Application to Trade Phosphorus

|[pic] |Application to Trade Phosphorus |

| |NPDES/SDS Permit Program |

| |National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)/ |

| |State Disposal System (SDS) |

| |Doc Type: Permit Application |

|MPCA Use Only |

|Date received |

|Month |Day |Year |

| | | |

Complete this form and submit to: Water Quality Document Coordinator (at address above).

Instructions to this form found on page 3.

I. Impaired water identification

|Name of impaired water body/bodies: |      |

|Impaired lake/reservoir ID number: |      |Pollutants or stressors impairing water body/bodies: |      |

II. Facility information (Buyer)

|Name of facility: |      |

|NPDES/SDS permit number: |      |Outfall number: |      |

|Mailing address: |      |

|City: |      |State: |      |Zip code: |      |

|Name of facility contact person: |      |Telephone number: |      |

|Name of water body that facility discharges to: |      |

|Name of major watershed that facility discharges to: |      |8-digit HUC number: |      |

|Number of river miles facility discharge is upstream of impaired water body (necessary if parties are not in same HUC): |      |

III. Facility information (Seller)

|Name of facility: |      |

|NPDES/SDS permit number: |      |Outfall number: |      |

|Mailing address: |      |

|City: |      |State: |      |Zip code: |      |

|Name of facility contact person: |      |Telephone number: |      |

|Name of water body that facility discharges to: |      |

|Name of major watershed that facility discharges to: |      |8-digit HUC number: |      |

|Number of river miles facility discharge is upstream of impaired water body (necessary if parties are not in same HUC): |      |

IV. Trade amount/timeframe

|A. |B. |C. |D. |

|Upward adjustment to buyer’s phosphorus |Buyer trade ratio |Total phosphorus purchased |Downward adjustment to seller’s phosphorus limit |

|limit (kg/     ) | |(kg/     ) |(kg/     ) |

|      |      |      |      |

|Requested trade start date (mm/dd/yyyy): |      |Requested trade end date (mm/dd/yyyy): |      |

V. Signature

By signing this form, the buyer listed above requests that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) increase the outfall phosphorus mass limit in its NPDES Permit by the amount specified in the Trade amount table above, and the seller requests that the MPCA decrease the outfall phosphorus mass limit in its NPDES Permit by the amount specified in the Trade amount table above. I am aware that these changes are not effective until they are incorporated into the facility individual NPDES/SDS permits, and that the MPCA will need to issue or modify each facility’s permit in order to implement this request.

By signing this form, the buyer and the seller understand that upon issuance of the buyer’s permit covering the Trade timeframe, they shall have an effective legal trade contract consistent with this form and the buyer’s permit requirements. I certify I am aware that this requested trade is not effective until it is incorporated into my facility’s individual NPDES/SDS Permit. I further certify I am aware that the MPCA will need to modify each facility’s permit to implement this request.

|Site representative | |Inspector |

|Print name: |      | |Print name: |      |

|Organization: |      | |Organization: |      |

|Signature: | | |Signature: | |

|Date (mm/dd/yyyy): |      | |Date (mm/dd/yyyy): |      |

Instructions for Application to Trade Phosphorus

Please note that this form should not be used for trading under the Minnesota River Basin General Phosphorus Permit (MNG420000).

I. Impaired water identification

• Name of impaired water body/bodies: Provide the name(s) of the impaired water body/bodies prompting this application to participate in Phosphorus Trading. The list of impaired water bodies in Minnesota can be found on the MPCA website at

• Impaired lake/reservoir ID number: If the impaired water includes a lake or reservoir, provide the identification number of the impaired lake/reservoir. For example, Lake Pepin’s ID number is 25-0001-00. This information is also available on the MPCA website at the address above. Select the worksheet labeled TMDL List. The ID numbers appear in Column E.

• Pollutant or stressor impairing water body: Indicate the type of water quality impairment. Column K of the above-mentioned worksheet contains this information. For example, for Lake Pepin, the pollutant or stressor is excess nutrients.

II. Facility information (Buyer)

• Name of facility: Provide the name of the facility that will participate in Phosphorus Trading. Use the same name as listed in the facility’s individual NPDES/SDS Permit or if your facility is new, provide the facility name listed in the facility’s NPDES/SDS Permit Application.

• NPDES/SDS Permit No. (number): If your facility already has a NPDES/SDS Permit, provide its permit identification number (e.g., MN0000001). If this is a new facility, write “pending”.

• Mailing address: Provide the complete mailing address of the facility.

• Name of facility contact person: Provide the name of the contact person at the facility.

• Telephone number: Provide the telephone number of the facility contact person.

• Name of receiving water body: Provide the name of the water body that directly receives the phosphorus discharge (effluent) from the facility (e.g., Mississippi River).

• Name of major watershed: Provide the name of the major watershed which receives the facility’s phosphorus discharge (e.g., Cannon River Watershed). This information can be found on the MPCA website at or on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website at .

• 8-Digit HUC number of major watershed: Provide the 8-Digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) of the major watershed listed above. You can find this information on the MPCA website at .

III. Facility information (Seller)

See item II above.

IV. Trade amount/timeframe

• Trade information table: This table lists how much phosphorus is being traded between the two facilities. The letters below correspond to the letters of the columns in the Trade Amount/Timeframe Table:

A. The buyer’s chosen upward adjustment to its facility’s mass phosphorus limit due to trade. The type of limit is dependent on the nature of the impaired water body and will be specified in the buyer’s permit. This value must be expressed as a whole number. Specify the time period of the trade, for example, kg/calendar year or kg/day.

B. If both the buyer (existing or expanded discharge) and the seller discharge to the same major watershed (watersheds can be found on the MPCA website at ) use a factor of 1.1. If the buying facility receives an NPDES Permit for a new discharge in connection to the trading, use a factor of 1.2. If the buyer and seller discharge to different major watersheds and the buyer is closer, in river miles, to the impaired water than the seller, use a factor of 1.4.

C. This value represents the total mass of phosphorus purchased by the buyer. The buyer’s phosphorus limit does not go up by this value. Total mass is the mass of phosphorus used for increasing the buyer’s phosphorus limit (Column A) and the amount of phosphorus required by the Trade Ratio (C = A x B). This value must be expressed as a whole number (round up if necessary). Specify the time period of the trade, for example, kg/calendar year or kg/day.

D. This calculated number is the seller’s downward adjustment to its facility’s mass phosphorus limit required due to this trade (D = C). The type of limit is dependent on the nature of the impaired waterbody and will be specified in the buyer’s permit. The seller’s permit must specify the same limit type as the buyer’s permit. Specify the time period of the trade, for example, kg/calendar year or kg/day.

• Trade start and end date: Indicate the date that trade will begin and the date the trade will end. The start date typically would be the date (approximately) that the MPCA would modify or reissue your permit. The MPCA will include the end date in each facility’s permit.

V. Signature

This application must be signed by the appropriate person. An application submitted by a corporation must be signed by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice president. In the case of a partnership or a sole proprietorship, the application must be signed by a general partner of the proprietor, respectively. In the case of a municipal, state, federal, or other public facility, the application must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. In some cases, a duly authorized representative of the individuals listed above may sign on behalf of the applicant if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facility.


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