Mathacle PSet ----- Arc, Circumference and Area of Circles 1.) Find the ...

Mathacle PSet ----- Arc, Circumference and Area of Circles Level ---- 1 Number --- 1

Name: ___________________ Date: _____________ 1.) Find the circumference of a circle with radius 4.

2.) Find the radius of a circle with circumference12 .

3.) Arc AC of O has length12 , and the circle as radius 18. (a) Find OC

(b) Find AOC (c) Find AC

4.) Arcs WX and YZ of O are congruent. Prove that WX = YZ

Mathacle PSet ----- Arc, Circumference and Area of Circles Level ---- 1 Number --- 1

Name: ___________________ Date: _____________ 5.) Find the area of a circle with diameter 18.

6.) Find the area of a circle that has circumference 12

7.) Find the radius of a circle if its circumference is numerically equal to its area

8.) XYZ is equilateral with side length 10. A circle is constructed with center X and radius 10, thus passing through Y and Z. Find the area of sector XYZ of the circle.

9.) If a pizza that is 12 inches in diameter provides four full meals, how many meals are provided by a pizza that is 20 inches in diameter?

Mathacle PSet ----- Arc, Circumference and Area of Circles Level ---- 1 Number --- 1

Name: ___________________ Date: _____________

10.) Points A and B are on the circumference of O such that AOB = 120o and OA = 12 . (a) Find the area of O

(b) Find the area of sector AOB

11.) Sector XQZ of circle Q has area 30 . Given that the whole circle has area 100 , find XQZ and XZQ .

12.) A man standing on a lawn is wearing a circular sombrero of radius 3 feet. Unfortunately, the hat blocks the sunlight so effectively that the grass directly under it dies instantly. If the man walks in a circle of radius 5 feet, what area of dead grass will result?

Mathacle PSet ----- Arc, Circumference and Area of Circles Level ---- 1 Number --- 1

Name: ___________________ Date: _____________

Answers: 1. 8 2. 6

3. (a) 18, (b) 120 degrees, (c) 18 3 5. 81 6. 36 7. 2 8. 50

3 9. 100/9 10. 144 , 48 11. 36o 12. 60


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