File Name: Timetable ng 1ng Mk 2005-2006

File Name: Timetable 1st Qtr. 2014-2015

File Path: Tina’s ASUS



SY 2014-2015

20 meetings


Mtg #1 - a. seatplan – Please accomplish this on the first meeting. Submit to the SocSci teacher-in-charge.

1. Please choose your seat for the first quarter.

2. See the sample seatplan for names format. Please clearly print your full name and nickname in pencil in your own section’s seatplan.

Write from the teacher’s perspective, please (so that she can read your names from her desk).

3. See the sample seatplan for photo IDs. Please paste your recent photo ID onto the box where you are seated. (This may be completed on the second meeting) Write your full name and nickname in the rectangles above.

b. Please photocopy (2/F, SHB) for each member of the class and distribute the following:

1) SS3 Topic Outline (2 pages) – (one per student)

2) 1st Qtr Timetable (partial) – (2nd and 3rd pages)

3) contact details sheet form – There are two copies on one sheet. (Photocopy 15 sheets, then cut.)

4) “Ako’y Isang Mabuting Pisay Scholar” – There are four copies on one sheet.

(Photocopy 8 sheets, then cut.)

5) Cafeteria Segregation Monitoring (CAFSEG) mechanics

Note: These materials are also found in Tinablogawan (url = cpbawagan.).

c. Library/Seatwork: Complete the song “Ako’y Isang Mabuting Pisay Scholar” by adding original lyrics to the

stanzas. You may do the following:

1) Watch and listen to Noel Cabangon: along- with-noel-cabangon-s-ako-y-isang-mabuting-pilipino or .

2) Refer to your Student Manual or Code of Conduct.

3) Refer to your cafseg mechanics.

The tune must still be that of Noel Cabangon’s original “Ako’y Isang Mabuting Pilipino.”

Write the entire song (including part of Noel Cabangon’s, Ma’am Bawagan’s, and your 2-stanza original

lyrics) on one whole sheet of paper. Put your name, section, and class number on the first line. Write SS 3

and “Ako’y Isang Mabuting Pisay Scholar” on the second line. Pass your output to the SocSci teacher-


d. Homework: Prepare requirements (SocSci paraphernalia) listed below to be checked on the first meeting with

me next week. This will be equivalent to a 12- point quiz.

Write your name and section on each item, with a marker if needed. Or attach with scotchtape.

|1.SocSci (SS) fillers (light and easy to collect/ any size) |7.ruler (any size) |

|[Be-blue Cs-pink Mg-violet K-yellow Sr-green] |8.stapler (any size) |

|*Write your name. Write section and class number on the |9.scissors (any size) |

|upper right hand corner of the cover. | ID (recent) |

| whole intermediate pad |11. Small World map (2009 or more recent) |

|3.SS envelope (regular size, plastic or paper) | details sheet (data complete |

|– to contain SocSci homework, handouts, etc. |and clearly written; printout or ½ sheet pad paper) |

| or blue ballpen |*format available at the photocopy counter (2/F, SHB) or at |

| ballpen |Tinablogawan (cpbawagan.) |

|6.correction fluid/tape |13.Cafseg mechanics |

Mtg #2 - Meet at the library. Ensure compliance with library rules of silence and order. Thank the librarian before leaving.

a. Review . See the ppt. slides. Be ready for recitation on this.

b. Read . “The Great Global Convergence” See the ppt. slides.

Take notes. Be ready for a discussion and recitation on this too.

c. Please ask Sir Erin Dela Cruz for your section’s cafseg schedule. The cafseg report is due July 31.

d. The SocSci long test will be July 21 (Cs & Mg), 22 (K & Be), and 23 (Sr). Please write this in your class schedule for long tests.

e. Optional Work (OW): submission of a Ladies’ CR box for containing wrapping paper (a total of #20 are needed urgently) - due July 1

Description: shoebox with pretty wrapper; covered entirely with plastic book cover; name and section of student must be

neatly indicated underneath.


Mtg #3 - Meet at the library. Follow same procedures.

a. Seatwork: Finish reading and taking notes on Big Era 5 and Big Era 6.

b. Homework: Review your notes.


Mtg. #4 –

a. For Cs and Mg: Please read the policies below aloud in class. Note down questions and give to me next meeting.

b. For K, Be, and Sr: We shall discuss this together.

orientation re policies – Read aloud and discuss in class.

+ policy regarding submission of homework

• Homework must be submitted only during class periods, unless otherwise instructed.

• Late submissions

- same SocSci period, but after the “moment of collection” (-20%);

- 1 SocSci meeting late (-30%); 2 SocSci meetings late (-40%); 3 SocSci meetings late (-50%);

- 4 or more SocSci meetings late (no more credit)

+ policies regarding quizzes/tests

• Use your own pad paper and correction fluid/tape (required for erasures).

• Otherwise, you may buy a sheet of paper from your classmate at the minimum price of P1.00/sheet.

• No borrowing of correction fluid is allowed. Deductions shall be given for not following instructions.

+ policy regarding classroom cleanliness

• Before and after each class: Each column will be held responsible for the cleanliness of their area from the blackboard to the back of the classroom. The first column will be held responsible also for the corridor directly outside the classroom.

• After dismissing the class, Ma’am Bawagan will inspect the room’s and corridor’s cleanliness. Deductions will be given to the column/s which failed to keep their area clean. (Deductions will appear in the column’s “athlos” scores.)

c. orientation on the Cafeteria Segregation (CafSeg) Monitoring Project. = 10% of the tentative grade

Organize the class into groups for the 1st qtr cafseg monitoring project:

Group 1 = CN 1 – 10 Group 2 = 11 – 20 Group 3 = CN 21 - 30

• Visit the cafeteria waste segregation areas.

• Sign up in the Humanities Faculty Room Bulletin Board (HFRBB) for Optional Work (OW) on extra days.

d. Class Secretary/Monitor: Kindly provide Ma’am Bawagan today with your class schedule.

Include room numbers and the list of subject teachers. Thank you.

e. Quiz #1 – checking of SocSci paraphernalia

Column 1

* Write down the 13 required SocSci paraphernalia.

* Exchange quiz sheets with your seatmate. Encircle in red the items which your seatmate failed to bring.

(1/2 point for each item without a name and section)

*Checkers, print your name in red at the bottom of column 1.

f. Group Work: “Ako’y Isang Mabuting Pisay Scholar.”

* Meet in groups and sing your songs. (Rows 1-5)

* Select the best per group.

* Prepare group choreography for the best song.

* All groups, sing and dance the “best” song in class.

* Class, select the “best of the best.”

* “Best of the best” will be presented when the class leads the flag ceremony this school year.


Mtg #5 Review of Big Era 5 power point slides. Written recitation.


Mtg #6 - a. Finish Big Era 5 ppt slides. Continue written recitation.

b. Homework due 2 weeks from now: (Reference: Big Era 6 ppt slides and text.)

Group 1 – paper construction of a ship used during the Era of European Exploration and Navigation

Group 2 – Afroeurasian navigational technological advancements used at the time

with visuals and information as to how they were helpful :

*Arab lateen sail, *Muslim portolan charts and maps,*Chinese sternpost rudder, * sextant

Group 3 – miniature version of the printing press of metal movable type (with a brief description of its origin, function,

and impact on society)

Group 4 - Deforestation intensified with growth in mining, shipbuilding, and plantation agriculture.

Explain why through a diorama.

Group 5 – Show, by use of a chart/graph, the growth in population from 1400-1800 CE.

Explain, in a creative manner, why there was a difference in growth in various regions.


• All submissions must be on stands, ready for exhibit at the SocSci Museum.

• Dimensions: must be fit for display on the SocSci Museum glass shelves

• Avoid using expensive materials.

c. Homework due next meeting: Read ‘Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance’ and ‘The Northern Renaissance’

(World History: Patterns of Interaction. Holt McDougal (Chapter 17: Parts 1 and 2)

• Take notes. Know the main features of the Renaissance.

• Be ready for a game of charades and recitation without books.

• Be ready for a quiz.

d. Reminder: Download and save Chapters 17 – 36 of World History: Patterns of Interaction by Roger B. Beck et al. Holt McDougal. 2012. url: mrleesclass.files.

[Downloads are already available in the library computers #11 and #13.]

Mtg #7 - a. Renaissance

- Charades

- Quiz

b.Homework: Read ‘Luther Leads the Reformation’ and ‘The Reformation Continues’ (WH. Ch.17: Parts 3 and 4)

* Take notes.

- Analyze the causes and effects of the Protestant Reformation.

- Identify the leaders of the Protestant Reformation and explain their basic teachings.

* Be ready for another game of charades and recitation without books.

* Be ready for a quiz.

Mtg. #8 - a. Reformation

- Charades

- Quiz / Show some slides on the Renaissance and Reformation.

- Analyze lyrics of “Henry the Eighth” song. (tinablogawan/flashdrive)

b.Homework: Read the following:

(1) Chapter 18: The Muslim World Expands, 1300-1700. – Take down notes.

* Be ready for a timed open-notes quiz on ‘The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire.’

* Be ready for a contest on ‘Cultural Blending: The Safavid Empire’ and ‘The Mughal Empire in India.’

(2) Download the tune and ‘They Might Be Giants’ lyrics of the song “Istanbul, not Constantinople.” (tinablogawan)

Be ready to sing this in class to the rhythm of cha-cha. ( (flashdrive)

Mtg. #9 - a. ‘The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire’ - individual open-notes quiz

[Check – 2 columns away; then 3 columns away; Write names of checkers each time.]

b. contest (white board) – ‘The Safavid Empire’ and ‘The Mughal Empire’

[Use ppt slides – Ch. 18 – The Safavid and Mughal Empires]

[Check – by other groups. Use Ch. 18 – Safavid and Mughal Empires – Q & A sheet]

c.Homework: Finding Meaning, Digging Deep

|(1)“Looking back at the lessons studied in SocSci 3 since the start of this quarter, what meaning can I find in them?” |

|In 5-10 sentences, explain your answer to this question. Due next meeting. |

|Focus on either of the following: |

|*Humans and Humans –e.g., In the ways by which humans related with one another, were there any violations of human |

|rights (by today’s standards) committed? Or were humans’ efforts maximized for the attainment of peace? |

|*Humans and the Environment – e.g., Had humans contributed to the development or degradation of the environment? |

|*Humans and Ideas – e.g., Had the ideas developed by humans contributed to the benefit or detriment of the world? |

| |

|(2) Which work and which don’t, for my type of learning? |

|Make 2 lists. On the first list, write 1-3 effective practices/activities so far in our Social Science classes. |

|On the second list, write 1-3 ineffective practices/activities. |

|Briefly explain why for each entry |

|Format: |

|½ margins on both sides |

|Name Section & CN |

|SS3 Finding Meaning, Digging Deep Humans and Humans |

|Original Title or Humans and the Environment |

|or Humans and Ideas |

|For handwritten work : whole size pad paper / large and clear handwriting / blue or black ink |

|For print-outs : 8.5 x 11 inches bond paper / Times New Roman / font size 12 |

Mtg. #9 - Submit homework “Finding Meaning, Digging Deep.”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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