The Radius, Diameter, Girth and Circumference of the Zero- Divisor ...

IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. Volume 15, Issue 4 Ser. I (Jul ? Aug 2019), PP 58-62

The Radius, Diameter, Girth and Circumference of the ZeroDivisor Cayley Graph of the Ring , ,

Jangiti Devendra1, Levaku Madhavi2* and Tippaluri Nagalakshumma3

1.Research Scholar, Department of Applied Mathematics, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa-516005, A.P., India.

2*.Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa-516005, A.P., India.

3.Research Scholar, Department of Applied Mathematics, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa-516005, A.P., India.

Corresponding Author: Levaku Madhavi

Abstract:Thezero-divisor Cayley graph , 0 , associated with the ring ( ,,), of residue classes

modulo 1, an integer and the set 0of nonzero zero-divisors is studied by Devendra et al. In this paper we present the eccentricity, radius, diameter, girth and circumference of the zero-divisor Cayley graph , 0 .

Keywords:Cayley graph, zero-divisor Cayley graph, eccentricity, girth and circumference.

AMS Subject Classification(2010):05C12, 05C25, 05C38.

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Date of Submission: 08-07-2019

Date of acceptance: 23-07-2019

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I. Introduction

The Cayley graph , associated with the group , . and its symmetric subset (a subset of the group , . is called a symmetric subset -1 for every ) is introduced to study whether given a

group , . , there is a graph , whose automorphism group is isomorphic to the group , . [10].Later independent studies on Cayley graphs have been carried out by many researches 5,6 . The Cayley graph

, associated with the group , . and its symmetric subset is the graph, whose vertex set is and the edge set = , : either -1 , or, -1 . If , where is the identity element of , then , is an undirected simple graph. Further , is - regular and contains edges [12]. Madhavi 12


introduced Cayley graphs associated with the arithmetical functions, namely, the Euler totient function ,

the quadratic residues modulo a prime and the divisor function , 1, an integer and obtained various

properties of these graphs.

Recent studies on the zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings are carried out by Beck 4 , Anderson

and Naseer 2 , Livingston[11], Anderson and Livingston 1 , Smith 13 , Tongsuo 14 and others. Given a commutative ring with unity, they define the zero-divisor graph is the graph, whose vertex set is the ring , the set of nonzero divisors of and the edge set is the set of order pairs , of elements, , such that = 0 and studied the connectedness, the diameter, the girth, the automorphism and

other properties under conditions on the ring . Our study differs from their study basically that the zero-divisor graph we consider is the Cayley graph associated with the set of zero-divisors of the ring , , of residue classes modulo 1, an integer. The terminology and notations that are used in this paper can be found

in [7] for graph theory, [9] for algebra and [3] for number theory.

II. The Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph And Its Properties

Consider the ring , , of integers modulo , 1, an integer, which is a commutative ring with unity. In [8], it is established that the set 0 of nonzero zero-divisors in the ring , , is a symmetric subset of the group , and the zero-divisor Cayley graph , 0 is the graph, whose vertex set is and the edge set is the set of ordered pairs , such that , and either - 0 or - 0.This graph is - - 1 -regular and its size is2 - - 1 . The graphs 7, 0 , 8, 0 and 10, 0 are given below :

DOI: 10.9790/5728-1504015862

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The Radius, Diameter, Girth and Circumference of the Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph of the Ring




We state below the main results that are established in [8] for the zero-divisor Cayley graph , 0 . Lemma 2.1: (Lemma 2.10, [8]) For a prime , the graph , 0 contains only isolated vertices.

Lemma 2.2: (Theorem 3.7, [8]) For a prime and an integer > 1, the graph Z , 0 contains disjoint

components, each of which is complete subgraph of Z , 0 . Lemma 2.3: (Theorem 4.4, [8]) Let > 1 be an integer, which is not a power of a single prime. Then the graph , 0 is a connected graph.

III. Eccentricity, Radius And Diameter Of The Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph

Definition 3.1: Let G , be a graph with the vertex set and edge set is . The distance , between two vertices and in the graph is defined as the length of the shortest path joining them, if any. If there is no path joining the vertices and in graph G , , then it is defined by , = . Definition 3.2: Let , a graph. The eccentricity of a vertex is defined as = max , : .

Definition 3.3: Let , be a graph. The radius , and the diameter , of the graph

, are respectively defined as , = : and , = : . Example 3.4: Consider the graph G , , where = , , , , , and = , , , , , , , , , , , , , , whose diagram is given below. The following table gives , for all vertices in and eccentricity of a vertex , radius and diameter of a vertex .




Fig. 3.1











































= 3, 3,2,2,2,3 = 2

= 3, 3,2,2,2,3 = 3

Theorem 3.5: If = , > 1 is a integer, then the eccentricity of any vertex is .

Proof: By the Remark 3.1[8], the zero-divisor Cayley graph , 0 is a disjoint union of the following-

components0, 1, ... , -1, each of it is a complete sub graph of the graph , 0 . 0 = 0, , 2, ... , , ... , , ... , -1 - 1 , 1 = 1, + 1, 2 + 1, ... , + 1, ... , + 1, ... , -1 - 1 1 , = , + , 2 + , ... , + , ... , + , ... , -1 - 1 , -1 = - 1, + - 1, 2 + - 1, ... , + - 1, ... , -1 - 1 - 1 .

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The Radius, Diameter, Girth and Circumference of the Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph of the Ring

Let , 0 . Then , for some , 0 - 1. For any , the following two cases will arise.

Case (i): Let . Then by the Lemma 3.4[8], is a complete subgraph of , 0 , so that and are

adjacent in , 0 and , = 1. Case (ii): Let . Then , for some , 0 - 1. By the Lemma 3.5[8], and are edge

disjoint subgraphs of , 0 . So there is no edge between and so that , = .Thus

= 1, = .

Theorem 3.6: If > 1 is a integer, where is not a power of single prime, then the eccentricity of a any vertex

, 0 is 2.

Proof: By the Theorem 4.4[8], , 0 is connected and by the Remark 4.1[8], the vertex set is the union of

the subsets 0, 1, ... , -1 of vertices, where

0 =

0,11 , 21 , ... , 1, ... ,

-1 1

1 ,

1 =

2 ,11 + 2 , 21 + 2 , ... , 1 + 2, ... ,

-1 1

1 + 2 ,

1-1 =

1 - 1 2 , ... , 1 +

1 - 1 2, ... ,

-1 1

1 + (1 - 1)2 .

Let be any vertex of , 0 . Then

= 1 + 2 , for some , 0 1 - 1 and for some , 0

- 1 1

- 1.

For any vertex , 0 , the following two cases will arise.

Case (i): Let . Then by the Lemma 4.3 [8], is a complete subgraph of , 0 , so that and are

adjacent in , 0 and , = 1.

Case (ii): Let . Then = 1 + 2 , for some , 0 1 - 1 and for some ,


-1 1

- 1.

We may assume that < . Let

= 1 + 2 .



-1 , it follows


that . That is, , . Now being a complete subgraph of , 0 , and are adjacent, so that

, = 1.

Further - = 1 + 2 - 1 + 2 = - 2, which is a zero divisor in the ring , , . So there is an edge between and , so that , = 1.So

, = , + , = 1 + 1 = 2 and = 1,2 = 2.

Fig. 3.2

Theorem 3.7: If = , > 1 is a integer, then the radius and diameter of any vertex is .

Proof: By the Theorem 3.5, the eccentricity = , for every vertex in , 0 . So

, 0 = = and , 0 = = .

Theorem 3.8: If > 1is a integer, where is not a power of single prime, then

, 0 = , 0 = 2.

Proof: By the Theorem 3.6, the eccentricity =2, for any vertex in , 0 , so that

, 0 = 2 = 2 and , 0 = 2 = 2.

IV. The Girth And The Circumference Of The Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph

Definition 4.1: The length of the smallest cycle in the graph , is called the girth of the graph , and it is denoted by , and the length of the largest cycle in the graph , is called the circumference

of the graph , and it is denoted by , . If the graph , has no cycles then the girth and the circumference are undefined. Remark 4.2: If is a prime, then the graph , 0 has no edges. So that the girth and the circumference of graph , 0 is undefined.

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The Radius, Diameter, Girth and Circumference of the Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph of the Ring

Remark 4.3: For = 1,2,3,4 and 5, the graphs , 0 are given as follows:

1, 0

2, 0

3, 0 Fig. 4.1

4, 0

5, 0

One can observe that there are no cycles in the above graphs, so that the girth and the circumference are

undefined. Thus for 5, the terms girth and circumference of the graph , 0 are undefined.

Theorem 4.4: If > 5 is not a prime, then , 0 is 3.

Proof: Let > 5 be not a prime and let 1 be the least prime divisor of . Then 1, 21 0. For the vertices

0 , 1 , 21 , 0 , we have 21 - 1 = 1 0,1 - 0 = 1 0 and 21 - 0 = 21 0, so that

0 , 1 , 1 , 21 and 21, 0 are edges in , 0 . So 0 , 1 , 21, 0 is a 3-cycle and , 0 is 3.

Theorem 4.5: If = , where is a prime and > 1 an integer and let > 5, then , 0

is .

Proof: Let > 5 be a power of single prime say = , a prime and > 1 aninteger. By the Theorem 3.7[8],

, 0 is decomposed into -components, 0, 1, 2, ... -1, where = , + , 2 + , ... , + , ... , + , ... , -1 - 1 ,

for some , 0 - 1. Now

= , + , 2 + , ... , + , ... , + , ... , -1 - 1 ,

is a cycle of length , which is also a cycle of maximum length. So

, 0

= .

Example 4.6: Consider the graph 9, 0 . Here = 3. This graph has 3-components 0 , 3 , 6 , 1 , 4 , 7 and 2 , 5 , 8 each of which is a triangle. Further these are the only cycles in 9, 0 . Since a triangle is a

cycle of length 3. It follows that

9, 0 = 9, 0 = 3. This fact is exhibited in the graphs 9, 0 given below.

The graph 9, 0


The components of 9, 0

Theorem 4.7:If > 1, is an integer and ifis not a power of a single prime, then , 0 is . Proof: Let be not a power of single prime and let 1 be the least prime divisor of . One can see that the following cycle


0, 1, . . 1, 1

-1 1


-1 1

1 + 2, . . . , 1 + 2, 2, ... , 1

-1 1

+ 22, ... , 1 - 1 2, 0


a Hamilton cycle in , 0 of length . Since a Hamilton cycle is a cycle of maximum length , it follows

that , 0 = .

Example4.8: Consider the graph 12, 0 . Here = 12 = 22 ? 3. So the graph is a connected graph. In this

graph 0, 2, 4, 0 is a cycle of length 3, so that 12, 0 = 3. Further 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 0 is

a Hamilton cycle in 12, 0 which is of length 12, so that 12, 0 = 12. The graph 12, 0 and the

above Hamilton cycle is given below.

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The Radius, Diameter, Girth and Circumference of the Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph of the Ring

The graph 12, 0


A Hamilton cycle in 12, 0


The authors express their thanks to Prof. L. Nagamuni Reddy for his valuable suggestions during the preparation of this paper.


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Jangiti Devendra. "The Radius, Diameter, Girth and Circumference of the Zero-Divisor Cayley Graph of the Ring (Z_n,, )." IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) 15.4 (2019): 58-62

DOI: 10.9790/5728-1504015862

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