Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising

Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising

Grades 9 - 12

|Area of Learning |Competencies |Career Cruising |

|Student Development |In Grades 9-12, students will learn to: |Program Features and Resources: |

|learning skills, preferences, and |apply a variety of learning skills and strategies to a |Career Cruising includes not only information, but also a variety of lesson plans and worksheets which |

|strategies (eg memorizing, working |variety of situations |involve research, planning, self-assessment and in-person interviews. |

|independently, assessing themselves, |demonstrate the ability to respond appropriately and |Relevant Teaching Resources: All Classroom Activities; Independent Research Projects. |

|managing their time) |thoughtfully to directions from teachers, | |

| |administrators, and employers | |

|setting goals and monitoring progress |use goal-setting and self-management skills in a |The Career Portfolio Tool directly supports the AEP by providing an online resource for students to |

| |variety of situations both inside and outside school |record and manage their secondary courses and marks, as well as their post-secondary and career goals. |

| |develop their own up-to-date annual education plans |The Education Plan and Post-Secondary Plan further support the AEP by allowing Ontario students to save |

| | |and organize their Goals & Action Plans for each school year. |

| | |Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Independent Research Activities; |

| | |Ontario's Annual Education Plan & Career Cruising activities. |

|adapting to change |apply transition knowledge and skills to making |The Education and Training section of Career Cruising offers comprehensive information on university, |

| |transitions and to adapting to postsecondary |community college, and apprenticeship programs, as well as links to schools, admissions personnel, and |

| |destinations (e.g., financial planning, completing |apprenticeship offices. |

| |applications, selecting programs) |The occupation profiles in the Explore Careers section direct students to postsecondary programs |

| | |appropriate to that occupation. |

| | |The Career Portfolio Tool provides an easy-to-use framework for students planning their postsecondary and|

| | |career paths. |

| | |Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Post-Secondary Research Exercise; |

| | |Independent Research Projects; Explore Apprenticeships Activity. |

|lifelong learning |apply lifelong learning skills (eg communication, |Students use Career Cruising to do research on their personal education and career plans. |

| |research, and employability skills) to their personal |The occupation profiles and the people interviewed in each occupation provide advice on employability |

| |education and career plans |skills. |

| | |The Classroom Activities offered by Career Cruising involve applying written and oral communication |

| | |skills. |

| | |Relevant Teaching Resources: All Classroom Activities; Independent Research Projects Create a Personal |

| | |Portfolio Activity. |

Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising

Grades 9 - 12

|Area of Learning |Competencies |Career Cruising |

|Interpersonal Development |In Grades 9-12, students will learn to: |Program Features and Resources: |

|self-management |use personal skills appropriately to encourage |XYTE Insight, a personality assessment tool that will be offered as an optional addition to Career |

| |responsible behaviour in others in a wide range of |Cruising, provides students with extensive feedback on ways to best interact with others. |

| |situations |Real people interviewed in each occupation profile offer advice on appropriate behaviour in the school |

| |demonstrate appropriate behaviour at school, in the |and the workplace. |

| |community, and with employers |Relevant Teaching Resources: Career Interview Project; Discovering Your Work Skills. |

|getting along with others |apply skills (e.g., mediating, peer helping, leadership|Real people interviewed in each occupation profile offer advice on appropriate behaviour and skills, also|

| |skills) to build positive relationships in diverse |several classroom activities involve interaction with family, students and others. |

| |settings at school, in the community, and in the |Relevant Teaching Resources: Career Interview Project; Career Fair Project. |

| |workplace | |

|social responsibility |demonstrate social responsibility in the community |Several aspects of Career Cruising encourage this competency indirectly. For example, the Career |

| |(e.g., canvassing for the Cancer Society) |Portfolio Tool gets students to focus on their hobbies, volunteer experience and extracurricular |

| | |activities, and the activity “Discovering Your Work Skills” has students set out all their daily |

| | |activities and examine their importance in terms of how they relate to work skills. |

| | |Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Discovering Your Work Skills. |

Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising

Grades 9 - 12

|Area of Learning |Competencies |Career Cruising |

|Career Development |In Grades 9-12, students will learn to: |Program Features and Resources: |

|self assessment |apply their knowledge of their personal |The assessment tools, Career Matchmaker & Career Selector, help students apply personal interests, strengths and |

| |interests, strengths, abilities, and |abilities to choosing a career and planning postsecondary education and training. |

| |accomplishments to choosing and planning a |XYTE Insight, a personality assessment tool that is offered as an optional addition to Career Cruising, provides |

| |postsecondary education or career path |students with extensive feedback on their personality, strengths and abilities, and suggests ways to apply them |

| | |in life and work. |

| | |The Career Portfolio Tool helps high school students plan suitable career goals and postsecondary education and |

| | |training paths. It also helps them to prepare well-organized, professional resumes. |

| | |Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Independent Research Projects; School Subjects|

| | |& Careers; Using Career Matchmaker; Your Career Ideas & Career Matchmaker; Using Career Selector; People, |

| | |Information and Things. |


(con’t from above)

|exploring and obtaining information |demonstrate how to locate, interpret, |The Education and Training section offers comprehensive and easy-to-use information on university, college and |

|about education, training, and careers|evaluate, and use various sources of education|apprenticeship programs across Canada. |

| |and career information |The Explore Careers section has in-depth information on hundreds of occupations, including informational |

| |demonstrate understanding of how to use |interviews which allow students to compare the concrete realities of the workplace. |

| |education and career exploration skills to |Direct internet links are provided to colleges, universities and apprenticeship sites, as well as to additional |

| |develop personal, educational, or career plans|sources of information for every occupation (e.g. professional associations) |

| |demonstrate understanding of the workplace |The Career Portfolio Tool allows students to organize their education and career research, and to develop |

| |(e.g., health and safety issues) |coherent personal, educational and career plans. |

| | |Relevant Teaching Resources: Independent Research Projects; Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; All of the 11 |

| | |Classroom Activities; Explore Apprenticeships Activity. |

|work, society and the economy |describe how changes taking place in the |Every occupation profile includes information on working conditions, earnings and job tasks. For each occupation,|

| |economy, the environment, and society affect |students can view interviews with Canadians who offer advice on trends and opportunities in their field and the |

| |the job market |economy in general. |

| | |Relevant Teaching Resources: Career Cluster Research Project; Career Fair Project; Career Interview Project. |

|awareness of opportunities |describe the variety of volunteer, employment,|Career Cruising’s Explore Careers and Explore Education and Training sections expose students to a huge variety |

| |educational, and career opportunities, |of career, education and employment opportunities. |

| |including self- employment |In the Education section of the occupation profiles and in the interviews, education paths, opportunities, and |

| | |relevant volunteer activities are addressed. |

| | |In the Earnings section of the occupation profiles, different forms of employment, including self-employment, are|

| | |described. |

| | |Relevant Teaching Resources: Independent Research Projects; Using Career Selector; Career Cluster Research |

| | |Project; Career Fair Project; Career Interview Project; Post-Secondary Research Exercise; Explore Apprenticeships|

| | |Activity. |

|education and career decisions |apply decision-making and problem-solving |Career Cruising’s Education and Training section provides the tools students need to decide on and plan |

| |skills to their postsecondary education or |postsecondary education and training. |

| |career paths |The Education and Career Path sections of the occupation profiles provide students with the steps necessary plan |

| | |their Career Path. |

| | |The Portfolio Tool provides students with a space to set out and organize their education and career goals. |

| | |Relevant Teaching Resources: Independent Research Projects; Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Post-Secondary |

| | |Research Exercise; Explore Apprenticeships Activity. |

|employability |demonstrate their understanding of |The Career Portfolio Tool includes a Resume Builder that helps students create well-organized, |

| |employability skills (e.g., job search, |professional-looking resumes. The Portfolio Tool also provides a place for students to record and reflect on |

| |interview, job readiness, employment |their work experiences. |

| |sustainability, and entrepreneurial skills) |The people interviewed in each occupation profile offer general and occupation-specific information and advice |

| |evaluate their personal, educational, or |for students beginning their career. |

| |career plans in light of their community or |Relevant Teaching Resources: Independent Research Projects; Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Career |

| |workplace experiences |Interview Project; Explore Apprenticeships Activity. |



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