* Make a wordsearch with your words

|1*Rainbow Write |2* Silly Sentences |8* Superman Letter |4* Hidden Words |

|First write each word in pencil, |Write silly sentences using a |Your job is to write a creative |Draw and colour a picture. Hide |

|then trace over the word 3 times. |spelling word in each sentence. |letter to Superman (or another |your spelling words inside your |

|Each time you trace, you must use |Please underline your spelling |superhero). In your letter you must |picture. |

|a different colour pencil. Trace |words! Write neatly! |use each of your spelling words. Be |Show your picture to someone and |

|neatly and you will see a rainbow.|Example: My dog wears a blue and |sure to underline each of your |see if they can find your hidden |

| |purple dress when he takes a |spelling words as you use them! |words. |

| |bath. | | |

|5* Three Times! |6* Create your own! |7* Pyramid Writing |8*Story, Story. |

|Write each spelling word 3 times. |Can you think of a really fun way|‘Pyramid Write’ your spelling words.|Write a story using ALL of your |

|First, write each word in pencil. |to practise your spelling words? |You must write neatly! |spelling words. Be sure to |

|Second, write each word in crayon.|Then go for it! Be sure to |*Example: home |underline your spelling words in |

|Third, write each word in marker. |explain your activity so that I |h |your paragraph. |

|You MUST write neatly! |can share it with the class! |ho |You may type your story if you |

| | |hom |like! |

| | |home | |

|9* Find It! |10*Play-dough |11* Alphabet |12* Board Game |

|Look through newspapers and |Make each of your words using |Arrange your words in alphabetical |Design a board game to play with |

|magazines. Find your spelling |play dough. Take a picture and |order and write them in that order 3|your words. Write the rules too. |

|words. Cut them out and glue them |glue it in! |times! | |

|down. | | | |

|13*Spaghetti |14*Shaving foam |15*Stones |16*Glitter |

|Make your spelling words using |Borrow some shaving foam- squirt |Collect stones from outside. Use |Use glitter glue/ pens to write |

|spaghetti (Hard or Soft). Take |your words outside. Take a |them to make your spelling words. |out your spelling words. |

|pictures and glue them in! |picture and glue it in! |Talk a picture and glue it in! | |

|17* Race! |18* Train |19*Dots |20*Backwards Words |

|Choose one of your spelling words |Write all of your words together,|Write all of your spelling words |Write your spelling words |

|at a time. Write it down as many |just like a big long train. Don’t|using dots, three times each. Join |forwards and then backwards. |

|times as you can in 1 minute and |leave any spaces. Write each word|the dots using a different colour. |Write neatly! |

|then challenge your parent to do |with a different colour. | |Example: where erehw |

|the same. Who won? | | | |

|21* Eye’s Shut! |22* Paint |23*Bubbles! |24* Type It! |

|Write each of your spelling words |Paint your words with paint (in |Write your words in colourful bubble|Type your words 3 times each in |

|twice with your eyes open. Try and|the book) or water (outside). |writing. |different fonts and colours. |

|write them once more with your | | | |

|eyes closed! | | | |

Choose one of the activities for spelling homework each week, in addition to learning to spell the words. Complete the activity in the spelling log. Label your work with the activity number and colour the appropriate place on this grid. Parents/Carers feel free to comment or write in the book or stick in games etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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