My contact details are as follows - Parliament of Victoria

From: "Ross Smith" To: Cc: Date: 04/09/2011 06:22 PM Subject: Inquiry into Opportunities for participation of Victorian Senior

Dear Ms Bush With regard to the above Inquiry, I trust that you will not consider trite my submission that the opportunities for participation of Victorian Seniors (and all seniors) is dependent on adequate retirement incomes and that fair adjustments need to be in place to allow for the broadest participation possible. In this context, I wish to bring to your attention the fact that more and more government charges (Federal and State) are being indexed to inflation. Even GST taxes are effectively indexed due to inflation. However neither conservative or labour governments have seen fit to index the Commonwealth Senior Health Care Card from the limits established in 2001 i.e. $50000 for singles or $80000 for couples. The Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card can be very important in regard to cheaper medicines and help with utilities for self funded retirees . This will become even more critical to self funded retirees with the advent of carbon tax. I trust that your report will include a recommendation to review the CSHCC limits and a recommendation that they be indexed a la traffic fines and car registration etc. Yours Sincerely Ross Smith

My contact details are as follows:

Ross Smith


Ross Smith


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