Stay Safe Online

66985131898428545336697Promote NCSAM Before and Throughout the Month on Social MediaOctober is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). Spread the word by posting online safety tips on your social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Use the following messages, edit them or create your own to share throughout October. Remember to use the official NCSAM hashtag, #CyberAware. Download the accompanying social media graphics here. Many of the links have accompanying social media cards that include images and brief descriptions.General NCSAM PostsOctober is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Join us in creating a culture of #cybersecurity: #CyberAwareOctober = #PSL + #Halloween + National #Cybersecurity Awareness Month. What are you doing to keep the internet safer and more secure? #CyberAware [PSL-halloween-ncsam graphic]2018 marks the 15th year of #CyberAware Month. Be a part of something big – learn how you can make the internet safer and more secure. ’s the 15th annual #CyberAware Month co-lead by NCSA and @Cyber. Learn more about DHS’s engagement in the Month at ’re an official Champion of #CyberAware Month – are you? you seen the themes for #CyberAware Month 2018 yet? Check them out: celebrates its 8th birthday this #CyberAware Month. Become a partner today! you a state/federal organization? @Cyber leads the federal engagement of STOP. THINK. CONNECT.? – they have great resources just for you! the #internet safe & secure is our shared responsibility. You can make a difference this #CyberAware Month: [Shared Responsibility Graphic]#DidUKnow October is #CyberAware Month? Get involved here: isn’t just #pumkinspice lattes and #halloween – it’s also National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Learn how to keep yourself/family/friends safe online. #CyberAware out the #CyberAware Month events page to find one near you! a #Cybersecurity event near you this #CyberAware Month and learn how you can stay safer and more secure online. Oct. is #CyberAware Month. Sign up for @StaySafeOnline's #cybersecurity & #privacy awareness newsletter for updates: is National #CyberAware Month! Show your support & register as a NCSAM Champion – it’s free!: #CyberAware Month [I/org name] will be helping keep the internet safer and more secure by [insert your own initiative/efforts] Online safety is important to [me/us] because [reason]. #CyberAwarePromote the NCSAM ThemesIn week 1 (Oct. 1?5) of #CyberAware Month we’ll be sharing tips and advice to Make Your Home a Haven for Online Safety! [Week 1 Theme Graphic]Educating for a Career in #Cybersecurity is Week 2 (Oct. 8-12) of #CyberAware Month. We’ll cover how best to inspire students and others to seek these limitless opportunities. [Week 2 Theme Graphic]#ICYMI It’s Everyone’s Job to Ensure Online Safety at Work! Week 3 (Oct. 15-19) of #CyberAware Month will focus on cybersecurity workforce education and risk management, resistance and resilience. [Week 3 Theme Graphic]Week 4 (Oct. 22-26) of #CyberAware Month will emphasize the importance of securing our critical infrastructure and highlight the roles the public can play in keeping it safe. [Week 4 Theme Graphic]Posts promoting #ChatSTC Twitter chatsDo you have smart devices in your home? Learn how to keep them and your accounts and information safe with a #ChatSTC Twitter chat on 10/4, 3 p.m. EDT. #CyberAware [Week 1 #ChatSTC Graphic]There are millions of rewarding jobs in #cybersecurity! Learn how to get yourself/kids/students started in a #CyberAware chat 10/11, 3 p.m. EDT. Use #ChatSTC to join! [Week 2 #ChatSTC Graphic]From the breakroom to the board room, #cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. Learn how to educate employees at all levels of business in a #ChatSTC Twitter chat 10/18, 3 p.m. EDT/Noon PDT. [Week 3 #ChatSTC graphic]How can a cyberattack on critical infrastructure impact our daily lives? Find out in a #ChatSTC Twitter chat, 10/18, 3 p.m. EDT/Noon PDT. #CyberAware [Week 4 #ChatSTC graphic]Week 1 (Oct. 1-5) – Make Your Home a Haven for Online SafetyGeneral Week 1 PostsStaying safer and more secure online starts at home! We’re sharing tips and resources for your family all week long. #CyberAware [Week 1 graphic]It’s Week 1 of National #Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Learn basic #cybersecurity essentials the entire family can implement to protect their homes against cyber threats. [Week 1 graphic]Week 1 of #CyberAware Month is all about keeping your home and family safer and more secure online. Learn more about this and upcoming themes right here. ↓ might be Week 1 of #CyberAware Month but it’s never too late to sign up as a NCSAM Champion – it’s FREE ! Learn more → Messages, Tips and AdviceKeep a Clean Machine → Having the latest security software, web browser and operating system is the best defense against viruses, malware and other online threats. [Keep a Clean Machine graphic]Did you know? Your cell phone and tablet need to be kept up to date with the latest security software, browsers and operating system, just like your PC or laptop at home. [Keep a Clean Machine graphic – cell phone version] Smart appliances and connected devices – such as thermostats, toys and home assistants – should be kept up to date with the latest security software. If not, you’re at greater risk of hackers accessing your network and information. [Keep a Clean Machine graphic]#LockDownURlogin → User names and passwords are not enough to protect key accounts like email, bank and social media. Improve account security by enabling strong authentication tools such as biometrics or unique one-time codes. #CyberAware [Lock Down Your Login graphic]Share with Care → Think before posting about yourself and others online. Consider what a post reveals, who might see it and how it might affect you and others now and in the future. #CyberAware [Share with Care graphic]Boo! Old tweets, posts and photos may come back to haunt you. Think before you post and consider how it might be perceived now and in the future. #CyberAware [Share with Care graphic]Back it Up → Protect your valuable work, music, photos and other digital information by making an electronic copy and storing it safely. [Back it Up graphic]Back up regularly! Having a recent copy of your files means you can retrieve them if you fall victim to #ransomware. #CyberAware [Back it Up graphic]Personal Information is Like Money. Value it. Protect it. → Info about you, such as your purchase history or location, has value – just like $$$. Be thoughtful about who gets that info and how it’s collected through devices, apps and websites. #CyberAware [Personal Information graphic]The connected devices and appliances in your home run on the data about YOU. Be mindful of how your info is being collected and stored. #CyberAware [Personal Information graphic]Secure Your WiFi Router → Set a strong passphrase (at least 12 characters long) for your Wi-Fi network. Keep it positive and easy to remember like “Ilovecountrymusic!” #CyberAware [Secure Router graphic]Have you changed your Wi-Fi router’s default name and passphrase? Set a strong passphrase (at least 12 characters long and name your network in a way that doesn’t let people know it’s in your house. #CyberAware [Secure Router graphic]NCSA/STOP. THINK. CONNECT.? Resources/LinksWe rely heavily on our #mobile devices! Keep yours and your family’s secure with these safety tips ↓ #CyberAwareTurn on automatic updates for your key devices this #CyberAware Month. Having the latest security software can help better protect you from online threats. Get more tips → ! User names and passwords are not enough to protect key accounts like email, bank and social media. Improve account security by enabling strong authentication tools such as biometrics or unique one-time codes. → #CyberAwareThis #CyberAware Month, turn on multi-factor authentication on at least one online account to keep your info/data/$$$ more safe and secure. Learn how → #CyberAwarePersonal information is like money. Value it. #Protect it. More #privacy tips here → #CyberAware #PrivacyAwareBack it Up → Protect your valuable work, music, photos etc., by making electronic copies. #CyberAware you following best #password practices? Find out w/ the @STOPTHNKCONNECT tip sheet ↓ #CyberAwareWhen in Doubt, Throw it Out → Links in emails, posts and ads are often how criminals try to steal info. #CyberAwareBeing a cybercrime victim can be scary, invasive and detrimental to your reputation and/or financially. Learn about the steps you can take to report it and recover ↓ #CyberAwareWeek 2 (Oct. 8-12) – Millions of Rewarding Jobs: Educating for a Career in CybersecurityGeneral Week 2 PostsThere are millions of rewarding jobs in #cybersecurity. Learn more about the field and how to best inspire students and others to seek these highly rewarding careers. #CyberAware [Week 2 graphic]It’s Week 2 of National #Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Learn how you can inspire students of all ages to seek careers in securing the internet. #CyberAware [Week 2 graphic]Week 2 of #CyberAware Month is encouraging students and professionals to explore cybersecurity as a viable and rewarding profession. for a #career change? Week 2 of #CyberAware Month is all about working in #cybersecurity. Discover the endless opportunities in securing the internet this October. ↓ Messages, Tips and AdviceMake a difference! Teach kids about careers in #cybersecurity by volunteering at school, boys & girls clubs and community centers #CyberAware [Teach kids about careers in cybersecurity graphic]Calling on all #cybersecurity pros! Volunteer in a school to teach young people about careers in protecting the internet. You can make a difference this #CyberAware Month. [Teach kids about careers in cybersecurity graphic]#Veterans, the #internet needs you! → There are millions of rewarding jobs in #cybersecurity, consider a career in protecting the internet. #CyberAware [The Internet Needs You graphic]Host an open house at your company and inspire #veterans and those re-entering the workforce to learn about the opportunities in the field of #cybersecurity. #CyberAware [The Internet Needs You graphic]There are many paths to a career in #cybersecurity. Whether you’re a military veteran, re-entering the workforce or thinking about a career change, keep a job in protecting the internet in mind. [Become a cybersecurity professional]Teachers and Counselors, do your students know about the millions of opportunities in #cybersecurity? Consider hosting a cyber pro or a hands-on workshop at your school to stoke inspiration! #CyberAware [Teach kids about careers in cybersecurity graphic]As a parent, learn about the “educational steps” to a career in #cybersecurity and about community organizations that host cyber camps to educate kids about internet safety and security. [Teach kids about careers in cybersecurity graphic]Resources/LinksTeaching kids about careers in protecting the internet → @CyberPatriot helps to inspire students towards careers in #cybersecurity and other STEM disciplines. #CyberAware ! Check out NCSA’s Parent Primer for Guiding Kids to #Careers in #cybersecurity. #CyberAware ’s Parent Primer for Guiding Kids to #Careers in #cybersecurity is a free resource that you can use at home, school and in your community! #CyberAware ’s Scholarship for Service program can help you on a path to a #cybersecurity career. Learn more → 3 (Oct. 15-19) – It’s Everyone’s Job to Ensure Online Safety at WorkGeneral Week 3 PostsIt’s Week 3 of #CyberAware Month! What is your organization doing to create a culture of #cybersecurity in the workplace? [Week 3 graphic]Whose job is it to ensure online safety at work? That’s right –?everyone’s! Learn more about employee #cybersecurity education and awareness during Week 3 of #CyberAware Month. ↓ 3 of #CyberAware Month covers #cybersecurity from break room to boardroom in any organization. [Week 3 graphic]Is your #smallbiz looking to improve its #cybersecurity? Look no further than Week 3 of #CyberAware Month – tips, resources and advice will be shared to help you be more secure. Messages, Tips and AdviceIdentify your Businesses’ “Crown Jewels.” → These are the assets and systems that are critical to your #business. #CyberAware [Identify graphic]Protect your Businesses’ Assets → Put appropriate policies and systems in place to keep your digital assets secure. #CyberAware [Protect graphic]Be able to detect #Cybersecurity Incidents → The faster you know about an incident, the quicker you can mitigate the impact. #CyberAware [Detect graphic]Have a Plan for Responding → Planning for a response is critical to reduce risks to your #business, customers and employees. #CyberAware [Respond graphic]Recover Normal Operations → Move from the immediate aftermath of a cyber incident to full restoration of normal systems and operations. #CyberAware [Recover graphic]Be aware of what’s being shared. #Educating ALL staff about their roles and the value of protecting #consumer and employee info id vital to the security of your business. #CyberAware [#CyberAware Employees graphic]Whatever your role at work, you’re the 1st and last line of defense in keeping your organization safe online. Brush up on your #cybersecurity awareness and stay vigilant to threats all year round. [Shared Responsibility graphic]Protect your #business – no matter how large or small – with alerts, tips and resources from @DHSgov @USCERT_gov. #CyberAware [Protect your Biz from Cyber Threats graphic]Keep your business safe online this #CyberAware Month by establishing cybersecurity policies for the bring your own device workforce. [Protect your Biz from Cyber Threats graphic]Resources/LinksSTEP 1 to better securing your business → Learn how to identify your digital “crown jewels.” #CyberAware 2 to better securing your #business → Build your cyber defenses around your businesses’ critical assets and systems. #CyberAware 3 to better securing your #business → Know when something has gone wrong. The more quickly you know about an incident, the more quickly you can mitigate the impact #CyberAware 4 to better securing your business → Make and practice an incident response plan to contain an attack or incident and maintain business operations in the short term. #CyberAware 5 to better securing your #business → Recover from the immediate aftermath of a cyber incident and build out your #cybersecurity posture to help prevent future incidents. #CyberAware in Doubt, Throw it Out → Links in emails, posts and ads are often how criminals try to steal info and gain access to business systems. #CyberAwareDHS (@cyber) provides #smallbiz resources that can help you protect your business and customers this #CyberAware Month → is good for #business! Make it a top priority this #CyberAware Month! #PrivacyAware @FTC’s resources for protecting #smallbiz cover #cybsecrutiy, #scams and more! #CyberAware are the first and last line of defense in keeping your business safe online → Learn how to implement cybersecurity basics this #CyberAware Month. 4 (Oct. 22-26) – Safeguarding the Nation’s Critical InfrastructureGeneral Week 4 PostsIn Week 4 of #CyberAware Month we’re emphasizing the importance of securing our critical infrastructure and highlighting the roles the public can play in keeping it safe. [Week 4 graphic]Our day-to-day life depends on the country’s 16 sectors of critical infrastructure and we play a role in keeping it safe. Find out more how during this week’s #CyberAware theme. [Week 4 graphic]Week 4 of #CyberAware Month leads into November’s Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month, which is spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. #CISRMonth disruption to critical infrastructure can have significant and even catastrophic consequences for our nation and daily lives – keeping it safe and secure is Our Shared Responsibility. #CyberAware Messages, Tips and Advice#LockDownURlogin → User names and passwords are not enough to protect key accounts like email, bank and social media. Improve account security by enabling strong authentication tools such as biometrics or unique one-time codes. #CyberAware [Lock Down Your Login graphic]Keep a Clean Machine → Having the latest security software, web browser and operating system is the best defense against viruses, malware and other online threats that put critical infrastructure at risk. [Keep a Clean Machine graphic]Safer for me, more secure for all → What you do online affects everyone. Good online habits help the global digital community. #CyberAware [Shared Responsibility gif]When in Doubt, Throw it Out → Links in emails, posts and ads are often how criminals try to steal info. [When in Doubt, Throw it Out graphic]Securing the 16 sectors of our nation’s critical infrastructure is Our Shared Responsibility. Follow online safety best practices to stay more secure. [Shared Responsibility gif]Your on-the-go, connected devices should be kept up to date with the latest security software. If not, you’re at greater risk of hackers accessing your network and information. [Keep a Clean Machine graphic]Resources/Links.@Cyber leads the national effort in providing guidance to keep critical infrastructure safe and secure. Learn more → #CyberAwareThis #CyberAware Month, turn on multi-factor authentication on at least one online account to help keep our nation more secure. Learn how → #CyberAwareWhen in doubt, throw it out: Links in emails, posts and ads are often how criminals try to steal info and gain access into critical systems. ↓ #CyberAwareNovember is Critical Infrastructure #Security & Resilience Month! Learn about how you can keep these systems more secure. → #CyberAware #CISRMonth/Turn on automatic updates for your key devices this #CyberAware Month. Having the latest security software can help better protect you from online threats and keep our Nation’s critical systems more secure. Get more tips → Logo and GraphicsSimply right-click on the image, save it and then post it with the text.87160487983700 ................

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