Creating a Marian College Email Account Only for Students

Creating SabreNet/Email/Marian Online2 Accounts Sheets for New Incoming Students

For accounts that have been created using the new automated process

(First time freshman, Transfer, and Re-admit students)

1. Check the emails from the email account looking for the attachment that has the name “Traditional_YYYYMMDDHHNNSS.txt” (Y=year, M=month, D=day, H=hour, N=minute, S=second).

2. Open the “Traditional_YYYYMMDDHHNNSS.txt” file. If there is not any student data in the file, you are finished as there is nothing to do. If there is student data in the file, proceed to the next step.

3. Save the “Traditional_YYYYMMDDHHNNSS.txt” file with the name Traditional.txt in the following location \\mcfs1\apps\Integrations\Accounts

a. Note: \\mcfs1\apps is what is known as the “P-drive”

b. Additional Note: There may already be a file in this location with this name, just say “Yes” when/if the pop-up box asks if you want to overwrite the file that is already there.

4. Create the single page account sheet with the new student login and password information for SabreNet, Email, and Marian Online 2.

a. Open the P:\Integrations\Accounts\New Incoming Students-New Automated Process.docx Word document. (P-drive =\\mcfs1\apps)

b. Select “Yes” at the dialog box.


c. If a file conversion box pops up, click the “Windows (Default)” radio button and click “OK”.


d. Select the “Mailings” tab and then select the “Finish & Merge” button and then select the “Edit Individual Documents” option from the drop down that appears.


e. When the pop-up box appears choose the “All” radio button and click “OK”.


f. This will generate another Word document with several pages, one page for each student in the list, listing their personal SabreNet, Email, and Marian Online 2 account information.


g. Convert this word document into a PDF file and Print the newly created student Account Sheets:

i. Select File and then Save As.

ii. From the save as type drop down select “PDF”

iii. Save the PDF file in the P:\Integrations\Accounts folder and name it “Account sheets” followed by the current date (e.g. “Account sheets20080211” if today’s date were February 11, 2008).

h. Close both Word documents but do NOT save changes to either Word document.

i. Print the PDF file you just created with the students account information.

j. Close the PDF file.

k. Pick up the Account Sheets from the printer and give them to Tammy Thornton (she will have a work-study student take these sheets to the Admissions Office). NOTE: If it is AFTER the last SOAR date, there is no need to print these sheets or give them to Tammy Thornton. Just create the sheets and add the sheets to them to the Main Account Sheets PDF file as listed below. NOTE: In the Spring, all sheets go t the CASE Office.

l. NOTE: Sometimes the CASE Office asks for sheets for students who have been here before. In those cases, if the student is enrolled in Password Manger (PM), I let the CASE Office know that the student can reset their password on their own at anytime via PM and I do not create an account sheet because the student can reset the password on their own. The CASE Office, advisor, or anyone else can provide the student their username if they have forgotten it as that is in their PowerCAMPUS record and in the Global Address Book. If the person was here before but did not enroll in PM, I just manually reset their password and manually create them an account sheet.

5. Insert the newly created PDF Account Sheets into the main Account Sheets PDF File.

a. Open P:\Integrations\Accounts

b. Right click the file titled “Account sheets.pdf” and select “Open with Acrobat 9” (or whatever is the latest version number of Adobe you have on your system).


c. Select “Document” from the Menu bar and then “Insert Pages” and then “From File…”.


d. Find the PDF file you just created (it was titled Account sheet followed by the current date).

e. At the dialog box, select “After” for the Location and “Last” under the Page section and select “OK”.


f. Save and then Close the “Account sheets.pdf” file.

6. Finished.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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