Minutes of the Meeting of Doddington Parish Council held ...

Meeting of Doddington Parish Council held on Wednesday 10th January 2018in the Church Rooms, New Street, Doddington at 7.00p.m.Present: - Cllr. R Hufton (Chair), Cllrs G Collet, I Gowler, A Harrison, P Jolley, R Mason,J Shepherd, J Welcher, Cllr D Connor (District & County Councillor), Cllr M. Davis (District Councillor) and the Clerk Mr R Wilkin.The Chair welcomed Cllr Welcher back to the meeting following his absence due to illness.1. Open Forum: - No resident was present2. Apologies: - Cllr B Whittaker. 3. Minutes: - The minutes of the meeting held on 8th November 2017 were agreed and signed by the Chair as correct. An amendment was made to the minutes of the meeting held on 13th December 2017 in that the reference to the Santa Sleigh Committee under Any Other Business should read Carnival Committee. With this amendment the minutes were agreed and signed by the Chair as correct.4. Matters arising from previous Council discussions: - a) Council Annual Dinner. It was agreed that arrangements for the Council dinner should take place at The Three Tuns on a Wednesday or Thursday evening.b) The Meeting agreed that the defibrillator should be fixed to the wall of the Village Hall in a heated lockable cabinet. The Chair agreed to seek the approval of the Village Hall Committee over the siting position.5. Police Matters: -PCSO Carol Holloway’s report was read out to the meeting. The Clerk advised members that the Police & Crime Commissioner was launching a consultation on the police precept. It was agreed that details of the consultation should be circulated to all members to enable them to complete the survey if they chose to do so.6. Highway Issues: -a) The Clerk advised that work on the installation of traffic lights at the junction of A141/Manea Road were scheduled to start in March 2018 and would take up to 8 weeks to complete. It was likely that during this time there could be an increase in traffic passing through the village.b)The Clerk reported that a resident had raised their concerns over a number of road accidents that have occurred in New Street during the last three years. Following discussion, members considered that the incidents appeared to have been caused by vehicles parking on the highway rather that any speeding issue. c) Virgin have created a trench across Wimblington Road near Beech Avenue which is causing a hazard to vehicles.d)? A number of potholes were raised that needed attention.? They were located:????????????????a.? Near the speed gates on Wimblington Road????????????????b.? Near the piggeries at Rattlerow Farm, Wood Street????????????????c.? In Dykemoor Drove.? The road panels are proud at this point resulting in a sharp edge being exposed.?? 7. Local Highway Improvement Initiatives: -2016/17: The meeting accepted a quotation from Swarco for a number of additional MVAS mounting brackets and clips in the sum of ?211.48. b) 2017/18:Cllr Connor agreed to chase Jacob Hobbs from CCC over a start date for the improvements to the Benwick Road footpath. c) 2018/19:In view of the difficulties in reaching a scheme that would be acceptable to the residents it was agreed to drop the idea of improvements to Ingles Lane but to ask CCC to install additional yellow lines around the Ingles Lane/High Street junction. The Chair would attempt to seek a site meeting with CCC engineers. 8. Fenland DC, Cambridgeshire CC and Other External Organisations: - a) Cllr Connor advised the meeting that CCC had concluded a 3 year contract with Skanska to use three road laying machines which would improve their capabilities of road maintenance. b) The Clerk reported that FDC were seeking residents views on their budget and business plan. The Clerk would circulate the survey link to all members. 9. Street Lighting: - a) The Chair and Clerk updated members on the results of a meeting that they together with Cllr Whittaker had with representatives of Electrical Testing. At that meeting each street light was reviewed on whether it needed to be totally replaced or have any electrical repairs or bracket replacement. Wherever possible a new LED lantern would be installed. The total estimated costs for all the works was ?35,334 plus VAT. It was proposed by Cllr Welcher, seconded by Cllr Shepherd to award the contract to Electrical Testing. b) The Clerk informed members that FDC had appointed Cllr Chris Seaton to temporary add Rural Affairs, which included street lighting issues, into his existing portfolio work. 10. Planning: a) New Applications:- i) F/YR17/1091/F???Extension at Ivy Villa, 1 Church Lane, Doddington. Cllr Gowler disclosed an interest as the architect for the application. Members supported the application ii) F/YR17/1178/F Extension of a single storey rear extension and conversion of loft 22A Primrose Hill Doddington???Cllr Gowler disclosed an interest as the architect for the application. Members supported the application iii) F/YR17/1209/O Erection of up to 7 dwellings (outline application with all matters reserved) at land north of 12-28 Wimblington Road, Doddington???????????????Cllr Mason disclosed an interest Members were prepared to supported the application if the applicant agreed to make application to reduce the speed limit along the stretch of Wimblington Road currently at 40mph to 30mph and in addition to provide street lighting along this stretch of highway. iv) F/YR18/0020TRTPO???Works to a willow tree covered by TPO 19/1988 (5day notice) at 8 Wimblington Road, Doddington.??????????Members supported the application. b) Other planning issues i) Community Consultation for a proposal to build 10 to 20 units north and east of 1 and 3 Wimblington Road Doddington.The Clerk informed the meeting that Brand Associates were organising this consultation exercise prior to submitting a formal planning application. Members discussed the submission and agreed that they would be prepared to support an application that encouraged smaller housing units in this site. In addition they pointed out that, on the grounds of road safety, they would like to see the full length of Wimblington Road to be fixed with a speed limit of 30mph. Finally, under a section 106 agreement they would like a significant contribution to be made towards the cost of providing a traffic light controlled zebra crossing outside of the village primary school.11. Street Pride:-The Chair reported that the Street Pride Group were currently considering the regular cleaning of the village bus shelters and skate park area.12. Benwick Road Cemetery:- a) The Chair reported on her discussions with John Cutteridge and he had advised that he could supply 120 bare root yew (small height) trees with guards, canes and planting for ?312. Members unanimously agreed to accept his quotation.b) Following a general discussion on a problem that Wimblington PC had in their cemetery, members agreed to include a clause in its Cemetery Terms and Conditions that vault burials will not be allowed. 13. Village Maintenance:-a) Members agreed to press ahead with the asbestos survey on the buildings quoted by ASI Environmental.b) Clock Tower. The Chair advised members that our application to FDC for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a listed building was being withdrawn. A new application would be submitted. The Clerk advised that only one quotation for works to the Clock Tower had been received and that was on the old cleaning basis. He would be asking that company to revise their quote and he was seeking other suppliers who could be prepared to submit a quotation.c) The Clerk reported that quotations were being sought from ROSPA and ISIS for the maintenance of the playground equipment.14. Training, Workshops and Conference:- a) Councillor Training – A significant number of Parish/Town Councils had expressed an interest in attending the planned councillor training sessions.15. Communications: -a. Website.Ongoing discussion are in place over the possible revamping and update of the site.16. Financial Matters:- a) PaymentsBenwick AFCGrass cutting grant272.00J CutteridgeGrass cutting768.00R WilkinNet Salary579.90R WilkinPetty Cash 16.50HMR&CIncome Tax – Clerk Salary 144.98 b) Annul Precept.The Clerk had circulated a detailed analysis of the Council’s financial position together with a suggested budget for 2018/2019. Following a general discussion Cllr Gowler proposed that the precept submission should be ?47,895. This was seconded by Cllr Harrison and unanimously carried.17. Correspondence:-The Clerk advised members that FDC had launched the Pride in Fenland awards for 2018. The closing date for nominations was 19th February 2018. 18. Any Other Business:-It was agreed to send a letter of congratulation to Ed Elmore for winning the World Indoor Bowls Council under 25’s competition.There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.35pm. ................

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