Year 5 song lyrics and instructions

Boom Chicka Boom

This rhythmical chant encourages development of a sense of pulse and explores a wide range of vocal sounds.

The leader chooses a vocal sound and the class copy each phrase trying to match the tone, pitch and volume of the leader’s voice (e.g. high,squeaky; low, gruff). For young children choose the voices of storybook characters, e.g. Big bear, baby bear or Goldilocks. Older children can choose moods, e.g. scared, angry, happy, posh

|Leader |Class |

|Say "Boom" |Boom |

|Boom chicka boom |Boom chicka boom |

|Boom chicka rockachicka rockachicka boom |Boom chicka rockachicka rockachicka boom … etc |

| Aha! | |

|Ee hee! | |

|Oh ho! | |

|One more time! | |

Kaeruno Uta Ga – Japanese frog song

|Lyrics |Melody |

|Kaeruno uta ga |CDEFEDC |

|Kiko ete kuruyo |EFGAGFE |

|Gwa gwa gwa gwa |C C C C |

|Gero gero gero gero gwa gwa gwa |CCDDEEFF E D C |

The words mean: listen to the song of the frog – Gwa gwa gero gero.

Teaching tip: play the start note C four times as an introduction.

▪ The phrases have clear pitch shapes which you can conduct using your hands:

Phrase 1: up and down step by step

Phrase 2: up and down step by step but starting on a higher pitch

Phrase 3: Staying on the lowest pitch

Phrase 4: Up and down step by step

▪ Try singing the song again using D or E as a start note to raise the pitch.

Developing the song

This song is a round.

Teaching tip. To prepare the children for singing it as a round invite one group to sing the frog sounds as a repeating pattern (ostinato):

▪ Divide into two groups. Group one repeats phrases three and four as an ostinato, while group two sings the whole song. Swap parts

▪ Now sing the song as a round in two parts. Group two starts when the first group have sung phrase one


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