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Music vs. Poetry Essay: Compare and Contrast

2015 Pre-AP English II MYP

You will pick one song that has significant meaning for you. Your song should be more than just a surface song. Look for a song that contains a variety of figurative language and that is not too repetitive. Bring the lyrics on Monday January 12, 2015. Make sure you number the lines of your song. This week, we will analyze the song, begin our prewriting for an essay, and look for a poem. You will be analyzing the theme of your chosen song by carefully explaining the literary devices used by the songwriter. Then you will find a poem with a similar theme. You must use a poem that is literary and from an established writer. You then analyze that poem. Essentially, you will be writing a literary analysis that compares and/or contrasts these two creative works.

What does that mean?

A literary analysis is a complete analysis of a poem, short story, song, etc. A literary analysis tries to explain all the elements that influence a piece of literature's meaning. This means that you discuss overriding elements, such as theme; smaller elements, such as figurative language and diction; and even minute elements, such as sound patterns.

This will be a 5 paragraph essay and 2.5-3 pages long double spaced, typed.

You will be graded on the writing process, as well as the final draft.

The final draft will be due on January 30 , 2015 by 3:50 pm

Essay checklist:

1. Clear Thesis at the end of introduction. If there is not a thesis statement here, this will be an automatic "C."

2. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence.

3. Each body paragraph must have 4 examples (quotes) from the song lyrics and poem used, 2 from each.

4. Each body paragraph must have a concluding sentence.

5. You must use transitions between your paragraphs and compare and contrast transitions within your paragraphs.

7. Do not use "you," "I," "me," "my," "mine," "we" in your paper unless it is a quote. This will be an automatic "C."

8. The conclusion must restate the thesis using different words.

Tips on writing your introduction:

Write you introduction. Begin with an attention getter. Remember you may begin using a rhetorical question or a shocking statement.

3 parts to an introduction (ANT):

1. Attention getter

2. Necessary information

a. Author’s full names and Band names (Look up the author’s name. Don’t just write Metallica. Also, find the real name of the artist, not a moniker. Don’t just write Lil’ Wayne – find out his real name. )

b. Title of song and poem-- (remember that songs and poems use quotation marks).

c. Brief plot summary. This summary should lead to your thesis.

3. Thesis

Tips for writing your conclusion:

1. Restate your thesis

2. Conclude by wrapping up the argument that what you have proven in the body paragraphs supports your argument. Answer the question, “So What?” Discuss the universality of the themes.

Important to remember:

• Attention-getter begins your introduction

• Your thesis is your last sentence in your first paragraph.

• Each of the three body paragraphs should have a topic sentence and concluding sentence.

• Songs and poems are in quotation marks, so when you are talking about the song, you should write "Sawdust and Diamonds."

• Double space throughout entire paper.

• Press spacebar twice after every end punctuation mark (periods., question marks?, and exclamation marks!)

• Proofread your papers, so that you don’t make any silly mistakes.

• Put your quote into context. Example: Juliet says, “A cup, closed in my truelove’s hand?” (12) NOT “A cup, closed in my truelove’s hand?”

• When quoting from songs, use the line number.

• Also, you use a forward slash to indicate different lines (/). Example:

After Juliet wakes from her death-like sleep she says, “What’s here? A cup, closed in my truelove’s hand?/ Poison, I see hath been his timeless end” (V.iii.161 – 162).

• Your quotes should not go longer than 3 lines of text.

***Your poem must have an author and must be found in a literature book or be a recognized writer. It might be easier to pick a poem first, then a song.

Start brainstorming some songs / poems here. Make sure to identify subject and theme:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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