Use Grid Lines to Locate Places on a Map

Use Grid Lines to Locate Places on a Map

|CLB Level: 2/3 | Method: |

| |Using the grid below, students practice using grid lines. They follow teacher’s instructions as |

| |follows: Highlight B3, highlight F1, put an “X” on B5, highlight C4, write your name on C2, |

|Essential Skills Focus: Document Use (read |etc. Give similar instructions until they finish the grid. |

|a map, finding/entering information), Oral | |

|Communication (Listening – following |Have students write names of places in a similar grid. Write the following on the board: |

|instructions) | |

| | |

| |Superstore is on D4. |

|Task: Use grid lines to locate places on a |Zellers is on F3. |

|map |Royal Bank is on A2. |

| |The hospital is on B1. |

| |The bookstore is on C5. |

| |Wal-Mart is on E3. |

|Purpose: Students will |The pharmacy is on C4. |

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|Be able to go onto the Internet |Using a map, students practice using grid lines. They transfer what they learned in activities A|

|Use Google Maps to locate a store |and B to a real map. Students listen to the teacher’s coordinates and find them on the map. For|

| |example: Find A4. Now find C4. |

| | |

|Materials: Worksheets (attached – adapt for |Using a city map (Sherlock’s Map) provided by the teacher, students listen to teacher’s |

|your city / town), Sherlock’s Map of your |instructions. They have to locate the streets (activity D) using grid lines. (Students listen to|

|area |teacher’s instructions – no student handout necessary) |

| | |

|Learning Style: Visual, auditory, |Follow Up: Students write their street names on the |

|kinaesthetic |board. Teacher writes the School’s street name on the |

| |board. Students have to find the streets on the map and |

| |give the teacher the coordinates. This could be done in |

| |groups of 3. And the group who finds more streets faster |

|Time: 2 - 3 lessons |is the winner. |

| | |

| |Debrief/Transfer: Students talk about what they learned |

| |in class and how they can use what they learned either in |

| |the community or in the workplace. |

Activity A - Student Handout

Listen and follow the instructions.

| |A |B |C |D |E |F |

|1 | | | | | | |

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|2 | | | | | | |

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|3 | | | | | | |

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|4 | | | | | | |

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|5 | | | | | | |

| | |e.g. X | | | | |

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Activity B - Teacher Instructions:

Have students write names of places in a similar grid by following the instructions below. (Write the instructions on the board.)

1. Superstore is on D4.

2. Zellers is on F3.

3. Royal Bank is on A2.

4. The hospital is on B1.

5. The bookstore is on C5.

6. Wal-Mart is on E3.

7. The pharmacy is on C4.

Activity C - Teacher Instructions:

Using a map, students practice using grid lines. They transfer what they learned in activities A and B to a real map. Students listen to the teacher’s coordinates and find them on the map. For example: Find A4. Now find C4.

Activity D

Teacher Instructions:

Using a city map (Sherlock’s Map) provided by the teacher, students listen to teacher’s instructions. They have to locate the streets below using grid lines.

(Students listen to teacher’s instructions – no student handout necessary)

1. Look at B5. Find and circle St. Mary Ave.

2. Look at F4. Find and circle Sherbrook St.

3. Look at C1. Find and circle Notre Dame Ave.

4. Look at F5. Find and circle Maryland St.

5. Look at A7 . Find and circle Portage Ave.

6. Look at G4. Find and circle Kennedy St.

7. Look at G5. Find and circle Vaughan St.

|Activity E/Outcome Assessment Task: |

|Answer the questions by giving the location of a street using grid lines |

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|[pic] |

|Instructions: |

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|Look at the map. Answer the questions by writing down the coordinates. |

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|Questions |

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|Coordinates |

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|Where is Kennedy St.? |

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|Where is Vaughan St.? |

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|Where is St. Mary Ave.? |

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|Where is Memorial Blvd.? |

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|Where is Webb Pl.? |

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|Where is Colony St.? |

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|Where is Maryland St.? |

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|Where is Donald St.? |

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|Where is your school? |

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