Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial …

 PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT (PWS) Army Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness ContractBlanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Operations) 08 April 2020*Note that this sample has been revised from the source document on the Government Point of Entry as necessary to align formatting and applicable FAR procedures.* 1. BACKGROUND 1.1. Over the past several years the Department of the Army has established robust Accountability, Risk Management, and Financial Reporting programs that encompasses all Army Major Commands and crosses numerous functional components including service provider interface and coordination. The goal of these programs are (1) to improve the accuracy, reliability and timeliness of Army financial data and information, (2) establish effective financial internal control environment, processes and procedures, (3) sustain those internal control reliability and (4) provide a reliable financial environment capable of successfully supporting independent attestation and audit engagements of the Army financial statements. 1.2. The current program has matured from a “Discovery” phase to an audit response/sustainment-centric program. The financial environment and related key internal controls are thoroughly tested for effectiveness, reliability and to determine the sustainable design of the internal controls to achieve their intended assurances. These efforts require a substantial investment in time and resources to assist the Army, its Commands and its service provider reliance to achieve its overall goal of achieving a financial environment that is accurate, reliable, timely and auditable. 2. SCOPE 2.1 BROAD DESCRIPTION OF THE SCOPE The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army – Financial Operations (ODASA-FO) is responsible for the monitoring and execution of the Army’s Accountability, Risk Management and Internal Control (RMIC), and Financial Reporting programs. Contractor support is required in the following areas: 1) Accountability and RMIC; 2) Program Management Support; 3) Financial Management and Accounting Operations; 4) Systems Support, and 5) Financial Statement Preparation and Publication. It is expected that the preceding areas of support will be necessary throughout the ARMY, other DOD Services, and Shared Service Providers (SSP) such as Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) office locations. The Army requires an independent public accounting firm’s expertise to provide an audit infrastructure to interact with external financial statement auditors, improve Army’s financial reporting processes, monitor financial reporting controls and validate the corrective actions, and communicate and coordinate change management with Army’s Senior Leadership. The Prime must be an IPA Firm, but the subcontractors can be non-IPA. The contractor shall be an independent public accounting firm which will:Perform risk assessments in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-123 and the Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness Guidance;Perform studies to determine a comprehensive and technical status of current financial improvement and audit readiness capabilities;Identify the conditions and issues preventing Army from maintaining Generally Accepted Accounting Principles compliant and Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards auditable financial records;Propose new or revised accounting policies and procedures as well as implementation strategies to address audit findings;Identify best practices for developing and maintaining GAAP compliant and GAGAS auditable financial information;Develop a strategy and plan to overcome material weaknesses identified in Army internal and external audits;Recommend new business processes or controls needed to achieve financial statement assertions;Monitor financial reporting controls and validating the corrective actions of the organization;Communicate and coordinate change management with Army’s Senior LeadershipProvide program management support to manage the efforts under this contract;Provide professional development support to Army Headquarters;Utilize their knowledge accordingly to assist the Army with compiling and publishing the Army Financial Statements;Provide expert advice regarding OMB and OSD Financial Statement requirements with appropriate standard general ledger account codes for transaction analysis; Contractor support is required to assist the Army financial and functional communities in accomplishing the required tasks necessary to achieve and maintain the above listed goals. All tasks identified are candidates for contractor support. It is anticipated that over time, contractor support will migrate to government resources; thus, an emphasis on training will be necessary. Contractor support will be required for a 5 year ordering period. The contractor shall be familiar with all aspects of the DoD business and financial processes and procedures for the internal control capabilities of the Army and its Commands and have a thorough understanding of the inter-relation between all fields of the ‘DoD/Army acquisition processes’. Comprehensive knowledge of DoD financial processes, guidance and directives, including applicable laws and regulations, is required. The contractor shall provide audit support within the audit infrastructure in order to ensure that the external financial statement auditors possess the capability to access and reconcile data used in the Army’s annual financial statement audit, allowing them to improve organizational financial management practices, develop and implement solutions in order to address audit findings and deficiencies. The contractor shall have a comprehensive knowledge of the audit processes and relatedGAAP. This knowledge is essential to predicting Independent Public Accounting (IPA) firm’s documentation requests/ expectations and responding to IPA audit recommendations. This knowledge is pivotal as the Army continues financial statement audits while addressing deficiencies of past audits and resolving long-standing policy issues through implementation of documented and repeatable accounting solutions. The range of required tasks to accomplish the Army requirement covers all aspects of Army financial management business processes, accounting operations, financial statements preparation and analysis, internal control environment, policies and procedures and A-123 initiatives, and audit response efforts, as well as financial system evaluation and transaction universe improved reliance and reconciliation capabilities. This is a list of the expected deliverables, but it is not it is not limited to the tasks listed below. The specific actions and/or tasks required under this contract will be identified on individual task orders issued under this contract. Actions and tasks fall under the below five categories: A. Audit Operations 1) Provide audit infrastructure (personnel) to interact with the external financial statement auditors and provide audit liaison support to Army organizations, Commands, Service Providers, and other external stakeholders managing provided by client requests and audit samples on Army’s Audit Response Tool (AART). (FFP)2) Provide command level personnel (e.g., audit readiness cells) for audit Liaison and remediation support. (T&M)3) Facilitate and participate in auditor site visits and (T&M)4) Provide audit support “surge capacity” to support critical requirements and supporting site visits occurring simultaneously (T&M)B. Communications, Training, and Management1) Develop a strategic communications plan that establishes a roadmap /coaching plans to drive change, organize and execute audit updates to senior leadership, and produce communication formats for stakeholders to monitor Army audit guidance and audit activities. (T&M)2) Educate and train the Army workforce on new concepts and modified procedures associated with Army financial business processes, audit, and financial reporting (T&M)3) Develop a change management plan to perform an Army-wide stakeholder analysis, identify change leaders/ change agents, and establish stakeholder commitment (T&M)4) Support audit governance and program management to facilitate business mission area champion and senior officer audit meetings (T&M)5) Track and assist in developing responses to taskers from Congress, OSD(Comptroller) and Army Senior Leadership (T&M)6) Develop briefing materials and participate in briefings with senior Army leaders and key stakeholders (T&M) 7) Support the development of cooperative communications solutions with external dependencies and outside agencies (T&M)8) Plan, facilitate, and execute the annual Army Audit Summit (T&M) C. Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation. (A123 Programs)1) Monitor Internal Controls within current business processes and assist with compliance testing of the controls (T&M)2) Assist in the development, validation and execution of corrective action plans to Army identified business process deficiencies and auditor notification of findings and recommendations. (T&M) 3) Develop service organization agreements and monitoring of their annual reports to understand and document the user entity controls that impact the enterprise (T&M)4) Develop metrics, reporting capabilities and solutions for use by management to improve the financial management processes and decision making (T&M)5) Assist in the standardization of business processes by providing an end-to-end assessment of business processes, including the identification of improvements, financial reporting risks, and controls to mitigate the risks (T&M) 6) Develop controls, processes, and procedures to validate financial statement assertions (i.e., existence, completeness, rights and obligations, accuracy and valuation, presentation and disclosure), of Army Balance Sheet and Statement of Budgetary Resources line items. (T&M) 7) Provide a comprehensive strategy to reduce the number of Journal Vouchers and adjustments produced by the Army in the reporting of its financial data and identify transactional documentation required to support the adjustment. (T&M) 8) Completely transferring all sustainment efforts to Government as transition out of contract (T&M) 9) Prepare and reconcile the Army’s Universe of Transactions to include Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and feeder systems data (T&M) 10) Develop System Process flows and analysis (T&M) 11) Provide audit governance and management to develop an IT program strategy to assist with FFMIA system attestation and correct internal control over financial system compliance material weaknesses in Army’s ERP and feeder systems (T&M) 12) Provide rules, guidance, validation, framework, and expert knowledge to support third-party design and implementation of the Information Technology General and Application controls that provide Army’s IT systems auditable controls. (T&M) 13) Develop and reconcile data populations to support Army’s beginning balances, opening balances for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Undelivered Orders, Unfilled Customer Orders, or other balances as needed to support financial statement assertions D. Financial Statement Preparation, Compilation and Publication1) Publication of the Army’s Annual Financial Report (financial statement and associated notes) for the Army General Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, and the Army Civil Works Fund (FFP)2) Compile and submit the quarterly financial statements and footnotes (FFP)3) Conduct Fluctuation and trend analysis on financial statements (FFP)4) Reconcile the Unadjusted Trial Balance to Adjusted/Final Trial Balance in Defense Departmental Reporting System (DDRS) (FFP)5) Prepare a draft of the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) section of the financial statements. Separate MD&As are prepared for each of the 3 categories of financial statements: General Fund (GF), Working Capital Fund (WCF), and Civil Works (CW). (FFP)6) Prepare a draft of the Secretary of the Army Letter, the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) letter, and the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) letter that are published with the Financial Statements. (FFP)7) Review and comment on the Legal Representation Letter and the Management Representation Letter and required schedules (FFP)8) Review current guidance, conduct analysis, and maintain an up-to-date United States Government Standard General Ledger (USSGL) (T&M)9) Provide subject matter experts (SMEs) on financial statement issues that relate to Enterprise Resource Planning Systems as well as legacy systems, to included financial statement analysis and Financial Reporting (FR) material weakness reporting. (FFP) 10) Verify the posting logic of the Army’s ERPs and develop a standard data categorization format. (FFP) E. Financial & Accounting Policy1) Technical Writer Support for accounting policy and regulation updates (T&M)2) Provide recommendations to reduce unliquidated obligations for the Army’s Joint Reconciliation Program (T&M)3) Provide recommendations to reduce unliquidated obligations for the OSD Tri Annual Review(T&M)4) Recommend methods to reduce the amount and number of unmatched transactions, transactions in suspense accounts, undistributed, and in transit (T&M)5) Track resolution of funds from Judgement fund cases (T&M)6) Assist in the resolution of problem disbursements (T&M) The contractor shall assist Army by recommending solutions to known and emergent deficiencies; these solutions may include system improvements, process reengineering, and best business and accounting practices. Emergent deficiencies may result in new actions and tasks being identified by the Government that are unknown at this point. However, these emerging deficiencies and resulting corrective actions will still be considered within the scope of the contract as long as they are associated with the implementation of the Army’s Accountability, Risk Management and Financial Reporting programs. Whenever possible, systemic solutions will be pursued. System changes to accomplish the identified solutions will be identified and documented by the contractor and a system change request will be developed by the contractor for Government approval. Once the Department of Defense Inspector General (DoDIG) has issued an unmodified audit opinion on one or more Army’s financial statements, it is anticipated that contractor support will continue to insure the unmodified audit opinion is sustainable in subsequent financial statement audit engagements. 3. TASK DESCRIPTION 3.1. This contract will be broken into five main categories of tasks as identified above. The accounting operations and the recording of property are tasks which may also be performed as special projects under task orders issued under this contract. A more detailed description of additional tasks will be provided at the Task Order level. 4. DELIVERABLES E001Monthly Planning Meeting Agenda The contractor shall submit an agenda for a monthly planning meeting each month on all anticipated efforts in Sections 2 of the Performance Work Statement (PWS). The meeting agenda is the plan for a meeting that will last no more than two hours. At a minimum this meeting will include, addressing status and providing a Plan of Action and Milestone (POAM) of the planned level of effort (labor category and number of hours) to be furnished along with the commensurate efforts from Section three of the PWS that the contractor intends/plans to accomplish during the next calendar month. E002Monthly Planning Meeting Minutes The contractor shall provide minutes from the monthly planning meeting within five days after the meeting is held. The minutes shall reflect a chronological, detailed explanation of the topics discussed, the critical decisions made and efforts from Section Two of the PWS to be focused on, and agreed-to timelines. The minutes shall also provide a record for future efforts and shall follow the agenda format with more detailed notes under each section. The minutes will inform updates of the monthly POAM. E003Weekly Status ReportThe contractor shall provide a weekly status report which covers at a minimum each of the areas referenced in Section Two of the PWS and the POAM. This report shall assess the status of each planned effort referenced in the minutes, and performed in accordance with the PWS. This report shall include an explanation of the efforts that have been completed, the efforts that are currently being worked on and the efforts that will be worked on over the next week along with the hours spent on each effort. The report shall address specific accomplishments. The report should also include any communications that occurred throughout the week with other Government employees and/or contractors. The report shall include any barriers that the contractor is facing, as well as recommendations for overcoming such barriers. The report shall facilitate the agenda for upcoming planning meetings, discussion during the monthly planning meetings and allow for effective project management. The report shall include a roster of identified resources and billed fully burdened hourly rates. E004 The contractor shall monitor Internal Controls (A-123/ERM and MICP programs) to: - Support third-party development of a tool that facilitates automatic update of risk as individual controls are assessed. This tool should also allow users to associate critical system documentation, auditable evidence and artifacts with specific control tests, making information readily available in an easy-to-understand format or dashboard.- Coordinate A-123/ERM activities with strategic planning and review- Design an approach for monitoring Statement of Budgetary Resources, Balance Sheet, and Information Technology business areas:* Identifying material systems relative to business areas* Performing Tests of Design of controls* Performing Tests of Operating Effectiveness for controls designed effectively* Performing annual Risk Assessment and making quarterly updates 5. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS In assessing the contractor’s performance under the task order, the Government will consider technical content and accuracy of deliverables and work products; task quality; timeliness; cost management and other aspects of contract management. The Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) will monitor the contractor’s performance through 100% inspection of required deliverables, review of invoiced hours at the task order level; periodic inspections to ensure the contractor is performing in an efficient and effective manner; and through feedback from the Government personnel being supported. Requirement (Desired Outcome)Performance Objective (Required Service)Performance Standard (PS) Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) Monitoring MethodDeliverablesAll deliverables in response to the PWS shall be accurate and timelyTimeliness > 95%Quality > 95%Timeliness: on or ahead of schedule at least 95% of the time.Quality: acceptable to the COR at least 95% of the ernment Review and Approval of Deliverables identified in the PWS. 6. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE 6.1. The Government will only provide space for a limited number of representatives (100 max) within the National Capital Region (NCR). The contractor should plan to provide accommodations for any additional personnel used to support this requirement through other means. A predominance of the work performed is anticipated to be performed at the contractor facilities, Army Command and Installations or Service Provider locations. Travel may be required to attend meetings and conferences. Travel locations, durations, and anticipated costs must be preapproved by the COR prior to commencement of travel. 7. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS, INSPECTIONS AND ACCEPTANCE 7.1. See DD 254, which is Attachment I to the solicitation. 7.1.2 Privacy Act. All Contractor personnel assigned to this task will have access to information that may be subject to the Privacy Act of 1974. The Contractor is required to ensure the proper safeguarding of such information in order to prevent unauthorized release. 7.1.3. Contractors that need a Common Access Card (CAC) require, at a minimum, a National Agency Check with Written Inquires (NACI), also known as a suitability and trustworthiness check. This policy is in accordance with the DoD Physical Security Program, DoD 5200.8-R. INSPECTIONS AND ACCEPTANCE:Inspection and acceptance of services to be furnished hereunder shall be made by ASA FM&C as specified in the Wide Area Workflow invoicing instructions. The Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) is To Be Determined (TBD) Government Furnished Resources (GFR). The Government will provide information, material and forms unique to the Government for supporting the task. If the contractor requires additional GFR to that has already been provided, the contractor shall submit a request to the designated Technical Assistant (TA) or to the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). Information. Other than system access related data, all Government unique information related to this requirement necessary for Contractor performance will be made available to the Contractor. System Access. Government will provide access to the accounting systems and other Automated Data Processing (ADP) systems. Documentation. All existing documentation relevant to this task’s accomplishment will be made available to the Contractor at the beginning of the task. Privacy Act. All Contractor personnel assigned to this task will have access to information that may be subject to the Privacy Act of 1974. The Contractor is required to ensure the proper safeguarding of such information to prevent unauthorized release. 8. FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES: Labor Descriptions / Experience Requirements: 8.1 Special Qualifications: All personnel performing under this contract shall be able to demonstrate competence in understanding, reading, speaking, and writing the English language. At time of proposal submission and throughout the period of performance, all contractor personnel shall possess a minimum of an Interim SECRET security clearance and must be a United States citizen. 8.1.1 The individual key contractor personnel assigned to the project shall be: - knowledgeable of GAAP, FASAB, GAGAS, Internal Control Over Financial Reporting (ICOFR), DoD financial management policies and procedures and DoD and Army organizational structures.- experienced in performing financial statement audits and audit readiness services within the Department, the federal government, or similar enterprise organizations.- familiar with current trends to enhance ERP systems, (GFEBS,GCSS-A, LMP, IPPS-A).- familiar with pertinent Office of Management and Budget (OMB) policies and federal financial management systems requirements.- familiar with DoD policies, systems and procedures for personnel, acquisition, inventory, property and material management. 8.1.2 To ensure effective management of the project, the contractor shall have the following: - Experience in delivering innovative accounting and auditing solutions to the Department and the federal government,- An understanding of the Army's business transformation and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) environment,- Experience and expertise in providing assessments and improvements of financial statement auditability plans,- Experience in providing audit infrastructure support for a large-scale audit, (size and scope of the Army), to interact with the external financial statement auditors and provide audit liaison support to Army organizations, Commands, Service Providers, and other external stakeholders- Use of best practices, as well as known and widely used production quality commercial off the shelf (COTS) tools, techniques and templates to complete audit readiness assessments and implement recommendations,- The ability to draw upon additional resources and maintain a “reach-back” knowledge base capability that can be drawn upon during workload peaks, and- Compliance with Organizational Conflicts of Interest requirements; i.e., providing specific and clear advisories when personnel submitted for staffing for this project may cause a possible conflict of interest situation so that the Government may make a determination on acceptability in a timely manner. See specific OCI requirements elsewhere in this contract.8.1.3 Personnel Qualifications by Labor Category for General Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, and Accounting Policy Requirements: Director (Key Personnel) – Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, or Business Management or CPA or CISA or PMP or CGFM or CDFM, eight years of experience with federal financial management, AND four years of federal accounting experience. Senior Manager I (Key Personnel) – Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, or Business Management or CPA or CISA or PMP or CGFM or CDFM, six years of experience with federal financial management, AND two years of federal accounting experience. Manager I (Key Personnel) – Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, or Business Management or CPA or CISA or PMP or CGFM or CDFM, four years of experience with federal financial management, AND two years of federal accounting experience. Senior Consultant I – Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, or Business Management or CPA or CISA or PMP or CGFM or CDFM AND two years of experience with federal financial management. Consultant I – Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, or Business Management, AND one year of experience with federal financial management. Research Assistant – Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, or Business Management. Senior Topical Expert (Key Personnel) - Experience of ten or more years in related field. An advance degree or certification may be substituted for one year of experience. Holds a recognized standing, has a thorough knowledge, and formal training in applicable field. Provides professional expertise. Junior Topical Expert - Experience of four or more years in related field. An advance degree or certification may be substituted for one year of experience. Holds a recognized standing, has a thorough knowledge, and formal training in applicable field. Provides professional expertise. EDP Manager - Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, Logistics or Business Management or CISA or CISSP or CISM AND six years of experience with Department of Defense information systems including two years of experience with the Logistics Modernization Program. EDP Audit Senior II - Masters Degree in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, Logistics or Business Management or CISA or CISSP or CISM, AND two years of experience with Department of Defense information systems including 1 year of experience with the Logistics Modernization Program. EDP Staff II - Bachelors in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, Logistics or Business Management. 8.1.4 Personnel Qualifications by Labor Category for Financial Statement Requirements For the Financial Statements requirements all contractor personnel (key and supporting staff) shall have a Bachelor’s degree in accounting or business related degree from an accredited institution of higher learning. All personnel shall have a basic understanding of federal government accounting. All personnel shall be capable of working independently. All personnel shall possess theability to competently, legibly and articulately communicate in the English language For this action, five of the contractor personnel are considered key personnel;- Project Manager (Supervisory Senior/ Senior Manager)- Subject Matter Expert (SME) Lead for the General Fund Financial Statements (Senior Accountant)- SME Lead for the Working Capital Fund Financial Statements (Senior Accountant)- Forensic Accountant (Senior Accountant)- SAP Expert (Senior Accountant/EDP Consultant/IT Specialist). The Project manager shall be on site at all times managing the efforts of the entire team. The Project manager shall have a bachelor’s degree, Project Management Professional (PMP Certification, and DOD or Army accounting experience gained in the last three years. Audit experience and PMP certification are preferred, but not required for this position. The Government requires that the SME Lead accountant working full time on the Army General Fund Financial Statement (Senior Accountant) team and the SME Lead accountant working full time on the Army Working Capital Fund Financial Statement (Senior Accountant) team have a valid and current Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license issued by an accredited State Board of Accountancy. In addition, the Lead Army Working Capital Fund SME (Senior Accountant) shall have at least three years of specific experiences relative to working capital funds operations, accounting, and budget within the DOD. The Forensic Accountant (Senior Accountant/Analyst) shall have Federal government experience and a tested certification such as CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner, (CFE), Certified Forensic Accountant (CFA), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) or a Master’s Degree in Forensic Accounting. The SAP Expert shall have at least three year’s documented experience with SAP Public Sector and Federal Accounting, including SAP financials (FI) and funds management (FM). The experience shall include the latest SAP environment (ECC 6.0). At least two of those years shall be experience with GFEBS, GCSS-Army, LMP, or other DOD system based on SAP. The SAP SME can have a Bachelor’s degree in IT/Computer Science and/or an SAP certificate/certification/proof of experience in SAP FI /FM. Supporting Staff Qualifications. The supporting staff (Senior Accountants/Staff Accountants) are also integral to success of the effort. They support the key personnel and shall also have Bachelor’s degree in accounting or business related degree from an accredited institution of higher learning. Supporting staff include staff accountants to support each SME lead, financial analysts, technical writers to produce the annual statement, and the financial statement publisher. The staff (Senior Accountants) and financial analysts (Senior Accountants) that support the SME leads shall demonstrate an ability to analyze complex accounting data and have at least one year experience compiling or analyzing Army, DOD, or federal government financial statements. The contractor will provide the technical writer(s) and professional publisher. The technical writer shall have at least two years’ experience in writing professional quality financial statements and documents and can have a degree in Technical Writing. Details of all experiences shall be explicitly included in resumes and be verifiable. Past published Army and DOD annual financial statements are available online. 9. SECURITY: A Secret security clearance is required for all personnel on this engagement and must be obtained, in accordance with the Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) prior to work on the engagement.AT Level I Training. This provision/contract text is for contractor employees with an area of performance within an Army controlled installation, facility or area. All contractor employees, to include subcontractor employees, requiring access to government installations, facilities and controlled access areas shall complete AT Level I awareness training within 30 calendar days after contract start date or effective date of incorporation of this requirement into the contract, whichever is applicable. The contractor shall submit certificates of completion for each affected contractor employee and subcontractor employee, to the COR or to the contracting officer, if a COR is not assigned, within 30 calendar days after completion of training by all employees and subcontractor personnel. AT level I awareness training is available at the following website: Awareness Training for Contractor Personnel Traveling Overseas. This standard language text required US based contractor employees and associated sub-contractor employees to make available and to receive government provided area of responsibility (AOR) specific AT awareness training as directed by AR 525-1Specific AOR training content is directed by the combatant commander with the unit awareness training officer (ATO) being the local point of contact.iWATCH Training. This standard language is for contractor employees with an area of performance within an Army controlled installation, facility or area. The contractor and all associated sub-contractors shall brief all employees on the local iWATCH program (training standards provided by the requiring activity ATO). This local developed training will be used to inform employees of the types of behavior to watch for and instruct employees to report suspicious activity to the COR. This training shall be completed within 30 calendar days of contract award and within 30 calendar days of new employees commencing performance with the results reported to the COR NLT 30 calendar days after contract award.Access and General Protection/Security Policy and Procedures. This standard language text is for contractor employees with an area of performance within an Army controlled installation, facility or area. Contractor and all associated sub- contractors employees shall comply with applicable installation, facility and area commander installation/facility access and local security policies and procedures (provided by government representative). The contractor shall also provide all information required for background checks to meet installation access requirements to be accomplished by installation Provost Marshal Office, Director of Emergency Services or Security Office. Contractor workforce must comply with all personal identity verification requirements as directed by DOD, Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) and/or local policy. In addition to the changes otherwise authorized by the changes clause of this contract, should the Force Protection Condition (FPCON) at any individual facility or installation change, the Government may require changes in contractor security matters or processes.For Contracts That Require Handling or Access to Classified Information. Contractor shall comply with FAR 52.204-2, Security Requirements. This clause involves access to information classified “Confidential,” “Secret,” or “Top Secret” and requires contractors to comply with— (1) The Security Agreement (DD Form 441), including the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (DoD 5220.22-M); any revisions to Department of Defense (DOD) 5220.22-M, notice of which has been furnished to the contractor.For Contracts that require Operational Security (OPSEC) Training. Per AR 530-1, Operations Security, new contractor employees must complete Level I OPSEC training within 30 calendar days of their reporting for duty. All contractor employees must complete annual OPSEC awareness training.Contractor Employees Who Require Access to Government Information Systems. All contractor employees with access to a government info system must be registered in the Army Training Certification Tracking System (ATCTS) at commencement of services, and must successfully complete the DOD Information Assurance Awareness prior to access to the IS and then annually thereafter.For Information assurance (IA)/information technology (IT) training. All contractor employees and associated sub- contractor employees must complete the DoD IA awareness training before issuance of network access and annually thereafter. All contractor employees working IA/IT functions must comply with DoD and Army training requirements in DoDD 8570.01, DoD 8570.01-M and AR 25-2 within six months of employment. 10. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: The Contractor shall provide resources to meet requirements with very short timelines and multiple locations of performance. Potential Task Order Subject Matter Areas: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS), and internal control over financial reporting (ICOFR)Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars:A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Internal Control;A-127, Financial Management Systems;A-134, Financial Accounting Principles and StandardsA-136, Financial Reporting RequirementsOMB policies and federal financial management systems requirementsFederal Information Systems Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM) requirementsOUSD(C) FIAR GuidanceDoD and ARMY Financial ManagementFederal Accounting Standards Advisor Board (FASAB), Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Concepts (SSAC), and Statements of Federal Accounting Standards (SFFAS)SAP and Oracle Federal Financials functionalityARMY legacy financial management systems and processesForeign Military Sales (FMS)DoD financial management policies and proceduresARMY policies, systems and procedures for personnel, acquisition, inventory, property and material managementCurrent trends in information technologyCertified Public Accountant (CPA) certificationDefense Financial Manager (CDFM) certificationGovernment Financial Manager (CGFM) certificationCertified Internal Auditor (CIA) certificationCertified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification All Contractor personnel shall:- Be capable of working independently- Maintain & report the location of all assigned government furnished equipment- Competently, legibly and articulately communicate in the English language ................

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