be brought to class daily:

Unit 1 Chapters 1, 2 ►½- 1” 3 Ring binder with pockets

Unit 5 Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, & 16 ►Flash Drive

Unit 6 Chapters 17, 18, 19, & 20 ►Blue or black in pen

Unit 11 Chapters 33, 34, 35, & 36 ►Loose leaf paper

DECA Activities

*NEW* Yearbook Activities

Student Expectations:

• Students are expected to abide by the Appoquinimink School District Code of Conduct at all times.

• Be respectful-respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and property

• Be responsible-attend class every day, be punctual, complete assignments

• Be ready to learn-be prepared, be attentive, participate in class

• Participate in DECA – Emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management

* Food and or beverages are not permitted in the computer lab.

Expectations for Teacher:

▪ Foster and maintain a positive educational climate

▪ Engage students using a variety of learning styles and teaching strategies.

▪ Treat all students with dignity and respect

▪ Maintain communication with Student/Parent regarding academic progress


Daily Operations/Routines – students should be seated at late bell. Log on to computer and be ready to start class.

Make-up Work – Be proactive, please E-Mail Mrs. Rich when you will be absent from class so that she may send over your missed work ahead of time.

If this cannot be done: First, check classroom assignments bin for any handouts you may have missed, then check with your study buddy and finally, arrange to meet with Mrs. Rich outside of class time to make up an excused work.

Dismissal – Students are to remain seated for dismissal by the teacher.

Attendance Policy:

The attendance policy for this course is aligned with Appoquinimink School District, and mandates that all students must be in class and on time in order to receive high school credit. Any tardiness of unexcused absence will have an immediate impact on student progress. Therefore any lateness to class and unexcused absence will reflect in the student’s grade.

Homework/Classwork Policy:

Classwork will be assigned on a regular basis. Students will have a combination of short-term and long-term projects, papers, and reading assignments. Late homework/classwork may not be accepted or may be penalized. Students have two days to complete any excused absence. If the absence is unexcused, students may not make up the work and will receive a zero percent for missed work. This includes tests and projects. Absolutely no exceptions will be made.

Computer Policy:

ANY misconduct, as defined by the Appoquinimink School District, will result in disciplinary actions up to and including loss in computer privileges in the class. This includes YouTube videos, games, online shopping, etc. Parents will be notified by email of the first offense. Students whose privileges are lost due to misconduct will be responsible for ALL work missed.

Readings, assignments, projects, assessments:

Students will be required to complete a variety of projects during the course and will be given specific instructions and time lines for each. Students will be required to bring in their own materials for projects.

Grading Policy:

• Students’ grades will be based on their performance on tests, quizzes, homework, class work, projects, journal assignments, etc.

• Marking period and semester grades will be calculated according to the Appoquinimink School District Grading Policy. “Product” grades are weighted at 70%, and “Process” grades are weighted at 30%.

• This course is a Tech Prep Course – Upon completion of the three sequential courses in the pathway with 85% or higher, the student may be recommended to receive college credit and the grades will be weighted as in an AP course.

• Extra Credit – The only opportunity for extra credit is participation in specified DECA Activities and other extra assignments assigned at Mrs. Rich’s discretion.

Extra Help Availability: Extra help is provided by appointment during lunch times.

If you should have a question for me, please email me at, Schoology, or for the quickest response.

Course-specific suggestions for parents and students:


Participation in DECA, a co-curricular activity, is on-going in the marketing classroom with “DECA Connections Activities” throughout the textbook. On-line support is available at and supplemental online activities are detailed in the Marketing Essentials Text - both work in cooperation with National Marketing Standards development and DECA leadership events. Pay Local/National DECA dues ($15.00) in order to participate at local, state and national level in DECA.


Editors, staff, and photographers for the 2015/2016 Appoquinimink High School yearbook are needed. If interested please contact Mrs. Rich for application form.

Frequently asked Questions

What is “Career and Technical Education” (CTE)?   Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for employment and/or post-secondary education in current or emerging professions.  CTE provides students with competency-based and applied learning opportunities that build academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning skills, problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of an industry.

What are “Career and Technical Student Organizations” (CTSOs)?   The term 'Career and Technical Student Organization" (CTSO) means an organization that engages students in career and technical education activities as an integral part of their CTE instructional program.  CTSOs vary by CTE content area.  Delaware CTSOs include BPA (for business and finance pathways students), DECA (for marketing pathways students), FCCLA (for family and consumer sciences pathways students), FFA (for agriscience pathways students), SKILLS USA (for skill and technical sciences pathways students), TSA (for technology education pathways students), and DCA for JDG students.For more information:

What is “Tech Prep”?  Tech Prep Delaware is a technical and academic post secondary preparation program that allows 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students to earn college credits while still in high school. By using real-life work situations to teach technical skills, Tech Prep combines hands-on technical training and academics in a step-by-step format. For more information:


Marketing Management II

Terms of Agreement

Please Print Student Name_____________________________________________________________________

As a teacher of this course, I am committed to abiding by this syllabus.

Any changes will be communicated to the class by the teacher. By signing the “Terms of Agreement,” you are affirming that you have read and agree to abide by the guidelines and policies, stated in this syllabus.

As a student of this course, I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.

__________________________________________________________________________ _____________________

Student Signature Date

As the parent/guardian, I have read and agree to support this student in an effort to follow the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.

_____________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent Email ________________________________________________________________________________

I would____would not______be interested being a guest speaker. (check one)

I would discuss the following topics:________________________________________________________________

This document should be signed by the student and parent and returned to the teacher by the end of class on:


Date Due


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