Board of Education • City of New York


Scott Hughes Tel: 718/368-8500

Principal Fax: 718/368-8555

PRINCIPAL’S MEMO #2020-2021-1

Re: Dedicated email address set up for the parents/guardians of all Goldstein students.


                                                                                             October 21, 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Of greatest importance, I’m hoping this letter finds you and your family safe and well. 

I am writing to you all directly to inform you of an additional structure that we have created at Goldstein High School to help ensure that more direct lines of communication exist between Goldstein High School and our parents/guardians.

For context, while we have utilized robocalls, our school website, and texts sent through the Remind app to provide parents and guardians with the most up-to-date information, we have consistently found each medium of communication to be problematic for a subset of our parents. Some have shared that they find the website challenging to navigate, others have shared that the information sent through the Remind app is too brief, while others have shared that the automated calls are sent to a telephone number that they do not have direct access to during the day. While somewhat counterintuitive, it is clear that our use of multiple mediums of communication has unintentionally resulted in hampering our ability to convey vital information to our parents - a need that is now more vital than ever.

To address these articulated challenges, and for the purposes of facilitating and streamlining communication with all Goldstein High School parents and guardians, I’m happy to share with you that we have created a email address for the parents/guardians of all Goldstein High School students. Moving forward, as our first line of communication, relevant information will be sent to this email address. To be clear, this information may then also be published on our school website, referenced in a Remind text, or conveyed in a robocall, but your email address will be your “one-stop shopping” source for vital information to be conveyed to you all.

All school staff members (including teachers) have been instructed by me to direct any email correspondence to this email address. 

With the creation of this email address, it is important to note that there will be an expectation on the part of the school that information sent to this email address is read and reviewed by the parents/guardians of the student. It is important that both parents/guardians and the school share the burden of ensuring effective communication equally and it is with this understanding that I articulate my expectation that parents and guardians check this email address regularly.

Should there be any parents/guardians who for any reason cannot access their newly created email address, they should contact their child’s guidance counselor immediately. The email addresses of our guidance counselors are below:

Ms. Batnick - rbatnick@schools. (718-368-8534)

Ms. Duval - kduval@schools. (718-368-8532)

Ms. Hughes - mhughes2@schools. (718-368-8533)

In the pages that follow, you will learn how you can access your newly-created email address as well as how you can easily forward emails sent to this email address to any other preferred location.

Your acceptance and awareness of your role in ensuring effective communication between home and school is greatly appreciated. We look forward to continuing to partner with you in supporting our students (and your children) at this challenging time.

Please see the pages that follow to access your newly created email address.

Stay safe,

Scott K. Hughes - Principal

Accessing your new email address - 3 Easy Steps!

Step 1: Knowing your email address:

To make this as easy as possible for you to utilize, we adopted a simple naming protocol for the email addresses of all parents and guardians – your email address is identical to your child’s email address with a preceding “pg” (for parent/guardian).

To clarify, if your child’s email address was the following:

Your email address is simply the following (note the preceding “pg”):

It’s that simple.

Step 2: Knowing your password:

Your password for your newly created email address:

The password for your new email address is simple as well – it is simply your child’s OSIS / student ID number (this is a nine digit number beginning with a ‘2’).

Step 3- Additional Guidance:

Should you need assistance signing into your new email address, simply ask your child to assist as they are very familiar with the process. You can also click on the link below: 

Step 4 (Optional) - Option to forward emails to an alternative location:

Should you wish to forward emails from this location to another preferred email address:

Should you wish to retain sole use of another email address (Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) – you can simply set up your email address to automatically forward emails to an alternative email address of your choosing. Should you wish to learn how to do this, simply click on the link below:

That’s it! We hope you find this email useful in supporting your child!


Department of Education · City of New York


at Kingsborough

1830 Shore Boulevard

Brooklyn, New York 11235

“Academic Excellence in a Caring Community”



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