Kent State University

|Program |[Lesson Title] |TEACHER NAME |PROGRAM NAME |

|Information| | | |

| |Financial Responsibility and Career Planning |Hayley Williams |Parma City School District |

| |[Unit Title] |NRS EFL(s) |TIME FRAME |

| | | | |

| |Literacy |1 – 3 |120 minutes |

|Instruction|ABE/ASE Standards – English Language Arts and Literacy |

| |Reading (R) |Writing (W) |Speaking & Listening (S) |Language (L) |

| |Foundational Skills |R.1.3 |

| | |R.2.2 |

| | |R.3.2 |


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| |Learners have Ohio Means Jobs accounts set up and are somewhat familiar with the site layout |

| |Learners are familiar with KWL chart as an organizational tool |


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| |Write on the board: What is financial responsibility? Ask students to turn-and-talk for about 30 seconds to |Ideas for this lesson were adapted from Lesson 1: Why It Pays to Be |

| |brainstorm a definition for financial responsibility. |Financially Responsible and Lesson 9: Making a Budget. |

| | |Financial Literacy for Everyone. (n.d.). Retrieved from |

| |Let’s talk a bit about our own purchasing. What was your most recent purchase? Record these on the board as |

| |learners share them. Look for any commonalities among the purchases. |chool.php |

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| |Were these purchases impulse buys or carefully calculated? Did you regret their decision to make the purchase? |White/chalk board |

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| |What strategies do you use when making purchases? (i.e., price comparison, coupons, need vs want, etc) Make a list|Computer with Internet access |

| |of these on the board for learners and ask the class what these strategies have to do with being financially | |

| |responsible? |Projector, ability to project |

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| |Let’s review some key vocabulary before digging in deeper. Handout copies of Money Matters: Know the Lingo. Each |Computers for student use |

| |term is described on this sheet and then you are asked to make a connection to your own experience/life. Do you | |

| |recognize any of these terms? If so, where have you heard them? |Learner copies of Money Matters: Know the Lingo |

| | |Money Matters: Know the Lingo [PDF file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from |

| |Go ahead and complete the “How Does This Relate to Me” questions. |

| | |12/SA_Lesson1.pdf |

| |Ask for one volunteer for each section to share one of their connections. If no one wants to volunteer, then share| |

| |one of your personal examples. |United States, Department of Education, Federal Student Aid. (2014, |

| | |May 28). Budgeting. Retrieved from |

| |Cost comparison, Cost – Benefits Analysis, and Calculating Future Expenses all feed into the last term, Budgeting.| |

| |Budgeting is part of being financially responsible. How many of you have ever created a budget? Let’s see exactly | |

| |what goes into creating a budget with this short video clip: Budgeting |Learner copies of Budget Busters: Who’s Breaking the Bank? |

| | |Budget Busters: Who's Breaking the Bank? [PDF file]. (n.d.). |

| |Having viewed the video clip, how would you define budgeting? |Retrieved from |

| | |

| |Now, let’s take a look at a couple budgeting scenarios. Handout copies of Budget Busters: Who’s Breaking the Bank?|12/SA_Lesson9.pdf |

| |And assign students to a scenario (1-3). These students will work in groups according to the scenario they were | |

| |assigned to analyze the budget situation and come up with a solution. |Learner copies of Career Planning Worksheet (attached) |

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| |Come back together as a group and have each scenario group (1-3) briefly describe the problem presented in the |Note cards for student use |

| |budgeting scenario and their groups proposed solution. Open up discussion for additional solutions. | |

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| |Next, you are going to explore the Ohio Means Jobs website which you all should be familiar with. Let’s log in and| |

| |go under career planning. Select a career that is of interest to you and write it down on your Career Planning | |

| |Worksheet. | |

| |Fill in the “K” column with what you already know about the field. Fill in the “w” column with questions in | |

| |regards to what you want to know about the field. | |

| |Demonstrate for learners where to find the career planning information – Go to the OMJ website and click on career| |

| |pathways icon located at the bottom of the screen. Learners can select their industry group. | |

| |Learners should use information from charts to fill in information in the “w” column. | |

| |What questions in your “W” column are still unanswered? What can we do to find out this information? i.e. consult | |

| |a professional in the field, do online research, refer to an informational pamphlet or book, etc. | |

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| |Return to the OMJ website and click on the “Budget Calculator” icon. We are going to assume that you have obtained| |

| |a position in the field you researched. So, based on your annual income for that field, complete the budget | |

| |calculator. | |

| |Answer the remaining questions on the Career Planning Worksheet and turn this into me. | |

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| |If you remember, earlier in the lesson we defined what we thought financial responsibility to be. Should we stick | |

| |with our original definition? What examples of financial responsibility can we add that support the definition? | |

| |Add these to the board for learners to see. | |

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| |Handout one notecard per learner. Display the following questions for students to see. | |

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| |Before leaving today, answer the following questions on your notecard. | |

| |What do you believe to be most important when it comes to budgeting? | |

| |Did you find the budget calculator to be helpful? | |

| |What question(s) do you still have about budgeting or your career interests? | |


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| |Graphic organizer |

| |Career interest connections |

| |Visual presentation |

| |Discussion groups for analyzing scenarios can be leveled/ mixed |


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| |Opportunity to connect to math standards |

| |Opportunity to bring in a guest speaker on financial planning |


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| |Games on financial literacy: |

| |Financial Football play as an individual, one-on-one/ or teams, in a football game where you are asked financial literacy |

| |questions in order to complete plays |

| |Gen I Revolution you can set up classes and send learners on missions to help people with their financial literacy |

Name: ___________________________________

Career Planning Worksheet

1. What career(s) are you interested in? _______________________________________________________________________________

2. Why does this career pathway appeal to you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

| What I Know |What I Want To Know |What I Learned |

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3. What is the annual income of the profession you selected? ____________________

4. What does this equate to monthly? _________________________

5. Print out your monthly budget calculator. Will you make enough to cover your expenses? If not, how can you adjust your budget? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Were there things that you did not consider when thinking of a budget? If so, what were they?


7. Create two financial goals for yourself and list them below:


8. How can you work to achieve these goals? (Change habits, seek assistance, research, budget, etc.)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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