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8080XXEightyN1100100XXOne hundredN210651065XXOne thousand sixty-fiveN310991099XXOne thousand ninety-nineN4(CPO)CPOXXXO700101 - 15 DAYS115XXO70021115A1115AXSection 1115 of the Social Security Act gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services authority to approve experimental, pilot, or demonstration projects that are found by the Secretary to be likely to assist in promoting the objectives of the Medicaid program. The purpose of these demonstrations, which give states additional flexibility to design and improve their programs, is to demonstrate and evaluate state-specific policy approaches to better serving Medicaid populations.76211065K11065K1XSchedule K-1 is an IRS tax form used to report an individual’s share of partnership income, deductions, etc. The K-1 is a supplement to Form 1065 which is the higher-level form for overall reporting of Partnership Income for a tax yearN51065-K1 1065-K1XO700316 - 30 DAYS1630XXO70041st OldestOLD1XX1st oldestN62nd OldestOLD2XX2nd oldestN731 - 60 DAYS3160XXO7005340B340BXXThe 340b drug pricing program resulted from enactment of public law 102-85, the veterans health card act of 1992N8501C501CXXSection 501c of the US IRS code (26 U.S.C.) provides that 28 types of nonprofit organizations are exempt from some federal income taxesN95i Drug5IDRUGXXPursuant to the Medicaid Rebate statute, a separate Average Manufacturer Price (AMP) must be calculated for inhalation, infusion, instilled, implanted, or injectable drugs (referred to as '5i' drugs) that are not generally dispensed through an Retail Community Pharmacies (RCP).N1061 - 90 DAYS6190XXO7006AAXXFirst letter of the English alphabet.N11AbandonABNDNXXTo give up a course of actionN12AbatementABTMTXXN13AbbreviatedABRVTDXXTo have shortened or reduced to make into a briefer form intended to stand for the wholeN14AbbreviationABRVTNXXA briefer form intended to stand for the wholeN15AberrantABRRNTXXDeviating from the ordinary, usual, or normal type; exceptional; abnormal. N16AbleABLEXXHaving sufficient power or resources to accomplish something.N17AbnormalABNRMLXXDeviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worryingN18AboABOXXBlood type A, B and ON19ABO BLOOD TYPEABOXXO7007AbortionABRTNXXInduced termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent survival.N20AboveABVXXN21AbsenceABSNCXXThe lack of somethingN22AbsentABSNTXXN23Absent Without LeaveAWOLXXXN24AbsorbABSRBXTo occupy the full attention, interest, or time of; to retainN25AbstainABTNXXRestrain oneself from doing something.N26AbstractABSTRXXA summarized reference to an objectN27AbstractionABSTNXXThe act or process of abstracting or the state of having been abstracted.N28AbuseABUSEXXN29AcademicACDMCXXAssociated with an academy or school of higher learningN30AccelerateACLRTXXN31AccentACENTXXN32AcceptACPTXXTo receive with consent; to give admittance or approval toN33AcceptabilityACPTBLTYXXN34AcceptableACPTBLXXCapable or worthy of being acceptedN35AcceptanceACPTNCXXThe act of accepting; the quality or state of being accepted or acceptableN36AcceptedACPTDXXGenerally approved or usedN37Accepting AssignmentAAXXXN38AcceptorACPTR7612AcceptsACPTSXTakes or receives N39AccessACSXXPermission liberty or ability to enter; approach communicate with; or pass to and from or to make use ofN40Access Control ListACLXXXN41Access To NCH RepositoryANCHRXXN42AccessibilityACSBLTYXXN43AccessibleACSBLXXEasily approached of entered N44AccessoryACSRYXXN45AccidentACDNTXXN46AccommodationACMDTNXXperson or entity that accepts or receives somethingN47AccomplishACMPLSHXXTo execute fully; to attain to a measure of time or distanceN48AccordACRDXXN49AccountACNTXXXA record of all transactions and the date of each; affecting a particular item; person; or concern; expressed in debits and credits; evaluated in money or units; and showing the current balance; if any.N50ACCOUNT NUMBERANXXXO7008AccountabilityACNTBLTYXXN51AccountableACNTBLXXTo be responsibleN52Accountable Care OrganizationACOXXAn Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is a type of payment and delivery reform model that seeks to tie provider reimbursements to quality metrics and reductions in the total cost of care for an assigned population of patients.XN53Accountable Care Organizations Investment ModelAIMXXThe Accountable Care Organizations Investment Model (AIM) is a response to concerns and available research suggesting that some providers lack adequate access to the capital needed to invest in infrastructure necessary to successfully implement population care management.XN54Accountable Care PortalACPXThe name of a subsystem used in the Accountable Care Organization Operational SystemXN55Accountable Health CommunitiesAHCXXA model/program that addresses a critical gap between clinical care and community services in the current health care delivery system by testing whether systematically identifying and addressing the health-related social needs of beneficiaries' impacts total health care costs and improves healthXN56AccountingACNTGXXThe bookkeeping methods used for financial business transactions. Mechanism for recording aggregating; monitoring; and allocating assets; liabilities; income and expenses incurred by the corporation for the purpose of financial managementN57Accounting Commitment NumberACN7614AccountsACCTSXXElectronic or physical structures set up to record transactions, uses or other activitiesN58Accounts ReceivableARXXAccounts receivable (AR) refers to money owed by customers (individuals or corporations) to another entity in exchange for goods or services that have been delivered or used, but not yet paid forXN59AccreditACRDTXXN60AccreditationACRDTNXXN61AccreditedACRDTDXXOfficially recognized or authorized (of a person, organization, or course of study)N62Accredited Standards CommitteeASCXXXN63Accrediting OrganizationAOXXAccrediting OrganizationXN64AccreteACRTXXN65AccretionACRTNXXN66AccruableACRUBLXXN67AccrualACRULXXThe action or process of accruing; something that accrues or has accruedN68AccrueACRUXXTo come into existence as a legally enforceable claim; to come by way of increase or additionN69AccruedACRUDXXTo come into existence as a legally enforceable claim; to come by way or increase or addition toN70AccumulateACCUMXXTo heap or pile up; collect; gatherN71AccumulationACCUMNXXThe action or process of accumulating; the state or being or having accumulatedN72Accumulation File NumberAFNXXA system used within CMS for the processing of claims.N73AccuracyACRCYXXN74AccurateACURTXXN75AchievementACHVMTXXN76AcidACIDXXN77AcknowledgeACKXXTo own or admit knowledge; to recognize the rights; authority; or status of; express gratitude or obligation forN78AcknowledgementACKMTXXThe act of acknowledging; things done or given in recognition of something receivedN79AcquireACQRXXTo come into possession of.N80AcquiredACQRDXXCame into possession of.N81Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeAIDSXXXN82AcquisitionACQSTNXXThe act of acquiring; something acquired or gainedN83AcronymACRNMXXA word formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound termN84AcrossACRSXXN85ActACTXXSomething done or affected to bring about alteration.N86ActionACTNXXThe process of acting or doing.N87ActionableACTNBLXXGiving sufficient reason to take legal action.N88 ................

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