Executive Education | HEC Paris

Company / Organisation information

Corporate name:     

please indicate if the company belongs to a larger group:     

Address (street / PC / City):      


Phone number (please indicate country area code):     

intra community vat number:     

This number is mandatory for countries members of the European Union.


Gender: Last name:      First name:     

Job title:      E-mail:      Phone number:     

Nationality (not compulsory but this will helpful for statistics):      

Department / Division:      

if you sponsor the program yourself, please mention your address

street / PC / City / Country:      


Program title:     


Tuition fees (ex.vat):     

Where did you find out this program?


Name of the person responsible for sponsoring your program:     

Job title:      Tel:      E-mail:     

Address (if different from the one above) street / PC / City / Country:      

Name of the Training Advisor:     

Phone number:      E-mail      

Name of the Human Ressources Manager:     

Phone number:      E-mail:     

Billing address


Company (if applicable):     

Address (if different from the one above):      

Phone number:     


Please read carefully through all the information below.

Accommodation and meals at Hec Le Chateau

Lunches are included in the tuition fees. However, accommodation and dinners must be booked if needed.

You can arrive the eve of the training except Sundays nights (HEC Le Château is closed on Sundays). Please also read the cancellation policy on the hotel booking form regarding accommodation and meals.

Deposit and payment

Fees should be paid in full upon registration. Please note that payment should be made by wire transfer to CRC SA either full payment while sending your registration form or in two installments (wire transfer) divided as following:

30% of deposit while sending your registration; the remaining 70% must be paid, at the latest, one month before the beginning of the program. We can’t guarantee a place in the training without this payment.

The relevant banking information for the wire transfer is:


Centre d’affaires de Paris Grande Armée

24 avenue de la Grande Armée

75017 Paris, France

Account: 30004-01328-00010642748-04

Iban: FR76 3000 4013 2800 0106 4274 804

Swift code: BNP AFR PPPGA

Cancellation and refund policy

There will be a full refund given to those unable to attend the program if cancellation is made at least 30 days prior to the start of the program.

A 50% refund will be given for cancellations received between 30 days and 15 days before the beginning of the program.

No refund will be accepted for a participant cancelling his venue less than 15 days before the first day of the program.

HEC Le Château reserves the right to cancel the seminar and will inform participants at least one week before the start of the program. In such a case, HEC Le Château will refund the tuition fees.

Name of participant or Sponsor:      

Date, signature and stamp:


Registration Form – open enrollment programs

Please return this form completed, signed and stamped to:

Hec Executive Education – CRC SA

5 rue de la Libération – BP 158

78354 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex - FRANCE

Fax number +33 (0) 1 39 56 42 79

email  inscription@crc.fr





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