TEACHER HANDBOOK - Broward County Public Schools
CHALLENGER ELEMENTARYPRE-K THROUGH 5th GRADESTAFF HANDBOOK2015-2016“SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS”Realizing Our Collaborative Keen Efforts Trigger SuccessTara Zdanowicz, PrincipalTara Pasteur, Assistant PrincipalCHALLENGER ELEMENTARY FACULTY HANDBOOK2015 – 2016DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENTThe School Board of Broward County, Florida is committed to educating all students and staff to reach their highest potential.DISTRICT NON – DISCRIMINATION POLICYAs an equal opportunities/equal access employer, The School Board of Broward County, Florida, is committed to ensuring that no employee or applicant is discriminated against in any term or condition of employment. In accordance with Policy 4001.1, “Nondiscrimination Policy,” the School Board prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination based upon age, color, disability, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.Vision:The vision of Challenger Elementary School is aligned with the District’s vision. We are dedicated to educate today’s students and staff to succeed in tomorrow’s world. Mission:Challenger Elementary will provide a positive learning environment, which recognizes the importance of individual needs and encourages community involvement. Challenger is committed to educate all students/staff to reach their highest potential. Core Beliefs:To provide a safe, nurturing environmentHigh expectations – believe all students can learnTechnology rich classrooms that enhance student learningHome/school partnershipsEffective communicationTeaching critical thinking as a life skillBuilding CE pride by showcasing student achievementIndividual needs of whole child met: academic, emotional, physical and creative Models the importance of lifelong learning through their commitment to ongoing professional developmentInclusion – students placed in least restrictive environmentCreative methods to exceed academic standardsPromoting active engagement, self esteem, character education and cultural diversity using all modalities Collaboration to improve student learning (instructionalstrategies, methods, and assessments)Continuous reflecting and revising our teaching practicesAugust 17, 2015 Dear Challenger Elementary Faculty & Staff, It is with great pleasure we welcome you to the 2015-2016 school year. We are proud to announce that the Challenger family has proven that dedication pays off. Congratulations on your tireless efforts in preparing our students for the newly adopted Florida Standards. As we continue our path to foster Career & College ready students, and mold Challenger Elementary into a “MODEL SCHOOL”, we are confident that you will assist and help to lead the charge to make Challenger the best once again. We have planned for instruction, professional development, and have teams to build the momentum for an extraordinary school year. This handbook has been prepared to assist personnel, students, and parents in the effective implementation of School Board and Challenger’s policies and procedures. This handbook should clarify mandated procedures, provide suggestions for effective implementation of policies, provide programming suggestions, clarify overall school operations and offer guidelines for sound decision making as it relates to the educational and operational goals of our school. The School Improvement Plan is a living, breathing document at Challenger Elementary. It serves as a roadmap designed to help us recognize where we are and where we want to be as it relates to student achievement and teacher professional development. In order to celebrate our successes and to determine our plan of action, faculty, staff, and the School Advisory Council will constantly monitor this plan. If you have any questions about your roles and responsibilities, please see us. We are here to do whatever we can to make this the best year ever for Challenger Elementary. Professionally yours,Ms. Tara Zdanowicz, PrincipalChallenger Elementary Handbook Contents Absences (Teacher)AccidentsAccountability for ItemsAdults on CampusAmericans w/DisabilitiesAnti-Bullying Policy/ HarassmentAttendance (Student)BicyclesBirthdaysBroward Truancy Intervention ProgramBulletin BoardsBus PoliciesCafeteriaCalls to ClassroomsCell PhonesCertificationChild Abuse ReportingClass CoverageClassroom AssistantsClassroom CareClassroom VideosCode of EthicsCollection of MoneyConferencing with ParentsConfidentialityContagious DiseasesCopier UsageCopyrightsCorporal PunishmentCorresponding with ParentsCumulative RecordsCurriculumDeadlinesDeliberate PracticeDisciplineDismissal of StudentsDress CodeDrug Free WorkplaceE-mail EtiquetteEmergency Action PlanEmployee Assistance ProgramEmployee Self-ReportingEnd of Year ChecklistEvacuation ProceduresEvaluationsExceptional Student `````Education ProgramsExpectations for Professional DevelopmentFaculty CouncilFaculty MeetingsFAX MachineField TripsGuidanceHall PassesHealth and ClinicHIPAA/HIVHomework PolicyIn-serviceInteroffice Mail System ```` (Pony)Jury DutyKeysLaptopsLeaving School GroundsLesson Plans and Class Record BooksLost & FoundLounge PolicyMailboxesMedia CenterMedicationMicrowaves, Coffee Pots `````and StovesMorning AnnouncementsOffice ProceduresOpen HouseP.T.A.Parental ConcernsPartiesPlayground SafetyProgress Monitoring PlanProtect Technical EquipmentPurchasesRecess ProceduresReporting Progress of mmmStudentsResponse to InterventionRequest for Class ChangeResponsibilities of the ttttTeacherSafety PlanSchool Board PoliciesSchool Advisory CouncilSchool Social WorkerSevere Weather DismissalSexual HarassmentStaff ChildrenSubstitute TeachersSupplementsSuppliesTardiesTemporary Duty Authorization (TDA)Telephone CallsTextbooksTutoringVandalism and Property bbbDamageVisitorsVolunteersWithdrawalsWorkers Compensation ABSENCES (TEACHERS)Each teacher will be responsible for recording all absences on the Substitute Finder System. These absences should be recorded in advance of the absence. A “Job Number” must be recorded for each substitute. In the event your absence is last minute for the day, you must contact the Substitute Coordinator by 7:00 a.m. on the day of the intended absence. If you are planning to be out consecutive workdays please specify on the Substitute Finder System.Teachers on TDA’s and not requiring a substitute MUST also record their absences on the Substitute Finder System indicating no substitute is required. A TDA must be submitted two weeks (10 school days) in advance, prior to TDA for principal’s signature and approval. The Substitute Coordinator will monitor the Substitute Finder recording each evening and again in the morning to obtain a list of absences for the day. If a teacher has a concern using the system, please contact the Substitute Coordinator for instructions. Keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to provide substitutes with appropriate and current lesson plans, student rosters, and clear information on daily schedules and emergency procedures. Teachers will be responsible for completing a substitute folder that will be provided to the substitute coordinator. It is the teacher’s responsibility to keep this folder up to date with meaning academic curriculum. Teachers must sign a Certificate of Absence at the end of each payroll period if an absence occurred. Please be reminded that taking days off before or after a School Board approved holiday is not permitted without prior approval from administration. Time is not allotted during the school day for leaving and returning to school. If you are given permission to leave, you must sign out and in again when you return. The importance of regular attendance cannot be overstated, and in order for students to meet their academic potential they need consistent and regular instruction from the same teacher.ACCIDENT OR INJURY TO STAFFTeachers who sustain a work related injury or illness is responsible for reporting it to the office manager, and for calling the worker’s compensation number no later than twenty – four hours after the injury. Although the staff member may feel the accident is minimal, be on the safe side and report the accident. Reference might be needed after the occurrence and the facts are important. ACCIDENT OR INJURY TO STUDENTSDO NOT MOVE ANY STUDENT WHO COULD BE SERIOUSLY INJURED. CALL THE FRONT OFFICE FOR HELP.When an accident occurs it is necessary for an accident report to be completed by the teacher in charge of the class during the accident. If the student is badly hurt, call the office immediately. If outside, use your cell phone or radio to call the office and an administrator or a support staff member will come to assist the teacher. The teacher should never try to move a child with a possible broken limb, head injury or back injury. Before the end of the school day, the teacher or staff member who witnessed the accident must complete an official accident report and submit it to the Office Manager. The parent or guardian shall be contacted immediately in the event of any student accident or serious illness of a student. It is essential that all employees immediately report to the office manager all accidents regardless of seeming insignificance at the time. If procedure is followed, the report is on record in the event complications develop at a later date.ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ITEMS ASSIGNED TO STAFFAll personnel are responsible for the safe use, maintenance, storage, and return of all items assigned to them. These include:1.Keys to classrooms 2.Textbooks 3. Multimedia equipment 4.Equipment and furniture in your room.You are required to immediately report the loss of any school property to the assistant principal. Do not loan or let anyone use your keys or other items in your care.Adults on CampusAll adults who have business on campus are required by Board policy to report to the SPOE upon entering the campus. This applies to substitute teachers, visitors, tutors, volunteers, etc. If visitors come to your classroom without a badge, send them to the SPOE to sign in and to receive a badge.AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA), the District is required to make a reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of a qualified individual with a disability unless it can show that the accommodation would cause an undue hardship. Reasonable Accommodation is a critical component of the ADA’s assurance of nondiscrimination.In order to assist principals, department heads and supervisors with this complex task, the Equal Educational Opportunities (EEO) Department has developed Reasonable Accommodation Request Procedures. These procedures ensure smooth, legal, and consistent handling of requests for accommodation.Enclosed are the procedures and forms to be utilized whenever an employee requests a reasonable accommodation. EEO staff will work with the employee and immediate supervisor in determining if the employee is a qualified individual with a disability and what effective form of accommodation can be provided. ANTI – BULLYING POLICY7620011747500The School Board adopted Policy #5.9 on July 22, 2008. Training will be provided to all staff members annually to ensure that this policy is enforced.This policy can be accessed at (STUDENTS)Attendance must be recorded daily and recorded on Pinnacle. Please refer to the Pinnacle manual.Each teacher is expected to encourage regular attendance of all students except when absence is due to one or more of the eight reasons listed in School Board Policy 5.5. If a child is absent from school, Florida State Law states the same day the student returns to school requires a written excuse from the parent or guardian. Excused absences will be granted for illness of student, illness of immediate family member, death in the family, religious holidays of the student’s own faith, required court appearance or subpoena by a law enforcement agency. All parent notes and other documentation pertaining to a student’s absence must be submitted to the school’s IMT, the same day they are brought by the student. When a student returns from an absence and it has been recorded as “AU”, please request an absence letter from the parent. Any time a student will be absent from school for an extended period of time (three or more days,) parents must have permission from the principal or designee five (5) days prior to the absence. The request must be submitted in writing. A form is available on our school’s website or in the Front Office. Teachers will not be responsible for preparing missed work prior to these absences. As per school board policy, students who are absent from school are required to be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Please refer to School Board Policy 5.5 and/or Florida Statute 1003.27. Teachers should phone student’s home to determine cause of any unexplained absences after three consecutive days. After five consecutive absences, please notify the guidance counselor. At this time, a social worker will be sent to determine the cause of the excessive absences. The Guidance Counselor(s) and case managers, along with the teachers will also monitor incidents of excessive absences. Please familiarize yourself with Broward County’s newly revised attendance policy which can be found on the Broward Schools website. This policy holds parents accountable in line with the State of Florida Compulsory Attendance Law. If you are concerned about a child’s pattern of non-attendance, seek assistance from the support team, school social worker and/or administration.BICYCLES220980031115000Students may ride bicycles to school. Their bicycles must be parked in the designated bicycle area and locked. Students who bicycle to school must wear an approved safety helmet. The school is not responsible for the theft of a bicycle. No bicycle riding will be allowed on school grounds. Students must walk bikes to and from the public roadway. BIRTHDAYS17526002921000No birthday celebrations. BROWARD TRUANCY INTERVENTIONS PROGRAMThe Broward Truancy Intervention Program (BTIP) is a partnership between the Broward State Attorney’s Office and the School Board of Broward County. The purpose of this program is to prevent excessive student absences and is administered by the assistant principal. Parents who do not comply with Florida Statute 1003.27 and do not communicate with the school regarding their child’s absences are committing a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by law. BULLETIN BOARDS-3810004318000Bulletin Boards both in the classrooms and hallways should be current and display student work and have an academic focus (word walls, calendar math, etc.) Boards should be changed and updated regularly (monthly). Holiday bulletin boards should be taken down within 1 day after the holiday has passed and cannot be left up over the holiday break. It is imperative that all lights be turned off daily when you leave your classrooms.BUS POLICIES160020066865500Broward County provides bus transportation for students living more than two (2) miles from the school. Detailed information such as schedules will be provided at the beginning of each year. Bus students load and unload at the designated bus loading area. Bus students are dismissed promptly at the 2:40 p.m. Students moving to the bus-loading zone are to be supervised by CE staff. Students who ride a school bus may not be kept in for any reason without notification to the parent and with a signed agreement returned to the teacher that the student may remain after school for the specified time. Adequate transportation arrangements must be made for the student by the parent. In the event there is a change in dismissal, the classroom teacher must inform the front office immediately. Cafeteria ProceduresChallenger Elementary offers breakfast and lunch daily to our students. Breakfast will be served from 8:15 – 8:30 a.m. Students eating breakfast should report directly to the cafeteria, get their breakfast and sit at the designated breakfast tables. Students are expected to finish eating by 8:30 a.m. in order to arrive to their classrooms on time. 495300037211000Keeping of a tight lunch schedule in the cafeteria is necessary. Hundreds of students must be fed in a short length of time. Teachers are expected to walk the class in an orderly, quiet manner along the serving area door. Challenger staff will facilitate the clean up and dismissal from lunch tables. When all trash/litter has been retrieved, students can be dismissed from their seats, one row at a time. At the end of the lunch period, teachers will greet students at the designated dismissal area. Teachers will escort their students through the exit doors to ensure safety and orderly conduct.The cafeteria is an extension of the classroom environment. Working together will make a difference. In order to improve and create an environment of respect and consideration of others, review and reinforce the cafeteria rules and procedures. Students are expected to eat with reasonable tidiness, speak quietly with those immediately around them and leave the area clean and free of litter. Food or drink should not be consumed in the classroom any time students are present. All staff members should familiarize themselves with the cafeteria expectations and Procedures.Cafeteria Behavior Plan:Please review the following student behavioral expectations with your child:Students will follow their teacher to the entrance door of the cafeteria. Students will remain in an orderly, single file line, using inside voices, while taking all their necessary food items/utensils. They will not be permitted to return to the serving area once seated. Students will walk to their designated lunch table and remain seated until dismissed by Challenger personnel. Students will use appropriate table manners by keeping their area clean, eating only their own food, and speaking only to those students at their own table. Students must raise their hands for all requests, and are to remain in their seats during lunch at all times. Permission to use the restroom will only be given in emergency cases.When student areas are free and clear of all litter, students will then follow Challenger staff directions for dismissal. Students will dispose of their trash in the following ways:All trays will go in the SOMAT machine one person at a time, stopping until the previous student is finished.Lunchbox trash only should be put in the garbage cans.Recycle receptacles will be disposed in the designated areaWalking from the trash area, students will sit by number in the pre-arranged chairs and wait for their teacher’s directions.TELEPHONE CALLS TO CLASSROOMS48768009906000Instructional time with students is to be valued and respected at all times. Please refrain from using classroom phones to call colleagues when they are teaching students. Copies of specials/lunch schedules are provided to everyone in order to verify when a teacher will not be directly instructing students. The phones in the teacher’s lounge are designated for faculty and staff use only. Calls should be brief. Long distance calls are allowed only on office phones and should be school – related. Front office personnel are instructed not to pass phone calls into the classroom unless it is of an emergency nature. Otherwise, the office staff will connect calls to voicemail. Teachers will be notified of any forgotten lunch money, and homework. Every effort will be made to limit intercom interruptions. CELL PHONES-762003302000Cell phones should not be used during student contact hours and should be left in the off position or on vibrate mode in classrooms when classroom instruction is taking place. It is against school policy for staff to use cell phones during student contact hours. Advise family/friends to call the office in an EMERGENCY situation and the call will be sent to your classroom. Students are allowed to bring cell phones to school, but they should be kept in the OFF position and be stowed out of sight. Failure to do so may result in the phone being confiscated by school staff. The Code of Conduct and Discipline Matrix outlines specific procedures for students who violate cellular phone policies. CERTIFICATIONIt is imperative that each teacher has an updated copy of his/her teaching certificate on file in the school. Teachers new to the school must bring in their certificate, leave it with the Office Manager, and he/she will copy it and return it to your mailbox.Any time a teacher receives a new updated certificate, please bring it to the office for copying. By Florida State Statute, it is the professional responsibility of each teacher to keep his/her certificate current. Failure to renew your teaching certificate can result in non-renewal of your contract. CHILD ABUSE REPORTING Florida Statute requires educators to report any alleged or actual child abuse/neglect to the Department of Children and Family Services (See Mandatory Abuse Brochure.) If you suspect a student is being abused or neglected, it is strongly advised that you discuss your feelings or suspicions with the guidance counselor(s) or administration, or you may directly report the case to the State by calling the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800 - 96-ABUSE. Per school board policy, a Child Abuse Reporting Form must be completed and sent to Student Services. A copy of this form and directions can be obtained from Guidance services. If you choose to discuss this or wish to have us call with you, you can be assured that you have the complete and ethical support of the guidance and administrative staffs.The Guidance Counselor can assist you in telephoning in an abuse case and completing the written report. It is strongly advised that you do not question the child. You are only reporting your suspicion of abuse. It is not your responsibility to investigate or substantiate the abuse.The following information is as per the Broward Sheriffs Office Child Protective Investigations Section and Broward County Public Schools Child Abuse ServicesAbuse, Abandonment, and Neglect CasesPoints for School PersonnelPrior to calling in a report to the Florida abuse hotline: 1-800-96-ABUSE, please ensure there is a reasonable suspicion to support an allegation of abuse, abandonment or neglect. If it’s a matter of the child being hungry, poor hygiene, or concern about discipline but no physical injury, please link with existing student support services (guidance, school social worker, and family counselor) for intervention/prevention.When calling in a report to the hotline, please ensure that the most current contact information for the child and the family is provided. Check the emergency card in the front office to be sure that you are using the most recent address and contact names/phone numbers. The reporter should provide contact information at the school and another means to contact at all times. When calling in an abuse report, please do so as soon as possible and as early in the day as possible. The earlier we get the information the easier it is for our investigators to reach the child, preferably at the school. Do not wait until Friday afternoon to call in reports.Be as specific with the allegations as possible and any other issues surrounding the complaint, i.e. how long the reporter has noticed the allegations or any behavior that substantiates the allegations.Parents or guardians may try to find out who made the report. If confronted by a parent/guardian, school staff members do not need to confirm making the report.All contact with school personnel by DCF representatives shall be with the principal or designee, and under no circumstances shall a DCF representative proceed directly to a classroom or other portion of the school plant without the specific authority of the principal or designee.When in doubt whether to report or not, consult with your child abuse designee or contact the Guidance Counselor to discuss your concerns. Class CoverageOccasionally it is necessary to have a fellow teacher cover a class because of illness or other critical emergencies. All arrangements for class coverage must be cleared with administration. Please be sure to keep a dismissal list posted by door at all times.Direct supervision of students is required at all times.CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS/PARASThe services of classroom assistants will be provided, as money is available. Classroom Assistants will be assigned a morning and afternoon duty. Classroom Assistants not assigned to a specific class will have daily cafeteria duty. The following activities are not within the job description of a classroom assistant. Classroom Assistants may not assign a grade to a student’s work. They may check and score objective item responses, (i.e.: math papers, multiple choice, spelling, etc).Classroom Assistants may not be left in charge of an entire class without the teacher present. (In an emergency, tell the teacher located closest to your room or notify the office).Classroom Assistants are not to be held responsible for the supervision of students on the playground or picking up students from a special or lunch. Administration will implement work schedules for non-assigned classroom assistants. CLASSROOM CAREThe cleanliness of the building greatly influences both student and teacher attitudes about school. It is the responsibility of instructional personnel to establish a neat, attractive environment for learning. This will encourage proper student respect for neatness and order. All instructional staff is responsible for the physical condition of the classroom. Always turn off lights and lock doors when leaving the classroom (classroom doors should be locked at ALL times). Counters and the teacher’s desk must be neat and organized. Teachers should have all books, workbooks, and scraps of paper or pieces of crayons picked up along with chairs stacked by students before dismissal time. All chairs must be stacked each night. Teachers should maintain an orderly classroom by having students keep books and materials off the floor. Teachers should take particular care when using supplies such as water, paint and glue. The little things that you do to take care of the room helps to make it easier to clean. Students should be encouraged to walk through the hallways without touching the walls, bulletin boards and displayed work. Students should not be allowed out of the classroom with pens, pencils, markers, etc. to help avoid marks on the walls. Our custodial staff is charged with the responsibility of maintaining our building in a clean and attractive manner, but of course, your assistance with maintaining an orderly room is always greatly appreciated. They may be expected to empty trashcans, sweep/vacuum and mop floor daily, dust weekly, clean as needed, supply soap and paper towels daily to your classroom, and to cooperate with any reasonable request made by the instructional staff. Custodial requests can be made on the Facility Request Form, which is found in the workroom. Please assist us with your room by alerting the Head Facilities Service person if you have repair or cleaning needs, such as lights not working, dust build up, or excessive stains. If your room is not being cleaned properly please discuss or e-mail any maintenance or cleaning concerns with the Head Facility Serviceperson or Administration. CLASSROOM VIDEOSIt is an administrative request that you personally preview all DVD’s before showing material to students. DVD’s should only be used if they are a part of the educational program, must be rated G, or as in the case of a documentary, not rated and the teacher must obtain administrative and parent approval prior to showing the DVD in class. It should be noted in your plans with a rationale in how it directly ties in with your current curriculum. CODE OF ETHICS-762008636000Please read the Code of Ethics information in your first day packet and sign the verification form that acknowledges that you have read it.COLLECTION OF MONEY-30480010922000Teachers are not permitted to collect money without prior consent/approval from administration and the BS Liaison. Examples of instances in which student activity receipts are compulsory are: STUDENT PICTURES: Students are to make payments for photos directly to the photographer on the day the photo is taken. FIELD TRIPS: Record keeping of field trip payments is kept on the trip envelope. Student permission forms have a receipt printed/attached. Substitute Teachers are not allowed to collect money for field trips. If a teacher is absent, the Team Leader is responsible for collecting money for the absent teacher. The teacher will make collections of money for the purposes of field trips and any other instance(s) approved by administration. Money collected by a teacher for field trips must be recorded on an official monies collected envelope.Any other money collections will be handled by the cafeteria manager (for lunch), Media Specialist (for lost library books), or teacher (for lost and damaged textbooks).CONFERENCING WITH PARENTS44958001968500Conferences are an important part of reporting students’ progress to parents and can be great help in furthering home/school relationships. Teachers must hold a minimum of two (2) conferences each school year with parents. One conference per semester is suggested. A person-to-person conference is always most desirable; however there are times when parents are unable to come in. Therefore, a telephone conference will be acceptable. Results of conferences must be written on conference forms, signed by the parent and placed in the student's cum folder. (This applies to phone conferences also). Any alternate form of conferences must be approved by administration. Please be proactive when dealing with parents of students with deficiencies. When notifying a parent tell them what you have done, and your plan of action to correct deficiencies.Conferences involving unusual concerns should be relayed to administration. Conferences should be held before or after school, and not during student contact time. Parent teacher conferences are an excellent way of building the home – school connection. To ensure a successful conference, staff must be prepared for each conference by arriving on time, being prepared and professional. It is always a good idea to share student performance data, and or work samples. If you feel you are in an uncomfortable situation with a parent, you may professionally end the conference and contact administration or support staff for assistance. The completed portion of the conference must be documented.The administration and leadership team are always available to attend your conferences. Please confirm date and time prior to the conference before scheduling with the parent.CONFIDENTIALITY -762009398000HIPPA regulations require all employees to maintain the strictest confidentiality when discussing student academic and behavioral records. This information should be dispersed only on a need to know basis, unless written permission has been given by the legal guardian and must be signed in the presence of the teacher or approved personnel. Teachers should not discuss a student's behavior, academic progress, or concerns in the teachers' lounge or other social places. It is important to remember not to point out a child’s deficiencies. This is also very important as it relates to children who are enrolled in all special classes. Please refer to the teacher’s class as opposed to the title of the group. For example: “It is time to go to Mrs. Jones’ class.” as opposed to “It is time to go to Speech.”CONTAGIOUS DISEASESA student or staff member suspected of having a contagious disease is to be sent to the office immediately. Many of these diseases spread rapidly and are not recognized by parents. Teachers are not to diagnose such diseases, but must report all suspected cases immediately. Diagnosis is to be done by the appropriate medical personnel and the school office. If a student enters your classroom he/she is to be sent to the office immediately and not re-admitted without approval from the office. Do not put yourself in jeopardy of contracting these contagious diseases by not following procedures. All staff members are required to wear gloves when treating any injury involving body fluids, blood or contagious diseases. Teachers should not attempt to recognize symptoms of skin disease or other communicable diseases. Any lingering condition that is suspicious should be reported to the front office school Health technician, or Broward Schools Health Education Services Department. COPIER USEAGE53340006794500Each teacher will be provided a number to use for the copy machine in the workroom. Copies will be limited per person each month. Each person is responsible for the copies made on his/her number. COPYRIGHTSBook Copyrights Reproduction of copyright material without prior written approval of the author or publishing company is a violation of copyright laws and can be extremely costly in legal fees. Video Tape Copyrights Videotapes with copyrights cannot be shown over closed circuit television unless there is prior written permission from the producer. However, they may be used for planned direct instructional activities if they are part of the educational program and reflected in lesson plan.CORPORAL PUNISHMENTUnder no circumstances will staff members administer corporal punishment. School Board Rule (6Gx13SD1.07) prohibits the use of corporal punishment. Staff members may not use rulers, paddles or other instruments for the administration of corporal punishment, no matter how lightly administered, or even as a threat to administer corporal punishment.CORRESPONDING WITH PARENTS182880053467000Communicating with parents is essential to a successful year. Teachers are highly encouraged to send information letters and correspondence throughout the year. Any notes going home to the community needs to be approved, in advance. Anything specific to your class must be given to your team leader for approval. If you maintain a class website, please make sure that the content is current and that a colleague has previewed it for accuracy. Team information such as letters, requests from parents, and any other pertinent documentation that are being sent as a team, and school-wide MUST be approved by administration prior to being copied. Please be sure that all correspondence is professional in nature and is grammatically correct with proper spelling. However, because we are a Pre-K – 5th grade school, please make sure that it is parent and student friendly. You might want to add graphics to enhance the look of the document.CUMULATIVE RECORDSCum records must be maintained in compliance with School Board Rules and Polices. These are documents, which, if subpoenaed, would provide information in court concerning the child’s academic progress, educational history, and attendance. Each student will have a Cumulative Folder. Cum Folders are legal documents cannot leave the building. Requests to view a student’s cum folder should be made through the office. Cum folders can only be handled by school personnel. Requests for records of students transferring from public schools in the county or within the state are made through the school office. A Florida Cumulative Record must be completed for students enrolling from out of the state of Florida. The Guidance Counselor or the IMT will be reviewing all cum folders as soon as they are received. They will check to make sure all records are in order and complete. Each teacher should review cum records for all students at the beginning of the school year, and anytime the teacher finds it necessary. 434340026098500General procedures and processes for routing of CUM folders when a student leaves Challenger Elementary will be attached to the CUM folder along with a routing list. Please complete your part accurately and in a timely manner before passing the folder onto the next person on the list.Cum folders are to remain in school at all times and are to be kept in the designated area. CURRICULUM07620000Curriculum Standards of Service as set forth by the Broward County School Board should be incorporated in your plans. (School Board Policy #6001.1) The Physical Education policy mandates that students are to receive PE for 150 minutes per week. Teams will be developing a plan to implement this mandate. Grade level plan will be sent to administration.Pre-K – 5th :A student day shall consist of three hundred thirty (330) minutes of regularly scheduled instruction in the basic skills areas required by state statutes (reading, writing, mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, health, physical education, art, music and computer education). Indoor/outdoor physical activities shall be provided daily. Each student shall receive regularly scheduled instruction in art, music, and physical education.??The Florida Standards should be embedded in all curricula areas where applicable.??????Each teacher will perform such other duties and assignments as required. The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) staffing and review committee may modify the standards of service for an individual exceptional student if it is determined that modification would be in the best interest of the student. A decision to modify the standards of service shall be documented on the student's IEP. District adopted basal textbooks shall be used as primary resources for the instructional program. Other instructional materials may be used as supplementary resources. Accountability procedures shall be established through the district-wide management system,Standardized tests, District Standards of Service, and other accountability procedures. Deadlines45720009207500Please adhere to all deadlines including but not limited to, due dates for report cards and interim reports. We try to give you ample notice so everyone needs to meet the standard of compliance. If you are having a problem with the deadline, please see an administrator.DELIBERATE PRACTICE Every teacher will have a Professional Growth Plan. It is designed to increase your professional knowledge and ability. Administration will meet with teachers in the development of the plan and at the end of the year to evaluate the progress towards the plan. Administration is dedicated to providing the means and support for the successful completion of the Deliberate Practice. The Deliberate Practice is worth 1% of the Instructional Practice Portion of the Evaluation.DISCIPLINEIn accordance with state statues and with the aid of Administration, each teacher must maintain control in the classroom, and in all common areas. All classrooms must post the Behavioral Expectations of the school’s culture; and any other rules teachers deem necessary. It is vital to discuss these expectations on a daily basis and continue to encourage positive behavior. There must also be consequences established for inappropriate behavior. Referrals should be documented through Virtual Counselor/BASIS, and a notification of referral to administration. Administration will handle referrals. The District Discipline Matrix will dictate consequences for referrals.DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS05651500Teachers are to walk students out to the designated dismissal area and assist with supervision of all students. Students who remain past dismissal time should do so only upon teacher’s request and with parents’ written permission. See procedures in the first day packet and in the Parent/Student Handbook for student dismissal procedures. Students are not to be dismissed early or released to the custody of anyone without clearance from or knowledge of administration. Adults coming to remove children from school are asked to sign a checkout sheet in the front office. Students are not to be released to parents who come to the classroom and bypass the front office. In addition, students cannot be dismissed within the last half hour of the school day. Students are released on the basis of a written or typed note and only if the requesting person is listed on the emergency contact form. All students are released through the office only. Changes to a child’s established dismissal procedure will not be followed without notification by the parent/guardian. Make every effort to encourage your parents to make these changes in writing; however, we understand emergency situations.Early DismissalEarly dismissal from school should be avoided and only used for emergencies. Encourage parents to schedule all appointments after school, when possible. There will be no early dismissal after 2:15 p.m. as per SBBC policy. Only the parent/guardian or individual(s) specified on the Emergency Dismissal Form are permitted to sign a student out prior to dismissal. If a child is to be released to another adult, the parent must give written permission and photo identification will be required. All students must be signed out through the SPOE.Rainy Day DismissalRainy day procedures should be established between students and their parents. Students should be advised who will pick them up and where they are to wait. If a student rides a bicycle, arrangements should be made for the student and his/her bicycle. In the event of severe weather during dismissal, students may be retained in their classroom until an all clear has been given. Bike riders and walkers will not be permitted to leave campus when thunder or lightning is near the school. Students will remain at school until the inclement weather has passed. The safety of school personnel and our students is our first priority.DRESS CODEIt is generally accepted that neatly groomed, appropriately dressed students tend to be better behaved than in cases where no attempts are made to encourage proper dress. Students will be expected to adhere to the Code of Student Conduct and to the Challenger Elementary Unified Dress Code Policy. Teachers should naturally attempt to set a good example in matters of grooming and appropriate dress. Good grooming is taught by example. All staff members are asked to dress in a professional manner and use good judgment in the selection of attire. Each Friday is designated as school spirit day and wearing your school shirt and/or colors is encouraged. If you are in doubt, check with administration for clarification. The students must always wear closed-toed shoes when in the classroom or outside on the playground. Head coverings are not allowed indoors unless required for safety, religious or medical reasons. Sunglasses cannot be worn indoors unless a doctor’s authorization is on file. Please refer to the Code of Student Conduct book for additional information. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE05270500Challenger Elementary is a drug-free workplace and adheres to the requirements set forth in School Board Policy 2400. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, including alcohol and tobacco, is prohibited at all School Board of Broward County work sites and school activities. Employees are required to self-report in writing to the Executive Director of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit within forty-eight (48) hours of any arrests, citations or charges involving the sale and/or possession of a controlled substance. Such notice shall not be considered as admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial. All employees in violation of School Board Policy 2400 will be referred to the Executive Director of Professional Standards & Special Investigative Unit for appropriate disciplinary action. For additional information, see School Board Policy 2400.E-MAIL ETIQUETTEEmail is a great tool that when used properly can make our lives easier, but when used carelessly, can overburden us and become difficult to manage. If we can all agree to use these few simple procedures, we will avoid overtaxing the server and increase our academic focus. Avoid sending E-cards, chain letters, poems, virus warnings, and personal notices Direct all emails to only the specific people you want to receive the e-mailMake certain any group e-mails are related to school businessDelete old e-mail or save to a local folder 4343400-7620000Make your own personal groups Be cautious with the use of any student name on CAB and referring to any child despairingly as this is considered public record. If communication is being used on CAB refer to students using first and last name initials.You are responsible for all information relayed through CAB e-mail. Therefore, you must check your e-mail at a minimum two times a day AM and PM.Please review Florida’s Public Record Laws and Emails, Email Guidelines, and School and Technology Usage documents.EMERGENCY ACTION PLANCRITICAL INCIDENTS/LOCKDOWN EVACUATION: Procedures are constantly addressed and updated annually by the safety department, school and police department and will be disseminated to staff once approved. Refer to the red safety/emergency folder in each classroom for specific instructions.Each teacher is to maintain a current emergency list of all students’ names, phone numbers, and addresses. In case of emergency, this information will be readily available to contact parents. This information should be kept in the red emergency folder, and kept in a location for easy access in the event of an emergency.All staff members are to have a current address and telephone number on file with the confidential secretary. If staff members move or change telephone numbers during the school year, the change in information must be updated as soon as possible. Emergency CodesCode RedLockdown = No MovementCode YellowLockdown = Limited MovementCode BlueMedical Emergency/Activate SAFE teamCode Orange EvacuationCode BlackLockdown/Bomb ThreatCode GreenAll clearCode BrownShelter in PlaceAll codes are posted in classrooms, common areas, and office areas. Codes are communicated via walkie-talkie, intercom system, or telephone. Communication from Administration to Safe Team Members is made by walkie-talkie radio. Office personnel are trained and will notify parents, the district office, paramedics, and /or police department when needed. Cell phones will be used when telephone service is not available. Primary and secondary evacuation maps are posted in each classroom. In the event of an emergency all staff is responsible for supervision of students. The teacher in charge of the students at the time of the code will remain with the students for as long as necessary. Classroom teachers will return to their class whenever possible. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMThe Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to help employees solve personal concerns that may or may not affect job performance. The School Board recognizes that employees experience problems such as marital or family conflict, abuse of alcohol and/or drugs, stress and many other difficulties. Any employee may call EAP for assistance at any time. The administration need not be consulted or advised of such calls. With help, most employees can solve their concerns and lead happier, more productive lives. Supervisors are encouraged to refer employees to the EAP for humanitarian reasons and when work performance concerns arise that do not seem to be caused by the work itself. Help in resolving the problems are offered:Physical IllnessMarital/Family Distress and ConflictsEmotional Issues, e.g. Depression/Stress/AnxietyBereavement/Grief and LossEating DisordersParenting IssuesInterpersonal ProblemsWork Related ProblemsMedical/Pain Management with IllnessRelationship ProblemsAlcohol and/or Substance Abuse or DependencyThe EAP has developed a Community Resource Guide giving employees information and referrals currently available to help with issues facing them and to help improve the employees and their families’ quality of life.The offices are located at 4100 South Hospital Drive, Suite 205, Plantation, Florida 33317. Phone Number is 754-322-9900. All referrals are in the strictest confidence. There will not be any reference to an EAP referral or record of counseling on any employee evaluation.EMPLOYEE SELF – REPORTING POLICYThe School Board policy on self – reporting of arrests and criminal charges goes beyond requirements in state law. Teachers are now also required to self – report, within 48 hours of arrest for sexual battery, possession or sale of pornography involving minors, and sexual relations with students. DUI or DWI charges must be reported only if the employee holds a commercial drivers license (CDL) as a condition of employment.END OF YEAR CHECKLISTIt would be advantageous to begin thinking about end-of-the-year responsibilities early in the fourth quarter. You will receive a list of exact requirements during the month of May. The following list will give you a general idea of the requirements. Cumulative Folders are to be updated. Pinnacle reports, and lessons plans are to be turned in to the office. Prepare student articulation cards and submit to the office at the appropriate time. Turn in room key. Rooms are to be neat and orderly to facilitate summer cleaning. Everything should be removed from the walls and bulletin boards.Bookshelves are to be emptied. All teacher/student materials must be packed.Further details regarding closing procedures will be given to all faculty members prior to the end of school in May. Equipment Property PassesAny equipment that leaves the school needs to be checked out and in through the Micro Technologist. A property pass form must be completed by the staff member and approved by the Principal.School Board insurance will not pay for items lost, damaged, or stolen while signed out to you. Be sure that your Homeowner’s policy will cover such loss prior to checking anything out. EVACUATION PROCEDURES These procedures can also be found in the packet provided in the emergency packet, which is distributed in the beginning of the school year.FIRE DRILL: Procedures for emergency exit MUST be posted in each room and should be understood by the faculty and student body. The signal of an evacuation drill will be a loud continuous ringing alarm and students will exit according to evacuation chart. No talking should be permitted during the drill. The teacher should be the last person to leave the classroom. Teachers should take their plan book and emergency dismissal forms, which would include student contact information. Students are not to take their belongings with them. They are to evacuate quickly. Attendance should be taken once the students are lined up outside. All window and doors are to be closed when leaving your classroom. If your primary exit is blocked due to fire, use your secondary exit. Teachers should discuss and practice these alternate routes in detail with students on the first day of school. Students will be instructed to give immediate attention to their teacher for instructions on the proper exit routes to be used. Students and teachers are to wait for the all-clear signal (a long ring of the bell) before re-entering the building. Fire drills are conducted once per month. The first evacuation drill shall be held within the first five (5) days after the opening date of school. Each teacher is to walk his/her students through fire drill procedures the first day of school. If a fire occurs during the lunch period, students should leave their lunch trays in place and file out through the nearest exit. Teachers of those students at lunch should quickly move to the cafeteria to aid in the safe and orderly evacuation of the cafeteria and take over the supervision of their students.Special activity teachers and teachers of exceptional students are responsible for those students scheduled for their classes during the duration of the fire drill and until the students return to the regular classroom. TORNADO WATCH/DRILL: In the event of a TORNADO WATCH/DRILL, to ensure the safety of all our students at Challenger Elementary, please follow these procedures: Anyone in transit between classrooms should go to the nearest classroom. All Teachers please remain standing and monitor your students during the drill. Remind students that there is no talking and that they are to remain in the crouched position until the all-clear signal is given. It will take several minutes for the monitors to check and see that each class is in place before the all clear will be announced. If there is a REAL tornado, teachers should also crouch down and cover their head.If there is not enough time for students to be escorted out of the cafeteria, students will assume tornado position under the benches.EVALUATIONSBroward County Schools has fully implemented Marzano’s Teacher Evaluation Model to evaluate teacher performance. Each evaluation is based on the following: 50% Instructional Practice, 50% Student GrowthDomains 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be used.Domain 1 – Refers to Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Domain 2 – Refers to Planning and PreparationDomain 3 – Refers to Reflecting on TeachingDomain 4 – Refers to Collegiality and ProfessionalismObservation TypesFormal, 30+ minutes (Unless otherwise indicated, all instructional staff will receive a formal observation)Informal, 15 – 25 minutesSnap – Shot/Walkthrough, 3 – 10 minutesEXCEPTIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION PROGRAMSIt is the responsibility of the school personnel to help screen and to identify exceptional students. Parents and teachers may refer students with suspected exceptionalities to administration or guidance counselor. The Guidance Counselor(s), Reading Resource Specialist and ESE Specialist will be involved in the regularly scheduled Collaborative Problem Solving meetings. The Response to Intervention Process will be implemented.Exceptional Student Education support at Challenger Elementary includes resource room support for students with varying exceptionalities and students with speech and language disorders, self-contained ESE Classrooms for students diagnosed with Delayed Language Disorders (PLACE), and itinerant support for students needing occupational therapy, physical therapy, strategies for visually impaired students and behavior support. Florida State Department of Education guidelines and District Procedures must be met before a student is accepted into any exceptional student program. Documented and dated anecdotal records must accompany referral forms. There must be documented evidence of at least two interventions tried with the student, two parent conference forms, and two behavioral observations must be completed, before a student is referred to an evaluation specialist.Feel free to discuss any concerns you may have about referring a student with the Reading Resource Specialist, Guidance Counselor(s), ESE Specialist, Assistant Principal, Speech/Language Pathologist, or the Principal and School Psychologist. EXPECTATIONS FOR STAFF PARTCIPATING IN BCPS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A professional development course is defined as an activity having a specific start and end datewith a specific amount of time in learning, that results in participants earning in-service credit forcompleting all requirements of the course. FACULTY COUNCIL Faculty Council has been established at the school site. It is an outlet for faculty to voice concerns as it relates to school and the contract. Administration fully supports this council and will meet monthly with the representatives on the Faculty Council. Members will be elected yearly and the process for voicing concerns will be outlined by the chairperson.FACULTY MEETINGS Regular faculty and grade chair meetings are important for coordinating activities in a well-organized school. Faculty meetings are held as needed. The third Tuesday mornings should be left open. All faculty members are expected to attend. If you cannot attend, administration must be notified. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to discuss the agenda items with your team leader. Absent team leaders should discuss agenda items with the school administration.FAX MACHINE06921500The FAX machine should be used only for official school business. Confidential materials, such as psychological reports, IEP's and school records, may only be faxed with the principal/assistant principal's permission.FIELD TRIPS 05842000Field trips should be planned to reinforce the basic curriculum. You must discuss with administration any children that are concerns due to lack of self-discipline. Any student who is unable to pay should not be deprived of the trip. See administration for special arrangements for these students. Students must have access to all educational programs and curriculum that are offered by the school or district.? This includes field trips.? Please do not remove a student from any activity without parent contact and administrative consent.? If you feel a student will be in danger or will endanger others on a field trip, contact administration for the appropriate course of action.Field Trips are coordinated at the grade level and should reflect crossed referencing between grade levels over a multiple year period to avoid field trip destination repetition. Grade level teams must agree on specific dates for field trips. Field trips may not be scheduled during testing blackout periods. Refer to Challenger Elementary CAB Calendar for these dates.No arrangements or commitments should be made until signed permission is approved by Principal and returned to the teacher coordinator. At this time, the teacher coordinating the trip needs to meet with the BSC Liason to receive the field trip checklist and database. Completed field trip packets must be submitted at least four weeks in advance. The principal gives final approval for an anticipated field trip.All children should receive a permission slip to attend. No child will be permitted to go unless a signed completed permission form has been obtained from the parent. The office will not take permission over the phone. The number of chaperones should be sufficient to ensure the safety of students. Teachers should follow Broward Schools Field Trip Chaperone Guidelines. There must be a teacher in charge of a class for every trip. Additionally, all chaperones must have completed an official SBBC volunteer form via the computer and received clearance from the school district before they may chaperone a school trip. If you have any questions when planning a field trip, please refer to School Board Policy 6303.GUIDANCE472440063246000The responsibility for making certain the individual concerns of a child is properly and fairly dealt with rests with the classroom teacher. In situations where extra counseling or assistance is needed, the teacher should discuss the matter with the school guidance counselor(s). The guidance counselor is available to attend parent conferences, if requested to do so. When the guidance counselor meets with a parent or student, the counselor will provide relevant information to the teacher, but may have to adhere to confidentiality, if the parent or child desires. HALL PASSESStudents should be provided with hall passes when moving to other parts of the campus unsupervised. For safety and security, limit your students running errands unless it is an emergency. Teachers should utilize the “buddy system” when it is necessary for students to travel to other parts of the campus without adult supervision. HEALTH AND CLINICIf any student becomes too ill to remain in class, he/she should be sent with a pass to the front office. When necessary, the office will contact the parents and the teacher will be notified if the child is going home. Names of all students who are sent to the clinic will be entered on the clinic log. The type of treatment/medication will be noted. Any?student who is dismissed early because of illness must?be picked up in the office and signed out by a person whose name appears on the emergency contact form.? ?The teacher will be notified if a student?is being dismissed. ? ? 161925020066000No medication (including?cough drops) for students?should be kept in the classroom. ? The assigned office staff member is the only person permitted to provide medication. This is done only for students with updated medical authorizations forms on file.? General first aid, for an emergency situation such as insect bites, minor scraps and cuts, etc., is available for any student or employee of the school.Use soap, water and cotton balls to clean cuts and abrasions. Gloves should be worn. Bacitracin and other astringents may not be used. If you offer any care to a student, please make sure to inform the parent of the circumstances. In case of accident, parents must be notified so be sure to inform the office of all pertinent details (a Student Accident Report must be completed and given to the IMT.)Audiometric (hearing), and vision exams are completed according to County policy. Health sheets are to be kept current in cum folders. Standard of Care for Injured StudentsIn general, our staff does an excellent job meeting the needs of students who are injured and/or sent to the clinic. This memo is to clarify the roles of all school personnel in regards to standard of care given to students and staff at Challenger Elementary. Most importantly, reasonable care and common sense should prevail. The first priority is handling the injury expeditiously. Please make every effort to handle the small incidents such as cuts and scrapes in your classroom. If you take care of the incident in your classroom, please notify the parents of the incident and the care given to the child. If an injured student needs to be sent to the office, it is imperative that the student is not sent alone. If you are able to team with another teacher or other school personnel to supervise your class, please walk the injured student to the office or call the office for help. If you are unsure of the extent of the injury, DO NOT move the student. Call the office, by walkie-talkie or telephone, for help. These guidelines will be followed:Office personnel will respond immediately by notifying the administration and/or support staff. Administration/support will go to area where the injury has occurred and will transport student or make the determination if any outside help is needed. The office staff has been directed to interrupt any meetings to ensure that the administration and/or support staff is notified. At this point, notifying the parent becomes the responsibility of the office personnel; however, please feel free to alert the parents, as a call from the teacher is generally more personal.Supervising staff member will complete an accident report detailing all pertinent information.HIPAA /HIVIn accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act (HIPAA), the School District continues to safeguard students’ and employees’ Protected Health Information (PHI). To ensure all employees aware of privacy regulations, a new privacy rights video will be available for you to view. In addition, please read School Board Policy #4019 on Protected Health Information.In accordance with Florida Statute 384.29, all clinical (medical/health) records dealing with HIV or AIDS must be kept confidential. All health records, notes, and other documents that reference a person’s HIV/AIDS status will be kept under lock and key. Information regarding HIV status should not be added to student’s permanent educational or health record without written consent of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian (s).Every employee has a duty to treat as highly confidential, any knowledge or speculation concerning the HIV status of a student or staff member. Violation of their privacy is cause for disciplinary action and/ or personal liability for a civil suit. It is the intent of the School Board of Broward County’s policies and procedures to maintain confidentiality when dealing with HIV/AIDS issues in a school situation.If you have any questions regarding HIV/AIDS issues in a school situation, call Health Education Services at (754) 321-2273.HOMEWORK-1162058128000Homework shall be required and assigned to individual students, as appropriate, to enhance the learning situation and to provide for skill improvement and enrichment. Homework is an extension of what is taught during the school day. It may include reading, activities in any subject, special projects or any assignment the teacher deems appropriate to enhance instruction. Homework is important and should be completed in a timely manner in order to ensure student success. Failure to complete homework will be reflected on the report card under study skills. Each grade level’s homework policy should be uniform and explained in detail during the Open House at the beginning of the school year. INSERVICEIt is the duty and responsibility of each teacher to constantly update knowledge and skills so that you may better serve the students at Challenger Elementary. The Professional Development Team has designed a myriad of opportunities for teachers to increase their knowledge in a variety of areas. Many of these opportunities will take place at the school. You are highly encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities.INTERIM REPORTS/REPORT CARDSAll students must receive an interim report during the first quarter of school. For subsequent quarters, School Board Policy 5104 state, “Not later than midway between marking periods, an interim report shall be sent to the parents of students who are experiencing difficulty,” including but not limited to the following: PMP students not meeting promotion criteriaA decline in classroom performanceUnacceptable behaviorExcessive absences or tardinessIt is the teachers’ responsibility to make sure the parent has signed the interim report.One copy of the interim report should be kept in the teacher’s file to be filed in the students’ cum folder at the end of the school year, and one copy should be sent home. A first quarter interim report will be sent home during the fourth week of school. All other interims for the remaining quarters will be given based on teacher’s observations/concerns or on parental request. The dates for Report Card to go home are::November 12th, January 28th, April 14th, and June 09th INTEROFFICE MAIL SYSTEM (PONY) Messages and small school related materials are moved between the schools and county offices by means of a truck delivery route called the "PONY". The PONY is collected on Mondays and Wednesdays. Special envelopes are available for this in the office. Jury Duty07620000Teachers receiving a jury summons should advise the principal and office manager as soon as possible. For any day the teacher is advised to report, the absence must be recorded on the Substitute Finder System. If the teacher is not needed, he/she should report to school.KEYSKeys are issued to a teacher and are not to be used by anyone but the teacher, unless approved by administration. Teachers are not to allow students to use their keys. It is a violation of School Board Policy to duplicate school keys. Teachers are responsible for any key lost during the school year. Administration must be notified of all lost, stolen, or misplaced keys.4343400120523000Our school security system is activated all weekend. No one is to enter the building unless you are informed, in advance, that administration and/or the custodial staff will be on campus. The building is opened by 7:00 a.m. every regular school day by our Head Facility Serviceperson. The building is then secured by 10:00 p.m. by the night facility staff. Please do not attempt to enter the building at any other times. The alarm will alert police. The Principal, Assistant Principal, and the Head Facility Serviceperson will have to respond to the call and secure the building. Employees who retire, resign, transfer, are suspended, are on a leave of absence or terminated, are required to return all keys for School Board owned facilities no later than their last day of active employment.-7620053403500LAPTOPSEach teacher will be provided with a laptop. The laptop is the teacher’s responsibility. Each teacher assigned a laptop must sign a property pass and a copy will be kept on file in the office. All teachers are expected to familiarize themselves with policy 5306 that outlines specific procedures for tech use. Leaving School Grounds Staff finding it necessary to leave school grounds during work hours must obtain the approval from an administrator and sign out in the main office. Please remember that signing out protects you as a Broward County School Board employee. HOWEVER, if you are leaving during work hours and have filled out a TDA, you should not sign out in the book.LESSON PLANS AND CLASS RECORDS Plan books are an important part of documentation and every teacher must have one. The organization and contents of plan books are the responsibility and concern of the individual teacher; however, the program may be interrupted by an unavoidable absence of the teacher, all teachers are asked to be uniform in following the suggestions below. The plan book is a specific guide for teachers and substitutes. Specific time schedules, daily work, seating plan, and any other emergency information should be noted. Please include your lunch period as well as instructional planning (art, music, P.E., science, media and computers). Names of reliable students and a folder of work for use by the substitute should be included. Be sure to include ESOL Strategies, and ESE accommodations. 0-15240000Your lesson plans and grade books are legal documents and subject to subpoena.? Lesson plans may also be checked as often as deemed necessary by administration. It is not a good policy to take the plan book home. Lesson plans may be done electronically; however, a hard copy must be printed and included in the teacher’s plan book for the week. Challenger Elementary will utilize pinnacle as the electronic gradebook. The gradebook must be printed at the end of each quarter. There should be a section for each academic subject, and there should be no less than nine grades used per subject to determine an average term grade for that subject. Please refer to the Standard of Service (School Board Policy #6000.1 and Promotion/Retention Policy #5104) for answers to any questions, or feel free to discuss acceptable grading procedures with the principal/assistant principal. Grades should reflect daily work, homework, textbook tests, teacher-made tests, and quizzes. Grades should be labeled so that incomplete assignments can be identified and areas of weakness easily detected. LOST AND FOUND05969000Lost and found articles are kept in the cafeteria. All lost items should be turned in promptly. Students should be encouraged to check with the office for their lost items. Additionally, students should be reminded to retrieve sweaters, jackets, and lunchboxes from the recess area.LOUNGE POLICY The use of the school lounge is primarily restricted to the paid employees of CHALLENGER ELEMENTARY. In compliance with Federal Regulations, the school lounge has been designated as a non-smoking area. This area is designed for the employees of Challenger Elementary to enjoy their lunch in a pleasant atmosphere. Only staff members are permitted in this area to protect confidentiality. Please do your part in picking up trash, keeping the tables, microwaves, and sink area clean and neat. Cups and dishes that are not picked up by the end of the day will be thrown away. If you want to store dishes, mugs, etc. in the cabinets, they are there for your use. Do not leave items in the sink or sink area. When reading the newspaper and magazines, please do not leave them spread out all over the lounge. As a safety precaution, the lounge door is to be kept closed at all times. Please do not prop the door open for easy access. Students and/or employee’s children are never allowed in the teacher’s lounge. MailboxesPlease check your mailboxes each morning, before the start of class, during your breaks and after school dismissal for communications. Please refrain from interrupting office personnel by sending students for mail.MEDIA CENTERThe Media Center is the resource hub of the school. It will house materials for students and staff. In order to retain the educational resources stored in the media center, ALL resources must be checked out properly with the media specialist. Neither students nor staff is prohibited to remove items from the media center without proper checkout. MEDICATIONTeachers are never permitted to administer medication to children. If a child requires medication during school (this includes aspirin and patent medicines), that child should be sent to the office for administration. An updated medical authorization is required at the beginning of each year in order to dispense medication at school. Once authorization has been obtained, the medication will be stored in the front office and administered by trained personnel. A log for each student will be kept in the front office, and will indicate the date, time and staff member who administered the medicine. MICROWAVE/COFFEE POTS The safety department has requested that no microwaves or coffee pots are to be kept in the classrooms. The facilities staff is always available to assist if you have any questions or concerns.MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTS Our morning announcements will be broadcasted from our Media Production room via closed circuit T.V. to all classrooms beginning promptly at 8:50 a.m. It is expected that the entire school’s faculty/staff and students tune in for the Pledge of Allegiance, news, information, and upcoming events pertaining to our school program. If you would like to have an announcement made during the morning program, please see Ms. Boza before 8:00 a.m. Announcements should be written clearly, or typed, so that the students making the announcement can read them without difficulty. 34290009144000OPEN HOUSE 06350000As per contract, teachers are required to return to school for one open house event. Schedules and procedures will be provided by administration. Teachers should present a general overview of educational programs, behavior management plan, homework, grading policy and other pertinent information about school and classroom procedures. This time is not intended for parent/teacher conferences.Office Procedures Staff will not be called out of class or away from their duties for incoming telephone calls except for the following reasons:Caller identifies the call as an emergency. Caller must give his/her name.Staff member informs the office manager of a call pending that they will need to receive.Other than the above, the call will be transferred to the staff members’ voice mailbox. It is the responsibility of all school personnel to check their voicemail during the day. Students are to be reminded that they will not be allowed to make calls for homework, for lunch money, or for making arrangements for after the school day. Please impress upon your students the importance of coming to school prepared. If a phone call needs to be made by a student and the teacher feels that it is necessary, the student may call from the classroom.P.T.A. It is expected that staff members support the P.T.A. Ways to offer support include, but are not limited to, your membership and by making a time commitment for one of the activities that are planned. Our students and staff benefit from all of the efforts and support that we are given from this organization. PARENTAL CONCERNS It is expected that teachers communicate in a professional manner at all times. If a conflict occurs with a parent, please see administration. Our administration will be willing to assist you with a parent who may perceive a situation in a different way than you do. Maintain your professional integrity at all times. If a parent comes to administration, either prior or after contacting you, the administration will always ask if that parent has discussed the situation with you first. The administration will make every effort to gain information before responding to parent.Record and keep all phone messages from or to parents. This will be of value if parent/teacher difficulty arises. Message from parents should be returned within 24 hours.PARTIES 0-762000School Board policy allows two parties per year – holiday and end of year. School-wide dates will be decided on by the leadership team and shared with the teams. All holiday parties should have an academic focus and be tied into what is currently being studied in class. Promote healthy snacks. There are times that additional celebrations may occur in the classroom, be sure to seek approval from administration. Please make sure that you leave your room in an orderly manner. In effort to prevent ants and roaches, open food shall not be left out after any activity in the classroom. Extra trash bags may be requested. Remember to pour all leftover drinks down the sink. Everything MUST be store bought and be aware of peanut allergies. Absolutely NOTHING may be served to the students that have been cooked outside of school.PLAYGROUND SAFETY 480060013970000In order to prevent accidents and maintain a safe playground, it is imperative that all playground safety rules are followed at all times. Teachers and staff must actively supervise students at all times. Sitting and congregating during recess time is when many accidents and injuries occur.PROGRESS MONITORING PLANStudents, who do not meet academic standards, must have a completed Progress Monitoring Plan. PMP’s must be completed for all students who are working below grade level as per School Board Policy 6000.1. Training on completing and implementing the PMP along with procedures for communicating the PMP to parents will be outlined prior to the end of the first marking period.PROTECT TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT Coffee, soda, etc. should only be in your classroom away from computer/technology/ media areas, during your planning/break times, class snack times or approved celebrations. With technology in the classroom, you will need to be especially careful to avoid spills. Students are not allowed to eat or drink or have empty food and drink containers placed around the room, neither should teachers. PURCHASES There will be no funds available for teachers to make their own purchases and ask for reimbursement. Requests for supplies or materials may be made any time to administration or bookkeeper and will be granted or denied on the availability of funds. RECESS PROCEDURES 187452046609000Recess is an important part of a child's school day and can provide an outlet for physical energy and socialization needs. However, it is also a time when accidents are most likely to happen. The law requires that students be clearly visible to teachers (no more than 50 feet away). It is also recommended that recess be organized into informal activities, rather than just "free play". This method encourages development of appropriate social skills and reduces reckless and inappropriate play. Please remember to review "Playground Safety" rules. Students should know the rules and they should be enforced at all times while on the playground. Students are not allowed to participate in contact sports at school. Staff members must prohibit students from playing football (including “tag”), baseball (with hardball), red rover, soccer, etc. Each year a schedule of recess times will be created. It is mandatory that you adhere to this schedule in an effort to avoid having too many students participating in recess at the same time. As per State Policy 6000.1, elementary students will have 30 minutes per day of physical education. This can be accomplished by taking them to recess for 15 minutes a day, reading about and discussing nutrition, having a wellness or nutrition center, or having children do indoor activities in the classroom.REPORTING STUDENTS’ PROGRESS Proper procedures for keeping parents informed of pupil progress involve: Parent-Teacher conferences Written messages Pinnacle Grade SheetTelephone calls Report cards Interim reports (interim reports are sent to parents midway between report cards when students are underachieving, demonstrating behavior concerns, or poor attendance) It is a good policy to always keep parents informed when in doubt of a child’s success. 449834096647000If you are planning on recommending a child for retention, the child MUST be referred to the CPST during the first three quarters of school. Policy 6000.1 dictates promotion and retention criteria. Please begin having conversations with parents as soon as you recognize that there is an area of concern. There must be evidence of formal parent conference(s) and teacher documentation will be needed to support the recommendation. Procedures are consistently being reviewed by the Leadership Team and will be communicated to you as they are addressed and revised.Report Cards Report cards are sent home each nine weeks to all students in Grades K-6th. Report cards will be generated through Pinnacle..When report card envelopes are returned, be certain to check for parent's request for conferences and/or comments. RESPONSE TO INTERVETION/CPST Broward School District employs a RTI/CPST process to address all concerns about students in the classroom, both academic and behavioral. The Response to Intervention Team (RTI) provides multi-disciplinary service to the teachers and student in order to help ensure greater success on the part of students. The Collaborative Problem Solving Team meets twice per month to address identified problems and suggest possible interventions. The team may include the Principal, Assistant Principal, School Psychologist, Social Worker, District Personnel, Reading Resource Specialist, Guidance Counselor, and the Exceptional Student Education Specialist. Other school personnel may join the team as the need arises. Staff members will be trained on the process and the desired outcome of CPST at the beginning of the school year. The training will focus on indicators, the referral process and monitoring of students referred to CPST. A teacher, parent, administrator, or support staff personnel may make referrals to RTI. The referral forms are located on BASIS. If a teacher initiates a referral for RTI, he or she must notify their grade level case manager.Rationale for the referral may include but is not limited to:AcademicBehavioralEmotionalHealthNeed for social servicesPossibility of retentionImproper placement of a studentREQUEST FOR CLASS CHANGE Student placement is always done with careful consideration. A child’s educational and emotional needs are important to us and we strive to assure a happy, successful educational experience for each child. The following procedures have been put into place in the event a parent wishes to request a change of class for their child:For parents:Step 1: Student must be in attendance at least fifteen (15) school days.Step 2: Parent contacts and has a conference with the teacher, which will be documented referencing the concern. Interventions will be discussed and implemented. If the concern is not resolved within two weeks, then proceed to the next step.Step 3: Parent requests a conference with the appropriate Support Team Personnel below:For an Academic Curriculum Concern, contact Mr. Brightman, our Reading resource specialist.For an Exceptional Education Placement Concern, contact Mrs. Galbo, our ESE Specialist.For an Emotional/behavioral related Concern, contact Mrs. Solomon our Guidance Counselor.Step 4: If the concern is not resolved, call for an appointment to request an administrative m consultation.For teachers:To obtain accurate information and explore alternatives and solutions to the concerns of the parent, please review the process that should be taken to resolve this issue. Parent Conference with classroom teacher where the concerns are documented on a conference sheet. Support team is willing to sit with you during this conference time, if requested. Please make every effort to formulate a plan with the parent to ensure success for the child. If you don’t feel that you are able to meet the expectations of the parent, please see administration. Confer with team leader or team leader designee.Cumulative records should be looked at and shared with the Case Manager. This may help us evaluate academic and/or social patterns in making decisions for proper placement. The Case Manager will refer you to the appropriate person on the list. Reading Resource Specialist or Curriculum Specialist for an academic concernESE Specialist for an exceptional educational placement concernGuidance Counselor for an emotional/behavioral concern Meet with Principal or Principal Designee Principal or Principal Designee will meet with parent and teacherThese procedures will provide us with the information necessary to make the best choices for the child. The school-based team appointed by the principal will make a final decision on placement.RESPONSIBILITES OF THE TEACHER Planning and organizing for instructionEach teacher is expected to provide a classroom situation that will promote maximum progress and growth of individual children. Teachers are expected to utilize effective and desirable instructional procedures. Supervision of students Instructional personnel are responsible for the general well being of students entrusted to them. This necessitates proper procedures of supervision and the maintenance of a desirable climate for learning in each teacher's area of responsibility. Students must not be left unattended at any time. Teachers needing to leave their classrooms will arrange for adult supervision (school board employee) of students. This includes in or out of the classroom.To ensure the safety and security of all of our students and staff, staff members will be scheduled for dismissal duty. Instructional personnel are required by law to work 196 days, 180 of which must be devoted to full-time instruction. Instructional personnel must be on duty a minimum of seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours daily. The exact time schedule is to be decided by administration. It shall be administration's responsibility to see that each member of the instructional staff of school carries his/her fair share of the total professional program of the school. Each teacher shall be required to keep his/her plans completed and available. SAFETY PLAN A complete copy of the Safety Plan will be provided for each staff member at the beginning of the school year. All staff of CHALLENGER ELEMENTARY will implement the following safety procedures: Lock classroom doors at all times. All staff staying later than 4:00 P.M. should notify the night custodian of their presence and projected length of time they are staying for safety and security purposes.Purses and other personal valuables should be kept locked up and out of sight at all times.All rooms must have a fire drill and tornado drill maps posted in their room. There will be a fire drill the first and second week of school and a tornado drill the first week of school. All teachers are to review proper procedures prior to these drills. In case of an emergency, you are to follow the following emergency procedures:Buzz/call the front office.Announce: I have an emergency in my classroom.The front office will locate an administrator or support staff member who will respond immediately. If the emergency requires medical attention, be sure to tell the front office when you call so rescue can be contacted.Emergencies are of paramount importance. All meetings or activities will be interrupted when an emergency arises with a student of staff member. Chain of CommandPrincipalAssistant PrincipalOffice ManagerSupport StaffTeam LeaderSCHOOL BOARD POLICIES All staff members should be aware of and familiar with School Board policies that affect their job. An up-to-date policy handbook will also be available from administration and can be found online on the Broward County School website. questions about School Board policies may be directed to administration. Please be familiar with these School Board policies: It is also required that all teachers read and become familiar with the Student Code of Conduct as it outlines the most important district policies as it related to students.12192003556000 3505200157480POLICY #4007Temporary Duty Authorization (TDA)POLICY #6306 HomeworkPOLICY #6303 Field TripPOLICY #5306 Technology UsagePOLICY #2400 Drug Free WorkplacePOLICY #4001.1 Non-DiscriminationPOLICY #5.3 Child Abuse Reporting00POLICY #4007Temporary Duty Authorization (TDA)POLICY #6306 HomeworkPOLICY #6303 Field TripPOLICY #5306 Technology UsagePOLICY #2400 Drug Free WorkplacePOLICY #4001.1 Non-DiscriminationPOLICY #5.3 Child Abuse Reporting-53340081280POLICY #6000.1 Student Progression PlanPOLICY #5312Standards of ServicesPOLICY #5301 Behavior Management of Students POLICY #5.8(09/11)Code of Student ConductPOLICY #5006 Suspension and ExpulsionPOLICY #5100 School Education RecordsPOLICY #2304 WeaponsPOLICY #5.9Anti-Bullying00POLICY #6000.1 Student Progression PlanPOLICY #5312Standards of ServicesPOLICY #5301 Behavior Management of Students POLICY #5.8(09/11)Code of Student ConductPOLICY #5006 Suspension and ExpulsionPOLICY #5100 School Education RecordsPOLICY #2304 WeaponsPOLICY #5.9Anti-BullyingSCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL School Advisory Council is in place at Challenger ELEMENTARY. The team consists of elected parents, teachers, the BTU Steward, a non-instructional representative, a community/business representative, a parent of an ESE student, a parent of an ESOL student, and the school principal. The School Advisory Council meets at various times during the school year to discuss the school's programs, achievements, and goals. For more information/suggestions, please see administration or a member of the School Advisory Council. SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER A School Social Worker who is employed by the School Board serves our school. The School Social Worker will make home visits to discuss school concerns such as attendance, student welfare or neglect, obtaining parent signatures, and other school/student related items. To request the services of the School Social Worker, see the guidance counselor(s). Administration must sign the referral form.SEVERE WEATHER DISMISSAL 38862002095500These procedures will be put into place in the event of a torrential downpour, lightning, and/or administrative directive. The first and main priority is everyone’s safety. You are asked to remain in your classrooms with your students. When the announcement is made for a severe/inclement weather dismissal, teachers will direct all students to pack up their belongings and listen attentively for instructions over the intercom. Students in specials, ESE, speech, etc. are to be walked back to the classrooms by the supervising teacher so that all students are back in their proper classrooms.Dismissal times may merely be delayed if the administration deems that the inclement weather conditions will pass within a reasonable amount of time. If dismissal time is delayed, ALL students stay in their classrooms and wait for further instructions over the intercom. Students will be dismissed in this order, or as directed by administration:Aftercare – All students will go directly to their classroom or cafeteria. Aftercare personnel will pick up Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten first and second grade students. Students are to walk through the buildings, if at all possible.Walkers and bike riders – All students will go directly to the Media Center and will be dismissed to go home when the weather permits or the student has been picked up by the parent(s).Bus students – All students will go directly to the cafeteria. SEVERE/INCLEMENT WEATHER DISMISSAL PROCEDURESIf it has been decided by administration that we will have a Severe/Inclement Weather Dismissal, an announcement will be made alerting staff and students. NO students will be dismissed from classrooms without administrative approval. Have your emergency folder ready, which includes rainy day dismissal procedures. With this in mind, listen carefully for the procedures that are to be followed, as they are provided. Remember that we cannot dismiss any child if there is lightning or heavy rainfall in the area. Telephones will not be available for students to call parents except in an emergency and by teacher discretion. An understanding needs to be made between parents and students on procedures to follow on rainy days. SEXUAL HARASSMENT See School Board Policy #400 in Harassment BrochureSTAFF CHILDREN0-952500Staff members with children will be responsible for making the necessary arrangements for their child(ren) from 7:45-8:45, 2:45-3:15 p.m., on Early Release and workdays. Children should not be given free access to the school. All rules and regulations that apply to the student body also apply to children of staff. Rocketeers is available for students. Please see Mrs. Goodman, our aftercare director, for special rates. If staff children are not enrolled in Aftercare, it is absolutely necessary to ensure their safety by having them stay in your classroom during times you are in meetings. Provide them with something to do. They cannot use the field, courts or playgrounds for insurance purposes. In addition, do not supervise friends of your children who are not directly related to staff.SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS On those occasions when teachers cannot report for work, it is the teacher’s responsibility to arrange for the substitute through Sub Central. Any teacher who plans to have a sub for more than three consecutive days needs clearance from administration for approval of sub, with the exception of emergency situations and illnesses, which are understood. In general, we will not ask faculty members to "cover" for someone unless it is impossible to obtain a substitute. Substitutes must be provided with properly kept, advanced plans and with student rosters and clear information on the daily routine. Administration will check these plans at regular intervals. A substitute folder with emergency plans must be provided to the office manager. SUPPLEMENTS Refer to the Supplement List for contact information.SUPPLIES 0-381000The County budgets a set amount for books, materials and supplies each year for each school. This is based on enrollment figures. Requests for supplies or material may be made at any time to administration or the bookkeeper. Requests will be granted or denied on a basis of availability of funds.TARDIES The Guidance Counselor will act as your contact if any student has excessive tardies. If parents call the school or write a note, tardies marked as a doctor’s visit, but all tardies are considered unexcused.If a student has four unexcused tardies, teachers must refer to Broward County’s attendance policy. The Guidance Counselor will work with the Social Worker and the student’s parents to try and resolve the tardiness concern. If the same student has four more unexcused tardies, the same process needs to be repeated.TEMPORARY DUTY AUTHORIZATION Temporary duty shall be defined as the employee performing his/her duties in a different location than the regular assignment. Temporary Duty Authorization forms are available in the office. TDA's are required for all out-of-county workshops, conferences, and conventions, team leader release days, or after school inservice. It is also required for in county inservice and workshops where funds are being requested from our school's budget. Completed Temporary Duty Authorization requested forms should be given to the office manager for processing ten (10) days prior to the workshop/event. Teachers with a TDA are required to call the absence in on the sub central line and report the absence as a TDA. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING A TDAWhen you have a meeting to attend, training to attend, a field trip, or anytime you are going to be out of your classroom other than illness, etc., you will need to complete a TDA.As soon as you have signed up for the meeting, training or know of a field trip, please complete a TDA and turn it in to the Office Manager to obtain the Principal or Assistant Principal’s signature. Once the TDA is signed, the Office Manager will hold it until the appropriate date and then it will be entered in the payroll system.Even if you are attending one of these after hours, please do a TDA. It covers you should you get injured while attending one of the above events and Risk management will require an approved TDA (signed prior to the occurrence) should you require treatment through Workman’s Compensation.Please complete a TDA if the event you are attending (i.e.: workshop, field trip, etc.) is on campus. Even if no substitute is required, it will be necessary for you to complete a TDA.Please make sure to put your name, personnel number, the date you are filling out the TDA, the date(s) you will be out, and the return date, on the TDA. The return date is the date you will be back in the classroom. Please make sure you enter the appropriate information in Section I. A or B and C must be filled out. Circle whether or not you need a sub (this is the area between sections III & IV), and sign & date where indicated in Section IV. Section III is only for conferences.Once you have completed a TDA, please go into Smart Find Express or call Sub Central to record your absence. If you are going on a field trip and no sub is required, you will need to make sure you mark “no” where it asks if a sub is required. You may use the designation –TDA Release w/ students for this absence. Anytime you turn in a TDA that is during school hours, you need to report it in Smart Find Express or call Sub Central.If you have any questions, please contact the Office Manager who will be happy to assist you.TELEPHONE CALLS -571505143500Instructional time is a priority and is valued more than anything; this includes your planning time, which should be used to plan your instruction for children.Calls will not be transferred to the classroom during student/teacher contact time, unless teacher informs the office that a telephone call is expected from a parent. When accessible, telephone messages should go directly to voicemail or will be delivered via e-mail. In case of an emergency, the teacher will be called over the phone. Planning time will be honored. Return parent phone on the day that you received the communication but no later than 48 hours. School Board Policy states that any and all long distance telephone calls made related to school business shall be logged on a long distance form. (All secretaries and office manager have the proper form.) Such calls must first be cleared through the office.Students may only use the telephone in the classroom in case of an emergency and under the direct supervision of the teacher.TEXTBOOKS Every student must have a textbook in the core curriculum areas. Teachers are responsible for assigning books and recording numbers. Additionally, teachers must track textbook use and shrinkage. Purchase orders are handled through a central textbook center. Each school receives a yearly budget for purchase of books based upon enrollment. Inventory Guidelines441960092964000Every attempt should be made by the teacher to recover missing/lost textbooks. Please consult with the textbook coordinator for procedures that outline how to notify parents and recover funds for lost books.Keep as many books as you have students. Any extras should be given to your team leader and he/she will determine whether to keep in the classroom or return to textbook coordinator. Our textbook coordinator, Mrs. Pearson-Azcarate, has a list of all the material you will be receiving. Please keep track of everything and record any missing items. TUTORING 011747500School Board Policy #4202 prohibits a teacher from receiving reimbursement for tutoring a student in any of his/her classes. A teacher tutoring a child not in his/her class may not use school facilities or materials for this tutoring without receiving written permission from administration. Administration may give this permission after conferring with the concerned teacher. An exception to this policy is made in regard to music teachers. VANDALISM AND PROPERTY DAMAGE All members of the instructional staff should consider that it is their responsibility to report any incident of property damage by students or others so that restitution can be gained and repairs made. This pertains to the damage of equipment, materials, furniture, or to the building proper. Florida School Law Section 231.09, part 9, states that one duty of instructional personnel is to see that the school building and all this pertaining thereto are not unnecessarily defaced or injured. VISITORS All visitors are welcome to our school but MUST sign in at the SPOE. All visitors will be given a Visitors Pass when they check in at the office. Any unauthorized person seen on the school campus should be immediately reported to the office. Please remind parents when coming to volunteer or to attend a conference they must first check in with the SPOE.VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are welcomed and appreciated in our school. It is expected that these volunteers offer respect to you as a faculty. Likewise, it is expected that you respect these volunteers. Volunteers may never be left alone with a group of students in the classroom and are not responsible for the disciplining of students.There will be a volunteer orientation held within the first month of the school year. Teachers will be provided with a copy of the guidelines that will help you make the volunteer experience valuable for both the teacher and the volunteer.A volunteer application is required to be filled out and approved before a person is able to volunteer in classrooms, chaperone on field trips, mentor, or participate in any activities on campus during the school day. Volunteers must register at . If the volunteer does not have computer access to complete this application, computers are available to use in the office. All volunteer opportunities will be discussed at the volunteer orientation at the beginning of the school year.68580010541000WITHDRAWALS When learning of student’s plans for withdrawal, classroom teachers should: Collect all books or school property in the child's possession. Investigate library and/ or cafeteria debts. Pencil in all available data on the CUM folder and follow the steps as listed on the CUM folder procedure list.Follow the procedural checklist that accompanies the CUM folder. CUM folder withdrawal information must be handled in a complete and timely manner. WORKERS COMPENSATION Safety is everyone’s first priority. The School Board is subject to provisions of the Workers Compensation Act (Charter 440 F.S.), the same as any other employer. This act requires that all work-connected injuries be reported promptly. Failure to do so will result in penalties. The fines and penalties will be assessed against the school or department responsible for the late reporting. If you are injured, report the accident that day to the office. Any person going to a doctor not authorized by the employer and/or workers compensation insurance carrier will be responsible for his or her own medical expenses. Important phone numbers to call for instructions are 1-800-374-4810 and (954) 302-4800.Our phone number is(754) 322-5750 and FAX is (754) 322- 5790This list will help direct you to the proper staff members. Principal's SecretaryKasandra CorreaGuidance CounselorJoy SolomonLiteracy Coach Christopher BrightmanESE SpecialistJenna GalboIMT Sherri RosenthalTechnology Specialist Stacy RoweSchool Advisory Council ChairpersonMichael AzcarateHead Custodial Services Scott GansCafeteria ManagerHeidi Schlesinger After School Program Director (Rocketeers)Wendy GoodmanP.T.A. President Julie KloiberSchool Resource Officer Deputy French ................
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