PDF Tyndale Seminary's FIRST T EAM

[Pages:2]Tyndale Seminary's FIRST TEAM

Faithful Intercessors Regularly Supporting Tyndale ? June, 2014

Greetings from Tyndale!

We have just finished a strong year of discipleship. On Friday 6 June, seven students from six countries received their degrees and certificates.

Pray for our students We want to thank all of you for your prayers for our students. This year I was aware of Tyndale First Team members who corresponded directly with new students and prayed for them on a regular basis. Now we ask you to continue your prayers for the following graduates who seek to serve the Lord with their lives in various places throughout the world.

Jens M?ckel (Germany). Jens graduated with a Masters of Evangelical Theology (MET) and served this past year at Crossroads International Church in Amstelveen. He hopes to find a pastoral position either in the Netherlands or Germany.

Tory Almond (USA). Tory graduated with his MDiv and hopes to continue working with youth and children's ministries in the Netherlands.

Tommi Koivunen (Finland). Tommi graduated with a MET. He and his family served at a church in Utrecht during his time at Tyndale. He will return to Finland to serve as the National Youth Director for the Evangelical Free Church of Finland.

Vandyck Lomotey (Ghana). Vandyck also received his MET. This past year, he was the student body president and also served at a church in Rotterdam. He will be returning to Ghana to minister.

Sokol Hakrama (Albania). Sokol graduated with his MDiv and also served at a church, Amsterdam 50, during his time at Tyndale. He will continue in this ministry after graduation.

Roy Thomas (India). Roy graduated with his MDiv and is looking to the Lord for guidance. He returns to India to be married in September and then hopes to work with a pastor in a mentoring/discipleship role before seeking full-time ministry service.

Ammishaddai Boateng (Ghana). Ammishaddai received his Certificate of Evangelical Theology. He has already returned to Ghana and is serving as the Associate Pastor of Faith Community Baptist Church and as a hospital chaplain with Good News Ministry.

As students graduate and leave, we are blessed that God continues to bring new students to the school. As you receive this mailing, we are preparing to host new students, many of whom will be joining in late June for summer Greek.

James Apronti (Ghana - MET). James is involved in his church's missions and evangelism ministry.

Alexandru Costea (Romania- MDiv). Alexandru is presently involved in his church in youth ministry, as a leader in the choir and he is also responsible for the worship program.

Barnabas Issaka (Ghana - MET). Barnabas currently serves as a youth pastor in his church in Ghana and holds positions of district youth leader and prayer coordinator.

Kevin Lowe (USA - MDiv). Kevin currently serves by teaching middle school youth at his local church.

Anton Stokes (Netherlands ? MDiv). Anton's background is in software development. He is serving in his church's Alpha Team and helping to develop worship focused on how to share the Christian faith.

Harris Yfantidis (Greece - MET). Harris is involved with youth work at his home church in Larissa, Greece.

Stathis Yfantidis (Greece ? MET). Stathis is currently serving as a youth pastor at his church in Larissa, Greece.

Please pray for our school In March and April, Tyndale hosted two breakfasts with several pastors and leaders of parachurch organizations. Our goal was to gain insights from church leaders with respect to future changes to our Master of Divinity program. In particular, we are seeking input on how to better form our internship or practical ministry requirements. The discussions at these meeting were lively and insightful. Those attending shared the needs of the local church in various areas. These included topics such as youth ministries, Christian counseling, working with broken families and the challenge of human trafficking in Amsterdam. These meetings were very helpful as we take the next steps in reviewing our current MDiv program. We may eventually seek NVAO (Dutch) accreditation for the program.

The seminary's Program Advisory Committee met in early May. Their focus was Tyndale's application for NVAO (Dutch) re-accreditation of our Masters of Evangelical Theology (MET) program. Please pray for this committee and our faculty and staff as we begin the process of MET renewal. The goal is to submit our file in February 2015. We hope to schedule the formal interview in May 2015. This renewal will take significant work by both faculty and staff beyond our normal schedules. Please pray for wisdom to discern how to best focus our resources. Please also pray for the physical endurance that will be needed in the coming months.

We also continue to seek your prayers regarding our Tyndale by Extension program. This program started by offering night classes at the school. However, over the past year, we have again focused on offering classes in Rotterdam. Thanks to the partnership with Scots International Church in Rotterdam, we have now offered classes both in the fall and spring semesters. We plan to continue this coming fall and develop a regular rotation of classes in Rotterdam. This semester, students from the Netherlands, Indonesia, Romania and France attended the class on New Testament Theology. Pray that we follow the Holy Spirit's leading and that we listen to these working students on how to best train leaders for their churches.

Please pray for our faculty and staff This summer, several of our missionary faculty will be visiting their sending churches and supporters. Please pray that our faculty are warmly received and encouraged by their visits, and that all of our partners will continue to support them and the school.

Our faculty continues to be sought after for visits to different colleges and seminaries. Dr. Phil Gottschalk traveled to teach at the Zaporozhye Bible College in Ukraine. Dr. Szaszi Bene just returned from a trip to Spain where he taught a class on the Gospels at a YoungLife conference.

We are also thankful that the Lord has filled the remaining open residential faculty position. At its May meeting, the Board confirmed the recommendation of the faculty to offer Dr. Daniel Ahn a residential faculty position in the area of Inter-Cultural Studies and Practical Ministries. Dr. Ahn, his wife Eun-Ha and two sons hope to join us from South Korea during the 2014-15 academic year.

I am asking all First Team members to pray regarding the financial support of the school. As we close the school's academic and fiscal year, we find ourselves running a slight deficit for the year. Please pray with us that the Lord will provide the additional support needed to close the year with a balanced budget.

Yours in Christ,

Mark Garavaglia. JD, LLM, MDiv President

Save the Date: Convocation Ceremony

September 5, 2014

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