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2310323-353253 E4142REP?BLICA DE MO?AMBIQUEMINIST?RIO DA PLANIFICA??O E DESENVOLVIMENTODIREC??O NACIONAL DE SERVI?OS DE PLANEAMENTOMozambique Integrated Growth Poles Project(P127303)PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN (PMP)Draft Final Maputo, February, 2013Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" 1. INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc348034750 \h 22 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PAGEREF _Toc348034751 \h 23. PROJECT TARGETED AREAS PAGEREF _Toc348034752 \h 34. POLICY AND INSTITUTIOAL FRAMEWORK55. PEST MANAGEMENT APPROACH65.1 Current and anticipated pest problems75.2. Relevant IPM experience within the project area75.3. Current pest management practices85.4. Pesticide management86. ENVIROMENTAL, OCCUPATIOAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH POTENTIAL IMPACTS, MITIGATION MEASURES AND MONITORING96.1. Towards IPM126.2. Authorized pesticides PAGEREF _Toc348034760 \h 157. INDICATIVE BUDGET15Highly hazardous (Class l b) technical grade active ingredients of pesticides (common name) PAGEREF _Toc348034762 \h BBlist of tables TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1: Overview of pesticide management PAGEREF _Toc348034775 \h 10Table 2. Potential impacts, mitigation measures and indicators of monitoring PAGEREF _Toc348034776 \h 12Table 3: Objectives of an IPM PAGEREF _Toc348034777 \h 14List of Annexes TOC \h \z \c "Annex" Annex 1: Registered Pesticides in Mozambique (June 2012) PAGEREF _Toc348034786 \h AAnnex 2: WHO Pesticide Classification List PAGEREF _Toc348034787 \h BBAnnex 3: List of People Consulted PAGEREF _Toc348034788 \h GGAnnex 4: Terms of Reference for the Formulation of the ESMF, PMP and RPF PAGEREF _Toc348034789 \h HH1. INTRODUCTIONThe increase of modern agriculture and agribusiness development areas associated with the Integrated Growth Poles Project (Project) may lead to an increase in pest populations and subsequently a raise in pesticide usage to control them, as well as an increase in the use of chemical fertilizers. Any increase in pest populations may be detrimental to agricultural productivity or human/animal health, which in turn will increase the dependency on pesticides. Any subsequent increase in the use of chemicals has the potential to cause harm to users, to the public and to the environment.In the context of this Project, a pest may be defined as any organism whose presence causes economic loss or otherwise detracts from human welfare. The term covers a broad range of organisms (plants, animals and microorganisms) that reduce productivity of agriculture. Pest management issues can be raised on a variety of smallholder and small-scale commercial agriculture sub-projects such as:New land-use development or changed cultivation practices in an area;Expansion of agricultural activities into new areas;Diversification into new agricultural crops, particularly if these tend to receive high usage of pesticides - e.g. sugar-cane, fruit, vegetables, cotton and rice;Intensification of existing low-technology agriculture systems.Integrated Pest Management (IPM) based pest management is a mix of farmer-driven, ecologically based pest control practices that seek to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides. It involves: i) managing pests (keeping them below economic impact levels) rather than seeking to eradicate them; ii) relying, to the extent possible, on non-chemical measures to keep pest populations low; and iii) selecting and applying pesticides, when they have to be used (rational use), in a way that minimizes adverse effects on beneficial organisms, humans and the environment (World Bank Pest Management Guidebook – ).This report presents the Pest Management Plan (PMP) to manage potential pest problems that may develop and help ensure that the use of all pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers and other chemicals associated with the Project will be handled properly and in accordance with World Bank Operational Policy 4.09 – Pest Management. According to this policy the PMP is based on the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, which promotes good agricultural practice through the use of responsible and sustainable activities that will result in a rational and a reduction in pesticide use. This PMP is focused particularly on three main crop systems to be developed by the Project: flatland medium-scale rice, flatland medium-scale sugar-cane and flatland and upland small-scale horticulture.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONThe project will have four main components with the following preliminary allocation of funds: Component 1: Support for the Tete agribusiness growth pole in the Zambezi Valley (US$ 39.0 million): The objective of this component is to provide integrated support for the upgrading of targeted local infrastructure and privately-executed public investments primarily oriented towards increasing smallholder production, linking smallholder farms and MSMEs to emerging supply chains, and increasing agro-processing activities in the Zambezi Valley. The local infrastructure investments will focus on the districts of Angonia, Tsangano, and Macanga in Tete Province to upgrade two key rural roads linking agricultural areas to primary roads that will provide producers all weather access to markets. This component is subdivided into two subcomponents, namely: Sub-component 1A: Upgrading of local infrastructure (US$ 21.5 million) that will consist of the (A) Rehabilitation of Market Access Roads, and (B) Minor civil and ancillary works. Sub-component 1B: Innovation and Demonstration Catalytic Fund (IDCF) investments in the Zambezi Valley (IDA allocation: US$17.5 million, Total: US$35.0 million) to improve the ability of smallholder farms/MSMEs in the Zambezi Valley to access markets through market-oriented private and complementary public investments. Component 2: Support for the Nacala Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in the Nacala Corridor (US$ 43.0 million): The objective of this component is to provide support for the development of the Nacala Corridor. Activities are focused on (a) upgrading last-mile infrastructure for the development of the Nacala SEZ (water supply system and an access road), and (b) supporting privately-executed public investments to increase smallholder production, link smallholder farms to emerging supply chains, and increase agro-processing activities. This components is also subdivided into two subcomponents: Sub-component 2A: Upgrading of Nacala SEZ physical infrastructure (US$ 30.5 million) and Sub-component 2B: Innovation and Demonstration Catalytic Fund (IDCF) investments in the Nacala Corridor (IDA allocation US$12.5 million, Total: US$25.0 million), with similar objectives and modality as those expressed for Sub-component 1B. Component 3: Institutional Development and Capacity Building (US$10.0 million): The objective of this component is to provide multi-year support to key public agencies to strengthen their capacity to plan, coordinate and implement public and multilateral investment programs. At the National level the focus will be on building capacity of the newly established Department of Public Investments within MPD. At the Provincial level the capacity building activities will focus on ZVDA and GAZEDA with some support for the Provincial and Municipal authorities. The component will finance (i) Training, equipment and consultancies for planning, coordination and implementation of public investment programs, (ii) training, equipment and consultancies for the ZVDA and related public sector agencies in the Zambezi Valley, and (iii) training, equipment and consultancies for GAZEDA and related public sector agencies in the Nacala Corridor. Component 4: Project Implementation (US$8.0 million): Investments under this component will support the operations of the PCU in MPD which includes two regional Project Managers co-located in ZVDA and GAZEDA to coordinate and support Project implementation. The component will support project implementation costs including: (i) PCU staff (ii) PCU operating costs, (iii) consultants for ANE to supplement contract supervision capacity, (iv) IDCF Fund Manager and initial project preparation costs, (v) training and consulting studies (vi) data collection, compilation and analysis and establishing a Project monitoring and evaluation system, (vii) safeguards management including training, preparation of RAPs, ESIAs and ESMPs and monitoring of implementation of safeguards instruments (viii) impact evaluation.3 - PROJECT TARGETED AREASIn broad terms the project area comprises two important Mozambican clusters in the central and northern regions, namely: (i) the Zambezi Valley; and (ii) the Nacala Corridor.The Zambezi Valley covers 35 districts in the four provinces of Tete, Manica, Zambezia and Sofala and as shown in Figure 2, below. In the four provinces the 35 districts falling under the Zambezi valley are:Manica Province: Bárue, Guro, Macossa and Tambara;Sofala Province: Caia, Chemba, Cheringoma, Gorongosa, Maríngue, Muanza and Marromeu Tete Province: Angónia, Cahora Bassa, Changara, Chifunde, Chiúta, Cidade de Tete, Luenha, Macanga, Mágoe, Marávia, Moatize, Mutarara, Tsangano and Zumbu;Zambézia Province: Morrumbala, Mopeia, Chinde, Milange, Mocuba, Maganja da Costa, Namacurra, Inhassunge, Nicoadala and Quelimane.Figure 1: The Districts of the Zambezi Valley Nacala Corridor covers 12 districts from, traditionally, the two provinces of Niassa and Nampula and now Tete, due to the current extension of the Corridor to Moatize from where the coal originates and is planned to be exported through Nacala.In the three provinces the 12 districts falling under Nacala Corridor are:Tete Province: MoatizeNiassa Province: Mecanhelas and Cuamba Nampula Province: Malema, Ribaue, Nampula (Rapale), Nampula City, Meconta, Monapo, Mossuril, Nacala-a-Velha and Nacala Porto.Figure 2: The Project districts in Nacala CorridorWithin these two broader clusters, the project will focus on a limited number of areas and districts. Within the Zambezi Valley, focus will be on Tete Province, on the Angonia growth pole, comprising the districts of Angonia, Tsangano, and Macanga districts. Figure 3: Angonia growth poleWhile in Nacala Corridor the project will focus on the Nacala growth pole (Nacala SEZ), covering the districts of Nacala Porto and Nacala-a-Velha both in Nampula Province. Figure 4: Nacala growth poleIn Tete province the project will target increasing agricultural production and processing, while in Nampula it will target light manufacturing and logistics.This initial definition of the project boundaries may be refined as more spatial details become available. 4. POLICY AND INSTITUTIOAL FRAMEWORKMozambique has enacted good pesticide legislation (Ministerial Diploma 153/2002 of 11 September 2002 (Pesticides Regulation) and Decree 6/2009 of 31 March 2009 (Pesticides Management Regulation)) but the capacity to enforce the legislation is weak. According to this legislation only pesticides registered with the National Directorate of Agrarian Services (DNSA) can be used in Mozambique. These include a list of pesticides products that are classified according to their toxic potential (Article 9). Of the 188 registered pesticides, 109 are class III; 67 class II and only 12 class I (being Class I the most toxic ones). Composition and physical-chemical characteristics of the pesticides proposed for registration are conform to the specifications from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and must appear on the label. The regulation also requires proper packaging and handling which meet the necessary requirements regarding occupational health and safety. Emphasis is currently placed on the identification, classification, proper storage and disposal of obsolete pesticides of which 900 tones are believed to be stored under poor conditions throughout Mozambique.Another legal instrument that is mentioned in this PMP is the Environmental Quality Standards and Effluents Emissions Regulation approved by the Council of Ministers in May 2004 (Decree 18/2004) and published in the government’s gazette (Boletim da República number 22 of 2 of June 2004). It is aimed at controlling and maintaining the level of concentration of pollutants at an admissible level. The Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs (MICOA) is responsible for ensuring compliance with this Regulation, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRIRI).There are no specific policies concerning pest management and crop protection in the context of IPM approaches in Mozambique. Research into plant health and to a certain extent IPM approaches have been carried out by the National Agrarian Research Institute (IIAM) and the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM). Currently IPM approaches in the field are at an early stage of development in Mozambique. Agriculture practices presently rely more on the use of conventional pesticides.Institutional capacity is represented at central, provincial and district levels. At the central Level and according to Pesticides Regulations Ministerial Diploma 153/2002 DNSA of the MINAGRI, through its Registration Unit, MINAGRIRI is the official agency responsible for the registration of pesticides and the issuing of permits for their use, after approval by the National Directorate of Health (DNS/MISAU), the National Directorate for Environmental Impact Assessment (DNAIA/MICOA) and the National Institute for Agrarian Research – Department of Animal Science (IIAM/DCA).MINAGRI has established a Technical Advisory Committee, which provides advice on issues related to the Pesticide Regulations. This Committee includes representatives from various departments within MINAGRI and other Institutions (MICOA, MISAU, the National Institute for Standardization and Quality-INNOQ) as well as the private sector.The Provincial Directorate of Agriculture (DPA) through the Agricultural Services is the institution responsible for inspecting if users have a use, handling or transportation permit. It also should monitor the use and impact of pesticides from agricultural activities and report to DPCA. At the district level pesticide use, handling and transportation is controlled by SDAE, which works with an extension team in providing training for farmers on this matter.Though continuous efforts are being made by the various government-led agriculture projects, particularly in terms of awareness raising, it still can be said that the capacity to deal with pesticide management issues remains relatively weak in Mozambique. The above-mentioned institutions face limited human, material and financial resources to carry out their activities. For example, pesticide residues are not being monitored on export crops, nor on crops for the domestic market; poisoning statistics by pesticides are not available; and medical staff at rural clinics is not trained to recognize and adequately treat pesticide poisoning; and antidotes are not systematically available in rural areas, and in certain remote provincial urban centers.In the context of the Project it is recommended to rely on some of the strategic partners such as private companies and NGOs to successfully implement this PMP. Several NGOs, private companies/businesses and specialized and/or experienced Civil Society Organizations (NGOs/established and trained Farmers Associations, etc.) can be actively and systematically involved in the process to successfully implement or help accompany the implementation of this PMP. In fact, recent experience has shown that there are several NGOs and private companies that have their own strong agriculture units, with well-trained and capable personnel, including those with the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with pesticides. Also the two Safeguard Specialists, whom will be part of the PCU and assist ZVDA and GAZEDA, will need to be involved in capacity building with regard to Pest and Pesticide Management.5. PEST MANAGEMENT APPROACHThis section presents the current and anticipated pest problems relevant to the Project, relevant IPM experience within the project area, assessment of proposed or current pest and pesticide management approaches and recommendations. In line with the Project project intervention area emphasis is on Angonia agricultural growth pole, which will focus on agriculture development.5.1 Current and anticipated pest problemsIn general pest attack is low in the Project targeted areas, but there is a range of pests, diseases and weeds reported by farmers, officials and the literature. The current impact from these pests is low (sometime unknown), except perhaps the red locust that attacks some of the areas. However, the expected pest incidence increase in the rice, sugar-cane, fruit and vegetables crop in the Project subproject areas will likely reverse that situation and some pests may become a major economic problem, especially for medium-scale subprojects and, thus an increase in pest control measures and rational use of chemical fertilizers will be needed for this project. There are control measures (chemical, cultural and biological) for each crop that can be used in case an outbreak is observed.In all areas current pest occurrence and pesticide use is currently low but an increase in crop area, especially of monoculture crops, may result in an increase of pest occurrence, especially birds (for rice production areas granivorous birds are an important pest), red locust and rats. These are currently reported to be the major pests in these areas. However, pesticide use is expected to be kept at minimum level because of poor access to low priced and generic pesticides.The development of agricultural activities by a series of farmers, including smallhoder farmers and small and medium commercial producers may cause the following potential impacts:Stalk borers, brown plant hopper and armyworm could increase, but the result should not be an automatic increase in insecticide application than currently exists in the command area since less than half the farmers apply only one or more sprays per season;Rice diseases are unimportant at the moment, but because of the increased cost base of the irrigated rice, farmers will be more willing to apply a fungicide to protect their investment. Blast and brown spot could increase, if two rice crops per year are grown.There is no reason to believe that fungicide use will be greater than presently very low levels that already exists in the area.The same consideration applies to weeds, diseases, as well as chemical fertilizer use.A series of interventions in these sites may result in the following potential impacts:Some stalk borers could increase, but the result should not be more insecticide application than currently exists in the command area; Some diseases such as red rot and pineapple disease may entry through stalks damaged by borers, rat damage or any such injuries.Purple nutsedge and broad leaf weeds may also develop. Given the variety of crops, pests and sites to be developed with small-scale horticulture, the specific consequences for each individual pesticide in the long-term are difficult to predict but are expected to be minimal. Overall, the intensification of vegetable production will tend to result in general increase in the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. In the first few years there could be sporadic outbreaks, especially insects and diseases not normally considered pests, as the ecology of the crops and resident insect/pathogen population will need to find a balance. The rotation and juxtaposition of crops are important influences on pest and diseases attack and these will need to be monitored. If outbreaks on a particular crops occur repeatedly the best solution may be avoid cultivating it for a certain time.5.2. Relevant IPM experience within the project areaThere is a fair amount of knowledge regarding to IPM in the Project command area, but it is rarely put into practical use. This is because farmers believe that chemicals are more efficient than any other cultural practices they may adopt. However, farmers in a number of districts prefer crop rotation (tomato is rotated with sprouts and beans or onions every two years) and intercropping (vegetables and legumes) as being efficient in controlling some pests specially insects and fungus is being practiced. It is to be expected that these techniques could also be applied in the large areas to be developed under the Project, as they are common practice in Mozambique.5.3. Current pest management practicesAt present pest and plant disease control is limited by a combination of lack of knowledge, equipment, supplies and finance. In general, smallholder farmers in the project area take various measures to minimize or avoid pest infestations such as weeding and application of insecticides and herbicides. Weed control is generally achieved through a combination of tillage-seedbed preparation by several passes of the traditional ox-drawn plough (or manually) and subsequent inter-row weed control cultivations in row crops. Comprehensive data on pesticides use are not available, but most farmers referred to Cypermethrin, Mancozeb, Cobox and Teodan, all under Class III, as the main pesticides they use. Pesticides are purchased from private vendors. Applications are conducted without proper equipment and according to some information, expiration dates are not always observed. However, the extension services of the Provincial Directorates of Agriculture (DPA) provide training in these subjects, which include among others: type and amount of pesticide per crop, time of application, poisonous effects of pesticides on humans (particularly women, elderly, youth/toddlers, and vulnerable groups such as handicapped), animals (i.e. direct impacts on the food-chain) and the environment. However, the extension network is poorly equipped and faces several limitations to properly conduct their work.Control of birds and wild animals (scarce in the targeted area) are mainly done by using the traditional way of scaring (the use of scarecrows is very common especially in rice production areas), chasing and guarding of animals.5.4. Pesticides managementField observations indicate that although farmers are aware that pesticides are poisonous to their health, their responses indicate that pesticides are a major occupational health and environmental risk. In particular some pesticides are often sold in non-standard containers without proper instructions, effective protective clothing and equipment is seldom available (even where it exists it is not used), on-farm storage sites are highly hazardous (sun and rain exposure), used containers are washed-out in local water bodies and the containers re-used for other purposes, of which some domestic ones without proper precautions. Conversations with farmers reveal limited knowledge and the lack of application of safety practices.Data on pesticides poisoning and environmental contamination are often not available or difficult to obtain since no regular government system exists for regular monitoring of the risks. Moreover, medical staffs at rural clinics are not well trained to recognize and adequately treat pesticide poisoning, and antidotes are not systematically available in rural and in some remote provincial urban areas.In summary the main pesticide management problems in the project targeted area are:Irrational use when applied, which may result in problems for human health and the environment, especially the contamination of soils. Signs of soil contamination/depletion have been observed in some areas, including soil salt accumulation;Use of out-of-date pesticides (observed in most of areas);Use of non-authorized and/or non-labeled pesticides or the use of re-packaged pesticides;Application without the adequate equipment, with an increase of the risk of contamination;Use of empty pesticide's packages for domestic use, washed in rivers and leading to their contamination.No adequate monitoring of pesticides use and handling is carried out.Overall though, the Government through its various investments in the sector is deploying continuous efforts. However, there is a need to improve current pest and pesticide management practices within the Project areas. The following actions could need to be further developed: Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: Overview of pesticide managementNrArea of interventionRecommended interventions1Strategic aspectsPromote IPM within PROJECT areas, if available, to reduce the reliance on pesticidesPromote the design and implementation of monitoring plans that reduce pesticide use, improve pesticide selection, use, storage and disposal and create awareness with regard to health impacts and impacts on the environment, etc.2Operational aspectsPromote the use of precautionary measures such as the use of protective clothing and proper equipment, cleaning of spray equipment, wash after completing spraying activities and observing re-entry points, observation of expiration dates and disposal of containers in an environmentally acceptable manner and proper storage of the remainder of pesticidesRational application of chemical fertilizersPromote the use of bio-agriculture, using natural manure as both a possible pesticides on targeted species, as well as fertilizer3Education and capacity buildingAwareness raising and sensitization campains on the rational application methods and IPM practices: selection of the most appropriate pesticides for a specific crop, when and how much to spray in order to reduce economic damage, when to repeat spraying, etc.6. ENVIROMENTAL, OCCUPATIOAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH POTENTIAL IMPACTS, MITIGATION MEASURES AND MONITORINGAt present, occupational and health safety regulations in Mozambique are not yet detailed and sector specific regulation are available only for a limited number of sectors (e.g. the health sector established its specific guidelines in December 2008). Sectors and companies with high risk of accidents or occupational hazards are encouraged and required to establish workplace safety committees to ensure compliance with health and safety norms, investigate the causes of accidents and organize preventive measures. In recognition of a series of constraints, emphasis has been on practical and easy to follow systems and procedures, which are highly relevant for the Project.This section deals with the impacts associated with the increase in the use of agricultural pesticides and chemical fertilizers that may result from changes in agricultural practices and intensification. The impacts expected from this project are specially associated with the current pesticide management practices identified in section 4.3. Thus, mitigation measures are designed to avoid the use of, or properly manage chemical use and improve IPM in the region. The strategy for implementation of suggested mitigation measures is therefore to utilize the existing structure of DPAs in which the agricultural extension teams supervises and train farmers in the use of chemicals. Capacity building is however necessary at all sites and in all areas in order to build up existing farmers inclination of keeping agro-chemical use at a minimum. For aspects in which expertise has not yet been developed the strategy is to utilize technical assistance provided by the Project with a strong emphasis on strengthening the awareness raising among women, children, elderly farmers through continuous public information, consultation and participation workshops (i.e. farmer-field schools with hands-on demonstrations on the practicality and efficiency of selecting, using, storing and disposing off pesticides and its containers).The objective of this section is to ensure that:Any intensification of agriculture practices does not automatically result in an increase in the use of agricultural chemicals;Farmers have support and advice in pest and soil management in order to cope with their new pattern of agriculture; andFood production in PROJECT supported subprojects is safe in terms of pesticide minimum residue level and has been produced with particular attention to human and environmental health and safety.The table below is an attempt of presenting a systematic overview of potential impacts of pesticide misuse, applicable mitigation measures and monitoring indicators.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2. Potential impacts, mitigation measures and indicators of monitoringPesticide management issuePotential impactMitigation measureIndicators of monitoringExcessive use of (out-of-dated) chemicals, disposal of containers in rivers and stream, use of non-authorized and/or non-labeled pesticides.Decrease in water quality for consumption and irrigationRegulatoryapplication of pesticides (type, labeling and quantity);Promote recycling of containers;Monitor aquatic biodiversity and weeds.Number of farmers using pesticides properly (observing expiration dates and dosages);Number of aquatic weeds;Abundance (n/ha) of plant resource species (e.g medicine, food);Patterns of water quality referred in the regulation (Decree 18/2004)Proliferation of aquatic weedsLoss of biodiversity in particular of aquatic speciesExcessive use of (out-of-dated) chemicals, use of non-authorized and/or non-labeled pesticidesIncrease in soil toxicity Regulatoryapplication of pesticides (type, labeling and quantity);Promote the use of cultural and biological control measures (Table 1).Patterns of soil quality referred in the regulation (Decree 18/2004)Number of farmers using biological and cultural measures.Excessive use of (out-of-dated) chemicals, use of polluted waterPoor crop yield; Unacceptablelevels of pesticide residues in harvested produce and in the food chain.Regulatoryapplication of pesticides (type, labeling and quantity);Promote the use of cultural and biological control measures (Table 2)Productivity per crop; Quality of the product;Number of farmers using biological and cultural measures.Use of empty pesticide's packages, washed and disposed in rivers, consumption of polluted water, excessive use of chemicalspoisoning of workers/farmers and detrimental effects on human healthPromote the recycling of packages;Regulatoryapplication of pesticides (type, labeling and quantity);Monitor aquatic biodiversity and fishing activity;Promote first aid training to farmers.Observed changes in the following areas:Number of farmers recycling containers;Number of packages washed and disposed in rivers;Patterns of water quality referred in the regulation (Decree 18/2004);Fishing yields;Number of farmers trained in first aid.Toxicity to fishApplication without protective equipmentincreased number of accidents and injuriesPromote the use of protective equipment;Promote first aid training Number of workers/farmers using protective equipment;Number of workers/farmers trained in first aid; Number of accidents/injuries per season.Overall, pesticide misuse may also result in: (i) Elimination of the natural enemies of crop pests and consequent loss of natural pest control that keeps the populations of crop pests very low; and (ii) Development of pest resistance to pesticides, encouraging further increases in the use of chemical pesticides (vicious cycle).6.1. Towards IPMTo mitigate the impacts the overall approach of the Project should be to keep pesticide use at a minimum or avoid it and ensure that any necessary use is intelligent, rational and considered part of an IPM approach in line with OP 4.09 and BP 4.01 (OP 4.09/BP 4.01). The exact IPM approach should be defined according to site conditions and capacity of the farmers to adopt and implement new techniques.The Objectives of an IPM approach are:Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3: Objectives of an IPMMain areas of and issues for interventionActions requiredIPM mainstreamingEmbed IPM into the project key components of: production and commercialization of smallholder agriculture: and make it a practical element affecting all aspects of extension and trainingIncreased use and reliance on chemical pesticidesPromote adoption of IPM practices through farmer education and trainingDevelop strategies to move farmers away from pesticide-dependent pest control practices and promote use of biological controlChange current pest management practicesAllocate adequate resources to implement National Plant Protection PolicyIncrease IPM awareness amongst policy makers and farming community;Abolish free distribution of pesticides to farmers and promote safe handling and application of pesticides.Enforcement of legislationStrengthen institutional capacity of MIC (to the extent needed) and MICOA to effectively supervise compliance with pesticide legislationIPM research and extensionStrengthen IPM research at MADER/Relevant Research InstitutionsStrengthen IPM extensionStrengthen collaboration between MICOA and MADER for field implementation of IPMInvolve NGOs and Communities in promoting IPM activitiesImplement participatory approaches in IPM for farmers to learn, test, select and implement IPM options to reduce losses due to pests and diseasesEnvironmental hazards of pesticide misuseCreate public awareness of the hazards of pesticide misuse through public awareness campaignsRegular assessment of pesticide residues in irrigated agricultural production systems and in harvested produce.Monitoring of pesticide poisoning in the farming and rural communities.Increase in vector populations and of vector borne diseases such as malariaCollaborate with other IPM programs in the region.Establish strong collaboration between Africa Stockpile Program and national malaria control project Conduct regular vector surveillance.MonitoringEstablish a participatory monitoring system that provides early warning on pest status, identify at what level economic losses will occur, identify main pest species, beneficial, regular and migratory speciesA significant factor that can be expected to work as constraint in the uptaking of IPM practices is the attitude that pesticides are modern “medicines” that provide fast and effective cure for all problems affecting a crop. Thus the success of any IPM strategy depends not only on the ability of the Project to define an IPM program and link with strategic partners (private companies or NGOs), but also on the capacity of the different actors (government, extension service, farmers, strategic partners) to fulfill their commitments in these areas. The latter requires some investment in training and capacity building in several topics of IPM and the implementation of this PMP as referred in the main ESMF document (Chapter 11 – Training and capacity building requirements). It is recommended that the Project hire an experienced IPM specialist to act as both principal technical resource person and facilitator (for training), for which national expertise is available.The focus on monitoring and evaluation must be based on the assessment of the increase in IPM capacity, the extent to which IPM techniques are being adopted in crop production and the economic benefits that farmers derive from adopting IPM. Indicators for monitoring IPM adoption could be but not limited to: Monitoring indicatorsNumber of farmers/percentages over timeNumber of farmers who have adopted IPM practicesNumber of farmers who have received training in IPM methodsNumber of crops in which IPM is appliedQuantification of economic, health, environmental and social benefitsExtent of area in which pesticides are usedEfficiency of pesticide use: type of pesticides used, rational use, handling, storage and disposal of pesticide residues and pesticide containersLevel of reduction of pesticide purchaseMonitoring will be a continuous function that will use a systematic collection of data on the above-mentioned indicators and other in order to measure progress over time. Evaluation on the other hand will be the periodic assessment of sustainability, relevance, impact, effectiveness and efficacy of an intervention in relation to stated objectives. Evaluation measures achievements in relation to institutional policies, project objectives, and the goals set for each operation.6.2. Authorized pesticidesUnless the project switches to and enforces an organic approach, it is inevitable that pesticides will be recommended for use on some sites and crops. In the territory defined by the Angonia Growth Pole the use of agro-chemicals, including pesticides is already a reality. As stated in the ESMF document, when compared with other provinces, Tete province has been ranking high at the national level in the use of agro-chemicals. At present, this is mainly associated with the production of tobacco and cotton and to some extent horticulture. In light of what local stakeholders perceive to be the ultimate intentions of the Project they foresee that the use of agro-chemicals might have to be intensified.Under the World Bank funding for the Project, no funding for pesticide acquisition will be provided for farmers. However, it would be recommended to elaborate a provisional list of less harmful pesticides that can be used. A list of registered pesticides in Mozambique is provided as an Annex of the Pesticide Regulation (Ministerial Diploma 153/2002 of 11 September 2002) and includes among others: cypermethrin, deltamethrin, mancozeb and dimethoate. The list is updated on a regular basis and Annex 1 of this document presents the latest version updated in June 2012. Annex 2 of this document presents the WHO Pesticide Classification List by level of hazardousness. The list could guide the classification of pesticides eventually to be used.7. INDICATIVE BUDGETThe costs of PMP implementation will depend on the scale and details of the program to be agreed upon. A preliminary budget estimate for the implementation of this PMP is US$265,000, itemized as follows:ItemTotal AmountUS$ PMP ImplementationOrientation workshops10,000.00Training of trainers50,000.00Training of farmers/demonstrations75,000.00Technical Assistance80,000.00Monitoring and evaluation50,000.00Total265,000.00AnnexesAnnex SEQ Annex \* ARABIC 1: Registered Pesticides in Mozambique (June 2012)LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MO?AMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012?N?.MARCA DO PRODUTOSUBST?NCIA ACTIVACATEGORIACLASSEFOR.AGENTEVALIDADESITUA??O 667Abate 50% ECTemephos 500 g/lInsecticidaIIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02re-registado979Acarthrin 20% ECFenpropathrin 200 g/lInsect./Acar.IIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.08.30Re-registado769Acatop 55% SCFenbutation Oxide 550 g/lInsecticidaIISCAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado653Accotab 33% ECPendimetalina 330 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado826Ace 75% SPAcephate 750 g/kgInsecticidaIIISPExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado771Acephate 75% SPAcephate 750 g/kgInsecticidaIIISPAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado1240Aceta-Cure 90% ECAcetochlor 900 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado1089Acmidazol 20% SLAcetamiprid 200 g/lInsecticidaIISLContabill (Mo?.), Lda2015.09.30Registado695Actara 25 WGThiamethoxam 250 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWGPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado1178Actellic 30% CSPirimiphos Methyl 300 g/lInsecticidaIIICSAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Registado106Actellic 50% ECPirimifos metill 500 g/lInsecticidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado949Agita 1% GBThiamethoxam 10 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIGBAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado949Agita 1% GBTricozene 1 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIGBAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado948Agita 10% WGThiamethoxan 100 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado948Agita 10% WGTricozene 0,05 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado1237Agrisulph 80% WGEnxonfre 800 g/kgFungicida/AcaricidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2017.02.29Registado1121Agrithion 64% ULFenthion 640 g/lInsecticidaIIULAgrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Registado1120Agrithrin 1,2% ULCiflutrina 12 g/lInsecticidaIIULAgrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Registado1190Agro-Fenvarelato 20% ECFenvarelato 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgro Global, lda2017.02.29Rgistado1196Agromate 72% SLMSMA 720 g/lHerbicidaIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Rgistado624Agromectin 1.8% ECAbamectina 18 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado1153Alfa 10% ECAlfa-Cipermetrina 100 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1188Alfapor Spray And DipAlfa-cipermetrina 50 g/lInsecticidaII?Medimoc, S.A2017.03.30Registado1189Alfatix Spray And DipFlumetrina 20 g/lInsecticidaIII?Medimoc, S.A2017.03.30Registado1227Alligator 50% ECPendimentalina 500 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado460Alpha-cipermetrina 10% ECAlfa-cipermetrina 100 g/lInsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1125Altair 75% WGIsoxaflutole 750 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.05.31Registado1266Ametryn-Cure 80% WPAmetryn 800 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWPCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado1002Amiflex 23,75% TR WPAmitraz 237,5 g/lInsecticida/carracicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado813Amigard 12.5% ECAmitraz 125 g/lCarracicidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Re-Registado1187Amitix Spray DIPAmitraz 125 g/lInsecticidaIII?Medimoc, S.A2017.03.30Registado259Antracol 70% WPProbinebe 700 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1164Aphiscure Gold 51% SPAcephate 500 g/kkg+InsecticidaIIISPCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1164Aphiscure Gold 51% SPImidacloprid 18 g/kg+InsecticidaIIISPCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado874Apron Star 42% WSDifenaconazol 20 g/kg +Insect/Fung.IIIWSPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado874Apron Star 42% WSMetalaxyl 200 g/kg +Insect/Fung.IIIWSPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado874Apron Star 42% WSThiamethaxam 200 g/kg +Insect/Fung.IIIWSPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1104Arietis 25% SCAzoxistrobin 250 g/lFungicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.02Registado1295Armicarbazone 700 WGArmicarbazone 700 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado827Arrow 5% ECAlpha-Cypermetrina 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado926Arrozan 48% SLBentazone 480 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado782Arroztar 25% ECOxadiaz?o 250 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado325Arsenal 25% SLImazapyr 250 g/lHerbicidaIISLAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado1179Atack Citronela Mosquito Coilsd-Allethrin/Pynamin Forte 0,2%InseticidaIII?Aggy, Lda2017.02.29Registado1146Atack Control Insect Repellent SprayIR 3535 0,25%RepelenteIII?Aggy, Lda2017.02.29Registado1145Atack Insect Killerd-Allethrin /Pynamin Forte 0,2%InsecticidaIII?Aggy, Lda2017.02.29Registado1144Atack RoachKillerTetramethrin 0,0485+InsectcidaIII?Aggy, Lda2017.02.29Registado510Atrazerba 50% FLAtrazina 500 g/lHerbicidaIIIFLSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-registado351Avi-Ciflutrina 1,2% ULCiflutrina 12 g/lInsecticidaIIULMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado980Avi-Fenitrothion 96% ULFenitrothion 960 g/lInsecticidaIIULMoz Vector Control2015.12.30Re-registado395Avi-Fenthion 64% ULFenthion 640 g/lInsecticidaIIULMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado832Avi-fenvarelate 20% ECFenvarelate 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECMoz Vector Control2016.03.02Re-registado886Avi-Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% ECLambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado833Avi-Sipermetrina 20% ECCipermetrina 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado884Avisnail 5% RBCabaryl 20 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIRBAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado884Avisnail 5% RBMetaldehyde 30 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIRBAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado462Azupec 80% WPEnxofre 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado697BactivecBacillus Thuringensis S.H. 14BiolarvicidaIII?Biochem, lda2016.08.30Re-registado961Bacto power BTIBacillus Thuringensis Var Israelensis-SporesInsecticidaIII?Bio Power (Africa), Lda2017.05.31Re-registado1117Balence HF 23 ESBeaveria bassica estripe HF 23 1,12% Insect. BiológicoIII?Bedson Mo?ambique, Lda2016.09.30Registado842Bandit 35% SCImidacloprid 350 g/lInsecticidaIISCAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-registado903Bandit 70% WGImidacloprid 700 g/kg InsecticidaIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado194Basagran 48% SCBendioxido 480 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado1003Baycor 30% DCBitertanol 300 g/lFungicidaIIIDCAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado433Bayfidan 25% ECTriadimenol 250 g/lFungicidaIIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado997Bayfidan 3% GRTriadimenol 30 g/kgFungicidaIIIGRAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado916Baygon cCockroaches ants OdurlessCypermethrin 1,04 g/kgInsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado916Baygon cCockroaches ants OdurlessImiprothrin 1,0 g7kg+InsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado917Baygon Cockroaches and AntsImiprotrin 1,0 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2015.04.30Re-registado914Baygon Mosquitos Cockroaches ants and flies extra OdourlessImiprothrin 0,34 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado914Baygon Mosquitos Cockroaches ants and flies extra OdourlessPipernil Butoxide 10 g/kgInsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado914Baygon Mosquitos Cockroaches ants and flies extra OdourlessPrallethrin 0,4 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado914Baygon Mosquitos Cockroaches ants and flies extra OdourlessTetrachlorvinphos 2.0 g/l+InsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado628Baygon Multipurpose Insect SprayImiprothrin 0,34 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado628Baygon Multipurpose Insect SprayPiperonyl Butoxide 10 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado628Baygon Multipurpose Insect SprayPrallethrin 0,4 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado628Baygon Multipurpose Insect SprayTetramethrin 2,0 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Abba Representa??es, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado482Baytan 15% DSTriadimenol 150 g/kgFungicidaIIIDSAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado346Bayticol 2% ECFlumetrina 20 g7lCarracicidaIIIECSogrep, Lda2017.03.30Re-registado745Bb PlusBeauveia bassica 2x10 esporos/gInsecticidaIII?Agrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Re-registado467Benopec 50% WPBenomil 500 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado828Best 48% ECChlorpyrifos 480 g/l +InsecticidaIIECExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado1083Biokmetine 5% ECEmamectin Benzoate 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1204Biomiprid 20% SPAcetamiprid 200 g/kgInsecticidaIIISPAgrifocus, Lda2017.02.29Registado699Biomiprid 22.2% SLAcetamiprid 222 g/lInsecticidaIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado1080Biophos 57% FWFosforeto de Aluminio 570 g/kgInsecticidaIFWAgrifocus, Lda2016.09.30Registado1082Biotick 1% POFlumethrin 10 g/kgInsecticidaIIIPOAgrifocus, Lda2015.05.31Registado1111Bispirice 40% SCSódio Bispyribac 400 g/lInsecticidaIIISCNeoquímica, lda2016.03.02Registado1293Brigader 75% WGHalosulfuron-Mthryl 750 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado952Brokir 0,075% CBBrodifacoum 0,75 g/lRodenticidaICBAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado1233Bromacil 80% WPBromacil 800 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado1222Bromopropylate 50% ECBromopropylate 500 g/lInsect./AcaricidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado1216Bromoxynil 25,5% ECBromoxyl 255 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado947Browser 24% SLPicloram 240 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado1035Bugstop 22,5% ULVS-Bioallethrin 15 g/lInsecticidaIIULFumilar, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado1036Bugstop Alpha-Cypermethrin 5% WPAlfa Cypermethrina 50% g/kgInsecticidaIIWPFumilar, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado1038Bugstop bacillus Thuringensis WGBacillus Thuringiensis var Israelensis(Bti) 3200 IU/mgInsecticidaIIIWGFumilar, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado1039Bugstop Bromadiolone 0,005% BBBromadiolone 0,05 g/kgRodenticidaIBBFumilar, Lda2016.11.03Re-Registado1040Bugstop Insect Repellent Lotion PCDiethyltoluamide 195 g/kgInsecticidaIIIPCFumilar, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado1186Bugstop Lambda-Cyhalothrin 10% CSLambda-cyhalothrin 100 g/lInsecticidaIICSFumilar, Lda2017.02.29Registado1041Bugstop Lambda-Cyhalothrin 10% WPLambda-Cyhalothrin 100 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPFumilar, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado323Bulldock 0,05% GRBeta ciflutrina 0,05 g/kgInsecticidaIIGRAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1229Buprofenzin 50% WPBuprofenzin InsecridaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado470Calda bordaleza Sapec 20% WPSulfato de cobre 200 g/kgFungicidaIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1156Carbo 25% ECCarbosulfan 250 g/lInsectcidaIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado504Carbofur?o 5% GRCarbofur?o 50 g/kgInsecticidaIIGRSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado599Caribur 25% ECTriadimenol 250 g/lFungicidaIIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado506Carratox 12,5% EWAmitraz 125 g/lCarracicidaIIIEWSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado522Carrotox pour-on 3% SCAmitraz 30 g/lCarracicidaIIISCSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1134Cekumetrin 10% ECCipermetrina 100 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado1137cekuthoate 40% ECDimetoato 400 g/lInsecticidaIIIECAgro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado1029Celcron 50% ECProfenofos 500 g/lInsecticidaIIECTECAP, LDA2016.09.30Re-Registado1028Celphos 57% FTFosforeto de aluminio 570 g/kgInsecticidaIFTTECAP, LDA2016.09.30Re-Registado797Censor 20% SCFipronil 200 g/lInsecticidaIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado1163Chemaron 58% SLMetamidofos 585 g/lInsecticidaISLCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1163Chemeron 58% SLMetamidofos 585 g/lInsecticidaISLCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1149Chemlaxyl 72% WPMetalaxyl 80 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1148Chlopyrifos 48% ECChlorpyrifos 480 g7lInsecticidaIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29registado1213Chlorimuron - Ethyl 25% WGChlorimuron Ethyl 250 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado1200Chloroflo 50% SCChlorotalonil 500 g/lFungicidaIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1148Chlorpyrifos 48% ECChlorpyrifos 480 g/lInsecticidaIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado517Cialon 10% WPLambda-cialotrina 100 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado549Cialon 2,5%ECLambda-cialotrina 25 g/lInsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado545Ciclor 72% ECCipermetrina 120 g/l +InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado545Ciclor 72% ECClorpirifos 600 g/l +InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado641Ciper Pro 72% ECCipermetrina 120 g/l+InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado641Ciper Pro 72% ECProfenofos 600 g/l+InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado1159Class 25% DFChloromuron Ethyl 250 g/lHerbicidaIIIDFCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1184Claw 50% SCMetazachlor 500 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Registado1010Climax 60% WPMetsulfuron -Methyl 600 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-registado1274Clomazone 48% ECClomazone 480 g/lHerbicidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado1113Cock BrandD-AllthrinRepelenteIII?Evergreen, Lda2015.11.30Registado1138Cock Brand Micro Fuman?a e PerfumadoD-Allethrin 3,5 g/kgInsect.7RepelenteIII?Maet Trading2016.09.30Registado1139Cock brand Repelente Dispositivo Eléctrico e líquido para Mosquitos.Transflutrin 10 g/lInsect.RepelenteIII?Maet Trading2016.09.30Registado1141Cock Brand Repelentes Líquido Para MosquitosTransflutrin 10 g/lInsect./RepelenteIII?Maet Trading2016.09.30Registado1140Cock brand Sem Fuman?aD-Allethrin 3,5 g/kgInsect./RepelenteIII?Maet Trading2016.09.30Registado845Codal Gold 402.5 DCPrometryn 250 g/l+HerbicidaIIIDCSyngenta, Agro Services2015.03.30Re-registado845Codal Gold 402.5 DCS-Metolacloro 162,5 g/l+HerbicidaIIIDCSyngenta, Agro Services2015.03.30Re-registado1011Colony 75% WPChlorsulfuron 750 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Registado868Colosso 12.5% POCipermetrina 50 g/l+CarracicidaIIIPOTECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re-registado868Colosso 12.5% POCitronelal 5 g/l+CarracicidaIIIPOTECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re-registado868Colosso 12.5% POClorpirifos 70 g/l+CarracicidaIIIPOTECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re-registado866Colosso Pulveriza??o 41% ECCipermetrina 150 g/l+InsecticidaIIIECTECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re- registado866Colosso Pulveriza??o 41% ECCitronelalal 10g/l+InsecticidaIIIECTECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re- registado866Colosso Pulveriza??o 41% ECClorpirifos 250 g/l+InsecticidaIIIECTECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re- registado851Confidor 70% WGImidaclopride 700 g/kgInsecticidaIIWGAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado455Controler 48% SEAlacloro 336 g/l +HerbicidaIIISESapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado455Controler 48% SEAtrazina 144 g/l +HerbicidaIIISESapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado967Cooper Aerosol Fly and Mosquito KillerPertrin 15 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIAEMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado967Cooper Aerosol Fly and Mosquito KillerPiperonyl Butoxide 15 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIAEMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado871Cooper Count - N 316 SLAcetato de Amónio CúpricoFungicidaIIISLSolu??es Rurais, lda2017.02.29Re-registado1235Copper-Flow-Plus 31.5% SLAcetato de amónio de cobre 315 g7lFungicida/BactericidaIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2017.02.29Registado1034Cotvalerate 20% ECFenvalerate 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Registado1307Cotzeb 80% WPMancozeb 800 g/kgFungicdaIIIWPChanral Mozambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado843Courage 70% WSImidacloprid 700 g/kgInsecticidaIIWSAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado1236Crater 455 SCMancozeb 455 g/lFungicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2017.02.29Registado956Crescendo 48% ECClomazone 480 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Registado746Crop Guard 90% ECFurfural 900 g/lNematicidaIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-registado1201CungFu 53,8% SCHidróxido de Cobre 538 g/lFungicidaIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1180Cupagrex 50% WPOxicloreto de cobre 500 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWPAgro Global, lda2017.02.29Registado459Cuprital 50% WPOxicloreto de cobre 500 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado126Curaterr 10% GRCarbofur?o 100 g/kgInsect./NematicidaIGRAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1162Curethane 80% WPMancozeb 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1000Cyflex 1% POCyflutrina 10 g/lInescticida/AcaricidaIIIPOAgrifocus, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado662Cylence 1% POCiflutrina 10g/lInsecticidaIIIPOSogrep, Lda2015.11.30Re- Registado1194Cyperin 20% ECCipermetrina 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1302Cypermethrin 10% ECCypermethrin 100 g/lHerbicidaIIECChanral Mozambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado1034Cypermethrin 20% ECCypermethrin 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECChanral Mozambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado862Cypermil 5% POCipermetrina 50 g/l+CarracicidaIIIPOTECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re-registado863Cypermil Pulveriza??o 15% SLCipermetrina 150 g/lInsect./carr,IISLTECAP, LDA2015.09.30Re-registado1195Datathion 50% ECMercaptoti?o 500 g7lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado620Daw MCPA 400 SLMCPA 400 g/lHerbicida??Afrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado817Daz-Dust 2% DPDiazinon 20 g/kgInsecticidaIIIDPSogrep, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado816Dazzel N.F 30% ECDiazinon 300 g/lInsect./CarracicidaIIECSogrep, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado311Decis D 10,4% ULDeltametrina 4 g/l+InsecticidaIIULSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado311Decis D 10,4% ULDimetoato 100 g/l+InsecticidaIIULSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado783Decis Forte 10% ECDeltametrina 100 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1112Defender 25% ECTriadimenol 250 g/lFungicidaIIECNeoquímica, lda2016.03.02Registado889Deli Tab 25% TBDeltametrina 250 g/lInsecticidaIITBAgrifocus, Lda2016.01.31Re-registado446Delta 2,5% ECDeltametrina 25 g/lInsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado480Delta Super 25,75% ECDeltametrina 7,5 g/l +InsecticidaIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado480Delta Super 25,75% ECMonocrotofos 250 g/l+InsecticidaIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado474Delta TOP 40,9% ECDeltametrina 9 g/l +InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-registado474Delta TOP 40,9% ECDimetoato 400 g/l+InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-registado520Deltatrine 2,5% ECDeltametrina 25 g/lInsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado519Deltatrine 2,5% WPDeltametrina 25 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado523Deltatrine 5% WPDeltametrina 50 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado696Demand 2.5 CSLamblacialotrina 2.5g/lInsecticidaIIICSSyngenta, Agro Services2014.12.31Re-Registado524Detox 5% ECDeltametrina 50 g/lCarracicidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado789Diatomites 100% WPDióxido de SilicaInsecticidaIIIWPDiatomites de Mo?ambique, Lda2015.08.30Re-registado1155Dichlorvos 10% ECDiclorvos (DDVP)100 g/lInsecticidaIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1220Diclofop - Methyl 37,8% ECDicofop-Methyl 378 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado1086Difacoum 0,005% PelletBrodifacoum 0,0055 g/kgRodenticidaIRBContabill (Mo?.), Lda2015.08.30Registado435Dimetoato 40% ECDimetoato 400 g/lInseticidaIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado870Dimilin 2% GRDiflubenzuron 20 g/kgInsecticidaIIGRAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado869Dimilin 2% TABDiflubenzuron 20 g/kgInsecticidaIIITBAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado869Dimilin 2% TBDiflubenzuron 20 g/kgInsecticidaIIITBAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado957Dinamic 70% WGAmicarbazone 700 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado461Dipec 80% WPDiur?o 800 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1119Diprimid 20% SLImidacloprid 200 g/lInsecticidaIISLNeoquímica, lda2016.03.31Registado1075Dithane NT 60% OSMancozeb 600 g/kgFungicida/Acaric.IIIOSAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1078Dithane NT 80% WPMancozeb 800 g/kgFung./AcaricidaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1202Divos 100% ECDichlorvos 1000 g/lInsecticidaIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado718Doom Mosquito CoilsPrallethrin 0,40 g/KgInsectcidaII?Amazon Marketing, Lda2017.06.30Re-registado722Doom Super Deadly KillingPralethrin 0,04 g/kgInsecticidaII?Amazon Marketing, Lda2017.06.30Re-registado344Drastic deadline 1% DPFlumethrin 10 g/lCarracicidaIIDPSogrep, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1098Duduthrin 5% ECLambda cyhalothrin 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda2015.08.30Registado681Duett 25% SCCarbemdazim 125 g/l +FungicidaIIISCAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado681Duett 25% SCEpoxiconazole 125 g/l+FungicidaIIISCAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado623Dursban 48% ECClorpirifos 480 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda30.11.2016Re-registado623Dusban 48% ECClorpirifos 480 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado537Dynamec 018 ECAbamectin 18 g/lInsecticidaIIECPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2016.04.30Re-registado1072Ectomin 10% ECCypermethrin 100 g/lCarracicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.08.30Registado954Ectopor 2% SACypermethrin 20 g/lInsecticidaIIISAAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado472Ekyp MZ 72% WPMancozeb 640 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado472Ekyp MZ 72% WPMetalaxil 80 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado982Emamectin Benzoate 1,9% ECEmamectin benzoate 19 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.31Re-registado1027Endocel 35% ECEndosulfao 350 g/lInsecticidaIECTECAP, LDA2016.09.30Re-Registado447Endopec 35% EC Endosulf?o 350 g/lInsecticidaIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado825Enticer 35% ECEndosulf?o 350 g/lInsecticidaIECExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado1197Epicure 0,4% SLAbamectin 4 g7lInsecticidaIIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1245Ethe-Cure 48% ECEthephon 480 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado518Eticide 101% ECEti?o 1010 g/lInsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado508Etylit MZ 70% WPFosety-Aluminio 350 g/kg +FungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado508Etylit MZ 70% WPMancozebe 350% g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado879Extreme 50% WGChlorimuron 500 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado791Extreme 75% WPChlorimuron 107 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado791Extreme 75% WPMetribuzin 643 g7kg+HerbicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado538Falcon Gold 96% ECS - Metolacloro 960 g/lHerbicidaIIIECPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado774Falcovos 100% ECDiclorvos 1000 g/lInsecticidaIECExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-registado773Falfume 57% FTAluminium Phosphide 570 g/kgInsecticidaIFTExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re.registado1292Farmatole 750 WGIsoflutole 750 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado686Fastac 10% ECAlfa-Cypermethrin 100 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado1228Febutatin Oxide 55% SCFebutatin Oxide 550g/lInsecticidaIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado1150Fencure 20% ECFenvarelato 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado857Fendona 5% WPAlfa-cipermetrina 50 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWPAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado738Fendona 6% SCAlfa-cipermetrina 60 g/lInsecticidaIIISCAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado440Fenvarelate 20% ECFenvarelate 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado544Ficam 80% WPBendiocarbe 800 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPMoz Vector Control2015.08.30Re-registado821Fighter 20% ECFenvarelate 200 g/l InsecticidaIIECExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado368Finale 0,002% RBBrodifacume 0,02 g/kgRodenticidaIRBSapec S.A.2015.03.30Registado944Finale Rat And Mouse Grain BaitDifethilone 0,025 g/kgRodenticidaIIRBMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado969Finale Rat And Mouse PelletsDifethilone 0,025 g/kgRodenticidaIIRBMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado943Finale Rat And Mouse Wax BaitDifethilone 0,025 g/kgRodenticidaIIRBMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado1017Finepic 70% WGImazapic 700 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-registado907Fiprogel 2,15% PCFipronil 21.5 g/kgInsecticidaIIIPCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado492Fitanol 80% EC?leo de Ver?o 800 g/lInsecticidaIIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado739Flint 50% WGTrifloxystrobin 500 g/kgFungicidaIIIWGAgrol?ndia, lda2016.03.02Re-Registado1090Flosatex 41% SLGlifosate 410 g/lHerbicidaIIISLContabill (Mo?.), Lda2015.08.30Registado892Fluomet 50% SCFluometuron 500 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado193Focus Ultra 2% ECCicloxidim 20 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado329Folicur 25% EWTebuconazole 250 g/kgFungicidaIIIEWAgrol?ndia, lda2015.11.30Re-Registado1191Fortana bio 2% DPPiretrum 20 g7lInsecticidaIIIDPAgro Global, lda2017.02.29Registado728Fortis K 5% ECLambda-cyhalotrin 50 g/lInsecticida IIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado701FrontierOptima 72% ECS-Dimethenamol 720 g/lHerbicidaIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado1172Fumate 56% FTAluminium Phosphide 560 g/kgInsecticidaIFTCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado996Furnace 75% WGHalosulfuron-Methyl 750 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.31Re-registado648Fusilade Forte 150 ECFluazifop-p-butil 150 g/lHerbicidaIIIECPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado1168Fusion Super 12,5% ECFluazifop-p-butyl 125 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado405Garlon 48% ECTriclopyr 480 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado316Gaucho 70 WSImidacloroprid 700 g/kgInsecticidaIIWSAgroquímicos, Lda2014.12.31Re-Registado1114GF-120 NFSpinosad 0,24 g/lInsecticidaIII?Timber Land, Lda2016.03.02Registado1031Glicel 41% SLGlyphosate 410 g/lHerbicidaIIISLTECAP, LDA2016.09.30Re-Registado1305Glycot 36% SLGlifosato 360 g/lHerbicidaIIISLChanral Mozambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado1243Glypho-Cure 41% SLGlyphosate 410 g/lHerbicidaIIISLCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado430Goliath Gel 0,05% RBFipronil 0,005 g/kgInsecticidaIIIRBAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado1181Gramozat 20% SLParaquato 200 g7lHerbicidaIISLAgro Global, lda2017.02.29Registado734Green Muscle 40% SUMetarhizium anisopliae IMI 330189, 2x10 esporos/litroInsecticidaIII?Agrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Re-registado958Grenade 50% SCAcetocloro 178,6 g/+HerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado958Grenade 50% SCAtrazine 160,7 g/l+HerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado958Grenade 50% SCDichlormid 22,3 g/l+HerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado958Grenade 50% SCTerbuthylazine 160,7 g/l +HerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado688GriselesfBacillus Sphaericus Cepa 2364 - 0,5%Agente BiológicoIII?Biochem, lda2016.08.30Re-registado1248Halosulfur-Cure 75% WGHalosulfuron 750 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado803Halt 5% WPBacillus Thuringiensis Serovar Kurstaki 5x10/mgInsecticidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado792Hatchet 10% SLImazipyr 100 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado473Herbofital 40% SLMCPA 400 g/lHerbicidaIIISLSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado502Heteren 25% EcOxidiaz?o 250 g/lHerbicidaIIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1246Hexa-Cure 24% ECHexazinone 240 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado471Hicobre 50% WPHidróxido de cobre 500 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado908Hydragel 2,15% PCHydramethylnon 21,5 g/kgInsecticidaIIIPCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado987Hygrobuff 4Alkylaryl Polioxietileno Glicol +AdjuvanteIII?Solu??es Rurais, lda2017.02.29Re-registado987Hygrobuff 4Ester Fosfórico 85 g/l+AdjuvanteIII?Solu??es Rurais, lda2017.02.29Re-registado987Hygrobuff 4Sistema Tamp?o de ácidos org?nicos 497 g/lAdjuvanteIII?Solu??es Rurais, lda2017.02.29Re-registado1218ICA-Prochloraz 45% ECProchloraz 450 g7lFungicidaIIIEcAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado787Icon 10% CSLambda-cyhalotrina 100 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.30Re-Registado121icon 10%WPLambda-cialotrina 100 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado592Icon 2,5% CSLambda-Cialotrina 25 g/lInsecticidaIICSAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado120Icon 2,5% ECLambda-Cialotrina 25 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado1030Imidacel 20% SLImidacloprid 200 g/lInsecticidaIISLTECAP, LDA2016.09.30Re-registado1160Imidacure 20% SLImidacloprid 200 g7lInsecticidaIIISLCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado906Imidagel 2,15% PCImidacloprid 21,5 g/kgInsecticidaIIIPCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado1215Imposter 75% WPMetribuzin 643 g/lkgHerbicidaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1085Imutruzine 48% SCMetribuzin 480 g/lHerbicidaIIISCContabill (Mo?.), Lda2017.06.30Registado1232Iniconazol 5% SCIniconazole 50 gkgRegulador de crescimentoIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2'017.06.30Registado1118Insectido 5% ECLambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECNeoquímica, lda2016.03.31Registado1211Iprodione 25,5% SCIprodione 255 g/lFungicidaIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado464Judo 5% ECLambda-cialotrina 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado475Judo forte 16,5% ECLambda-cialotrina 15 g/l +InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado475Judo forte 16,5% ECProfenofos 150 g/l+InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado476Judo TOP 41,5% ECDimetoato 400 g/l+InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado476Judo TOP 41,5% ECLambda-cialotrina 15 g/l +InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1183Kalach 70% WGGlifosato 700 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Registado668Karate 5% CSLambda-cialotrina 50 g/lInsecticidaIICSPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado804kembuf 25% SLAcido Fosforico 250 g/lAgente tamp?oIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado1132King Insectos RastejantesPermetrina 2,5 g/kg +InsecticidaIII?Agro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado1132King Insectos RastejantesPiretrina 1 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Agro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado1131King Insectos VoadoresButoxido de Piperonilo 3,3 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Agro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado1131King Insectos Voadoresd-alletrina 0,82 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Agro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado1131King Insectos VoadoresPermetrina 0,4 g/kg+InsecticidaIII?Agro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado500K-O TabDeltametrina 250 g/kgInsecticidaIII?Moz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-Registado815K-O Tab 1-2-3Deltametrina 250 g/kgInsecticidaIII?Moz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado730Kocide 2000 53,8% WGHidróxido de Cobre 538 g/kgFung./BactericidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-registado737K-Othrine 25% WGDeltametrina 250 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWGMoz Vector Control2015.11.30RE-registado360Kumulus DF 80% WGEnxofre 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWGAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado785Laduma 100% GRBromacil 760 g/kg+HerbicidaIIGRAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-registado785Laduma 100% GRTebuthiuron 240 g/kg +HerbicidaIIGRAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-registado1269LambdaCure 5% ECLambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado1306Lamdacot 25% ECLamba Cyhalothrin 250 g/lInsecticidaIIECChanral Mozambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado950Larvadex 1% DPCyromazine 10 g/kgInsecticidaIIIDPAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado163Larvin 37,5% SCTiodicarbe 375 g/lInsecticidaISCAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado846Lava 80% WGTebuthiuron 800 g/kgHerbicidaIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado1294Leili Prosynergist 66% SCCrosynergist 660 g7lAdjuvanteIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado1109Magistral L 20% PFTiabendazole 200 g/kgFungicidaIIIECBedson Mo?ambique, Lda2016.09.30Registado1116Magistral L 5% ECTiabendazole 50 g/lFungicidaIIIECBedson Mo?ambique, Lda2016.09.30Registado975Majestic 50% ECPirimifos Methyl 500 g/lInsect./AcaricidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado1123Majestic super 2% DPPermetrin 3 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIDPAgrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Registado1123Majestic super 2% DPPirimfos methyl 16 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIDPAgrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Registado974Majestic Ultra 50% ECPermetrina 100 g/l+InsecticidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado974Majestic Ultra 50% ECPirimifos Methyl 400 g/l+InsecticidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado505Malatiol 80% ECMalati?o 750 g/l +InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado505Malatiol 80% EC?leo de Ver?o 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado621Mamba 360 SLGlifosato 360 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1076Mamba MX 48% SLGlifosato 480 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado457Mancopec 80% WPMancozebe 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado823Mascot 72% WPMancozeb 640 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado823Mascot 72% WPMetalaxyl 80 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado867Mata Bicheiras 2,03% AEClorpirifos 7,1 g/l +CarracicidaIIIAETECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re-registado867Mata Bicheiras 2,03% AEDilclorvos 11,5% g/l+CarracicidaIIIAETECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re-registado867Mata Bicheiras 2,03% AEVioleta Genciana 1,7 g/l+CarracicidaIIIAETECAP, LDA2015.11.30Re-registado970Maxforce Ant Bait GranulesHydramethylnon 10 g/kgInsecticidaIIIRBMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado940Maxforce GelHydamethylnon 21.5 g/kgInsecticidaIII?Moz Vector Control2015.11.30Registado945Maxforce ICImidacloprid 21,5 g/kgInsecticidaIII?Moz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado1110Maxforce QuantumImidacloprid 0,3 g/kgInsecticidaIII?Neoquímica, lda2016.03.31Registado1143Mazole 80% WPMancozeb 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPContabill (Mo?.), Lda2017.06.30Registado1265MCPA 400 SLMCPA 400 g/lHerbicidaIIISLCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado1107Medi SoftDiethyltoluamide 130 g/lgRepelenteIII?Líder, lda2015.10.30Registado477Megatop 50,5% WPCimoxanil 40 g/kg +FungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado477Megatop 50,5% WPMancozebe 465 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado682Meltatox 40% ECDodemorph 400 g/lFungicidaIIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado361Mesurol 80 WPMetiocarbe 800 g/kgInsent/Molu.IIWPAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado646Mesurol Super Snail Pellets 1.5% RBMetaldeido 10 g/kg +InsecticidaIIRBAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado646Mesurol Super Snail Pellets 1.5% RBMetiocarb 5 g/kg+InsecticidaIIRBAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado466Metacidine 40% WPMetidati?o 400 g/kgInsecticidaIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1152Metalochlor 960 ECMetalochlor 960 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1136Metaman FAE PM 72% WPMancozeb 640 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPAgro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado1136Metaman FAE PM 72% WPMetalaxyl 80 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPAgro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado1198Methomex 90% SPMetomil 900 g/kgInsecticidaISPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado986Metrad 75% WGDiuron 400 g/kg+HerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.31Re-Registado986Metrad 75% WGMetribuzin 360 g/kg+HerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.31Re-Registado1165Metribuzin 48,5 g7lMetribuzin 485 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1091Metridonol 25% ECTriadimenol 250 g/lFungicidaIIECContabill (Mo?.), Lda2015.09.30Registado503Metry 70% WPMetribuzina 700 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1084Midaclordan 20% SLImidacloprid 200 g/lInsecticidaIISLContabill (Mo?.), Lda2015.09.30Registado661Milbitraz 12,5% ECAmitrazInsect./CarracicidaIIECSogrep, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1001Milbitraz TR 23,75 WPAmitraz 237,5 g/kgcarracicidaIIIWPSogrep, Lda2016.04.30Re-registado64Milraz 76% WPPropineb 700 g/kg +FungicidaIIIWPAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado64Milraz 76% WPUrzate 60 g/l+FungicidaIIIWPAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1088Milsulf 80% WPEnxofre 800 g/kgAcaricida/FungicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2015.08.30Registado1101Milthane Super 80% WPMancozeb 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda2015.10.30Registado1171Mitekill 20% ECAmitraz 200 g7lInsecticida/AcaricidaIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado998Mocap 15% GREtoprofos 150 g/kgNameticidaIIGRAgrol?ndia, lda2015.11.30Re-Registado1033Molinato 72,7% ECMolinato 727 g/lHerbicidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado784Monceren GT 390 FSImidacloprid 233 g/l+Insect./FungicidaIIIFSAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado784Monceren GT 390 FSPencicur?o 50 g/l+Insect./FungicidaIIIFSAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado784Monceren GT 390 FSTirame 107 g/l+Insect./FungicidaIIIFSAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado1151Monocrotophos 40% ECMonocrotophos 400 g/lInsecticidaIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado454Monopec 40% SLMonocrotofos 400 g/lInsecticidaISLSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado456Montana 36% SLGlifosato 360 g/lHerbicidaIIISLSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1046Moz Abamec Plus 18% ECAbamectin 180 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Registado1064Moz Acephate 75% ECAcephate 750 g/lInsecticidaIIISPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1058Moz Acetochlor 70% ECAcetochlor 700 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1069Moz Acetochlor 90% ECAcetochlor 900 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1054Moz Aluminium Phosphide PelletsAluminium Phosphide 560 g/kgInsecticidaI?Afrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1071Moz Aluminium Phosphide TabletsAluminium Phosphide 570 g/kgInsecticidaI?Afrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1052Moz Ametryn 50 SCAmetryn 500 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1048Moz Cartap 50%b SPCartape 500 g/kgInsecticidaIISPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1045Moz ControllerCymozanil 60 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Registado1045Moz ControllerMancozeb 700 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Registado1230Moz Copper Oxychloride 85% WPOxycloreto de Cobre 850 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado1050Moz Cyromazine 75% WPCyromazine 750 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1073Moz Delta-M-Longacting 50 WPDeltamethrin 500 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1051Moz Deltamterina 25% ECDeltametrina 250 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1062Moz Difenoconazole 25% ECDifenoconazole 250 g7lFungicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1061Moz Diuron 80% SCDiuron 800 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1056Moz Fenamiphos 400 SCFenamiphos 400 g/lInsecticidaISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1059Moz Fenthion 50% ECFenthion 500 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1049Moz Fluazifop-P-Butyl 125 ECFluazifop-P 125 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1217Moz Hexaconazole7,5% ECHexaconazole 75 g/lFungicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado1068Moz Hexazinone 24% SLHexazinone 240 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1070Moz imidacloprid 35% SCImidacloprid 350 g/lInsectcidaIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1053Moz Kleen 36% WPGlyphosate 360 g/lHerbicidaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Registado1044Moz Lambda--C-Longacting 10% WPLambda-Cyhalothrin 100 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1067Moz Lambda-Cyhalothrin 5% EClambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1047Moz Metolachlor 96% ECMetolachlor 960 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1066Moz Metribuzin 48% SCMetribuzin 480 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1060Moz MSMA 72% SLMSMA 720 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1063Moz Paraquat 20% SLParaquat 200 g/lHerbicidaIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1219Moz Propanil 36% ECPropanil 360 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado1057Moz Tebuconazole 25% ECTebuconazole 250 g/lFungicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1065Moz Terbufos 15% GRTerbufos 150 g/kgInsecticidaIGRAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1055Moz Tornado 0,01% BBDifacoum 0,1 g/kgRodenticidaIIBBAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1264MSMQA-Cure 72% ECMSMA 720 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado1147Mycoguard 72% SCChlorothalonil 720 g/lFungicidaIIISCAgrifocus, lda2016.07.31Registado955Navigator 25% ECDifenaconazole 250 g/lFungicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado1124Ndzow 1,13% DPDeltametrina 1.3 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIDPAgrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Registado1124Ndzow 1,13% DPFenitroti?o 10 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIDPAgrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Registado1087Neltylxyl 72% WPMetalayl 80g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPContabill (Mo?.), Lda2017.06.30Registado1087Neltylxyl 72% WPMancozeb 640 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPContabill (Mo?.), Lda2017.06.30Registado387Nemacur 10% GRFenamifos 100 g/kgNematicidaIGRAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado483Nemacur 40% ECFenamifos 400 g/lNematicidaIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado951Neporex 2% WGCyromazine 20 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado1130Nimbus 80% WGEnxofre 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWGAgro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado861Nokalt Pulveriza??o 12,5% ECAmitraz 125 g/lCarracicidaIIIECTECAP, LDA2015.09.30Re-registado882Nordox 86% WG?xido Cuproso 860 g/kgFung./BactericidaIIIWGAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado1261NP 9-90% SLNonephenol 900 g/lMolhanteIIISLCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado984Nuvam 100% ECDiclorvos 1000 g/lInsecticidaIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado985Nuvam Profi 12,4% AEDiclorvos 124 g/lInsecticidaIIAEAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.31Re-registado984Nuvan 100% EC Dichlorvos 1000 g/lInsecticidaIECAgroquímicos, Lda2016.03.30Registado985Nuvan Profi 12,4% AEDichlorvos 124 g/lInsecticidaIIAEAgroquímicos, Lda2016.03.31Registado1193Oleofix 70% EO?leo de ver?o 700 g/lInsecticidaIIIEOAgro Global, lda2017.02.29Registado469Orizerba 36% ECPropanil 360 g/lHerbicidaIIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado485Ortiva 25% SCAzoxistrobin 250 g/lFungicidaIIISCPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado1185Oxadate 31% SLOxamil 310 g/lNematicidaISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Registado1267Oxycure 85% WPCopper Oxycloreto 850 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado978Padlock 25% SCQuinclorac 250 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.31Re-registado999Pali 25% WGDeltametrina 250 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.01.31Re-registado1081Pali 5% WPDeltamethrin 50 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2015.05.31Registadfo1207Pantera 4% ECQuizalofop-P-tefury40 g7lHerbicidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2017.02.29Registado401Paracide 7% ECAlphamethrin 70 g/lCarracicidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado1303Paracot 20% SLParaquat 200 g/lHerbicidaIISLChanral Mozambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado1262Para-Cure 20% SLParaquat 200 g/lHerbicidaIIISLCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado458Paraxone 20% SLParaquato 200 g/lHerbicidaIISLSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado540Patron 75% WPCyromazine 750 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWPPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2016.04.30Re-registado721Peaceful Sleep Mosquito Rpellent StickDiethyltoluamide 11,90 g/kgRepelenteIII?Amazon Marketing, Lda2017.06.30Re-registado720Peacegul Sleep Mosquito RepellentDiethyltoluamide 22.5 g/kgRepelenteIII?Amazon Marketing, Lda2017.06.30Re-registado1263Pendimentalina 50% ECPendimantalina 500 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado829Permise 20% SCImidacloprid 200 g/lInsecticidaIISCMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado581Phosgard 56% FTFosforeto de alumínio 560 g/kgInsecticidaIFTAgro Global, lda2015.11.30Re-registado1226Picloram 24% SLPicloram 240 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado192Pix 0,5% SLMepiquat Chloride 50 g/lReg. De crescimentoIIISLAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado743PL PlusPaecilomyces lilacinus strain 251, 2x10 esporos/litroNematicidaIII?Agrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Re-regiatado1133Policar MZ 80% WPMancozeb 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPAgro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado304Poliram Combi 80% WPMetiram 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado254Polo 50% SCDiafentiuron 500 g/lInsecticidaIISCPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2016.04.30Re-registado465Poney 75% SPAcefato 750 g/kgInsecticidaIIISPSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado814Pourcide NF 11.1% POAlphamethrin 5,6 g/l +CarracicidaIIPOAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Re-Registado814Pourcide NF 11.1% POCypermethrin 11,1 g/l +CarracicidaIIPOAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Re-Registado814Pourcide NF 11.1% POPiperonyl Butoxide 75 g/l +CarracicidaIIPOAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Re-Registado814Pourcide NF 11.1% POTetrachlorvinphos 20,4 g/l+CarracicidaIIPOAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Re-Registado1225Priclopyr 48% ECTriclopyr 480 g7lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1225Proclopyr 485 G/lTriclopyr 480 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1223Profenofos 50% ECProfenofos 500 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado1166Proper 10% ECPropaquizafop 100 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado702Protect 20%SLImidacloprid 200 g/lInsecticidaIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado1224Pyriproxyfen 10% ECPyriproxyfen 100 g7lInsecticidaIIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado1129Quickphos 57% FTAluminium Phosphide 570 g/kgInsecticidaIFTAgro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado939Racumin PasteCoumatetralyn 0,37 g/kgRodenticidaIIIPCMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado941Racumin Tracking PowderCoumatetralyn 7,5 g/kgRodenticidaIIDPMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado1077Rainbow 2,5% ODPenoxsulam 25 g/lHerbicidaIIIODAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2014.12.31Registado719Ratex PelltsDifethilote 0,25 G7kgRondenticidaI?Amazon Marketing, Lda2017.06.30Re-registado1167Ratikill 80% ABZin phosphide 800 g7kgRodenticidaIABCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado822Ratil 80% ABZinc Phosphide 800 g/kgFungicidaIABExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado1135Raudo 36% SLGlyphosate 360 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAgro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado1291Rebel 500 WGChlorimuron -Ethyl 500 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado383Regent 20% SCFipronil 200 g/lInsecticidaIISCAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado968Responsar Hot FogCyfluthrin 2,2 g/lInsecticidaIIULMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado924Revival 10% WPLambda-cyhalothrin 10 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Registado923Revival 2,5% ECLambda-Cyhalothrin 25 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Registado546Ridomil Gold 68% WPMancozebe 640 g/kg +FungicidaIIIECSyngenta, Agro Services2014.11.30Re-Registado546Ridomil Gold 68% WPMetalaxil 40 g/kg+FungicidaIIIECSyngenta, Agro Services2014.12.31Re-Registado844Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WGMancozeb 640 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWGPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado844Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WGMetalaxyl-M 40 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWGPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado463Rikki 20% SLMetomil 200 g/lInsecticidaISLSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado1212Ripen-IT 48% SLEthephon 480 g/lRegulador de crescimentoIIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.04.30Registado835Rodex Bait BlocksBrodifacoum 0,05 g/kgRodenticidaIIIRBMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado836Rodex Grain BaitBrodifacoum 0,05 g/kgRodenticidaIRBMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registao837Rodex Profissional Líquid ConcentrateBrodifacoum 2,5 g/kgRodenticidaICBMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado834Rodex Rat & Mouse PelletsBrodifacoum 0,05 g/kgRodenticidaIIIRBMoz Vector Control2016.03.02Re-registado98Ronstar 25% ECOxadiaz?o 250 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado891Rubi 5% WPAlphacypermetrin 50 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.01.31Re-Registado1296Samaritan 30% SCSulcotrione 300 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado507Sanial 6% ECAlfa-cipermetrina 60 g/lInsecticidaIIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado542Score 25% ECDifenoconazol 250 g/l+FungicidaIIIECPrime Mo?ambique, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado1106Scutum 0,3% GRFipronil 3 g/kgInsecticidaIIIGRAgrifocus, Lda2016.09.30Registado153Selecron 50% ECProfenofos 500 g/lInsecticidaIIECSyngenta, Agro Services2014.12.31Re-Registado543Servian 75% WGHalosulfur?o 750 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGSyngenta, Agro Services2014.12.31Re-Registado509Seter 48% ECAlocloro 480 g/lHerbicidaIIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado736Shumba Super 1,13% DPDeltametrina 1,3 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIWPSavon Trading, Lda2016.07.31Re-registado736Shumba Super 1,13% DPFenitroti?o 10 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIWPSavon Trading, Lda2016.07.31Re-registado1199Sniper 58.5% SLMetamidofos 585 g/lInsecticidaISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Registado988Sporekill 120 SLDidecildimetil Cloreto de Amónio 120 g/lFung./bact./DesinfetanteIIISLSolu??es Rurais, lda2017.02.29Re-registado619Sprint 900 ECAcetolachlor 900 g/lInsecticidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Re-registado1128Stam 35% SCPropanil 350 g7lHerbicidaIIISCAgro Global, lda2016.09.30Registado976Starmax 72% WPMetsulfuron-Methyl 120 g/kg+HerbicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.31Re-registado976Starmax 72% WPTribenuron-Methyl 600 g/kg+HerbicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.31Re-registado796Steward 30% WGIndoxacarb 300 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado983Stoprat 0,005% BBBrodifacoum 0,05 g/kgRodenticidaIIIBBAgrifocus, Lda2015.08.30Re-Registado585Stroby 50% WGKresoxim-Metilo 500 g/kgFungicidaIIIWGAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado1099Sunstar 72% WPMetalaxyl 80 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda2015.09.30Re-registado757Supa - Kill Granular And Mouse BaitBrodifacoum 0,05g/lRodenticidaIRBAgro Global, lda2015.11.30Re-registado758Supa -Kill Rat And Mouse BlocksBrodifacoum 0,05g/lRodenticidaIRBAgro Global, lda2015.11.30Re-Registado793Supa-Kill Líquid Rat and Mouse BaitBrodifacoum 0,75 g/klRodenticidaIRBAgro Global, lda2015.11.30Re-Registado824Super 10% ECCipermetrina 100 g/lFungicidaIIECExport Marketing CO, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado634Super Guard 505 ECPirimifos metilo 400 g/l +InsecticidaIIIECAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado629Super Guard Dust 2% DPPermetrina 4 g/kg +InsecticidaIIIDPAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado629Super Guard Dust 2% DPPirimifos metilo 16 g/kg+InsecticidaIIIDPAgrol?ndia, Lda2016.03.02Re-registado1210Supergato 00,005%Bromadiolona 0,005%RodenticidaIBBAmazon Marketing, Lda2017.06.30Registado811Supona 30% ECChlorfenvinphos 300 g/lCarracicidaIECSogrep, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado1161Sword 33% ECPendimentalina 330 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado800Tabard AerosolDiethyltoluamude 150 g/kgRepelenteIIIAEAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado805Tabard Citronella Candle?leo de CitronelaRepelenteIIIFKAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado799Tabard Lo??oDiethyltoluamude 195 g/kgRepelenteIIIPCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado798Tabard StickDiethyltoluamude 350 g/kgRepelenteIIIXXAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado850Tanga 5% WPDeltamethrin 50 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado1094Tankopa 75% WPOxicloreto de cobre 750 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda2016.07.31Registado1157Tebuconazole 20% ECTebuconazole 250 g7lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado953Tebucure 250 EWTebuconazole 250 g/lFungicidaIIIEWSolu??es Rurais, lda2017.02.29Re-registado370Tebusan 50% SCTebutiur?o 500 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado1037Temephos 50% ECTemephos 500 g/lInsecticidaIIIECFumilar, Lda2016.11.30Registado946Tempo FumigadorCyfluthrin 1 g/kg+InsecticidaIIAEMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado946Tempo FumigadorTransfluthrin 0,4 g/kg+InsecticidaIIAEMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado946Tempo FumigadorTriflumuron 2,5 g/kg+InsecticidaIIAEMoz Vector Control2015.11.30Re-registado584Thiara 25 WGThiamethoxan 250 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.10.30Registado852Thunder 14,5% O-TEQBeta-Ciflutrina 45 g/l+InsecticidaIIODAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado852Thunder 14,5% O-TEQImidaclopride 100 g/l+InsecticidaIIODAgrol?ndia, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado756Tick Grease 0,025 % GSCypermethrin 0,25 g/kgInsecticidaIIIGS Sogrep, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado847Tobralin 36% ECButralin 360 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.05.31Re-registado735Tocaia 80% WPBendiocarbe 800 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2015.09.30Re-registado1260Tolla 96% ECMatolaclor 960 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2017.06.30Registado1290Topper 12,5% ECFlumeralin 125 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2017.06.30Registado1231Tornado 400 SLMCPA 400 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado790Tracer 48% SCSpinosad 480 g/lInsecticidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado1026Tricel 48% ECChlorpirifos 480 g/lInsecticidaIIECTECAP, LDA2016.09.30Re-Registado1252Trichlor-Cure 48% ECTrichlopyr 480 g/lHerbicidaIIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.03.30Registado744Tricho PlusEsporos de trichodema harzianum, 2x10 esporos/litroFungicidaIII?Agrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Re-registado873Tricky 30% SCSulcotrione 300 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-registado640Triclon 48% ECTriclopyr 480 g/lHerbicidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado1192Triger 5% ECLambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgro Global, lda2017.02.29Registado1100Twiga Amine 72% EC2,4 amine 720 g/lHerbicidaIIIECTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda2015.09.30Registado1096Twiga Primetyl 50% ECPirimifos metyl 500 g/lInsecticidaIIIECTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda2015,10,30Registado1097Twigaphos 48% ECChlorpyriphos 480 g/lInsecticidaIIECTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda2015.08.30Registado1103Twigasate 48% SLGlifosate 480 g/lHerbicidaIIISLTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda2015.09.30Registado1095Twigathoate 40% ECDimethoate 400 g/lInsecticidaIIECTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda2015.11.30Registado1232Uniconazole 5% SCUniconazole 50 g/lRegulador de cerscimentoIIISCAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.06.30Registado883Vectron 20% WPEtofenpron 200 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWPProserv, Lda2016.04.30Re-registado1122Vega 25% WGThiamethoxam 250 g/kgInsecticidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.04.30Registado1108Vega 35% FSThiamethoxam 350 g/kgInsecticidaIIIFSAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.02Registado1092Vega Top 42% WSDifenoconazole 20 g/kg+Insect./FungicidaIIIWSAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Registado1092Vega Top 42% WSMetalaxyl 200 g/kg+Insect./FungicidaIIIWSAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Registado1092Vega Top 42% WSThiamethoxan 200 g/kg+Insect./FungicidaIIIWSAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Registado1221Ventum 80% WPMancozeb 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1115Vet Fume BFormaldehyde 370 g/lDesifectante/ Insect.I?Immuno-Vet Services Mo?ambique, Lda2015.12.31Registado1169Viper 10% ECCipermetrina 100 g7lInsecticidaIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1170Viper 20% ECCipermetrina 200 g7lInsecticidaIIECCurechem Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado715Volamiphos 40% ECFenamifos 400 g/lInsecticidaIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado705Volamitraz 12,5% ECAmitraz 125 g/lAcar./Carr.IIECAgrifocus, Lda2016,11,30Re-Registado570Volcano 2,4 D 72% SL2,4-D dimethylamine 720 g/lHerbicidaIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado607Volcano 90 SLNonyphenol 900 g/lMolhanteIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado677Volcano Acepphate 75% SPAcephate 750 g/kgInsecticidaIIISPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado606Volcano Acetochlor 90% ECAcetochloro 900 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado666Volcano alachlor 48% ECAlacloro 480 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado644Volcano Aldicarb 15% GRAldicarb 150 g/kgInsecticidaIGRAgrifocus, Lda2016.10.30Re.registado664Volcano Aluminium Phosphide 57% FTFosforeto de Aluminio 570 g7kgInsecticidaIFTAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado528Volcano Ametryn 500 SCAmetrina 500 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-Registado864Volcano Ametryn 75% WGAmetryn 750 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.09.30Re-Registado531Volcano Atrazina 500 SCAtrazina 500 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-Registado687Volcano Bromacil 50% SCBromacil 500 g/lHerbicidaIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-registado788Volcano Bundu 50% SCBromacil 250g/l+HerbicidaIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-Registado788Volcano Bundu 50% SCTebuthiuron 250 g/l+HerbicidaIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.30Re-Registado678Volcano Caldera 75% WPChlorimuron 107g/kg +HerbicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado678Volcano Caldera 75% WPMetribuzin 643g/g+HerbicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado684Volcano Chlorothalonil 50% SL Chlorothanil 500 g/lFungicidaIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-Registado533Volcano Chlorpyrifos 480 ECClorpirifos 480 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-registado636Volcano Copper Oxychloride Oxicloreto de cobre 850 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado663Volcano Crater MX 70% WPMancozeb 100 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado663Volcano Crater MX 70% WPMetalaxyl 600 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado875Volcano Crater MX 72% WPMancozeb 640 g/kg +FungicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Registado875Volcano Crater MX 72% WPMetalaxyl 720 g/kg+FungicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Registado763Volcano Crusader 50% ECChlorpyrifos 480 g/l +InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.22Re-registado763Volcano Crusader 50% ECChlorpyrifos-Methyl 20 g/l+InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.22Re-registado598Volcano Cypermethrin 20% ECCipermetrina 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado694Volcano Cyromazine 75% WPCyromazine 750 g/kgInsecticidaIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado772Volcano Demeter 50% WPBenomyl 500 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re.registado617Volcano Dimetoato 40% ECDimetoato 400 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado532Volcano Diur?o 800 SCDiur?o 800 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-Registado849Volcano Diuron 80% WGDiuron 800 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado605Volcano Endosulf?o 35% ECEndosulf?o 350 g/lInsecticidaIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.07.30Re-registado680Volcano Ethephon 48% SLEthephon 480 g/lRe.de Cres.IIISL Agrifocus, Lda2016.07.31Re-Registado604Volcano Glyphosate 360 SCglifosato 360 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado698Volcano Glyphosate 50% WGGlyphosate 500 g/kgHerbicidaIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado529Volcano Hexazin?o 240 SLHexazin?o 240 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2015.05.31Re-Registado856Volcano Hexazinone 75% WGHexazinone 750 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado925Volcano Limpopo 20% GGTebuthiuron 200 g/kgHerbicidaIIIGGAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado534Volcano mancozeb 800 WPMancozeb 800 g/kgFungicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado597Volcano MCPA 40% SLMCPA 400 g/lHerbicidaIIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado848Volcano MCPA 70% WGMCPA 700 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.04.30Re-Registado652Volcano Metolachloro 960 ECMetolachloro 960 g/l HerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado853Volcano Metribuzin 70% WGMetribuzin 700 g/kgHerbicidaIIIWGAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado527Volcano Metribuzina 48% SC Metribuzina 480 g/lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado526Volcano MSMA 72% SLMSMA 720 g/lHerbicidaIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado600Volcano Pendimentalina 50% ECPendimentalina 500 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado927Volcano Profenofos 50% ECProfenofos 500 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.03.30Re-Registado651Volcano Propanil 36% ECPropanil 360 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-Registado608Volcano Richter 5% SCHexaconazol 50 g/lFungicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado530Volcano Thebuthiuron 50% SCThebuthiuron 500 g/LHerbicidaIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado678Volcsno caldera 755 WPMetribuzin 643 g/kg+HerbicidaIIIWPAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado705Volimitraz 12.5% ECAmitraz 125 g/lInsect./AcaricidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado995Volley 15% ECFluazifop-butyl 150 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.03.31Re-Registado639Volmet 58,5% SLMetamidofos 585 g/lInsecticidaISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado801Volmetra 50% SCAmetrina 250 g/l+HerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado801Volmetra 50% SCAtrazina 259 g7lHerbicidaIIISCAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado887Volomyl 20% SLMethomyl 200 g/lInsecticidaISLAgrifocus, lda2016.03.31Re-registado977Voloxynil 22,5% ECBromoxynil Actonoate 225 g/lHerbicidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.11.30Re-Registado1182Voloxypyr 20% ECFluroxypyr 200 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Registado764Volquato 20% SLParaquato 200 g/lHerbicidaIISLAgrifocus, Lda2016.10.30Re-Registado717Volteb 25% EWTebuconazole 250 g/kgFungicidaIIIEWAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-registado704Voltraid 25% ECTriadimenol 250 g/lFungicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado802Voltrif 48% ECTriflumuron 480 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.08.30Re-registado1105Volxyl 24% ECOxyfluorfen 240 g/lHerbicidaIIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.09.30Registado810Vydate 31% SLOxamyl 310 g/lInsecticida/NematicidaISLAgrifocus, Lda2017.02.29Registado1234Warrior 485 ECClomazine 480 g/lHerbicidaIIECAfrigrow Mo?ambique, Lda2017.02.29Registado1102Xanthom 55 ECHexaconazole 50 g/lFungicidaIIIECTwiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. Lda2015.08.30Registado818Zakanaka K 6% ECLambda-Cyhalothrin 60 g/lInsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado726Zakanaka PRO 64,8% ECLambda-Cialothrin 48 g/l +InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.08.30Re-Registado726Zakanaka PRO 64,8% ECProfenofos 600 g/l+InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2015.08.30Re-registado820Zakanaka Top 10% ECAcetamiprid 40 g/l+InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado820Zakanaka Top 10% ECLambda-Cyhalothrin 60 g/l+InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2016.11.30Re-Registado819Zakanaka Topro 68.8% EC Acetamiprid 600 g/l+InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Re-Registado819Zakanaka Topro 68.8% EC Lambda cyhalothrin 48 g/l+InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Re-Registado819Zakanaka Topro 68.8% EC Profenofos 40 g/l+InsecticidaIIECAgrifocus, Lda2014.12.31Re-Registado452Zipper 20% ECCipermetrina 200 g/lInsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado478Zipper Super 28% ECCipermetrina 30 g/l +InsecticidaIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado478Zipper Super 28% ECMonocrotofos 250 g/l+InsecticidaIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado479Zipper Top 43% ECCipermetrina 30 g/l +InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado479Zipper Top 43% ECDimetoato 400 g/l+InsecticidaIIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-Registado449Zipper-Dip 15% ECCipermetrina 150 g/lCarr./Mosq.IIECSapec S.A.2015.03.30Re-RegistadoAnnex SEQ Annex \* ARABIC 2: WHO Pesticide Classification List Table 1. Extremely hazardous (Class l a): Active Ingredients of Pesticides(Common name): Aldicarb Difethialone Parathion-methylBrodifacoum Diphacinone Phenylmercury acetateBromadiolone Disulfoton PhorateBromethalin Ethoprophos PhosphamidonCalcium cyanide Flocoumafen Sodium fluoroacetateCaptafolFonofos SulfotepChlorethoxyfos Hexachlorobenzene TebupirimfosChlormephos Mercuric chloride TerbufosChlorophacinone Mevinphos Difenacoum ParathionHighly hazardous (Class l b) technical grade active ingredients of pesticides (common name) Acrolein Ethiofencarb OmethoateAllyl alcohol Famphur OxamylAzinphos-ethyl Fenamiphos Oxydemeton-methylAzinphos-methyl Flucythrinate Paris green {C}Blasticidin-S Fluoroacetamide PentachlorophenolButocarboxim Formetanate PindoneButoxycarboxim Furathiocarb Pirimiphos-ethylCadusafos Heptenophos PropaphosCalcium arsenate Isazofos PropetamphosCarbofuran Isofenphos Sodium arseniteChlorfenvinphos Isoxathion Sodium cyanide3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol Lead arsenate StrychnineCoumaphos Mecarbam TefluthrinCoumatetralyl Mercuric oxide Thallium sulfateZeta-cypermethrin Methamidophos ThiofanoxDemeton-S-methyl Methidathion ThiometonDichlorvos Methiocarb TriazophosDicrotophos Methomyl VamidothionDinoterb Monocrotophos WarfarinEdinofenphos Nicotine Zinc phosphideTable 3. Moderately hazardous (Class II) Technical Grade Active Ingredients of Pesticides (Common name)Alanycarb Endosulfan ParaquatAnilofos Endothal-sodium PebulateAzaconazole Esfenvalerate PermethrinAzocyclotin Ethion PhenthoateBendiocarb Etrimfos PhosaloneBensulide Fenitrothion PhoximBifenthrin Fenobucarb PiperophosBilanafos Fenpropidin PirimicarbBioallethrin Fenpropathrin PrallethrinBromoxynil Fenthion ProfenofosBrobuconazole Fentin acetate PropiconazoleBronopol Ferntin hydroxide PropoxurButamifos Fenvalerate ProsulfocarbButylamine Fipronil ProthiofosCarbaryl Fluxofenim PyraclofosCarbosulfan Formothion PyrazophosCartap Fuberidazole PyrethrinsChloralose Gamma-HCH PyroquilonChlordane Guazatine QuinalphosChlorfenapyr Haloxyfop Quizalofop-p-tefurylChlorphonium chloride Heptachlor RotenoneChlorpyrifos Imazalil Sodium fluorideClomazone Imidacloprid Sodium HexafluorosilicateCopper sulfate Iminoctadine SpiroxamineCuprous oxide loxynil SuiprofosCyanazine loxynil octanoate TerbumetonCyanophos Isoprocarb TetraconazoleCyfluthrin Lambda-cynalothrin ThiaclopridBeta-cyfluthrinMercurous chloride ThiobencarbCynalothrin Metaldehyde ThiocyclamCypermethrin Metam-sodium ThiodicarbAlpha-cypermethrin Methacrifos TriazamateCyphenothrin Methasulfocarb TrichlorfonDeltamethrin Methyl isothiocyanate TricyclazoleDiazinon Metolcarb TridemorphDifenzoquat Metribuzin VernolateDimethoate Molinate XylylcarbDinobuton NabamDiquat NaledAcephateChlormequat (chloride) DichlorbenzeneAcetochlor Chloracetic acid DichlorophenAcifluorfen Chlorthiamid DichlorpropAlachlor Copper hydrixide DiclofopAllethrin Copper oxychloride DienochlorAmetryn Cucloate DiethyltoluamideAmitraz Cyhexatin DifenoconazoleAzamethiphos Cymoxanil DimepiperateBensultap Cyproconazole DimethachlorBentazone Dazomet DimethamethrynBromofenoxim Desmethryn DimethipinButroxydimDicamba Dimethylarsinic acidChinomethionat Dichlormid DiniconazoleTable 4: Technical Grade Active Ingredients of Pesticides Unlikely to Present Acute Hazard in Normal Use (Common name): Acephate Mecoprop BentazoneAcetochlor Mecoprop-P BromofenoximAcifluorfen Mefluidide ButroxydimAlachlor Mepiquat ChinomethionatAllethrin Metalaxyl Chlormequat (chloride)Dinocap Metamitron Chloracetic acidDiphenamid Metconazole ChlorthiamidDithianon Methylarsonic acid Copper hydrixideDodine Metolachlor Copper oxychlorideEmpenthrin Myclobutanil NuarimoleEsrocarb 2-Napthyloxyacetic acid OcthilinoneEtridiazole Nitrapyrin N-octylbicyclohepteneFenothiocarb Ametryn DicarboximideFerimzone Amitraz OxadixylFluazifop-p-butyl Azamethiphos PaclobutrazolFluchloralin Bensultap PendimethalinFlufenacet Mecoprop PimaricinFluoroglycofen Mecoprop-P Pirimiphos-methylFlurprimidol Mefluidide ProchlorazFlusilazole Mepiquat PropachlorFlutriafol Metalaxyl PropanilFomesafen MetamitronPropargiteFuralaxyl Metconazole PyrazoxyfenGlufosinate Methylarsonic acidPyridabenHexazinone Metolachlor PyridaphenthionHydramethylnon Myclobutanil PyridateIprobenfos 2-Napthyloxyacetic acid PyrifenoxIsoprothiolane Nitrapyrin QuinoclamineIsoproturon Ametryn QuizalofopIsouron Amitraz ResmethrinMalathion Azamethiphos SethoxydimMCPA-thioethyl Bensultap SimetrynAnnex SEQ Annex \* ARABIC 3: List of People Consulted (Detailed consultation is included in the ESMF)NrNameInstitutionPosition1Juma TaratiboDistrict Administration/RibaueAdministrator2Armindo GoveDistrict Administration/RapaleAdministrator3Hilario AnapakalaDistrict Administration/MecuburiAdministrator4Constantino antonioRibaue MunicipalityMayor5Fernando ManuelSDAE MutararaDirector6Rogerio AjulaiSDPI MutararaDirector7Elizabeth LundoDistrict Administration/Morrumbala Secretary Permanent8Felicidade MuiochaProvincial Government/NampulaGovernor's Office Nampula/?UCODIN9Roberto Mito AlbinoAgencia do ZambezeDirector10Odete Sime?oCFMProject Manager11Paulo CoveleCFMGIS Technician12Moniz CandidoSDPI MorrumbalaAdministrator13Isabel SendaMICOA/DNAPOTDirector14Nico Branquinho GuerraSDEJT/MorrumbalaPlanning Technician15Tome ManuelSDMAS/MorrumbalaDirector16Branquinho Ferro NhombeGAZEDADelegate in Nacala17Fidelis UsseneFIPAG Nacala PortoFinancial Manager/Acting Delegate in Nacala18Adriando bataFIPAG Nacala PortoWater Supply Technical Officer19Florêncio AlvesProvincial Directorate of Agriculture in TeteAgricultural Hydraulics Officer20Leonardo ProtássioProvincial Directorate of Agriculture in TeteAgrarian Technician/Agricultural Services Department in Tete 21Gerson Pedro DaúdeDistrict Services of Economic Activities AngoniaAgronomist Director of SDAE22Antonio DiqueDistrict Services of Economic Activities MacangaAgronomist Director of SDAE23Jernonimo C. AlaneDistrict Services of Economic Activities TsanganoAgronomist Director of SDAE24Hermenegildo PacaleProvincial Directorate for the Coordinationn of Environmental AffairsHead of Environmental Management Department/Acting DPCA DirectorAnnex SEQ Annex \* ARABIC 4: Terms of Reference for the Formulation of the ESMF, PMP and RPF4971415-914400Final-CS00Final-CSMINIST?RIO DA PLANIFICACAO E DA DISENVOLVIMENTO DIREC??O NACIONAL DE SERVI?OS DE PLANEAMENTOMozambique Integrated Growth Poles Project (PROJECT -- P127303)Terms of Reference for Consulting Services Assignment titlePreparation of Safeguards instruments for PROJECT: Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF including PMP) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) Contract duration(90 days)50 days for ESMF & PMP and overall lead40 days for RPF Primary assignment locationProvinces of Tete and Nampula, and along the Growth Corridor (Tete to Nampula/Nacala )Maputo, October, 2012Context and Objectives of the AssignmentThe proposed Integrated Growth Poles Project (PROJECT) is a US$100 million investment lending operation financed by the World Bank under the World Bank Country Partnership Strategy (CPS, 2012-2015). It will support the government’s strategy for inclusive and broad-based growth. The Project is expected to contribute towards supporting two of the three main pillars of the Governments Plano de Ac??o de Redu??o da Pobreza (PARP, 2011-14) (i) increasing agricultural production/productivity; (ii) employment through targeted interventions to strengthen the dynamism of the private sector to drive economic growth and accelerate job creation. The proposed project components with preliminary allocation estimates are: (1) Strengthening the Enabling Environment (US$10 m), (2) Priority Infrastructure Program (US$50 m), (3) Innovation and Demonstration Catalytic Grant Facility (US$35m); and (4) Project Implementation and Impact Evaluation (US $5 m). The development objective of PROJECT is to improve the performance of enterprises and smallholder farms in the provinces of Tete and Nampula. The project preparation is under the overall responsibility of MPD.World Bank safeguard policies guidelines require that MPD effectively assesses and mitigates the potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed project activities. At concept note stage, it was agreed that PROJECT’s environment and social category/rating would be A, later confirmed by MICOA. Furthermore, the project has triggered the following six (06) safeguards policies, namely OP/BP4.01 (Environmental Assessment), OP4.09 (Pest Management), OP/BP4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement), OP/BP4.04 (Natural Habitats), OP/BP 4.11 (Physical Cultural Resources) and OP/BP 7.50 (Projects in International Waterways). As a result of the above, MPD is required to prepare two major standalone safeguards instruments: an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) including a Pest Management Plan (PMP) and a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) in addition to a Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) and a Comprehensive Social Impacts Assessment (CSIA).The World Bank will support the Government of Mozambique in the preparation of the two major safeguard instruments. The primary objective of this assignment is to prepare, under two separate documents, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) that includes a Pest Management Plan (PMP) and a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF). The ESMF-PMP will be prepared with the aim to effectively assess and mitigate the potential environmental and social impacts of future sub-project activities under PROJECT, including issues related to natural habitats (OP/BP 4.04) and physical cultural resources (OP/BP 4.11). The RPF will be prepared with the aim to present the basic principles and procedures to be followed when a sub-project activity is identified as having potential impacts on land rights, assets or access to assets and which will entail ceding of land and/or potential assets by affected persons or entities in return for replacements and/or other forms of restoration. Preparing these two required standalone safeguard instruments allows both the Government and the World Bank to agree on principles and processes, so that these need not be discussed for every sub-project. It also allows project stakeholders and beneficiaries to undertake specific sub-projects without having to re-negotiate fundamental agreements on a case-by-case basis.Scope of the Assignment Based on the objective of the assignment described above, the Consultants will be required to work in Maputo as well as to travel extensively to the project implementation area, namely Tete and Nampula. The Consultants will liaise with the overall PROJECT preparation team (Maputo, Tete and Nampula), technical staff from MPD, MICOA, MINAGRI/DNSA, MMAS, MIREM and other relevant strategic stakeholders at both the central and provincial levels. The Consultants will also liaise with the relevant World Bank staff and staff from other donors engaged in environment and social activities in the PROJECT area known as the Tete-Nacala Growth Corridor via Ilha de Mozambique. In fact, new interventions to be developed under the Growth Poles Project include assessment of potential tourism activities are currently being conducted in Ilha de Mocambique in Nampula. Hence, the proposed intervention for the Macuti side would promote the establishment of socially responsible and environmentally sound community based tourism activities for sustainable economic development of marginalized communities in Ilha de Mozambique. Moreover, the project will further be looking at the possibility of supporting the sustainable development of Tourism sector in the mainland of Ilha de Mozambique through financing access roads to Lumbo and Sancul (as foreseen on the Master Plan prepared under the Arco Norte project).With a special emphasis on field work, the Consultants will interact with local actors such as NGO, SDAE extension workers and technical staff, potential beneficiary groups, and others. The desk review will include among other: environmental and social policies, strategies and approaches prevailing in the country; environmental and social analyses recently carried out under other relevant projects co-financed or not by the World Bank; PROJECT sub-project screening, approval, implementation and monitoring process (if available); review of on-going Sustainable Development (SDN) projects co-financed by the World Bank; provisions in the national laws for public consultations and participation requirements on social and environmental aspects and potential risks.The ESMF (including a PMP) and RPF reports are each expected to include information on the following:Executive Summary: A non-technical executive summary in both Portuguese and EnglishProject Description: Provide a brief description of the project, with emphasis on components with activities which will trigger environmental and social impactsImpacts: Identify, assess and – to the extent possible – quantify the potential environmental and social impacts and risks in the intervention zone of PROJECT subprojectsPublic/Stakeholders Consultation and Participation: Bearing in mind that this is a social and environmental category A project, propose steps and timeline to ensure that World Bank requirements on public consultation and participation are being met in full. Present the outcomes of a participatory and inclusive public consultation conducted by the Consultants with various categories of beneficiary stakeholders in the selected provinces. Outline the community’s perception of/and reaction to the project and suggest ways of retrofitting their main views and concerns in the project design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. Include minutes of all consultation meetings for each report, highlighting i.e. gender and vulnerable groups distribution), and describing how communities have been identified. Public Consultation and Participation Plan (PCPP): Develop a participatory and inclusive public consultation plan that could be easily followed up at the local level for the environmental and social screening process for IGP subprojects, as well as during the planning stages of IGP sub-project activities. As a category A project, at least two participatory public consultations with various stakeholders that include women, youth and most vulnerable groups of the project targeted communities in each province would have to be undertaken during the preparation of these safeguards instruments; one during the first phase of the preparation (between week 2 and 5) and the second one prior to the approval and public disclosure of the final reports. Legal Framework: Review of the national laws (incl. traditional and customary practices) governing the environment and natural resources (for ESMF) and governing the appropriation of land (or other assets) (for RPF). Identify potential discrepancies between national laws (such as the Decree No. 45/2004 of September 29, 2004, and Decree No. 31/2012 of August 8, 2012) and World Bank policies (mainly OP/BP4.01, OP 4.09, OP/BP 4.04, OP/BP 4.11 and OP/BP4.12) and establish mechanisms for a converging implementation.Implementing Agency: Identify/propose individuals/organization/agency responsible for jointly implementing the ESMF and the RPF. Assess the government’s and implementing agency’s technical and administrative capacities to manage the project’s potential environmental and social issues, and propose – as appropriate – viable mitigation measures to reinforce their technical and practical capacities in this regard, taking into consideration the relevant environmental and social policies, legal, regulatory and administrative frameworks in place.Safeguards Policies: Review the World Bank environment and social safeguards policies including those not yet triggered by the project and make recommendations regarding their applicability to PROJECT. Recommendations pertaining to the treatment of applicable safeguards policies in the context of IGP sub-projects should also be formulated.Public Disclosures: Bearing in mind that this is a social and environmental category A project, propose steps and timeline to ensure that public disclosures of key findings are adequately implemented, and in synch with the overall project preparation calendar.In addition to the above, the ESMF-PMP should specifically cover the following:Develop an environmental and social screening form (ESSF) to assist in determining potential impacts of the sub-projects proposed for PROJECT funding.Establish a process for assigning environmental and social categories to PROJECT sub-projects.Develop an environmental and social checklist combined with relevant mitigation measures to be applied to the various PROJECT sub-projects that do not require a separate environmental and social impacts assessment (ESIA).Establish a process for environmental and social impacts analysis (ESIA) for PROJECT sub-projects requiring a separate ESIA (i.e. preparation of terms of reference, selection of consultants to carry out site specific ESIAs, public consultations and participation).Establish a Land use screening mechanism for site specific RAPs to determine whether or not a full/abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) will need to be prepared based on guidance and standards set forth in the RPF.Propose institutional arrangements for the review and clearance of screening results and site specific ESIAs and/or RAPs reports, as well as for the implementation of mitigation measures, and the related participatory monitoring and evaluation.In the context of IGP subprojects, assess the potential environmental and social impacts of pesticides usages during the agriculture campaign, and – wherever appropriate- of solid wastes during small dams and canals construction or rehabilitation activities for irrigated agro-business operations; make appropriate, implementable and manageable recommendations on how to sustainably mitigate them in a participatory manner.Where appropriate, propose measures to deal with liquid (used oil and chemical pesticides) and solid waste during operation and/or maintenance of IGP subprojects activities, particularly with regard to agribusiness related irrigation water supply, rural sanitation and health care facilities (where adequate). General cumulative environmental and social issues, directly or indirectly related to other sectors (water and sanitation, energy, transport, etc.), are expected to be further dealt with in the proposed Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) as well as the Comprehensive Social Impacts Assessment (CSIA) studies to be launched around the same time as the ESMF and RPF.The ESMF should, in addition to the PMP, also include a comprehensive Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for PROJECT. This plan should include – as appropriate – institutional arrangements, time horizons and cost estimates for the implementation of mitigation measures and the monitoring of their implementation, ESIA training provisions, and participatory and inclusive public consultations. The ESMP-PMP as well as the RAP, SESA and CSIA will later be merged with the Project Operation’s Manual.Building upon the ESMF, the RPF should specifically cover the following:Screening and Preparing the Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs): Describe the process for determining if a site specific RAP is needed as well as the process for preparing and approving the various site specific RAPs. Describe the process by which individual RAPs for the proposed IGP subprojects activities will be submitted to project authorities, reviewed, and approved. Describe how entitlements to compensation will be delivered. Clearly state who will be responsible for ensuring the resettlement process is carried out as required by World Bank policy guidelines;RAP Implementation: Describe implementation process and mechanismsImpact Magnitude: Estimate the magnitude of tangible impacts, population impacted, estimated period for temporary restriction to access to certain assets or income generating areas, estimated budget for replacing impacted assets, and potential challenges to project staff in implementing project activitiesCompensation Eligibility and Valuation: Establish eligibility criteria; describe Government’s methods of valuing impacted assets; explain the methods used for inventorying assets, assigning values for each type of asset, and process for finalizing agreements with project affected persons (PAP).Grievance Redress Mechanisms: Describe the mechanisms available to PAP for complaints about project impacts. Show accessibility of grievance redress mechanism (i.e. language, distance and cost) and what recourse/ appeal from local grievance may be available to PAP. Assess transparency and adequacy of grievance redress mechanism and ensure that “victims” have access to third-party appeals (freely) to ensure no conflict of interest with project activities.Funding: Describe viable arrangements for funding resettlement compensation and replacement of impacted assets. Include estimate of overall costs of resettlement including technical training and other accompanying social measures to ensure that PAPs are “better-off” afterwards.Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation: Provide an appropriate and transparent mechanism for effective participatory monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of resettlement operations. Describe how IGP subprojects implementation will be effectively monitored and evaluated, and at what frequency. Propose mechanisms ensuring that participatory M&E results are successfully fed back into project implementation.Template for a Resettlement Action Plan: Provide a generic description of the contents of individual RAPs for IGP subprojects activities. The template should include: nature of the subproject, magnitude of impacts, baseline census of people impacted including assets impacted, socio-economic information of impacted persons, entitlements of affected people, description of resettlement sites, programs for improving, or at least restoring, livelihoods and standards of living, subproject resettlement budget, grievance redress mechanisms and implementation schedule. As stated above, like the ESMF-PMP, the RAP template will also be incorporated into the Project Operations Manual.Expected Outputs & Deliverables?All outputs and reports are expected to be compiled in one final report for the ESMF (that includes a PMP) and one final report for the RPF. Both reports are required to be delivered by the Consultants to MPD in hard copy (3 sets of each report) as well as in electronic form on CD-ROM (3 discs, each including ESMF/PMP and RPF) no later than 90 (ninety) calendar days after the signing of the contract. All intermediary outputs and final reports should be in English with an executive summary (including main conclusions and where applicable, recommendations) for each report in both English and Portuguese language. The table herebelow provides an overview of the expected outputs for each phase, the primary work location and estimated time required for their completion. The Consultants are also expected to be invited by the IGP project team to present the main findings of the assignment. Hence, the Consultants will be required to produce a PowerPoint presentation in both Portuguese and English summarizing the main findings of the ESMF-PMP and the RPF.PhaseExpected OutputsPrimary work locationIndicative time for completionPhase 1?: Review of the relevant documentationListing of the documentation reviewedPotential lessons learned for next phases Off-site, Maputo3 daysPhase 2?: Rapid field assessment, appraisal, first consultations with stakeholders (incl. affected communities)+ Field assessment & preparation of draft final reportsIssues notes and minutes of meetings with various stakeholders including consultations with at least 2-3 communities per province. See also various outputs of ESMF-PMP and RPF under paragraph B Scope of the AssignmentOn-site, Tete and Nampula via Ilha de Mocambique and Nacala22 daysPhase 3?: Further field assessment and submission for review of draft final reportsDraft Reports that among others: (i) include the outputs of Phase 1&2, (ii) provides a summary account and details of outcomes of the activities carried out under Phase 2, (iii) provides detailed description of the way forward to implement the next phases, (iv) proposes a chronogram for the remaining activities, (v) proposes an outline for the ESMF-PMP & RPF reports + Review of draft reports.On-site, Tete and Nampula (including Ilha de Mocambique and Nacala)30 daysPhase 4: Incorporate first feedback from MPD & WB, draft final report writing, Deliverable: Submission of draft final ESMF-PMP and RPF reports, CDROMs, revised PowerPoint presentation + Approval and public disclosureMaputo15 daysPhase 5: Field assessment + Second phase of public consultation (2-3/Province)Public Disclosure at Provincial and District levels + Further discussions with locals.Off-site, Tete, Nampula or Maputo5 daysPhase 6: Evaluating the findings and completing the draft ESMF-PMP and RPF, presentation of final main results.Deliverable: PowerPoint presentation, Final ESMF-PMP and RPF based on the agreed draft and including all components of ESMF-PMP and RPF under paragraph B Scope of the AssignmentMaputo10 daysPhase 7: Incorporating final feedback from MPD and WB & submission of Final Reports. Public disclosure of all Safeguards instruments both in-country and at the InfoShop prior to appraisal. Maputo5 daysGRAND TOTAL 90 DaysPAYMENT SCHEDULE?: Payments will be made as follows?: 40% at the launch of the consultancy?; 30% upon delivery of the Draft Reports, and the remaining 30% upon delivery of the Final Reports.Consultant qualifications, expertise required and specific taskFor this assignment, MPD is seeking to recruit one Individual Consultant with the profile here-below: Social/Environment/Natural Resources/Agriculture or Rural Water Engineering Specialist (Task Team Leader): with at least 8 years of relevant experience in sub-Saharan Africa, with an emphasis on environmental and social impacts assessments in agribusiness/ private sector development and/or rural water management, and preferably experienced with similar assignments. A good knowledge of the Mozambican agriculture sector, rural development and/or environmental issues and policies prevailing in Mozambique is highly desirable. A University degree (preferably PhD) in one of the relevant disciplines is required. Ability to communicate and write in English or Portuguese, with a basic understanding of the other language is required. Understanding/speaking a local language would be a plus.The consultant is responsible for the coordination and delivery of both the RPF and the ESMF that includes a PMP, as well as preparation of PowerPoint presentation, and related activities. In that regards, s/he is responsible for not only ensuring that the RPF links back to the ESMF-PMP, so to avoid disconnect between the 2 documents, but for the quality review of the safeguards documents prior to its submission to MPD/MICOA and the World Bank.Overall, the consultant shall have at least 6 years of relevant experience in sub-Saharan Africa, including on community-driven or local development, with an emphasis on social impacts assessments in agriculture and/or rural water management, and preferably experienced with similar assignments. A good knowledge of the Mozambican rural sector and social development issues and policies prevailing in Mozambique is highly desirable. The total number of paid days for the Team Leader for this assignment is not expected to exceed ninety (90) days. Reporting and supervision arrangementsFor all aspects of this assignment, the Consultants will be reporting to the IGP Project Coordinator at MPD I in Maputo. The Consultants are also expected to consult regularly with the two IGP Field Coordinators/provincial Unit Coordination, at the MPD Tete and Nampula.Responsibilities of the contracting partyThe Project team at MPD will be responsible for the following:Compilation of all relevant literature and all relevant documentation from similar projects (including water resources management project with MOPH, and rural/local development projects with MPD)Identification of 2 social/environment Technicians, one from Tete MPD/DPCA, one from Nampula MPD/DPCA, to be the focal points at provincial level for social and environment aspects related to the Project and, if required, to accompany the Consultant team to facilitate the liaison with district level authorities and communities. ................

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