Welcome to the Reformed Church at Cranesville

Welcome to Cornerstone Church!

Sunday, December 18, 2011 10:00 a.m.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20

Chiming of the Trinity Music Minister, Christine Tegeder

Word of Welcome! “God is Good! All the Time!”

Presentation of the Bible

Lighting of the Advent Candle - Peace 

The Woolverton Family, John Lukacs, Aaron Fritzinger

Children’s Christmas Play “A Christmas Alphabet”

After F: “We Three Kings,” After M: “What Child is This?”

After T: “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” After Z: “Joy to the World!”

Praise Song “Here I Am To Worship” Worship Leader, Faron Trick

Prayers of Confession and Time of Personal Silence Reverend Cromie

Assurance of Forgiveness

Ritual of Friendship (Print your name on Friendship Pads)

Announcements Reverend Cromie

Joys & Concerns: Prayers of the People Reverend Cromie

The Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Time and Children’s’ Offering Reverend Cromie

Giving Thanks with our Offering of Gifts and Tithes

Offertory “Peace, Peace” Cornerstone Choir

Congregational Response “O Little Town of Bethlehem” verse 3

Prayer of Dedication* Faron Trick

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 9:6-7

New Testament Reading: Luke 2:12-20

Message “A Peaceful Heart”   Reverend Cromie

Installation and Ordination of Cornerstone Officers - Deacons and Elders

Hymn #56 “The First Nowell”

Benediction  (Please join hands in a circle.)

* Children 8 and under may leave for Children’s Church

Welcome! Cornerstone is a child friendly congregation—open to all. Our thanks for our Ministry with the Deaf. Sue Woolverton is our interpreter, and we appreciate her signing of the words and songs.

CHRISTMAS AT CORNERSTONE: Christmas Eve Services will be at 7:30 p.m. (Nativity Service) and 8:45 p.m. (Candlelight Communion Service) at St. Aloysius Church, 935 Bennetts Mills Road. If children would like to participate in the nativity scene during the 7:30 service, please arrive by 7:15 for costumes. Christmas worship will be a joint service at Jackson Methodist Church, 68 Bennetts Mills Road, at 10:00 a.m. Children are invited to wear their pajamas and bring their favorite gift!

UPCOMING SERMONS:  On Sunday, January 1st we will return to our regular 10:00 a.m. worship at McAuliffe with the sermon “Walking in the Newness of Life,” Romans 6:1-11. Join us to worship and welcome 2012! Then on Sunday, 1/8 come and find out “What on Earth is an Epiphany?” a sermon based on Matthew 2: 1-12.

Our Thanks to our Elders as Members of our Session

2011 Bob Wegner, Marye Barbagallo, Joan Mallison, Dominique Robert

2012 Sharron Smith, Jim Ryan, Barbara Dougherty, James Hughes

2013: Denise Mudalel, Ray Schleckser, Lisa Capurso, Okoro Okparaeke

Session Meetings are on the 2nd Monday of each month – the next meeting is Monday, January 9th, 7:00 p.m.

Our New Board of Deacons – thank you for your service!

2011 Michele Calhoun, Laura Tunis

2012 Laura Stone, Alice Jones (Secretary)

2013 Betty Thompson (Moderator)

Next Meeting – Wednesday, January 18th, 7:00 p.m.

Pastor: Courtney Cromie, 732-928-2424, or 561-703-2263

Music Minister: Christine Tegeder, 732-232-9238

Director of Christian Education: Kristen DiGirolamo, 732-657-7808

Treasurer: Gordon Connelly, 732-833-4264

Administrative Secretary: Elizabeth Hughes, 732-833-6857

Administrative Manager: Jim Ryan, 732-833-8514

Nursery Care: Patti Miller, 732-928-3212, Margaret Rose Barschow

New Photo Directory We are planning to put together a new photo directory for the church! We will be taking photos of individuals and families TODAY after church and between services on Christmas Eve. We are thankful to John Pushko for agreeing to help with this effort.

Financial Update – According to our 2011 budget, the congregation needs to average $2215 per week in offerings. The offering last Sunday was $1995. Please prayerfully consider your offering each Sunday. Thank you.

Our thanks for all your gifts to Cornerstone Church.  Your regular giving is important for us to serve Christ and to outreach to the Jackson Community.  For credit on your tax records please give all gifts postmarked by Dec. 31.   

Stewardship Thank you for submitting your pledge cards.  Pledge cards have been sent out and additional blank pledge forms are also available.  If you have not yet made a pledge, please do so today.   For more information, see Bruce Thompson or Elizabeth Hughes.


Our thanks to all the choir for their music during this Christmas Season:  Music Minister:  Christine Tegeder,  Worship Leader:  Faron Trick,  Choir Members:  Sean Beeg,  Gail Carlson,  Kristen DiGirolamo, Alice Jones, Victoria Leach, Jim Ryan,Sharron Smith, Laura Stone, and Tim Woolverton.   Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m. at DeBows Methodist Church. Please talk to Christine for more info on choir.

Women’s Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings from 10:30 – Noon at the home of Elizabeth Hughes and led by Pastor Courtney.  The women have just started a new Beth Moore study called Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophesy. There will be no meeting on 12/27. For more information contact Pastor Courtney.

Shop Rite Gift Cards are available for you to purchase each Sunday before worship, and 5% of the purchase price goes directly to the church. Thanks to all, we have raised $7905 for the Foundation Fund. For more information, contact Vernice DaConceicao.

Men’s Bible Study will now meet on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the home of Bob Wegner, 413 Leesville Road, Jackson. The next meeting is Tuesday December 20th, no meeting on 12/27. They are studying the book of Philippians.

Hospitality is in need of juice boxes, decaffeinated coffee, cookies and healthy snacks. A big thank you to Donnette Hubert for taking on most of the responsibility of preparing the Hospitality table as Dominique is now giving the Financial Peace University workshop on Sunday mornings.

Cornerstone Meets at McAuliffe Middle School

35 South Hope Chapel Road, Jackson

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 140, Jackson, NJ 08527

2424. E-mail: pastor@

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church

A place where you can be who you are.

“Building Community on the Solid Rock of Jesus Christ”

Mission Statement:

We the people of Cornerstone

Are a part of God’s Grand Adventure to:

Ground our lives on the solid rock of Jesus Christ,

Build up each other in love through prayer, words and deeds,

And to create God’s community in Jackson and beyond.


Fourth Sunday of Advent - Peace

Sunday December 18, 2011 10:00 a.m.

Christmas JOY Offering A Presbyterian tradition for almost 70 years, the Christmas Joy Offering is one of the four special offerings designated by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, (USA) to provide congregations direct ways of supporting specific causes that help those in need. The receipts of the offering are distributed equally to the Board of Pensions for assistance programs and to National Ministries of the General Assembly Council to support Presbyterian racial ethnic education. Envelopes for this offering will be available December 18 and following and will be collected Christmas Eve. Thank you for your prayerful consideration in supporting this mission.

Thanks to all the children, Sunday School teachers, and parents for help this Christmas Season and throughout the fall. We appreciate our teachers: Patti Miller, Margaret Barschow, Elizabeth Hughes, Allyson Moyer, Kellie Pushko, Don Welch, and Director of Christian Education - Kristen DiGirolamo.

YOUTH GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY TODAY at the Calhoun’s home (4 Dolphin Court, Jackson) from 6:00-8:00 p.m. There will be a cell phone scavenger hunt, memory game, and white elephant gift exchange (bring a wrapped $5 gift). Talk to Pastor Courtney for more information on Youth Group.

Cicconi Farms Holiday Fundraiser From now through December 24th, Cicconi Farms (1005 Farmingdale Rd, Jackson) will donate 10% of your purchase to Cornerstone. Purchase your Christmas tree, fresh greens, and holiday decorations and support our church! Must bring voucher at the time of purchase – available at church or download from the Announcements page of our website: .

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to lead Children’s Church Please sign up to help our children grow in their knowledge and love of the Lord during Children’s Church.  There is an easy to use curriculum and crafts available.  Children are welcome to stay to worship with their families in the 10 AM worship service, however some of them prefer to attend Children’s Church.  The ages of these children are 8 and under.   Please let Pastor Courtney know if you are available to help lead during January.


Christmas JOY Offering A Presbyterian tradition for almost 70 years, the Christmas Joy Offering is one of the four special offerings designated by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, (USA) to provide congregations direct ways of supporting specific causes that help those in need. The receipts of the offering are distributed equally to the Board of Pensions for assistance programs and to National Ministries of the General Assembly Council to support Presbyterian racial ethnic education. Envelopes for this offering will be available December 18 and following and will be collected Christmas Eve. Thank you for your prayerful consideration in supporting this mission.

Thanks to all the children, Sunday School teachers, and parents for help this Christmas Season and throughout the fall. We appreciate our teachers: Patti Miller, Margaret Barschow, Elizabeth Hughes, Allyson Moyer, Kellie Pushko, Don Welch, and Director of Christian Education - Kristen DiGirolamo.

YOUTH GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY TODAY at the Calhoun’s home (4 Dolphin Court, Jackson) from 6:00-8:00 p.m. There will be a cell phone scavenger hunt, memory game, and white elephant gift exchange (bring a wrapped $5 gift). Talk to Pastor Courtney for more information on Youth Group.

Cicconi Farms Holiday Fundraiser From now through December 24th, Cicconi Farms (1005 Farmingdale Rd, Jackson) will donate 10% of your purchase to Cornerstone. Purchase your Christmas tree, fresh greens, and holiday decorations and support our church! Must bring voucher at the time of purchase – available at church or download from the Announcements page of our website: .

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to lead Children’s Church Please sign up to help our children grow in their knowledge and love of the Lord during Children’s Church.  There is an easy to use curriculum and crafts available.  Children are welcome to stay to worship with their families in the 10 AM worship service, however some of them prefer to attend Children’s Church.  The ages of these children are 8 and under.   Please let Pastor Courtney know if you are available to help lead during January.



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