Romeo and Juliet Song Presentation

Romeo and Juliet Song Presentation

Names: __________________________________________________________________________________

Please Note: Scores for all areas will be given in either whole, half, or no credit form. Full credit signifies that area is thorough, complete, all members participated at the expected level, and the work is done at a high honors-level. Half credit signifies there has been an attempt, but the piece may contain errors, and/or not all members of the group have performed exceptionally well, and/or it is just below our honors-level (there is noticeable room for improvement). No credit signifies the area is missing/incomplete, and/or most group members do not perform acceptably, and/or it falls far below our honors-level. The same grade will be given to every student in your group—so choose your teammates wisely!

Song lyric or captions distribution for all in class _____________/5

Group participation (all group members are singing!) _____________/10

Energy Level/Eye Contact _____________/10

Effectiveness of Presentation _____________/25

• Did you look well-rehearsed?

• Did you refrain from laughter or gum chewing?

• Did you annunciate your words clearly and loudly?

Section Total_______/50




Romeo and Juliet Song Translation

Original version present on page next to translation _______________/5

Translated one follows original format _______________/15

Translation summarizes story with accurate details & key facts _______________/20

Word choice, punctuation, spelling is honors worthy _______________/10

Section Total__________/50




Total Combined Score = __________/100

Romeo and Juliet Song – Overview

A Two Part Project – Each Section Worth 50 Points!

• Key information is included in the song lyrics. You will summarize the entire play effectively. Your original song’s lyrics are set up side-by-side to your new version.

• Adherence to the original song’s format (lyrics, chorus, repeated words…)

• Clever and specific word choice; appropriate conventions and spelling

• Song presentation effectiveness (total group participation, eye contact, enthusiasm)

• Music is school-appropriate and you provide a copy of the lyrics for everyone in class

• Special effects, props, costumes, choreography

Romeo and Juliet Song Summary

Your chosen team (of no more than four people, total) has been assigned to put together a song presentation that clearly and accurately summarizes the entire play from start to finish!

• Your group will find and decide upon a single musical piece to put your new song to (whether the theme from a TV show, a patriotic song, something from the radio…or just a song that is so well known that even your little old English teacher recognizes the work).

• You will then, as a team, study the format of the original song…because you will need to closely match its set up in your new, Shakespearean-related lyrics. For example, you will need to follow the rhythmical pattern as in the original song. Also, remember to look at the chorus and make sure you follow a similar pattern. For example, is there a specific word or phrase that is repeatedly used in the original? Then you must use a repeated word or phrase in your new song lyrics.

• Rewrite the song using your new lyrics, which effectively summarizes the story of our play from start to finish. (You will need to submit a paper that has the actual song lyrics and your Romeo and Juliet lyrics side by side, line by line!)

• Practice, practice, practice…and then practice some more...and then be ready to perform!

Romeo and Juliet Song Presentation

You may either show a video taping of the performance or present “live” – but you must be ready to rock and roll by your classes presentation date—Thursday, May 22 (periods 3, 5) or Friday, May 23 (period 4).

On the day of the performances, make sure you do the following to receive the highest grade possible:

• Have a typed, printed copy of your Romeo and Juliet song lyrics for everyone in the class…or have a typed, printed copy to display over the document camera. If you have chosen the video option, you should have captioned lyrics—or each person in the class will need their own copy of the lyrics (since we can’t project your video and the lyrics simultaneously).

• If you choose the video option—you and your team are responsible for (1) managing all of your technology, and (2) coming in to see Mrs. Esham at least TWO DAYS PRIOR to your due-date to ensure the video will play. If, come your presentation day, your video doesn’t load or play, your entire team will receive a zero or have to perform live! Do not take that risk!

• Make sure you have the music playing while you sing (it well help you stay on key). Be careful, if the original song lyrics can be heard as you try to sing over it with your new lyrics…it will be very confusing. (My suggestion: find a copy of the music without the lyrics!!)

• Feel free to add any special effects to add to your score: costumes, synchronized moves…live music… Have fun with this—and make it fun to watch!

• Make sure you are well-rehearsed. You should have your Romeo and Juliet song memorized—and you’ll still need to have everyone make eye contact, use energetic voices, and totally participate.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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