Things You Can Do on the Suffolk Community …

Academic Computing Essentials for SCCC Students






You can access the Suffolk County Community College website at any time or day from any location where a computer can access the Internet (home, work, library, school, etc.). Enter the school address (URL) into the web browser address window.

Every day between the hours of 8am to midnight, you can access your school records (transcript, SAIN report, class schedule, class availability, etc.), and where you can register and pay for classes, print your schedule, etc. utilizing the My SCCC Portal to Student Records outlined on the following pages.



These features change frequently to address college activities and notices

• College News and What’s Happening College, campus and student activities and notices.

• Important Messages Emergency messages, campus closures, reminders, deadlines, etc.

• SCCC Student ID Where and how to get the required student photo ID card.


Many features of the college website are accessible in a variety of ways. The option box on the left of the screen contains links to information that a student would find useful.

About SCCC - Suffolk-at-a-Glance, campus information, maps, phone/email directories, etc.

• Academics - Academic programs, departments and faculty, course descriptions, distance education, libraries and student computer centers, etc.

• Enrollment Services - Provides information about admission, programs, registration, financial aid,

forms and FAQs.

• Student Life - Multicultural programs, student activities, athletics, the arts, student center services

Student Services - Career services, Children’s Learning Centers, Counseling and Advising, Disability Services, Educational Opportunity Program, Health Services, Student Support Services, Student Affairs Administration


A variety of links are found in the drop-down menu of Quick Links. Options that may be of benefit to students are:

• Online Student Services - One method to access to MY SCCC and records and registration. See below for specific features.

• Class Schedule - College-wide class schedules and availability (seats taken) for that semester

• Online Directory - Locate faculty and administrators office, telephone and email address

• Calendar of Events - Listing of events held at the college

• College Catalog – The entire print college catalog on line (need Adobe Acrobat Reader to access).


Buttons in the upper right hand corner enable a user to go directly to:

• My SCCC - Your student records and registration.

• Search - A search engine for specific college information

• Site Map - Displays a listing of every heading and links on the college website.

• Home - Brings you back to the homepage from any page on the college website.

• Back - Takes you back to the previous screen.



You will be able to access My SCCC from 8am to midnight every day. All users of computing resources are presumed to have read and understood the Information Technology Policies and Guidelines and and agree to abide by them by indicating so the first time you log onto My SCCC.


This is a one-time login that will activate your account. Subsequent logins will utilize a college-issued username and a password of your choice. Password instructions are displayed on password website pages.

• Click the My SCCC icon to enter.

• Enter your student ID number or social security number and PIN number that is your birth date in six digits (all lowercase, no spaces) at the Welcome screen.

• You will be issued a username that will also be used as your e-mail username (first four letters of your last name followed by the first letter of your first name and the last two digits of your social security number—no spaces, all lowercase).

• You will be asked to create a new complex password. You cannot use your birthdate. Your new password will expire in 180 days and you must create a new password before expiration and cannot change a password to one previously used. The new password must:

✓ Be at least 6 characters long.

✓ Contain letters and numbers (and not contain your first or last name).

✓ Have at least one of the letters must be uppercase and others lowercase

✓ For additional security, include one or more of these characters: @ = - + ! # $ % ^

` Example: My96Chevy, Mac+Me, ABCdef58, Led-Zep, etc.

Once your new password is established, you will be taken to a screen to enable you to reset your password if you have forgotten it. It consists of your Student ID and four questions of which you will answer two (make sure you check the box and remember which questions and answers you have chosen). In the event you forget your password click onto the Forgot Your Password? at the login on the Welcome screen and the questions will display. Answer your questions accurately and you can now create a new password. If you cannot accurately answer the questions, you must bring your student ID to the Registrar's office to have the password reset. It is wise to write your password down for future use.


To enter the My SCCC Student Portal:

Select My SCCC icon (or Online Student Services or Enrollment Services from the home page).

• Input your Username and new Password and click Login.


At the My Home screen you will find top news stories and sports scores of the hour, calendar of events for the day and special messages. Tab buttons will access the college Calendar, E-Mail, My Courses and My Activities. The box on the right contains links to your student records and registration and other information..

• Calendar - Select one or more calendar categories by checking the boxes on the right of the page. The appropriate information will appear on the calendar. For example Academic will provide the dates important to the semester such as when classes begin, end, withdrawal date, etc.; Registration will indicate dates of late, preferred, online registration, etc. Each entry is a link for further details.

• E-Mail - Access to your student e-mail account (See page 8 for E-Mail instructions)

• My Courses - Will display your current semester schedule and provide links to other college records and registration features (details for these links are outlined on page 6)

• My Activities - Will display your current student activities.


On the right side of each screen in the portal is a list of links that will access your records and enable registration, etc. They are listed under the title My Courses and the Semester.

• My Class Schedule - Provides a print out of your current class schedule. Enter the Semester and click Enter. Print the schedule from the Print button on Browser toolbar.

• Register for Courses - Register on-line by selecting a Campus and selecting an Add from the action column. Insert a Class Section number in the Section # for up to five classes. Section numbers can be acquired from the print course schedule or by entering the Campus and Catalog Number option on the right side Click on Go to process your request. The second page will indicate your chosen sections and a link to View Your Schedule and View Your Semester Bill. Use the browser Back button to add a section or drop a listed section. Note the links on the bottom of the screen.

• Lookup Class Availability - Specify the Campus, Academic Area, Day and/or Evening classes and All or Open classes, and click Submit to continue. The Details is a link that will provide the catalog listing for that class and any prerequisites. The Room Number is a link that will provide the campus and building location and Notes explains what kind of class it is, and any course requirements (i.e. Telecourse, Honors Class, Lab Fee, Non-credit, etc.). Note the Seats Remaining as an indicator to the availability of a seat in that class.

• Pay My Bill/Confirm My Attendance - Review tuition fees and refund policy and click Next. At the bottom of the Liability and Penalties for Non-payment, check the affirmative options and click Next. A Semester Bill will be displayed and/or a confirmation of attendance if your bills covered by Financial Aid. Input appropriate credit card information to complete the process.

• My SAIN Report (Student Advisement Information Notice) - Displays record of credits toward your major including transfer credits, and required courses taken and need to take. The SAIN Report also contains information about credit distribution and a legend to grading. Another feature of the SAIN report is the ability to investigate a particular or different curriculum utilizing the classes already completed. Click on View your SAIN under another curriculum link to access this feature.

• My Unofficial Transcript - Displays your college classes, grades, semester average and cumulate average. Check here for your grades about five days after the semester ends. Faculty will post grades electronically at the completion of the semester.

• Request Official Transcript – Note that an official online transcript can only be sent to your home. Select a Special Handling option and click on Submit Request. An official sealed transcript will be sent to your home in approximately 10 days.

• Change My Information – Submit a new address or phone number in appropriate boxes. To change or correct a name you must go to the Registrar.


The Calendar features Month, Week or Day options of SCCC schedules, activities and events. A Personal Calendar option displays your current course schedule and events of personal interest.


This is a search feature to campus events and organizations.


College Services, on the bottom right of the My SCCC student portal screen, are links to SCCC website features covered under Student Features and Quick Links on the page 4 of this book and other information regarding the College.

On-Campus Wireless Access

The College has completed phase one of its implementation of a college-wide wireless network. Be advised that the wireless network is not a guaranteed service nor does it contain any special security systems to prevent virus or worm propagation. The College is not responsible for any damage to equipment that may

occur while connecting to the network and individuals are responsible for virus protection and updating their operating and application systems.

Use of the wireless network requires prior registration and is limited to current students. An electronic registration form is provided at this link and two business days are necessary to process the application. You will need to affirm that you have the latest security patches and system updates, provide the MAC address of your wireless network adapter and agree to the Acceptable Use Policies.

Once your account is activated you will be able to communicated with any of the access points across the college (a coverage map that indicates which buildings and areas on each campus are accessible is included). Dependent on the individual’s equipment, communication may be automatic or may require you to enable the connection. If you cannot connect, complete the Networking and Telecommunications Trouble Report form, that is one of the associated links.



• Personal Information - Displays current address and phone number and a form to change address or phone number.

• Change My Password - Permits the voluntary or required before expiration change of your password. Follow the instructions for the initial creation of a password on the page 5of this book.


Frequently Asked Questions about all facets of My SCCC and the College


Make sure you log out when you have completed using the My SCCC system. Failure to properly log out will leave your personal records readable by the next person to use the computer. Also remember that these records are secure and cannot be read without proper login information or altered by any unauthorized person.


The college has provided a free e-mail account for every enrolled student. Access is provided at the My Home page of the My SCCC. This email account will facilitate communication between the administration, faculty and students and enable transmission of reports and papers as attachments. Students are encouraged to use this account frequently as the college will be using e-mail to inform students of critical information, sales of excess computer equipment, changes in procedures, etc. The college does not prohibit the personal use of this email account.

Once you log into My SCCC, you will not need an additional logon to your e-mail account and will be available for the hours that My SCCC is operational (8am-Midnight). There is marginal protection against viruses and spam, and students are advised to not open any e-mail or attachments to e-mail that are unsolicited or unknown. The e-mail system is subject to alterations, updates and outages for maintenance. When possible, an e-mail message will be sent by the computer center alerting you to these interruptions in service.

Your e-mail user name will be the first four letters of your last name, the first letter of your first name (as registered at SCCC) and the last two digits of your social security number. Use lower case letters and do not use spaces.

Example: Name is Alfred. E. Prufock, SSN 123-45-6789 prufa89

Your full address is your username followed by This address should be given to those who wish to communicate with and will appear on your e-mail messages.



To log onto the e-mail system, click the E-Mail tab on the My Home page of My SCCC. This will open your account and display your Inbox.


• All messages in your mailbox will be displayed indicating Msg (number), Date, Status icons, Size, From and Subject. The icons are shown in the Legend on the lower right side of the screen. These icons will indicate the status of each message such as Deleted, Unread, Read, Answered, Attachment, and Highest, High, Low or Lowest priority.

• The Check Mail link (upper left) will permit you to look for new incoming mail not displayed in your Inbox.

• To Delete a Message, highlight the message and click on the Mark button and indicate Deleted in dialog box. The deletion will take place as you exit the program.


• Click on Compose link on the Inbox screen.

• Fill in header information

To: E-mail address of person

Subject: A very brief statement of the e-mail content

Cc: E-mail address of additional person or persons

Bcc: E-mail address of additional person or persons that message will be sent, but will not appear on message ("blind copy")

• Enter your message in text box. Check spelling by clicking on the Spelling button. The spelling checker works similarly to that in a word processor.

• If complete, click Send to transmit message.

• Important features of the Compose page are:

✓ Save Draft - Incomplete message to save for later completion or transmission

✓ Address Book - Place or retrieve frequently used e-mail addresses

✓ Save copy of sent message - Save this message in your Sent mail folder

✓ Attachments - To attach a file (document or photo) to message (see below)


A word-processed file or photo file can be attached to an e-mail message. Many instructors use this method to receive and send student papers. Attaching files and communicating via e-mail is an essential for students enrolled in on-line courses. Note: SCCC uses MS Word. If you use another word processing software (Word Perfect, Works, etc.), save a document to be emailed in a text file (.txt or .rtf) that can be opened by any word processing software.

• To attach a file, scroll to the Attachment information box and input the name and location of the file

• Example: A:\Stardust Melody.doc or C:\My Documents\egophoto.jpg

• If the file or location is unknown, click on the Browse button that will engage a Windows function to look for the file on a disk or hard drive. Change the drive location to the storage drive and highlight the filename and press Enter.

• Once the filename is in the File box, click on the Add button. When copied into the email, the name of the file will appear under the File box and it is now safe to send the document.

• If document or photo file is very large, it will take some time to load completely. To send prematurely will truncate the last pages of the document or part of a picture.

• To view an attached file (indicated by the paper clip icon), click on the attached file name or the paper clip icon. In order to read an attached word-processed file, it is essential to have the program it was written in (typically MS Word).


Folder links for Inbox, Drafts, Sent mail and Trash are established in the Folders link on the Inbox page. To view the contents of these folders click on the appropriate link. Users can create folders to organize and store e-mail messages for academic classes, campus activities, personal e-mail, etc.


Compacting e-mail messages compresses and reduces the memory size of the e-mails being stored in folders. It enables more to be stored in your account, but it is essential to not let unnecessary files build up and overload your account. There is a limit of 2Mb of storage on all e-mail accounts; you will be notified in an e-mail that your limit has been reached.


Permits the user to search for a particular subject, sender, or date.


Store frequently used addresses in the Address Book (also called Contacts). Use the Address Book for a quick way to insert the recipient's address into an e-mail header.

• Click on the Address Book link on the Inbox screen.

• Add Contact - Click on the Add Contact button to add an e-mail address as well as other information about the contact. When this is saved it will appear in your Contact Address Book.

• Alphabetical Short-cuts - If you have many listings in your address book, click on the letter of the last name and it will take you to the addresses under that letter.

• To Use a Contact Listing - Click on the name, check the To (and Cc and/or Bcc) and click on Back to Compose. The address(es) will appear in the header information in a new e-mail.

• To Edit or Delete a Listing - Click on the appropriate Edit or Delete icon and complete the action.


Click on the Preferences link on the Inbox screen. The default settings can be changed for personal needs and preferences. Check that the time zone and time are correct. Establish that sent mail will be contained in the Sent Folder and whether you wish the Reply be included in your message


Options and Access Control are advanced options that most likely you should not alter unless you have a full understanding of an e-mail system. Retain the User Read, Write, Mail and Admin settings.


Click on the Help link to access additional information about the features and operation of this e-mail program.


Click on the Logout link to exit the e-mail program and take you back to the My SCCC - My Home page. Do not leave your account open, especially if you are working in a public place.


Microsoft Word is available on all SCCC campuses. Faculty usually will insist on word processed papers and a certain style format (typically APA-American Psychological Association or MLA-Modern Language Association). Comply to the style, specifications and objectives of your instructor. Following are word processing features that would be utilized for academic papers.

Fonts and Styles

• Use traditional fonts such as Times Roman, Courier, Palatino, Arial or other “formal” fonts.

• Avoid color, fancy script, bold face and other nontraditional fonts that can be a distraction from the content of your paper and often make it difficult to read.

• Use a minimum of 12 point and maximum of 14 point type in the body of your paper. Do not use 10 point type unless specified by your professor.

• It is acceptable to use a larger font for the title page, but avoid using decorative type or clip art unless requested by your professor.

• Use the bold (B); underline (U) and italics (I) to emphasize words. Publication titles (see page 14) should be italicized (the preferred) or underlined.


• Most word processors default to 1-inch top, bottom, left and right, which is a standard most professors accept. Any margin can be changed before or after the text is typed.

• To change the margins:

Select File, Page Setup.

Type or select with arrow keys Top, Bottom, Left and Right margins

Line Spacing

• To change the line spacing you can select Format, Paragraph. Indicate the desired number in the Line Spacing box

• Below are shortcut keys that can also be used.

Hold the Ctrl key and tap the 1 for single spacing

Hold the Ctrl key and tap the 2 for double spacing

Aligning Text

• Paragraph alignment specifies the alignment horizontally in relation to its left and right margins. Word uses left alignment as its default setting.

• Icon buttons (Left, Center, Right and Justified horizontal lines) are selectable from the toolbar


• It may be necessary to indent paragraphs to emphasize a point or make blocked quotes.

• There are three basic types of indents:

Indenting the first line only (Tab Key).

Indenting all text from the left ( Format, Paragraph, Indents and Spacing).

Indenting text on the right and the left (Format, Paragraph, Indents and Spacing).

Page Breaks and Numbering

• Word automatically starts a new page after you enter enough text to fill up a page.

• Page numbering should not be inserted on each page as you type. Use the page numbering feature by selecting Insert, Page Numbers (Position, Alignment, etc.) or by incorporating the page number in a Header or Footer. Let the computer do the page numbering for you. If you insert or delete text, the page numbering will adjust.

• You can force a page to end at a particular point in your document by moving to the end the page and press Ctrl + [Enter]

Spelling Check

Students find the spelling check helpful, but nothing replaces reading and rereading your paper for spelling and grammar. A spelling checker will not pick up a misspelled word or the wrong form of a word, if that word spells a word (i.e. gust instead of just, or there instead of their, etc.).

• Select Tools, Spelling and Grammar or the Spell Check icon on the toolbar.

• Word checks your spelling as you type. When you misspell a word, Word highlights the word with a red wavy line. To fix the error immediately, click the word with the right mouse button. A shortcut menu appears with a list of possible replacements. Select the correct one to replace the misspelled word.

Thesaurus and Synonyms

Add variety and precision to your writing by using the Thesaurus or Synonym features.

• To use the Thesaurus:

Place the insertion point in the word for which you want a synonym and select Tools, Language, Thesaurus.

Highlight the synonym you wish to use and click Replace.

• To use the Synonyms:

Place the insertion point in the word for which you want a synonym and click the right mouse button.. Highlight the synonym you wish to use and click Replace.

Saving a Document for the First Time

• The first time you save a document, establish a filename and indicate the drive where the document is to be saved (A, C My Documents, D, E).

• A filename should reflect the contents of the file. Use upper and lower case letters and spaces. Word will add a .doc extension to indicate it is a Word document.

• To save your document:

Select the Save icon, or select File, Save As.

Type the filename.

Change to the appropriate drive. Click on the Save button.

Resaving a Document

• It is important to resave a document after you make changes to a document.

• To resave a document, select the Save icon or select File, Save.

Opening an Existing Document

A file can only be opened by the program it was written in or has some reciprocity with.

To open (retrieve) an existing document:.

Select the Open icon, or select File, Open.

Select the appropriate drive and directory, as necessary and the document name.

Select the Open button.

Closing a Document

It is possible to have more than one file open, and text can be cut, copied and pasted into another document. To close a document. select File, Close or check the close box.


Printing is an expensive process. Ensure that your document is in a final form and all corrections are completed before printing.

• View the document before printing by using the Print Preview icon.

• To print documents simply select File, Print or use the Print icon. Using File, Print allows users to select all or part of a document to print.

Exiting the Software

• Close out all documents before exiting the word processing software.

• Leave disk in the drive until the software is exited.

• To exit the software select File, Quit and display will return to the desktop.

• For security do not leave any open documents/files on the screen. Make sure that the software name does not appear on the status line at the bottom of your screen.

Guide of Bibliographic Citations

The following is provided to assist students in preparing works cited and bibliographic documentation for research papers and reports. Note the proper indentation and use of punctuation marks within the citation. This document was prepared using the Modem Language Association (MLA) standards. Consult A Guide to MLA Documentation (Joseph F. Trimmer), available in the bookstores, for more examples of bibliographic citations. This style manual also includes an appendix of the American Psychological Association (APA) standards, an alternative style for writing research papers. Use the style specified on course assignments or class syllabus.


Authors last name, first name. Book Title (Additional information if part of title).

City of publication: Publishing company, Publication date.


One Author: Sudhalter, Richard M. Stardust Melody: The Life and Music of Hoagy Carmichael. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002

Two or More Authors: Vey, Ann, Greg Caris, and John East. Greening in Supermarkets. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

With an Editor: Hall, Ralph, ed. The American Book of English Epithets. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1978..

Articles in Periodicals

Author's last name, first name. "Article title." Periodical Title Date: inclusive pages.


Signed Newspaper Article: Barr, Caroline. "Signs of the Future." Newsday 4 March 1999:

sec. II: 3.

Unsigned Newspaper Article: "Race Disparity Widens in Cyberworld." New York Times 3 April 2000: nat. ed., sec. l : 9

Professional Journal Article: Miller, Ronald F. "Biology Education: A New Approach." Natural Science Journal Vol II. (1996): 122-129.


Author's last name, first name. "Article title of printed source." Periodical title of printed

source. Date: inclusive pages. Title of database. CD-ROM. Name of vendor or publisher.

Electronic publication date or date of access.


CD-ROM Periodical Publication with Printed Source:

Cornell, Brendon. "The Dilemma of Irish Poetry in the New Millennium." Critical Monthly

27 (2000): 123-126. FirstIssue. CD-ROM. CyberJoumals. May 2000.

Internet and Web Sources

Author's last name, first name. "Article title" or Book Title. Publication information for any printed version. Or subject line of forum or discussion group. Indication of online posting or home page. Title of electronic journal. Date of electronic publication. Page numbers of the numbers of paragraphs or sections. Name of institution or organization sponsoring Web site. 'Date of access to the source . .


Professional Site: MLA on the Web. 25 November 1997. Modern Language Association of America. 25 Mar 1998

Personal Site: Smithington, Jan. Home page. Regents College/Information Technology

Colloquium. 18 April 1999

Journal Article: Geller, Robert. "Canine Rimadyl Toxicity." Veterinarian Quarterly. 20.2 (1997) 13 Sep 1997

What Gets Italicized (or Underlined)

Style manuals agree that the following should be italicized if you have a printer that will print italics. An underline is the substitute for italics.

Published Book America: War and Vision; Encyclopedia Britannica

Newspaper The New York Times; Newsday; The Daily Planet

Magazine, Periodical Newsweek; Atlantic Weekly; New Yorker

Journal Nature; Journal of Modern Philosophy; Association of Social Workers

Pamphlet AIDS and You; Fifty Ideas for Recycling; Women’s Blitz Build

Play, Musical, Ballet, Opera As You Like It; Showboat; Swan Lake; Madame Butterfly

Film, Television Program Casablanca; The Perfect Storm; Masterpiece Theatre; Cheers; Star Trek

Long Poem Canterbury Tales; Beowulf; The Wasteland

Musical Composition Dvorak's New World Symphony; Carmina Burana (no movements/songs)

Recording Simon and Garfunkel Revisited; Pink Floyd's The Wall

Video Tape Golf with the Masters; This Old House

Painting, Sculpture Chagall's I and My Village; Da Vinci's Mona Lisa; Michelangelo's Pieta

Ship, Aircraft USS Constitution; Apollo 13; Spirit of St. Louis

What Gets "Quotation Marks"

Article in Newspaper "Workers Protest Air Quality," Newsday

Article in Magazine "Office Air Quality Puts Workers at Risk," Newsweek.

Article in Journal "Development of Humanistic Criteria," Modern Biology

Essay in a Book "The Style of John Updike," American Authors of Note

Chapter in a Book "The Economy Before the Civil War," American Heritage

Title of a Short Story "The Pit and the Pendulum," Edgar Allen Poe

Title of a Short Poem "She Walks in Beauty" and Maya Angelou's "Quiet for Now"

Title of a Song "Don't Step on My Blue Suede Shoes," Elvis Presley

Episode of a TV Program "The Trouble with Woody," Cheers

Title of a Lecture "Dutch Elm Disease and You," The Green Society Journal


Student e-mail is available between the hours of 8am and midnight. Please note that Internet access is not guaranteed 100% of the time. There are times when the school website or the Internet service provider is "down" for maintenance or updating.

Student users are reminded that no electronic communication is strictly private. Judicious use following the SCCC Information Technology Policies and Guidelines is advised.

Identity theft and spam are the results of sloppy Internet use. Do not open or respond to solicitations and requests for information. No reputable commercial enterprise uses the Internet and E-mail to gain security information regardless how authentic the message appears. You will not win a prize or cash by entering an online contest or offer, and personal information should never be given to unknown recipients.

Please note like all Internet websites, access is not guaranteed 100% of the time. There are

times when the school website or email system is “down” for reinstallation, upgrading or

local technical failures or our “outside service” that provides the actual link to and from

the Internet and the school are “down” for maintenance or technical failures.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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