Did You Know Pocket IE on Windows Mobile 2003 Supports CSS

Did You Know Pocket IE on Windows Mobile 2003 Supports CSS?

Not many people know this, due to the complete lack of information in the Windows Mobile 2003 SDK, but Pocket IE on Windows Mobile 2003 devices DOES support CSS!

Pocket IE on Windows Mobile 2003 supports CSS Mobile Profile plus a few additional CSS1 and CSS2 attributes to make your mobile web authoring easier than ever before.

In addition, it also supports methods to select CSS stylesheets for mobile devices (i.e. @import, @media, and ) -- more on this later.

Here is some information on the CSS syntax and attributes supported by Pocket IE on Windows Mobile 2003 devices:

|Syntax |  |  |

|  |!important |  |

|  |integer and real numbers |  |

|  |lengths |  |

|  |  |px |

|  |  |em |

|  |  |ex |

|  |  |in |

|  |  |cm |

|  |  |mm |

|  |  |pt |

|  |  |pc |

|  |percentage values |  |

|  |URI values |  |

|  |color values |  |

|  |  |#rrggbb |

|  |  |rgb(r, g, b) |

|  |  |also over 100 named color values (i.e. |

| | |red, green, etc.) |

| | | |

|Rules |  |  |

|  |@import |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  |url(uri) |

|  |media types |  |

|  |  |all |

|  |  |handheld |

|  |  |screen |

|  |@media |  |

|  |  |all |

|  |  |handheld |

|  |  |screen |

| | | |

|Selectors |  |  |

|  |* |  |

|  |E |  |

|  |E F |  |

|  |E:active |  |

|  |E:focus |  |

|  |E:link |  |

|  |E:visited |  |

|  |E[foo] |  |

|  |E[foo="warning"] |  |

|  |E[foo~="warning"] |  |

|  |E[lang|="en"] |  |

|  |div.warning |  |

|  |E#myid |  |

| | | |

|Properties |  |

|  |background |  |

|  |  |[ 'background-color' || |

| | |'background-image' || |

| | |'background-repeat' || |

| | |'background-attachment' || |

| | |'background-position' ] |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |background-attachment |  |

|  |  |scroll |

|  |  |fixed |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |background-color |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  |transparent |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |background-image |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  |none |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |background-position |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |top |

|  |  |center |

|  |  |bottom |

|  |  |left |

|  |  |center |

|  |  |right |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |background-repeat |  |

|  |  |repeat |

|  |  |repeat-x |

|  |  |repeat-y |

|  |  |no-repeat |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |border |  |

|  |  |[ 'border-width' || |

| | |'border-style' || |

| | |color ] |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |border-color |  |

|  |  |{1,4} |

|  |  |transparent |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |border-style |  |

|  |  |{1,4} |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |border-top |  |

| |border-right | |

| |border-bottom | |

| |border-left | |

|  |  |[ 'border-top-width' || |

| | |'border-style' || |

| | | ] |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |border-top-color |  |

| |border-right-color | |

| |border-bottom-color | |

| |border-left-color | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |border-top-style |  |

| |border-right-style | |

| |border-bottom-style | |

| |border-left-style | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |border-top-width |  |

| |border-right-width | |

| |border-bottom-width | |

| |border-left-width | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |border-width |  |

|  |  |{1,4} |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |clear |  |

|  |  |none |

|  |  |left |

|  |  |right |

|  |  |both |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |color |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |display |  |

|  |  |inline |

|  |  |block |

|  |  |list-item |

|  |  |run-in |

|  |  |compact |

|  |  |marker |

|  |  |table |

|  |  |inline-table |

|  |  |table-row-group |

|  |  |table-header-group |

|  |  |table-footer-group |

|  |  |table-row |

|  |  |table-column-group |

|  |  |table-column |

|  |  |table-cell |

|  |  |table-caption |

|  |  |none |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |float |  |

|  |  |left |

|  |  |right |

|  |  |none |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |font |  |

|  |  |[ 'font-style' || |

| | |'font-variant' || |

| | |'font-weight' ]? |

| | |'font-size' |

| | |[ / 'line-height' ] |

| | |'font-family' |

|  |  |caption |

|  |  |icon |

|  |  |menu |

|  |  |message-box |

|  |  |small-caption |

|  |  |status-bar |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |font-family |  |

|  |  |[ | |

| | | ], * |

| | |[ < family-name> | |

| | | ] |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |font-size |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  | |

|  |  | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |font-style |  |

|  |  |normal |

|  |  |italic |

|  |  |oblique |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |font-weight |  |

|  |  |normal |

|  |  |bold |

|  |  |bolder |

|  |  |lighter |

|  |  |100 |

|  |  |200 |

|  |  |300 |

|  |  |400 |

|  |  |500 |

|  |  |600 |

|  |  |700 |

|  |  |800 |

|  |  |900 |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |height |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |auto |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |list-style |  |

|  |  |[ 'list-style-type' || |

| | |'list-style-position' || |

| | |'list-style-image' ] |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |list-style-position |  |

|  |  |inside |

|  |  |outside |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |list-style-type |  |

|  |  |disc |

|  |  |circle |

|  |  |square |

|  |  |decimal |

|  |  |lower-roman |

|  |  |upper-roman |

|  |  |lower-alpha |

|  |  |upper-alpha |

|  |  |none |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |margin |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |margin-top |  |

| |margin-right | |

| |margin-bottom | |

| |margin-left | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |padding |  |

|  |  |{1, 4} |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |padding-top |  |

| |padding-right | |

| |padding-bottom | |

| |padding-left | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |text-align |  |

|  |  |left |

|  |  |right |

|  |  |center |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |text-decoration |  |

|  |  |none |

|  |  |underline |

|  |  |line-through |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |text-indent |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |vertical-align |  |

|  |  |baseline |

|  |  |sub |

|  |  |super |

|  |  |top |

|  |  |text-top |

|  |  |middle |

|  |  |bottom |

|  |  |text-bottom |

|  |  | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |visibility |  |

|  |  |visible |

|  |  |hidden |

|  |  |collapse |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |white-space |  |

|  |  |normal |

|  |  |pre |

|  |  |nowrap |

|  |  |inherit |

|  |width |  |

|  |  | |

|  |  | |

|  |  |auto |

|  |  |inherit |

[Author: Jay McLain]

posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 2:50 PM by windowsmobile

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# re: Did You Know Pocket IE on Windows Mobile 2003 Supports CSS?

Monday, August 16, 2004 9:53 AM by jwb

I haven't been able to use css to style how widgets (such as form buttons or input boxes) appear. I don't know for sure if its supported or not, but at this point I would say no. Can someone verify or refute this?

# re: Did You Know Pocket IE on Windows Mobile 2003 Supports CSS?

Monday, August 16, 2004 12:31 PM by Jay McLain

Yes. Confirmed.

Sorry, I meant to include that information above, but I removed it before posting.

The following CSS properties are not supported on intrinsic control elements: background-color, all border properties (i.e border-color, border-style, border-width, etc), color, height, width.

# re: Did You Know Pocket IE on Windows Mobile 2003 Supports CSS?

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:10 AM by Pony99CA

Good list of attributes, but I didn't realize people had to dig into an SDK to find out Pocket IE in WM 2003 supported CSS. I knew it would support it before it was released thanks to news at the Pocket PC sites.

My site has taken advantage of CSS for a while, and you can see that on your Pocket PC. For example, visit my Preferences page on a WM 2003 device and change the theme and font size. It works!


Silicon Valley Pocket PC

# Pocket IE su Windows Mobile 2003 supporta i CSS

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:47 PM by Anonymous

# re: Did You Know Pocket IE on Windows Mobile 2003 Supports CSS?

Thursday, September 02, 2004 12:15 PM by Peter

Hi, you just copied the list from the W3C pages. Most of them are not supported by PIE.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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