Day Two: Communication (Patrol Presentation)

6794500-635Learning Objectives Relate the experience of the Communication Traps game to basic principles of communicationUnderstand how listening can be an important part of communicationDevelop strategies to overcome barriers to communicationPractice some skills of effective instruction7759446944880669395215875Communications Trap Game What communication challenges did you face as a team?How did this game simulate an actual team situation?Did you trust your leader?What sorts of barriers to success could the cones represent?What types of communication were used in this game?How could you have communicated more clearly?7596505647065Do you think the first or last team member had an easier time working through the maze?669480511174Introduction Give some examples of various forms of communication. Verbal? Nonverbal? 7779258211531266947968150Examples ?Gilwell SongThe circle with a dot in it, on Baden-Powell’sgravestone (the trail symbol for “I have gone home.”)?BSA uniforms, patches, Wood Badge beads?Wood Badge icon (Axe and Log)?The Gilwell Gazette, including the agenda of the day7638415850265These are all forms of communication (verbal and nonverbal). Briefly discuss with the group what messages they convey and what makes them effective (or not).6718300-9525What Makes Communication Effective? [Let them ponder the question]78205644055074What Makes Communication Effective?6684645-969010In the session on Living the Values, saw videos of President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. giving speeches.What were some of the things that made those speeches effective?1. Message was:ImportantPresented vision that could affect the lives of the listeners2. The speaker:Established themselves as authoritiesBelieved in what they were presentingGot to the pointUsed personal skills: body language, tone of voice, and charisma 7785735135890666750018415Effective CommunicationSuppose a Scout has just run up to the group and delivered the following message.First Aid Medical Emergency FormWho:Wood Badge Patrol memberWhat:Snake BiteWhere:Turner CampsiteWhen:15 minutes agoWhy:We need assistance at the Health LodgeHow:Call 911, Request Ambulance, Notify Health and Safety personnel and Course Director.Pretend for the moment that this message is real. 7811770281940What is its impact? Does it grab your attention, why?What are its strengths as a form of communication? 67087750Basic Blueprint of Communication Aristotle broke down communication into three parts:?A sender?A message?A receiverThat was more than 2,000 years ago, and it is still true today. It applies to all forms of communication: spoken & written word, music, film, even pantomimeIn a way, Aristotle’s theory even applied this morning in the Zulu Toss game. Think of the balls as messages. The game has senders who are trying to toss their messages to 79032101630045others—the intended receivers.668440412612Effective Listening as a Communication ToolGood communication begins with good listening, both on the part of the receiver and on the part of the sender. In “Listening To Learn” we discussed the importance of paying attention not only to what others are saying, but also how they are saying it; their body language, tone of voice, emotions, etc.The most effective communication provides what the listeners need in a manner that engages their minds. It also engages the minds of the senders of the information. Whether they are communicating with one person or a thousand, they “listen” to their audiences by paying attention to the spoken and unspoken signals that indicate whether the message is getting through. 7526020751840Communication, then, is a two-way process. Both the sender and the receiver have responsibilities to make it happen. Feedback from the receiver helps guide the sender. 671582612065Engaging the Audience“I want this presentation to be a success. If it doesn’t seem to be going well, I want you to let me know. If it’s not working, let’s do something about it and try to make it better.”When I start with that statement, how do you respond? How does it make you feel as a listener? Uncomfortable? Included? More engaged in the process?75514202312035Have you ever had a speaker ask you to participate like that? Or a teacher? An employer? Anyone else conveying information to you? Probably not. Most of the time we have a preconceived notion of how a presentation will go, both as speaker or audience. We as presenters can feel locked into a one-way-street approach to communicating when using prepared materials such as PowerPoint.666813510890“What do you want?” This is the most important question to consider when preparing a program. We all want knowledge, or to learn a skill, or to understand something.If we keep this question in mind, we will be more aware of how an audience is responding, and thus more likely to adjust it to better fit their needs.“What do you want?” If this is an unusual question for speakers to ask adults, think how rare it is for us to ask it of young people. So often we are sure we know what is best for them and we forge ahead without taking notice of the audience— the Scouts in our units, the young people in our lives.Effective communication must be two-way. If we don’t know what other people want, there is little chance we can give it to them. How do we find out what other people want? We ask for feedback!770509010541066941512227FeedbackSo, how do we get feedback? We teach Start, Stop, Continue. This model allows each person the opportunity to impart suggestions in a non-threatening manner.Ask the question “What would you start doing that you are not currently doing?”Then ask “Is there anything that the person or group should stop doing?”End with a focus on the positive: “What is working well and should be continued?7860665586740We will use the SSC tool as a part of our daily assessments and as a way to deliver feedback to each other.You do not always have to have a Start or a Stop… if nothing’s wrong, don’t try to fix it! 66668562227Feedback is a GIFT77508104047490Treat it accordingly!668458012065Barriers to Effective CommunicationMany people hold these negative perceptions of different professions, for example, telemarketers. What are the barriers to effective communication that a telemarketer must overcome?Lack of common ground. The telemarketer knows nothing about us.Lack of sincerity. They are probably interested only in making a sale.Lack of authority. They were probably hired simply to make the calls and read a script. Lack of clarity. They may exaggerate, blur the truth, or fail to mention weaknesses of a product.Poor presentation skills. They may badger people, argue with them, or be bored, distracted, or barely there. Some even talk very fast as to not let a word in edgewise.Lack of receptiveness. They are not receptive to any needs we may have other than the desire for the product or service. Any discussion that isn’t leading toward a sale is considered wasted time.Environment. They disrupt our personal or family time, often calling during the dinner hour. 7908925343331And yet even with all these drawbacks, telemarketing is successful often enough for many companies to invest millions of dollars in it. Just think how powerful communication can be when people take the time to overcome these barriers. Ways to Ensure Good Communication6701790-1028700Common Ground. An important point of the Who Me game last evening was to learn something about the people in your patrol. The more we know about each other, the greater the common experience we share and the easier communication becomes.Sincerity. A speaker must care about the message and the receiver.Authority. A speaker should know what he is talking about. There will be times, though, when a speaker is not an expert in a subject. What becomes important then is the willingness to learn along with a group. Clarity. Speak to the target audience on their level and use terms they understand. You can usually tell by their expressions if they are getting the message. Good Presentation Skills. Think about the presentation skills you’ve seen during this course that enhanced communication. Devote sufficient time to preparing the messages you intend to present.Receptiveness. If things aren’t going well, be willing to ask what we might do differently. Receiving feedback from interested listeners can help any speaker become more effective.7862570624840Environment The comfort of an audience can have a large impact on their ability and willingness to listen well. Consider the setting in which you will make a presentation or lead a discussion. Consider the temperature, distractions, and lighting as well as seating arrangements and ways to enhance the physical comfort of audience members. 669984112065Communication in a Digital EraAsk the group, “Do any of you NOT:Use email? Text messages? Write or read blogs?Have a Facebook account?Use Twitter?Today’s youth are masters of this! But there are issues we must be aware of and to teach our youth to watch out for. Scouts communicate with each other using all these methods and more, which is different than many of us might do.78568551271389Brainstorm: What are some of the pitfalls of email? What are some of the downsides to texting and tweets? What things should you be careful of with Facebook and other social networking? 66259122407Communication Rules in a Digital EraWhen communicating through electronic media, here are a few important rules to remember:The responsibility for anything you write is yours alone. Be authentic. Always include your name in anything you email or post online. If you are embarrassed to attach your name to it, you should probably think twice about posting it.Consider your audience. Always consider who might be reading your post or email. There is no privacy in electronic posting or commenting.Exercise good judgment. Always refrain from comments that could be interpreted as demeaning, inflammatory, or racially charged. It is important to remember that in digital communication, because there is no body language or facial expressions, a comment you might think is funny could actually be taken as offensive.Respect copyrights and fair use. “A Scout is Honest.” Copying or downloading copyrighted material without paying or getting permission from the owner is stealing. Make the decision that you will honor the intellectual property of others and encourage those around you to do the same. Downloading software or music illegally is the same as walking into a store and stealing a CD off the shelf.7844790261620Remember to protect personal information. Your personal information does not belong posted on the Internet. Be cautious where you put your private information and who you are sharing it with. 66667042227Effective Communication and Teaching SkillsAn important use of effective communication is the teaching of skills. Scout leaders do this all the time. So do supervisors on the job, co-workers, community volunteers—in fact, just about everybody is called upon now and then to teach someone else how to do something.Give me some examples of skills we teach in Scouts. 793369020764566663342227Tying a Woggle(Lead the group in a brief discussion of how they perceived the teaching of woggle tying. The group can provide feedback on the teaching techniques.) Let’s discuss the newly learned art of Woggle tying.What was the process?Give me some feedback on the teaching techniques.What are the strong points? How might it be improved? It was hands-on. Everyone had a cord from the beginning and was actively involved in the process.There was a finished woggle on hand so that participants could see the goal they were learning to achieve.There was a handout with diagrams showing the steps of the process—a multimedia approach to skills instruction.A leader demonstrated the process. As he did, participants followed along, doing it themselves. The communication was verbal, visual, and tactile (hands-on).7915910363855The leader let each participant work through each step, allowing everyone to make mistakes and to figure out corrections. However, if a participant went too far a field, the leader would gently bring him back to the correct method, thus avoiding too much frustration. The leader was generous with support and praise. 666680815875Teaching A Skill: The EDGE MethodTeaching skills involves four very clear steps:Explain how to do the skillDemonstrate how to do the skillGuide others to do the skill, providing ongoing feedbackEnable others to use the skill, providing them with time, materials and opportunity to use the skill successfully79432151257300Explain, Demonstrate, Guide & Enable… The first letters of these words spells… EDGE. This teaching method is call the “Teaching EDGE” and is how we should teach every skill in Scouts and outside of Scouting when called upon to teach. 669415129570BSA’s “Four Steps to Advancement” Effective Skill Instruction is part of the BSA’s “Four Steps to Advancement”1.A youth learns.2.A youth is tested.3.A youth is reviewed.4.A youth is recognized.How does this tie into the Teaching EDGE? 8035290-2540669422629523Summary Effective Communication…Is a tool of leadershipIs essential to be effective as a teamIs a two-way processEngages the audienceAsks the question, “What do you want?”Should be clear and conciseUtilizes:Common groundSincerityAuthorityClarity79997305518150Good presentation skillsReceptivenessEnvironmentEncourages feedback because it is a gift773739150838701543685116078016781251253538 ................

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