SESSION - Clover Sites


1 (Sun.) 9:30 am – Full Service

Holy Communion

3 (Tues.) 9:00 am – Spring Cleanup

10:30 am – Fireside Chat

4 (Wed.) 10:30 am – Our Home K Care Service

3:45 pm – Elementary Youth Groups

5 (Thurs.) 9:30 am – Guild- Bible Study

1:00 pm – Hand Bell Choir

6:00 pm – Tamale Night

6 (Fri.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study*

7 (Sat.) 9-Noon – Fleazaar Barns Open

8 (Sun.) 9:30 am – Full Service Mother’s Day

Confirmation Sunday

11 (Wed.) 3:45 pm – Elementary Youth Groups

12 (Thurs.) 1:00 pm – Hand Bell Choir

13 (Fri.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study*

14 (Sat.) 9-Noon – Fleazaar Barns Open

15 (Sun.) 9:30 am – Full Service/ Day of Pentecost

Women’s Sunday

17 (Tues.) 10:30 am – Fireside Chat

18 (Wed.) 9:30 am – Session Meeting

3:45 pm – Elementary Youth Groups Chit Chat articles due

19 (Thurs.) 9:30 am - Guild – work session

1:00 pm – Hand Bell Choir

20 (Fri.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study*

21 (Sat.) 9-Noon2 – Fleazaar Barns Open

22 (Sun.) 9:30 am – Full Service

25 (Wed.) 3:45 pm – Last of the Season

Elementary Youth Groups

26 (Thurs.) 1:00 pm – Hand Bell Choir

27 (Fri.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study*

28 (Sat.) 9-Noon – Fleazaar Barns Open

29 (Sun.) 8:00 am and 9:30 am – Services

30 (Mon.) Memorial Day

*- meets at Koller Library

Happy Mother’s Day

All that I am or hope to be

I owe to my angel mother . . ..

--Abraham Lincoln



May 1 Bob & Pauline Rider

May 8 Bob & Pauline Rider/Youth

May 15 Bobbie Behnke and Jean Eales

May 22 Bob & Sharon Bridges

May 29 Bobbie Behnke and Eilene Dybvad


May 1 Stacey Pearce

May 8 Youth

May 15 Joan Dioszegi

May 22 Rose King

May 29 David Foster

Communion Person

May Helyn Woolf

Lay Leader:

May 1 Dale Ekdahl

May 8 Deane Galloway

May 15 Kay Suffron

May 22 Helyn Woolf

May 29 Carmen Farwell


May 1 Vince Hoehn and David Foster

May 8 Carol Bohlin and Deane Galloway

May 15 Bob Bridges and Sharon Lukas

May 22 Mid Sharpe and Sharon Bridges

May 29 Eric Koster and Joan Dioszegi


Clerk Carol Bohlin-715-356-4060

Eric Koster – 715-686-7300

Joan Ouimette- 715-476-3887

Deane Galloway-715-543-8010

Dave Lukas-715-686-7697

Mark Schuelke-715-686-7223

Helyn Woolf-715-686-7173

DuWayne Schumacher-715-686-2074

Dale Ekdahl - 715-686-2244

Margo Perkins – 715-686-2035

Nan Bloch – 715-356-9410

John Suffron – 715-686-2668

Session meets the third Wednesday of the month


Susan Schroeter, Sharon Lukas, Carmen Farwell,

Jan Schumacher, Manny Markham, Dick Smith

Feel free to contact a Session or Deacon member with any concerns or questions.


Please make these


and/or Additions to your

2015 Church Directory


1. Mark Orlowski

5992 High Lake Road

Boulder Junction, WI 54512


The 2016 Fleazaar is off to a great start! Saturday, April 16th was the first Saturday the Barns were open. The day was warm and sunny with volunteers to process and sort donations while Manny and Eric went out to pick up a donation. It was wonderful to see the eagerness and enthusiasm of the volunteers and it was wonderful to see the regulars back making donations.

We will continue to have The Barns open for donations, Saturdays from 9-12 am through July 9th. We welcome and need volunteers on Saturdays to take in donations, sort donations and make pickups of donations. Trucks or trailers are helpful but not necessary. No experience is necessary, but if you have experience or special skills - let us know. We do have a need for someone with knowledge of small engine maintenance. If that sounds like you, please let us know.

Dan and Nan Bloch

The barns are open to receive donations from 9:00am-noon every Saturday.

Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciate

The Art Tent

One of the fun things about Fleazaar is that we are all looking to find treasures. Many years ago, I was living in Mississippi and coming to Manitowish Waters every summer with my children to visit my mom and their grandmother, Betty Christensen. One of the highlights of that trip was the annual Fleazaar. We would all rise at 6 am and go to the Community Church and wait in that long line to enter promptly at 7 a.m. Each of us always found a treasure, but I also saw the tremendous dedication and fun members of the church were having while raising money for the work of the church. I began to volunteer and when Jeff and I retired we joined this wonderful church. Art and fine crafts really had no home, so it was decided to create an art tent. Sherlene and Bob Schmidt, Barb and Bill Kaufman, and Jeff and I began the Art Tent in a shared space with Christmas Items. Soon, we were able to get our own tent. The fun has been to create it in the form of a mini art gallery and the men have been resourceful in obtaining old doors to put together to hang our work. Through the years we have had some valuable pieces that have been donated. A donated oil painting that looked special was sent it to an auction company and it sold at auction for $5,000. That was quite a profit and adventure. It had to be taken to Milwaukee and appraised and then crated and sent to Utah for auction. Sotheby’s and Christie’s wanted to auction it but the appraiser felt we should sell it out West because of the theme of the art.

We love to get prints and originals of a northwoods theme because they fit so well into cottages. The modern art seems to attract lots of college age people, and old prints are in demand by the antique enthusiasts. Artists scan the tent for frames and kids look for great posters. We are looking for great art and crafts and volunteers to work our tent this season!

Kay Krans

Fleazaar sale day

July 20, 2016



Fundraiser for Pura Vida

Guatemala Missions

Thursday, May 5th


MWCC Fellowship Hall

Join us for our Guatemala Fundraiser

Bill Williams will be preparing his renowned tamales served with a Guatemalan flare, and Janie will give a recap of her recent construction trip.

  All funds raised will support our church's continued mission work in Guatemala.  The next trip will focus on education. Any extra monies collected will be used for either a scholarship for an area young person to participate in a Pura Vida mission trip, or a donation to Pera Vida’s “Unsponsored Student Fund.”

Remember to sign up - a sign-up list is posted on the bulletin board near the Fellowship hall, or call Janie at 218-969-4433.

Thank you for your continued support!

Spring has finally arrived in the

North Woods…what a blessing!

Our Loose Change Offering of $234.88 was sent to the Lakeland Food Pantry for the months of January, February and March. The next three months will be allocated to the Mercer Food Pantry. The pantry is a non-profit organization, and services 138 families in the mercer area. Each month, the head of the household is allowed 30 lbs. of food, with each additional member of the family receiving 15 lbs. each. In addition, each household receives 10 lbs. of meat per

month, along with weekly allotments of dairy products and bread.

Traveling to New Richmond, WI, every 6 to 8 weeks, Dave and Louise Minisan purchase 48 banana boxes full of food, costing $13.00 a box. The money to purchase these boxes comes from private individuals, bequests, lions and Lioness groups. Trigs Village Market also contributes items three times weekly.

Three times yearly, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter, the families are given food baskets. In addition, at Christmas, toys are given to the children, plus a new coat, snow pants, boots, Christmas and regular outfit. This does not interfere with our “Christmas for Kids” program, as all names are checked for any duplicate requests.

Summer brings a garden plot in Mercer’s Community Garden. Fresh vegetables, such as squash, peppers, and tomatoes are grown and are a big help to the families.

If you’ve been wondering what the “loose change” benefits are, and the grocery cart, in the fellowship hall does, this is a small snapshot of what all food pantries do.

Dig deep in your pockets. It is such a worthwhile cause, and every little bit does wonders.

Respectfully submitted

Joan Ouimette


Special Request for Boulder Community Food

Pantry for MAY   

The Deacons need your help in our effort to support the Community Food Pantry in Boulder Junction serving the western half of Vilas County.  Our congregation and the three churches in Boulder Junction work together and alternate months to provide the specially requested supplies.  

"Dangling for Spring Brightness"

is the theme for our contributions during the month of May.  The pantry is asking for counter top cleaner, floor cleaner, kitchen wipes, glass cleaner, dish soap and bathroom cleaner. Please drop off your donations in the basket located outside of the narthex. 


Your generosity is a blessing to many.

The Board of Deacons


Spring Cleanup


The building and grounds committee is looking for some volunteers to help get the outside of the church back into shape after our long winter. We’ll be doing some raking and just general cleanup. If you have a couple of hours in your busy schedule on:

Tuesday morning May 3 at 9:00,

we’d be glad to see you! Rain date is Wednesday morning May 4 at 9:00.

Please bring your own rake and/or blower.

If you have any questions,

please call Mark Schuelke at 715-686-7223.


Westminster Guild met on Thursday, April 7, for our Bible Study, "Come to the Waters," led by Father Bill Radant. This lesson on "The Hospitality of Living Water -- Compassion" focused on the biblical mandate to show compassion and offer hospitality to everyone. Jesus is the Living Water. The Samaritan woman, AND PEOPLE TODAY, need this water. When we welcome the Living Water into our lives, we learn the importance of hospitality and compassion. True hospitality is more than being friendly to strangers. It involves welcoming people into our hearts and having compassion for them in their situations in life. It also involves being evangelists who share the good news of the Living Water, the Risen Christ.

During the business portion of this meeting and during our April 21 meeting, we worked on plans for Women's Sunday, May 15, and for our participation in the PW Presbytery Annual Meeting in Duluth on April 28. Of course, as always at this time of year, we are ramping up our Fleazaar planning. In this connection we are hopeful that the congregation will seek great finds in their attics, basements, and garages. We are particularly looking for antiques, seasonal items, hand-crafted items, and jewelry. If you are in the process of upgrading your garden, propagating new plants, etc., please consider starting a few extra for our plant portion of the bazaar. And, of course, we make our annual plea for canned pie filling! Last year our "baking ladies" made 50+ pies for the bake sale, and that means a lot of pie filling. So if you happen to see some on sale, buy a few extra cans and bring them to the kitchen anytime. We will pile them up on the baker’s racks in the far corner of the kitchen, and we thank you so much for thinking of us.

Our next meeting will be on May 5 -- 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall -- our last Bible Study lesson of the year, "River of Life -- Hope."

Please consider joining us -- we would love to welcome you.

Kay Suffron


Christian Education

Lot’s of things are happening in May!

May 8th is:

Mother’s Day

Youth Sunday and Confirmation

May 15th is:

Women’s Sunday

May 25th is:

Last day of Youth Group

May 27th is:

Eighth grade Graduation

May 29th is:

The Beginning of our

Summer Worship Schedule


30th Memorial Day

On the 8th, we will be honoring Mother’s of all kinds, and, the whole Youth group will be participating in the Worship service. Some will be singing, some reading scripture and some ushering. The eighth graders will also be Confirming their faith on that day.

This year’s Confirmands are:

Morgan Frandy

Natalia Schellinger

Hannah Semmerling

We want to convey our sincerest


to each of them

both on Graduation and Confirmation.

In His service and yours,

Joan Dioszegi

May 29th

Mark your calendar:

Beginning of our

Summer Worship Schedule

Mini Service - 8:00 am

Full Service - 9:30 am

MAY Birthdays:

1st Tory Meier, 2nd Ed Monroe, 3rd Morgan Trapp, 5th Mary Schilling, Mark Suckow, Steve Guthrie, 6th Rian Danielson, 7th DuWayne Schumacher, 9th Keith Kost, 10th Mike Speer, 11th John Williams, Jacquelynn Williams, 12th Tom Cervenka, 13th Ries Behling, Bob Bridges, Dan Meier, 14th Bob Schmidt, Kathy Vogt, Graham McFarland, 15th George Nash, 16th Lynn Majewski, Jason Trapp, 17th Charles Wilson, 19th Ben McFarland, 21st Helen Erickson, Cash Jacobs, 22nd Steve Lee, 24th Alex Watras, Tristin Woolf, 31st John Ross

MAY Anniversaries:

2nd Ron & Rose King (52)

6th Mark & Marla Suckow

7th Harland & Sheila Klagos

17th Charley & Hester Rayala (58)

19th Bob & Marilyn Nickerson

21st William & Ruth Horner (56)

23rd Chuck & Jean DeCarlo (52)

25th Jay & Helyn Woolf

Manitowish Waters Community

Presbyterian Church

PO Box 69

Manitowish Waters, WI 54545



Bible Trivia

…check your Bible knowledge

Sleepers and Nonsleepers

1. Who slept in the bottom of a ship as it rolled in a storm?

2. Who slept at Bethel and dreamed about angels?

3. Who was visited by an angel of the Lord while sleeping?

4. Who slept while Jesus prayed in Gethsemane?

5. Who did not sleep while Daniel was in the lions’ den?

6. According to Jesus, this person was not dead, but only sleeping. Who was it?

7. Who slept during a storm on the Sea of Galilee?

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday = 9:00 am till noon


Rev. Chips 715-776-2998


More of our Snowbirds are back…Yeah!

1. Jonah (1:5), 2. Jacob (Genesis 28:11-15), 3. Joseph (Matthew 2:13), 4. The disciples (Luke 22:45), 5. King Darius (Daniel 6:18), 6. Jairus’s daughter (Luke 8:52), 7. Jesus (Luke 8:23-24).

Chit Chat

The month of May in our Gregorian calendar is probably named after a conflation of two goddesses, one Greek and the other Roman, both of which are named, ‘Maia.’ The Greek goddess Maia was one of the Pleiades, the companions of Artemis. This Maia was the mother of Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. The Roman Maia was named for the Latin word for large, maius, and she was associated with growth and the spring. May this May be for each of us a time when God’s message comes to us in new ways, and may our own spiritual lives “grow” deep and “large.”

How might we ensure that spiritual growth this springtime? Simply put, according to George MacDonald, we might say it comes down to two words, “Do,” and “Don’t.” MacDonald writes: “Instead of asking yourself whether you believe or not, ask yourself whether you have this day done one thing because He said, Do it, or once abstained because he said, Do not do it. It is simply absurd”, says MacDonald, “to say you believe or even want to believe, in Him, if you do not do anything He tells you.”

The saving faith “of” Christ, or “in” Christ (that distinction is a very interesting one in its own right) might be viewed as having three general components. In Latin the three are: fides, assensus, and fiducia. Fides is a specific knowledge; something we must know; specific information. No judgment of validity or truthfulness need be made in fides; fides is just information. In our case, it is specific knowledge about Jesus and claims made about him. For instance, we may be given the claim that Jesus saves us from our sins. Fides simply provides this statement about Jesus and what he is said to do for us, nothing more. Assensus, on the other hand, is a value judgment. In assensus one affirms the specific knowledge and information is true. In our case assensus, would say, “I affirm the claim that ‘Jesus is our savior’ is true.” Finally, in fiducia one personally places ones trust in that truth. You take the proverbial, ‘step of faith.’ You appropriate that truth in the way you live. You make an existential commitment.


My favorite example is that of a tight-rope artist. First of all, you are told that Mr. Toni Bombini is a tight-rope artist who can push a wheelbarrow across a wire stretched between two tall buildings. In fact, you are told that he can even push another person in that wheel-barrow across that wire between the two buildings and bring him safely to the other side. At first you are simply given that information. You have knowledge of a man named, Toni Bombini, and his purported ability. You have “Fides.”

Second, you are curious about this information you have received, so you begin looking up both corroborating evidence, as well as evidence to the contrary on Bambini’s high-wire artistry. You check up on him on the internet, and on some credible newspapers; you see a few photographs of him doing this spectacular feat, and you interview a few witnesses of the events as well. After evaluating the evidence you have accrued, and using your best critical abilities, you come to the conclusion that the stories of Bambini’s spectacular tight-rope excursions with wheelbarrows and people on wires between buildings are indeed ‘true’. You now have the conviction those stories about Bambini are accurate. He indeed can cross a tight-rope pushing a wheelbarrow with a person in it from one building to another. You now have “Fides” (i.e. information about Bambini), and “Assensus” (i.e. you are convinced the information about him and his feats are true).

Third, you go to see Bambini perform in New York City. He has a wire stretched between two buildings, he has a wheelbarrow at the ready, and asks you to climb on in, and tells you he will push you safely across. You have “Fiducia” if you climb into the wheel-barrow, and take the ride.

When we speak of believing in a religious sense, and if that belief is real, then it will hold all three components --- Fides (information), Assensus (conviction of truth), and Fiducia (existential commitment). In the context of existential commitment, let me now return to Mr. McDonald’s contention once again: “Instead of asking yourself whether you believe or not, ask yourself whether you have this day done one thing because He said, Do it, or once abstained because he said, Do not do it. It is simply absurd”, says MacDonald, “to say you believe or even want to believe, in Him, if you do not do anything He tells you.”

McDonald has thrown down the gauntlet. Have you heard God’s voice? Do you think what you’re being called upon to do by that voice is true? Then do it, or don’t do it as need dictates. Are you going to fish or cut bait? Will you put your money where your mouth is? Do you believe? Chips


Pastor’s Page

MAY 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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