Central Indiana Society of the Institute of Certified Financial Planners

Minutes from the Board Meeting Held on October 22, 1999

Location: Conseco Conference Center - Carmel, IN

Members Present: Dave Yearwood Jim McFarland, Jim Titak, Brian Martin, Scott

Ferguson, Mark Caid, Brent Emerick, Ron Dison, Janette Koon

A quorum was confirmed present.

Mark Caid presided as chair at the request of Steve Ritz in his absence.

Brent Emerick acted as secretary for the board minutes.

A. Minutes from Last Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting had been previously mailed to Board Members and were approved with out further discussion or corrections.

B. Reports by Committee Chairpersons

1. Treasurers Report:

Dave Yearwood delivered a treasurer’s report. He indicated that the profit on the conference ended up being approximately $970. The projected balance that the ICFP would have going into January 1 to be potentially transferred to the Financial Planning Association would be approximately equal to $5,000. Motion to accept the report was made by Ron Dison, seconded by Jim Titak.

2. Government Relations:

Brent Emerick indicated no new activity in Indiana regarding Government Relations since last meeting report.

3. Education Chair:

Brian Martin reviewed the speakers for the November meeting. Some discussion was held regarding the first big speaker for the of pending leadership conference during the first big FPA meeting in February. Brian is tentatively planning on four CFP credit hours and two insurance credit hours for that meeting.

4. Public Relations:

Jim Titak indicated there had been no media requests for information at this time. The board conferred that all media questions prior to 1/1/2000 should be referred only to Jim Titak regarding the merger of the two organizations. The board feels it is very important to coordinate and control all public statements from the membership during this more critical pre-organization time.

C. Correspondence and Update from National Office

1. FPA Merger

The national ICFP board has determined that the local associations should be known as the Financial Planning Association of (Local Area), so they are requesting that our local be called the Financial Planning Association of Central Indiana. More information is expected to be disseminated on the new association at the leadership conference in November.

2. Retreat

We are planning a retreat on January 14th for the new FPA Board to run from 9:00-3:00 at the Conseco Conference Center. This will be announced at the scheduled November 16th joint board dinner meeting.

3. ICFP Leadership Conference

We are planning to send five members of the board to the Leadership Conference in Denver November 12-14, 1999. We feel this will be absolutely crucial time for coordination of knowledge and efforts in bringing together the two organizations. National will cover part of this expense. The balance will be accepted by the local society.

D. Old Business

1. It was reported that the CFP board initiatives (and the Associate CFP) were repealed.

2. Dave Yearwood delivered the results of the planning conference. Attendance was approximately 94, making the event profitable. Response sheets were reviewed and analyzed.

3. Forum 2000 determined it would be impossible to commit to help underwrite with the planned merger of the two organizations. The ICFP will no longer exist, and this board could not commit on behalf of the FPA. The IALU sponsored Forum 2000 will be responded to, indicating that this request should be made to the FPA at their first January 14th meeting (retreat).

4. FPA Task Force: The FPA Task Force Report was reviewed, and it was determined that they had completed all of their assignments and commitments to this board. A second copy of the entire task force report was provided. The board extended a big thank you for a job very well done.

E. New Business

1. Based on the outcome of the Leadership Conference in Denver, plans are to transfer the Central Indiana ICFP treasury balance and any obligations/responsibilities to the new Financial Planning Association of Central Indiana.

2. The board meetings dates are to be determined. The dates of joint IA/IC board dinner meeting is Tuesday, November 16th. Proposed Educational Meeting dates were established (for the FPA) for 2000. They are the 1st Thursday of the second month of each quarter (Feb 3, May 4, Aug 3, Nov 2).

F. Adjourn

There being no further new business, a motion was accepted to adjourn the meeting by Jim McFarland, and Brent Emerick seconded this.


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