Unit 1 - Digital Media Sectors and Audiences
Scheme of work
Guided learning hours (GLH): 30
Number of lessons: 15
Duration of lessons: 2 hours
Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on assignments. Revision sessions are not included as part of the guided learning hours (GLH).
|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Resource checklist** |Links to other units |
|1 |Unit introduction |Teacher presentation (approx. 10 minutes) – outline |Specification – learning aims, unit| |
| | |the nature of the learning aims and the number of |content and assessment criteria | |
| | |assignments that learners will be expected to |Practice questions or alternatively| |
| | |complete. |sample assessment material provided| |
| | | |by Pearson. | |
|Learning aim A: Understand digital media sectors, products and platforms |
|1 (cont.) |Topic A.1 Media sectors |Teacher presentation: outline the aims and objectives |Computers |Unit 2: Planning and Pitching a |
| |Outline and discuss specific product examples of the following |of the session and activities to be undertaken. |Writing materials |Digital Media Product (Topic C1) |
| |creative media technologies: |Provide illustrative examples of products from both | |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |● Analogue |analogue and digital technologies. | |Production (Topic A1) |
| |● Digital |Learner activity: learners undertake research into a | |Unit 4: Digital Audio Production |
| | |range of analogue and digital products and write up | |(Topic A1) |
| | |their findings | |Unit 5: Digital Publishing |
| | | | |Production (Topics A1, A2, A3, A4, |
| | | | |A5, A6) |
| | | | |Unit 6: Website Production (Topics|
| | | | |A1, A2) |
| | | | |Unit 7: Digital Games Production |
| | | | |(Topics A1, A2) |
| | | | |Unit 8: Media Industry in Context |
| | | | |(Topics A1, A2, A3, A4) |
| | | | |Unit 10: Digital Photography for a |
| | | | |Media Product (Topics A1, A2) |
| | | | |Unit 12: Digital Audio Editing |
| | | | |(Topic A2) |
| | | | |Unit 13: Graphic Design for Digital|
| | | | |Media (Topics A1, A2, A4) |
| | | | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| | | | |(Topics A1, A2) |
|2 |Topic A.1 Media sectors |Teacher presentation on media sectors. |Computers | |
| |Gaining an understanding of creative Media sectors; their |Group activity: learners to investigate creative media|Writing materials | |
| |associated products and how they link together through synergy |sectors and their associated products. Look at media | | |
| |(cross-media links, advantages and product connections). |products from a range of mediums and ask learners to | | |
| |Moving image |identify the genre, codes and conventions; list them | | |
| |Audio |in the charts provided and see how many of them are | | |
| |Publishing |similar and how many media platforms they are produced| | |
| |Websites |across. | | |
| |Games |Learner homework activity: complete write up of | | |
| | |findings as evidence for revision notes. Undertake | | |
| | |exam revision. | | |
|3 |Topic A.2 Media products and processes |Teacher presentation: outline and illustrate the range|Computers | |
| |Identify the formats of different digital products within each |of processes used in the development of a product. |Writing materials | |
| |stage in each sector. Understanding the stages of development in|Group discussion: analyse and discuss the range of | | |
| |the production of a media product and the tasks specific to each|processes illustrated and how they are relevant to | | |
| |stage in each sector, including the following: |each sector. | | |
| |Film/Video & TV |Group activity: choosing a specific industry, generate| | |
| |Audio |a flow chart that outlines and exemplifies the | | |
| |Publishing |following processes: pre-production; production; post | | |
| |Digital games |production; distribution and exhibition/consumption. | | |
| |Content should include the processes of development in creative | | | |
| |industries: | | | |
| |Pre-production; production; post production; distribution & | | | |
| |exhibition/consumption. | | | |
|4 |Topic A.3 Digital media platforms and devices |Teacher presentation: providing illustrative examples |Computers |Unit 2: Planning and Pitching a |
| |Know about platforms through which digital media is distributed |of a range of digital media distribution methods and |Writing materials |Digital Media Product (Topic C1) |
| |and devices on which it can be accessed. |associated devices. | |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |● Digital media platforms |Group activity: learners should investigate a range of| |Production (Topic A1) |
| |● Devices that can access digital media. |distribution devices and analyse content to include | |Unit 4: Digital Audio Production |
| | |investigations into distribution through: mobile | |(Topic A1) |
| | |phones, PC, laptops, MP3 players, MP4 players, games | |Unit 5: Digital Publishing |
| | |consoles and handheld devices, radio, tablet. | |Production (Topics A1, A2, A3, A4, |
| | |Learner homework activity: write up findings for | |A5, A6) |
| | |inclusion in revision guide. Undertake exam revision. | |Unit 6: Website Production (Topics|
| | | | |A1, A2) |
| | | | |Unit 7: Digital Games Production |
| | | | |(Topics A1, A2) |
| | | | |Unit 8: Media Industry in Context |
| | | | |(Topics A1, A2, A3, A4) |
| | | | |Unit 10: Digital Photography for a |
| | | | |Media Product (Topics A1, A2) |
| | | | |Unit 12: Digital Audio Editing |
| | | | |(Topic A2) |
| | | | |Unit 13: Graphic Design for Digital|
| | | | |Media (Topics A1, A2, A4) |
| | | | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| | | | |(Topics A1, A2) |
|5 |Topic A.4 Multimedia technology and consumption |Teacher presentation on multimedia technology and |Computers | |
| |Looking at digital media products, from all sectors that may be |consumption. |Writing materials | |
| |accessed across platforms and within one device in order to gain|Group activity: learners to investigate cross media | | |
| |an understanding of the cross media functions of various devices|functionality and audience production and consumption.| | |
| |and the possible benefits of this convergence. |Undertake investigations and complete a report. | | |
| |Looking at audience production and consumption of media | | | |
| |products, and the advantages and disadvantages, to include key | | | |
| |concepts of interactivity and personalisation. | | | |
|Learning aim B: Understand audiences for digital media products |
|6 |Topic B.1 Types of audience |Teacher presentation: outline audience engagement in a|Computers |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |Know about different audience types and how they interact with |range of digital media products and platforms, |Writing materials |Production (Topic B1) |
| |digital media products individually, through engagement with |providing a range of illustrative examples. | |Unit 9: Digital Editing for Moving |
| |digital media products alone. Relevant illustrative examples |Group discussion: using illustrative examples provided| |Image (Topics B1, B2) |
| |will be used. |by teacher, discuss the nature of audience engagement | |Unit 13: Graphic Design for Digital|
| |Understanding the differences between individual and group |and enjoyment of digital media products. | |Media (Topic B2) |
| |consumption, and their associated digital media platforms and |Individual activity: learners to write up discussion | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| |devices looking at engagement with a digital media product with |notes and findings into revision guide. | |(Topic B.3) |
| |others and collective enjoyment. |Learner homework activity: review revision guide and | | |
| | |undertake exam revision. | | |
|7 |Topic B.1 Types of audience |Teacher presentation on types of audience. |Books/Magazines/ |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |Learning to distinguish between primary and secondary audiences |Paired activity: investigating and outlining the key |Journals/Internet |Production (Topic B1) |
| |and understanding why and how they occur and outlining a range |concepts in audience consumption theory using a range | |Unit 9: Digital Editing for Moving |
| |of audience reception theories: |of resources and illustrative examples. | |Image (Topics B1, B2) |
| |• Primary audiences | | |Unit 13: Graphic Design for Digital|
| |• Secondary audiences | | |Media (Topic B2) |
| |• Passive viewing and passive audience theory | | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| |• Active viewing and active audience theory | | |(Topic B.3) |
| |• Examples of passive and active media | | | |
| |• Consumer-generated content | | | |
|8 |Topic B.2 Audience and producer control |Teacher presentation: outline the different roles and |Computers |Unit 6: Website Production (Topic |
| |Understanding the roles and responsibilities of regulatory |responsibilities of the regulatory bodies identified. |Writing materials |B2) |
| |bodies in relation to audiences and producers and apply in media|Individual activity: investigate two regulatory bodies| |Unit 10: Digital Photography for a |
| |scenarios, including: |and write a report that outlines: | |Media Product (Topic C2) |
| |BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) |The area of the creative media sector they regulate | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| |ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) |Their role and function | |(Topic B4) |
| |PEGI (Pan European Game Information) |Their key codes of conduct | | |
| |PCC (Press Complaints Commission) |Learner homework activity: write up findings for | | |
| |OFCOM (Office of Communications) |inclusion in revision guide. Undertake exam revision. | | |
|9 |Topic B.3 Understanding audiences through research |Teacher presentation: outline the key concepts and |Computers with internet access |Unit 2: Planning and Pitching a |
| |Looking at how audiences are researched and how this information|purposes of primary and secondary research and how it | |Digital Media Product (Topic A.3) |
| |is used for audience statistics and audience research methods |can be used in a range of creative media sectors. | |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |such as: |Group activity: undertake primary and secondary | |Production (Topic C.1) |
| |Primary research and Secondary research methodologies. |research into a specific topic/product/sector chosen | |Unit 4: Digital Audio Production |
| |Differentiating between qualitative research and quantitative |by teacher and outline advantages and disadvantages. | |(Topic C.1) |
| |research methodologies. |Group presentation/ | |Unit 5: Digital Publishing |
| |Advantages and disadvantages of different types of research and |discussion: learners present findings to the class and| |Production (Topic C.1) |
| |methods, to include key research terms. |take part in group discussion. | |Unit 6: Website Production (Topic |
| | | | |C.2) |
| | | | |Unit 7: Digital Games Production |
| | | | |(Topic C.1) |
| | | | |Unit 9: Digital Editing for Moving |
| | | | |Image (Topic C.2) |
| | | | |Unit 10: Digital Photography for a |
| | | | |Media Product (Topic C.1) |
| | | | |Unit 11: Animation for Digital |
| | | | |Media (Topic C.1) |
| | | | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| | | | |(Topics B.1, B.2) |
|10 |Topic B.4 Audience profiling |Teacher presentation: outline the aims and objectives |Computers with internet access | |
| |Exploring audience profiling and consumer behaviour through data|of the session on audience profiling and activities to| | |
| |or research results: ● profiles (consumer, reader, gamer, |be undertaken. | | |
| |surfer, listener, viewer) |Group activity: use research data to develop a profile| | |
| |● purpose of audience profiling |of the class using the following techniques: | | |
| |● using research data to develop a profile |Demographics. | | |
| |● use of demographics (gender, age, socio-economic background, |Patterns of consumption. | | |
| |race, occupation, income, education) |Individual activity: presentation of audience research| | |
| |● patterns of consumer behaviour (genre choices, products |information and interpretation of audience data in the| | |
| |consumed, impact of technology) |form of charts, pie charts, graphs, tables and | | |
| |● data (box office, sales figures, ratings, circulation, website|reviews. | | |
| |hits) |Learner homework activity: write up findings for | | |
| |● presentation of audience research information |inclusion in revision guide. Undertake exam revision. | | |
| |● interpretation of audience and product data from charts, pie | | | |
| |charts, graphs, tables and reviews. | | | |
|Learning aim C: Explore how audiences engage with digital media products. |
|11 |Topic C.1 Communication of meaning |Teacher presentation: provide examples of connotation |DVD player/audio player |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |Continuity Understanding how audiences ‘read’ meaning from |and denotation as an intrinsic part of visual codes. |Newspapers/magazines |Production (Topic B1) |
| |media, through the typical use of stylistic codes in media |Group activity: work through a range of media products|Online games |Unit 9: Digital Editing for Moving |
| |sectors and its part in production, focus on: |provided by the teacher to identify how meaning has | |Image (Topics B1, B2) |
| |● Denotation |been imbedded and can be interpreted. | |Unit 13: Graphic Design for Digital|
| |● Connotation |Learner homework activity: write up findings for | |Media (Topic B2) |
| | |inclusion in revision guide. Undertake exam revision. | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| | | | |(Topic B.3) |
|12 |Topic C.1 Communication of meaning |Teacher presentation showing DVD/audio footage – |DVD player/audio player |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |Generic elements, identifying the elements that relate to a |including clips from a range of different genres of | |Production (Topic B1) |
| |specific ‘type’ of production. Generic elements should include |film/TV & radio. | |Unit 9: Digital Editing for Moving |
| |investigations into:- |Individual activity: learners to identify genre of | |Image (Topics B1, B2) |
| |Narrative or storyline and narrative devices |each clip and explain why clips fit the specified | |Unit 13: Graphic Design for Digital|
| |characterisation |genre. Record all findings in their revision guide. | |Media (Topic B2) |
| |Themes | | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| |Structures | | |(Topic B.3) |
|13 |Topic C.1 Communication of meaning |Teacher presentation on structure and stylistic codes |DVD player/audio player |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |Understanding stylistic codes and conventions and examples of |and conventions. | |Production (Topic B1) |
| |how they are used in media products, focus on: |Paired activity: undertake textual analysis of an | |Unit 9: Digital Editing for Moving |
| |● Colour |audiovisual product. | |Image (Topics B1, B2) |
| |● Framing and angle |Learner homework activity: write up findings for | |Unit 13: Graphic Design for Digital|
| |● Movement |inclusion in revision guide. Undertake exam revision. | |Media (Topic B2) |
| |● Composition or navigation | | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| |● Mise en scène | | |(Topic B.3) |
| |● Lighting | | | |
| |● Editing of moving image and/or sound | | | |
| |● Sound | | | |
|14 |Topic C.1 Communication of meaning |Teacher presentation: recapping on work done in |DVD player/audio player |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |Investigating how stylistic codes can be used to create meaning |previous weeks and outlining activity for the lesson. |Newspapers/magazines |Production (Topic B1) |
| |in products across media sectors. |Paired activity: learners to continue textual analysis|Online games |Unit 9: Digital Editing for Moving |
| |Using skills and knowledge gained from previous lesson to |of range of media products. Analyse a product from one| |Image (Topics B1, B2) |
| |identify and analyse these codes in a range of products from the|of the following mediums: | |Unit 13: Graphic Design for Digital|
| |following sectors:- |Radio | |Media (Topic B2) |
| |TV/film |Magazines/newspapers | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| |Radio |Gaming and interactive media | |(Topic B.3) |
| |Magazines/newspapers |A number of charts are provided for learners to fill | | |
| |Gaming and interactive media |in and begin outlining the main genre, codes and | | |
| | |conventions. | | |
|15 |Topic C.1 Communication of meaning |Teacher presentation: outline the relevance of |DVD player/audio player |Unit 3: Digital Moving Image |
| |To understand and define key concepts and how digital media |audience identification and the use of stereotyping in|Newspapers/magazines |Production (Topic B1) |
| |products use these concepts to communicate meaning and engage |media products providing a range of illustrative |Online games |Unit 9: Digital Editing for Moving |
| |audiences in different media sectors. |examples. | |Image (Topics B1, B2) |
| |Representation of places, people/characters, events, |Paired activity: look at a range of media products and| |Unit 13: Graphic Design for Digital|
| |products/services/brand identity: |identify the stereotypes used and how audiences | |Media (Topic B2) |
| |Through the use of stylistic features, positioning and |identify with these – write up findings. | |Unit 14: Writing for Digital Media |
| |perspective |Learner homework activity: write up findings for | |(Topic B.3) |
| |Audience identification |inclusion in revision guide. Undertake exam revision. | | |
| |Use of stereotyping | | | |
|TOTAL: 30 hours |
*See the specification for full details of unit content.
BTEC Level 3 National Children's Play, Learning and Development
Teaching and Assessment Pack
Unit X [TITLE]
BTEC First Creative Digital Media Production
Teaching and Assessment Pack
Unit 1: Digital Media Sectors and Audiences
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