Where to Get Free (and legal) Images - Bridgepoint Education

Where to Get Free (and legal) Images

For Use with PSY620

It can be difficult to find images that are guaranteed to be free to use. There are many sites that have some

free images, but you have to hunt for them among all the fee-based images. Others allow you to download

some free images but then force you to buy a membership to continue. Here are three sources of always

free (and copyright free) photos and illustrations in the public domain or under creative commons license.

The images below were found using keyword searches on learning and cognition:




If you find other great sources for copyright free images, please share with your classmates! This can

easily be done by sharing the link through the Webliography tool in the top right of your classroom.

Just click the button, enter your information, and click to share it.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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