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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I find a list of licensed child care providers?

A: At the Child Care Resource and Referral website

Q: How do I apply for employment at Kandiyohi County Family Services?

A: Kandiyohi County Family Services (KCFS) uses the Minnesota Department of Human Services Merit System to hire when we have openings. Individuals applying for employment at KCFS must complete the Merit System application and examination to be considered for employment.

Exam Sites:

|[pi|Recent changes have eliminated the regularly scheduled exams throughout the state. |

|c] | |

|[pi|Depending on where you live, you most likely will be contacted for an exam directly |

|c] |by the county agency who is facilitating the exam. In Kandiyohi County most testing |

| |will be completed at the Kandiyohi County Health and Human Service Building. |

|[pi|If you live outside Minnesota, you may request to make arrangements for a local exam |

|c] |monitor. |

|[pi|Contact the Merit System directly for more information. |

|c] | |

Questions about Merit System not answered here? E-mail us at dhs.merit.system@state.mn.us

Q: What are the Merit System Positions in Kandiyohi County?

A: Office Support Specialist

Support Enforcement Aide

Accounting Technician

Collection Officer

Case Aide

Eligibility Worker (formerly Financial Worker) page down until you reach Eligibility Worker

Lead Eligibility Worker (formerly Financial Assistance Specialist) page down until you reach Lead Eligibility Worker

Fraud Prevention Specialist

Child Support Officer page down until you reach Child Support Officer

Social Worker

Financial Assistance Supervisor

Child Support Supervisor

Fiscal Supervisor

Social Services Supervisor

Human Services Director


Q: Interested in Volunteering?

A: Visit the Kandiyohi County United Way

Additional Resources


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