Use Grid Lines to Locate Places on a Map

Locate Places Using a City Map

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|CLB Level: 2/3 |Method: |

| |Using a city map, get students familiarized with the map. For example, choose an area that is |

| |known by the students. Maybe where their school is located. Ask them to look at the different |

|Essential Skills Focus: Document Use (read |colours on the map. Where they see green spaces, have them guess what they are. Ask them to |

|a map, finding/entering information), Oral |look at the rivers and see that they are represented in a different colour. Ask them to find |

|Communication (Listening – following |their school. If needed, help them. Together find some places such as the YMCA or a community |

|instructions) |centre. Then, give them some time to find streets and places they know and circle them (adapted |

| |from N. Sibilleau) |

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|Task: Locate places using a map |Get the students to write some of the places they found on the board and have other students see|

| |if they can find them on the map. |

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| |Each day, give students a few streets to locate on the map until they feel comfortable |

|Purpose: Students will |performing this task. |

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|Be able to read and understand a map |Listening activity: See activity A/Teacher’s Instructions. |

|Locate streets on the map | |

| |Follow Up: Students choose places of interest to them |

| |that they would like to go to or need for a specific purpose |

|Materials: Teacher’s Instructions |(e.g. E.I office). Teacher prepares a list compiling those |

|Handout(attached), Student Handout |places and gives it to the students. In pairs, they have to |

|(attached), Sherlock’s Map |locate them on the map. When finished they have to |

| |explain what they did to complete the task. |

|Learning Style: Visual, auditory, | |

|kinaesthetic |Debrief/Transfer: Students brainstorm situations in |

| |which they would need to use a map and apply what they |

| |have learned in class. |

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|Time: 1-2 lessons | |

Activity A


Teacher Instructions:

1. Students look at the map.

2. Students find the following streets and highlight them.

▪ Balmoral St.

▪ Wellington Ave.

▪ Wall St.

▪ Bannatyne Ave.

▪ St. Mathews Ave.

▪ Your street (if possible)

(For literacy students, you might do this activity again now using the same street names they have to use in the next activity)

3. Write the following on the board:

• Sargent Rec Complex, Sargent Ave.

• Kelvin High School, Oak St.

• Health Sciences Centre , Sherbrook St.

• Westview Park, Saskatchewan Ave.

• Gordon Bell High School, Borrowman Place

• University of Winnipeg, Spence St.

• Your School, (street name)

Have students look at the map again. Have them find and place a chip on these places. Discuss with students how they will find these places and what they should do first (e.g.: use index or grid lines or landmarks on a map) what they should do first and how they will find these places.

|Student Handout |

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|Outcome Assessment Task: Locate places and streets on a map. |

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|Instructions: |

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|Look at the map. Find the following places. Use the streets to help you find the locations. Circle the location on the map provided. |

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|Daniel McIntyre High School, Alverstone Street |

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|University of Winnipeg, Spence Street |

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|Technical Vocational School, Wall Street |

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|Clifton School, Clifton Street |

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|Misericordia Health Centre, Cornish Ave. |

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|Westview Park, Saskatchewan Ave. |


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