Find the 20 English words in the puzzle

Find the 20 English words in the puzzle. Write the words behind the German translation.

K |E |E |P |D |R |Y |A |C |H |A |N |G |E |N |R | |O |V |C |H |I |G |H |R |I |S |E |S |T |O |R |E | |E |R |E |S |P |L |J |D |S |D |Y |N |C |T |K |M | |M |F |X |G |T |I |I |C |P |I |A |M |E |Y |C |L | |L |W |P |R |N |O |C |H |W |S |O |M |T |H |E |R | |O |A |I |O |E |T |C |K |G |T |C |A |A |S |I |U | |A |Y |R |S |T |R |H |K |T |A |G |M |U |G |T |G | |D |B |Y |S |W |A |I |O |B |N |M |O |L |F |E |F | |E |I |D |W |E |N |B |W |P |C |H |U |I |T |Y |D | |M |L |A |E |I |S |I |O |C |E |F |L |Q |K |Y |C | |P |L |T |I |G |P |Y |Q |R |M |K |J |D |M |F |Z | |T |D |E |G |H |O |A |A |R |R |I |O |X |N |K |W | |Y |V |R |H |T |R |W |A |O |F |R |A |G |I |L |E | |S |Z |I |T |M |T |H |F |P |A |L |L |E |T |K |S | |

Translation of the words: (be careful, two or more words are written together)

1) Abstand: ________

2) ändern: ______

3) aufladen: ____

4) befördern: _________

5) beschädigt: _______

6) Frachtbrief: _______

7) gesundheitsschädlich: _______

8) Hochregallager: _____________

9) Gabelstapler: ________

10) Lager: _________

11) Aktie (am.): _____

12) Nettogewicht: _________

13) Palette: ______

14) Verfallsdatum: __________

15) zerbrechlich: _______

16) Bruttogewicht: ___________

17) unten: ______

18) vor Nässe schützen: _______

19) leer: _____

20) entnehmen/kommissionieren: ____


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