Interview Training Guide - Corporate Finance Institute

The Corporate Finance Institute

Interview Training Guide

Interview Training Guide


The Corporate Finance Institute

Interview Training Guide

Interview Training Guide

(How to Break into and Succeed in Industry)

A Publication of The Corporate Finance Institute


The Corporate Finance Institute

Interview Training Guide

About Corporate Finance Institute?

CFI is a world-leading provider of online financial analyst training programs. CFI¡¯s courses, programs,

and certifications have been delivered to tens of thousands of individuals around the world to help

them become world-class financial analysts.

The analyst certification program begins where business school ends to teach you job-based skills for

corporate finance, investment banking, corporate development, treasury, financial planning and analysis

(FP&A), and accounting.

CFI courses have been designed to make the complex simple by distilling large amounts of information

into an easy to follow format. Our training will give you the practical skills, templates, and tools

necessary to advance your career and stand out from the competition.

Our financial analyst training program is suitable for students of various professional backgrounds and

is designed to teach you everything from the bottom up. By moving through the three levels of mastery,

you can expect to be performing industry-leading corporate finance analysis upon successful

completion of the courses.

About CFI¡¯s Interview Training Guide

The following eBook¡¯s purpose is to outline key strategies and talking points to succeed in a career in

financial services. The multi-part guide will provide you with tips to succeed in interviews for positions in

accounting, commercial banking, credit analysis, equity research, finance, FP&A, and investment

banking. Produced after hours of research and planning by current and former professionals in

financial services, you will become familiar with applicable knowledge that will allow you to stand out in

today¡¯s job market.


The Corporate Finance Institute

Interview Training Guide

Copyright ? 2018 CFI Education Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form whatsoever, including

photocopying, without prior written permission of the publisher.

This book is intended to provide accurate information with regard to the subject matter covered at the

time of publication. However, the author and publisher accept no legal responsibility for errors or

omissions in the subject matter contained in this book, or the consequences thereof.

Corporate Finance Institute



At various points in the manual a number of financial analysis issues are examined. The financial

analysis implications for these issues, although relatively standard in treatment, remain an opinion of

the authors of this manual. No responsibility is assumed for any action taken or inaction as a result of

the financial analysis included in the manual.


The Corporate Finance Institute

Interview Training Guide

Table of contents


Part One - General Interview Prep


Interview Tips ¨C How to Interview Well


General Interview Questions


Behavioural Interview Questions


¡°Walk me through your resume¡±


¡°What is Your Biggest Weakness?¡±


Questions to ask the interviewer


Part Two ¨C Industry Specific Guides


Accounting Interview Questions


General Finance Interview Questions


Commercial Banking Interview Questions


Credit Analyst Interview Questions


Financial Planning & Analysis Interview Questions


Equity Research Interview Questions


Investment Banking Interview Questions


¡°Walk me through a DCF¡±


¡°Why Investment Banking?¡±



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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