Request for Proposal

Colorado Space Grant Consortium

Gateway to Space

Fall 2006

Design Document



Written by:

Nicholas Hoffmann Lauren Wenner

Miranda Rohlfing Geoffrey Morgan

Miles Buckman Rahul Devnani

December 5, 2006

Revision D

Table of Contents

1. Mission Overview

1.1 Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………………4

1.2 Technical Overview….........................................................................................................4

2. Design

2.1 Structure…………………………………………………………………………………...4

2.2 Hardware…………………………………………………………………………………..5

2.3 Radiation Experiment……………………………………………………………………..5

2.4 Building Procedure………………………………………………………………………..5

2.5 Construction History………………………………………………………………………5

2.6 Parts List…………………………………………………………………………………..7

2.7 Special Features…………………………………………………………………………...7

2.8 Block Diagram…………………………………………………………………………….7

2.9 System Requirements……………………………………………………………………..8

2.10 Conceptual Design and Dimensions………………………………………………..……8

3. Management

3.1 Team Member Information and Assignments…………………………………….………9

3.2 Organization Chart…………………………………………………………………….....12

3.3 Schedule……………………………………………………………………………...…..12

4. Budget

4.1 Budget Planning………………………………………………………………………….13

4.2 Monetary…………………………………………………………………………………13

4.3 Mass (weight)…………………………………………………………………………….14

5. Test Plan and Results

5.1 Test Plan………………………………………………………………………………….14

5.2 Safety…………………………………………………………………………………….14

5.3 Tests……………………………………………………………………………………...15

5.4 Test Results………………………………………………………………………………15

6. Expected Results

6.1 Research and Hypothesis………………………..……………………………………….16

7. Launch and Recovery

7.1 Launch Program………………………………………………………………………….17

7.2 Launch Personnel Duties………………………………………………………………...17

7.3 Summary of Events on Launch Day……………………………………………………..18

7.4 Recovery Plan……………………………………………………………………………18

7.5 Account of Launch and Recovery………………………………………………………..18

8.0 Results and Analysis

8.1 Results and Data…………………………………………………………………………19

8.2 Analysis…………….…………………………………………………………………….20

9.0 Ready for Flight

9.1 Problems and Correction…………………………………………………………………21

9.2 Storage…………………………………………………………………………………...22

9.3 Activation………………………………………………………………………………...22

10.0 Conclusions and Lessons Learned

10.1 Knowledge Gained……………………………………………………………………...22

10.2 In Hindsight…………………………………………………………………………….23

11.0 Message to Next Semester………………………………………………………………….23


1.1 Mission Statement

Our team’s mission is to send a balloon satellite to an altitude of 100,000 feet in order to have it take pictures, make a digital recording of the flight and measure the radiation levels of the upper atmosphere. Our team wants to conduct these experiments in order to gain a better understanding of space and aerospace systems. With these experiments we will collect data on the visual appearance of near space, obtain a visual record of Earth from near space, and discover how the radiation levels change at higher altitudes.

1.2 Technical Overview

• The mission will include a multiple scientific experiments that will measure the radiation levels of the flight as a whole and at specific altitudes.

• To measure the radiation levels multiple radiation badges will be used as well as an electric dosimeter that will take individual readings throughout the flight.

• For the additional camera, a mini digital video recorder will be placed inside the BalloonSat to record the launch, flight, and landing of the mission.

• The BalloonSat will not contain any components that only work a single time with the exception of the cumulative radiation sensors, so the BalloonSat will be able to return to flight ready status quickly.

• A solid and stable flight tube will run through the satellite to hold the flight string. Special rubber washers will be put on either end of the tube to ensure that the string will not slip through the BalloonSat in flight.

• The HOBO will be measuring the BalloonSat’s internal temperature. The BalloonSat will be insulated with foam insulation and will contain a heater to ensure that the temperature will not go below zero degrees Celsius.

• The components of the BalloonSat will be weighed before being placed inside of it to ensure that the weight of the BalloonSat remains below 800 grams.

• We will talk with the launch personnel to acquire the descent and ascent rates.

• The HOBO will include an external temperature probe that will fit through a hole cut in the exterior.

• Foam core will be used for the exterior structure.

• The budget is on track for the limited amount of $275.


2.1 Structure

The dimensions of the BalloonSat will be 17.78cm x 17.78cm x 17.78cm and the top and bottom face will have holes of diameter 5mm. This will be used for the hole that will hold the satellite in place. The body of the BalloonSat will consist of materials that will make it strong and water resistant from the outside. The body of the cube will be made from a sheet of foam core board. The sides will be fit together, hot glued, and then covered with aluminum tape to ensure strength and stability. We will place silica gel packets in the interior to reduce the level of moisture.

2.2 Hardware

There will be a number of components inside the BalloonSat. These will control the experiments and control the still camera. The main application in our satellite is the still camera; it will be connected to a timing circuit, a battery and by a switch. We will also have a small digital video camera that will take video footage of the whole flight. Our science experiment will consist of measuring the radiation levels. We will be using several radiation badges as well as an electric dosimeter. The satellite will contain two different types of badges from two different companies. Four badges and two control badges as well as the electric dosimeter were provided to the team by Global Dosimetry for no charge. The badges will take cumulative readings for the whole flight. The dosimeter will take individual measurements throughout the entire flight. The external temperature will be measured by a temperature probe which will be connected to a HOBO Data Logger and the internal temperature will be measured by the internal temperature probe of the same HOBO Data Logger. To ensure that the internal temperature of the BalloonSat does not become too low we will have three heaters connected to a power supply of three 9V batteries and the entire satellite will be insulated.

2.3 Radiation Experiment

Our radiation badges will be placed on the inside of our satellite and measure radiation levels throughout the duration. They do not need external activation and therefore will be easy to install. The device is a simple card design that has no moving parts and can operate in the temperature ranges that the satellite will encounter. It requires no external power source and does not need a data logger to record its information. However, in order to be developed the badges have to be sent back to the manufacturer. The advantages of the badges are their small size and ease of use while their disadvantages are that they only record the highest level of radiation they detect and they need to be returned for development.

The EPD dosimeter is also self-contained and will be easy to install. It has multiple settings for recording the information, including a setting that will take a reading every ten minutes. The team will use this setting for the flight. The dosimeter also needs to be sent back to Global Dosimetry but it will provide a graph of the radiation levels at different altitudes.

2.4 Building Procedure

The team will work as a unit in building the satellite. Duties will be divided among the group as appropriate but in a manner so that everyone has exposure to all of the steps in building the satellite. However, Miles Buckman will be in charge of the construction as the other members are primarily responsible for other tasks of the mission. Three boxes will be built in total, a structural test box, a preliminary mission box, and the final satellite structure. Because of the limitations on available material the box will be cut in two pieces from one sheet of foam core. Three sections will come from each piece and then they will be folded over each other to make a cube.

2.5 Construction History

The initial plans for the satellite called for a cube of just under 18 centimeters per side. In order to try to follow the recommended construction plans the satellite was cut to about 16 centimeters which allowed the body to barely fit on one piece of foam core. However, one side panel could not be cut connected to the rest of the structure. The body of the satellite was put together satisfactorily, however, and created the first test satellite. The drop test and stair pitch tests were performed on the structure with simulated weight and the structure withstood multiple runs of both tests. However, after the significant abuse from the physical tests the weaknesses in the design began to show. One edge of the box was not covered with aluminum tape and while it was still connected it showed signs of heavy damage. The panel that was not a continuous piece of the foam core was still attached and fared surprisingly well. As a result of the drop and pitch tests the plan for the satellite changed to two identical pieces of foam core containing three panels each being folded over each other to form the structure. All future satellites were also designed with every edge hot glued and covered with aluminum tape.

The second box was created with the new design and felt much more stable in light stress tests. These tests consisted of pushing and pulling on the box by team members. One fault that carried over to the second design was that the channels that are cut into the foam core that form the edges of the box were cut too wide. This made it so that when the panels were folded up the foam core did not form a 45 degree angle. A small gap was left between the two sheets that had to be filled up with hot glue. This flaw was corrected on the final structure.

The second box was the first that was filled with all of the equipment that the satellite would be carrying. There was plenty of space for multiple radiation badges as well as the electric dosimeter. If the mass of the satellite is too high then the structure was planned to be the first thing that is cut down because of the extra space inside. The team had to wait for the mass total because of the delay in acquiring the parts that were donated to the team for the experiment. However, the wait was well worth the valuable equipment. The tests performed on the satellite were the whip test and the cooler test. The whip test was performed on the second box because of some difficulty in finding a suitable flight tube. The first tube that maybe could have worked was too large in diameter and slightly shorter than needed. A second tube was found that met all of the requirements the team needed and was also very lightweight and strong. It is made out of clear plastic that is fairly easy to work with and came with four rubber washers that locked into place around the tube and took a tremendous amount of steadily applied force to remove.

The cooler test led to slight modification of the interior of the box because of a fear that the heater would become hot enough to melt the glue holding it in place and would lead to the heater dislodging and becoming a fire hazard. To replace the hot glue a strong, heat resistant adhesive holds the heater in place. A small amount of insulation was also added around the digital camera. During the test it was placed in its own cradle of foam insulation that was reinforced with alternating layers of foam and plastic. This cradle is designed to give extra protection to the digital camera from any shock it will encounter during the mission. Because the material the cradle is made out of is very similar to the insulation, the cradle was place directly on the foam core.

The third and final structure of the satellite was built with all of modifications made from previous designs. It is made out of the two pieces of foam core folded over each other. The edges were cut so that they contact each other along the entire surface when the box is assembled. Because the mass of the satellite was approaching the limit with the second box, the final structure was returned to the original size of 15.24 centimeters (6 inches). The edges were also drafted differently to make a better fit with each other when the foam core is folded together. Because of the smaller size the interior components are in closer proximity to one another, but everything that was originally planned for fits inside of the satellite, even though it is slightly over mass, having a total mass of about 847 grams.

2.6 Parts List

Still Camera Digital video camera

Radiation Badges Dosimeter

HOBO Temperature probe

Wires Film

Foam core Aluminum tape

Hot glue Small diameter plastic tube

Washers (2) 9V batteries (6)

23A batteries (6) Rubber washers (4)

2.7 Special Features

The still camera will use a trigger to take pictures throughout the flight constraining to mission requirements. It will be mounted to the side of the satellite enabling the camera to take large panoramic shots of the earth and near space. It will be activated by a timing circuit that will be set to send an electric pulse to the camera’s shutter. This will be optimized to take as many pictures as possible on the ascent.

The digital video camera will make a video documenting the flight. The video camera will be mounted in the “bottom” of the satellite allowing it to take footage of the Earth during its ascent.

The radiation sensors are badges that can record their own data that will be collected upon landing and analyzed. The satellite will contain two different types of badges that measure the radiation levels. Both types have a control badge that will remain on the ground. A very generous donation of four radiation badges, two control badges, and an electric dosimeter was given to the team by Global Dosimetry to help us gather meaningful results.

2.8 Block Diagram


2.9 System Requirements


-The heater requires three 9 volt batteries connected in series to sufficiently heat the satellite.

Timing Circuit

The timing circuit requires three 23A batteries. It also requires temperatures warm enough to keep the batteries alive. The insulation and heater will control temperature throughout the flight.


The HOBO has its own power source but like the timing circuit requires temperatures higher than those in the environment. Again the heater will provide the required temperature.


Both cameras have their own power source and require enough warmth to keep the batteries alive.

Radiation Sensors

The radiation sensors need no power and can operate within a large range of temperatures. There is very little that can go wrong with the sensors that the team has control over.


The dosimeter is self contained and functions on its own. The team only needs to make sure that the data is recorded in flight to another medium as the dosimeter only displays current radiation levels and does not record its measurements.

2.10 Conceptual Diagram and Dimensions (cm)

Structure- 17.78 x 17.78 x 17.78 HOBO- 5.8 x 1.7 x 4.3

Radiation badges- 8.5 x 5.5 x .1 Heater- 4.3 x 4.3 x .68

555 timer- 4 x 5.8 x .1 Batteries- 4.4 x 4.4 x 1.1

Still camera- 8.5 x 5.5 x 3.5 Digital video camera- 3.5 x 2.7 x 1.2

Dosimeter- 8.5 x 4.8 x .7

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Structure HOBO Heater

[pic] [pic]

Dosimeter Still Camera


Everything is to scale


3.1 Team Member Information and Assignments

Geoffrey Morgan

• Member Information:

Email address:

Phone Number (Dorm): (303) 768-3675

School address: Aden Hall; Room 227

School: College of Engineering and Applied Science

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Minor: Computer Science

Special Skills: Computers, Programming, Software, Databases

• Description of Team Member:

Geoff attended Kiowa High School. During this time, Geoff maintained the school’s servers and computer systems. He also works as a programmer for Adiuvantes.

• Assignments:

- Discuss your design.

- Discuss how you will keep people from getting hurt.

- Include any special features of your design.

- Include summary of events your team will perform on launch day.

- Create Satellite Graphics

- Data Recovery and Analysis

Nick Hoffmann

• Member Information:

Email address:

Phone Number (Cell): (720) 394-6520

School Address: Aden Hall; Room 204

School: College of Engineering and Applied Science

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Special Skills: Presenting, Construction experience, Photography, Electronics

• Description of Team Member:

Nick attended Regis Jesuit High School. He enjoys weightlifting, hiking, and playing sports. Nick found his interest in aerospace engineering at the Naval Academy Summer Seminar.

• Assignments:

- CoDR

- State your design concept concisely (Mission Statement).

- Explain why you want to do what your team is proposing.

- Propose what you plan to discover (complete with Lauren).

- Finalize Rev A

- Testing Plan

- Finalize Rev B


- Testing

- Construction

- Finalize Rev C

- Finalize Rev D

Lauren Wenner

• Member Information:

Email address:

Phone Number (Cell): (281) 785-4796

School: College of Engineering and Applied Science

Major: Aerospace Engineering

School Address: Brackett Hall; Room 113

Special Skills: Programs on computer (when it might come to budgeting, etc.), Construction


• Team Member Description:

Lauren, growing up 45 minutes away from the Johnson Space Center, found her inspiration to study space at a young age. She enjoys performing the art of ballet and attending missionary trips in which she participates in construction and community activities.

• Assignments:

- Create a detailed schedule which should include these events: complete design, acquire all hardware, prototyping design, testing final design, cold test, design reviews.

- State your design concept concisely (Mission Statement).

- Explain why you want to do what your team is proposing.

- Propose what you plan to discover (complete with Nick).

- Update schedule

- Organize launch personnel duties

- Testing

- Construction

- Update Design Document

- Finalize Rev D

Miles Buckman

• Member Information:

Email address:

Phone Number (Cell): (303) 875.0703

School:  College of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Address:  Aden Hall; Room 204

Special Skills:  Experience with soldering, hand tools, basic mechanical repair, construction


• Team Member Description:

Miles found his love for flying, and from this came his interest in aerospace engineering. He has participated in Civil Air Patrol where he became Cadet Commander of his squadron. Coming to CU, he hopes to excel in Air Force ROTC and his work in Space Grant.

• Assignments:

- Discuss your design.

- Illustrate your design and how it will work.

- Discuss the hardware you will need.

- Functional Block Diagram (complete with Rahul).

- Write out experiment details

- Testing

- Construction

- Team representative to Global Dosimetry

- Data Analysis

Rahul Devnani

• Member Information:

Email address:

Phone Number (Cell): (303) 895-8601

School: College of Engineering and Applied Science

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Address: William Village; Stern’s West: Room 1005

Special Skills: Thinks outside of the box, Works well in teams

• Team Member Description:

Rahul grew up in Dubai, U.A.E. He came to CU to begin his studies in mechanical engineering and to pursue a career that will enable him to be successful in the future. He also enjoys playing rugby and watching films.

• Assignments:

- Discuss how your team will build your concept and who will do what.

- Discuss how your team will test your design.

- Discuss your design.

- Illustrate your design and how it will work.

- Discuss the hardware you will need.

- Functional Block Diagram (complete with Miles).

- Finalize Rev A

- Testing

- Construction

- Recovery Plan

- Account of launch and recovery

3.2 Organization Chart


3.3 Schedule

|Target Completion Dates |Task to Be Completed |

|September 20 |Team Meeting |

| |Complete design |

|September 28 |Begin acquiring hardware |

|October 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Team Meeting |

|October 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Team Meeting |

| |Complete Design Rev A |

|October 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Finish acquiring hardware |

|October 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Team Meeting |

|October 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Team Meeting |

|October 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Complete Design Rev B |

|October 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Complete prototyping of design |

|October 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Drop Test |

| |Whip Test |

| |Subsystem Test 1 |

|October 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Team Meeting |

|October 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Cooler Test |

| |Functional Test 1 |

| |Subsystem Test 2 |

|October 28 |Team Meeting |

|November 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . |Team Meeting |

| |Functional Test 2 |

| |Subsystem Test 3 |

| |Mission SIM Tests |

|November 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . |Team Meeting |

|November 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . |Team Meeting |

| |Complete Design Rev C |

|November 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . |Finalization of experiment and design |

|November 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . |LAUNCH |

|November 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . |Complete Design Rev D |


4.1 Budget Planning

Miranda Rohlfing is in charge of finances and will be purchasing the needed material for the balloon sat. With only one person in charge of the budget, it will be easy to keep track of the amount spent to ensure that the project stays within budget. If additional costs are needed that are not yet accounted for, the budget is designed with a built in cushion of about 30 extra dollars to accommodate this. The materials purchased are kept in a safe area to prevent any unnecessary damage that would cause unneeded purchases that might cause the project to go over budget. Also, extensive research was conducted to ensure that the best price for the best product was found, aiding in maintaining the limited budget.

4.2 Monetary



4.3 Mass (weight)

|Item |Mass (grams) |Quantity |Total Mass |

|Heater and batteries |162.2 |1 |162.2 |

|Still Camera and Timing Circuit with batteries and film |197.0 |1 |115.0 |

|Digital Camera and batteries |166.0 |1 |166.0 |

|HOBO |34.6 |1 |34.6 |

|Structure including flight tube |190 |1 |190 |

|Global Dosimetry |16.3 |1 |16.3 |

|Radiation Badges |57.6 |1 |57.6 |

|EPD Dosimeter | | | |

|Purchased Radiation Badges |18.9 |1 |18.9 |

|Total |  |  |847.1 |

| | | | |

|Percentage of Total |105.9% | | |

|Remaining Weight |-47.1 | | |


5.1 Testing Plan

In order to ensure that the balloon satellite will work it will be thoroughly tested. The team has planned out a testing schedule that will ensure the functionality of each component of the satellite as well as the system as a whole. The testing will move in a logical order, beginning with simpler tests such as stress tests on the structure and moving on to the final test which is a full mission simulation with all subsystems. Components will also be tested more than once. Each subsystem is scheduled for completion for its individual test and then it will continue to be tested on all future test days. During the tests themselves the team will make a video record of the test as well as record any applicable data.

First we are going test the structure of our BalloonSat. This will consist of a whip test, drop test, and the stair pitch test. After these tests are completed we will do some environmental testing, primarily the cooler test. The most important set of tests will ensure our internal components work successfully and that the mission can be completed without any failures.

5.2 Safety

As Aquila progresses through the construction of the satellite, safety will be an important factor. Large safety concerns include soldering and testing. When soldering, safety glasses will be worn to prevent unwanted debris from injuring anyone. Gloves will also be recommended.

Do to the sensitive electronic components on the satellite; care must be taken not to damage sensitive equipment. Rubber grounding equipment should be worn to prevent unwanted static electricity. Static electricity could potentially damage circuits and chipsets.

Precautions should also be taken when testing the satellite, a necessary procedure in ensuring a successful flight. Precautions are as follows:

Cold Test:

Due to the severe temperatures of dry ice gloves should be worn to protect the user from possible burns

Whip Test:

A large distance should be given between the person testing the integrity of the satellite and surrounding persons. This will insure that no persons are struck by the satellite should the string break or be released accidentally.

Drop Test:

If a drop from a high altitude is desired, the area below the drop should be cleared and blocked off to ensure that no persons are inadvertently hit from above.

5.3 Tests

System Tests

These are a variety of tests that will test the functionality of individual components. They will be conducted when the individual systems of the satellite are acquired and built and throughout the construction of the satellite.

The Whip Test

We will attach our payload to a similar flight string cord and have knots on each end. This will help us simulate the flight. Then we will begin to spin the payload above the testers head as fast as possible. We will also change direction to see what impact it has on our payload.

The Drop Test

This will consist of us dropping our payload from a height of 15-20 meters. This will help us simulate a worst case scenario parachute landing.

The Stair Pitch Test

To simulate a roll while landing, we will pitch down a flight of stairs.

The Cooler Test

To see if our payload will be able to withstand low temperatures, we will put 7-10 pounds of dry ice into a large cooler. Our payload will be placed in the center of the cooler while it is functioning. Then we will return after 3 hours and recover our payload and see if our experiments are still functional.

Still Camera Test

This test will determine the number of pictures taking during the flight and the interval between each photo. This will done by changing the pulse and pause on the timing circuit board.

5.4 Results

Still Camera Test

For the experiment, a still camera is hooked up to a timing circuit set to take a picture out of the side of the BalloonSat every three minutes. After switching on the circuit, the test was successful in that the camera took pictures over the desired time interval. 28 exposure film will be placed inside of the camera for remaining tests (the cooler test, whip test, and final functional tests) to make sure the pictures produced are of maximum quality. The 28 Exposure film will allow us to take pictures for about the first 84 minutes of the flight, just until we reach the target altitude of 100,000 feet.

Video Camera Test

For the experiment, a video camera with a 1.0 GB SD card will be placed to the side of the inside of the BalloonSat, pointing down to take a video recording of the ground as the balloon rises. For testing, the video camera was turned on with fully charged batteries and SD card placed inside and left on until the power of the batteries ran out. The batteries lasted for a little over two hours, which will allow for a recording of the almost the entire flight.

Drop Test

The drop test was the first of our main stress tests conducted. For testing, we filled our first test box with rocks to simulate the mass that would be inside for the flight. We dropped the box twice from a height of 26 feet. For the first test, human force was applied as a group member spiked the box to the ground to simulate a greater velocity upon landing. The only notable damages that occurred upon impact were a couple of bent corners. For the second test, we allowed gravity alone to bring the box down by tossing the box up in the air and letting it fall to the ground. Once again, not a significant amount of damage occurred; only one poorly secured edge of the box opened up a little upon impact. Overall, the tests were determined to be a success.

Stair Pitch Test

The stair pitch test was conducted immediately after the drop test. For this test, the box, still filled with rocks to simulate the approximate weight of 800 grams, was kicked down two flights of concrete stairs, roughly 26 feet total. The results of the stair pitch test proved that the box was structurally sound; no substantial damage was observed.

Cooler Test

For the cooler test, dry ice was purchased and placed into a Styrofoam cooler. The box was placed inside so that it was not touching the bottom of the box or the ice. The satellite was left in the box for about 2 ½ hours to simulate the cold temperature the box will encounter as it goes through the different levels of the atmosphere. Unfortunately we discovered that the dry ice had fallen against the switch that controls the heater. However, even though the temperature inside of the cooler continued to grow colder, the temperature inside of the box did not drop below -0.16 degrees Celsius while the outside was -15 degrees Celsius.

Whip Test

For the whip test the satellite was attached to a simulated flight string and swung violently to simulate the forces he satellite will encounter during flight, particularly after the balloon bursts. The structure held up fairly well, although we made a slight modification to the flight tube. The tube will now be secured will epoxy as well as the rubber washers that were originally planned for.


6.1 Research and Hypotheses

As a satellite travels to near space, it exits the troposphere, and enters the harsh conditions of a less dense atmosphere. Not only does the temperature drop drastically, but the amounts of the cosmic rays that penetrate at that altitude grow exponentially. Compared to the ground, near space experiences 200 times the amount of cosmic rays and with this, traveling to this altitude can be dangerous to an organisms’ health. As astronauts enter space, they must be careful of any exposure to unwanted radiation because they are outside the protection of the atmosphere. The overexposure of the ionizing radiation of these harmful rays can cause molecular decay, which can lead to cancer. Thus, we have chosen to measure the amount of gamma and x-rays that the balloon satellite will come in contact with through its flight to determine the exact dose someone would get if they would travel to near space. The detectors that will be used can measure levels from 10 mSv* – 10 Gy** which is significantly less than any lethal dose of radiation but is more than any radiation dose than a normal person (outside any nuclear contact) would experience. The badges used will take a continuous reading of the particles that hit them and will show the overall radiation count of the mission. Along with this, an electronic dosimeter will fly which will take readings every 10 minutes of the radiation dose. A graph will then show how the radiation levels changed throughout the flight as it rises and drops in altitude. From this data, conclusions can be drawn about how the atmosphere and how the different layers of it protect the ground from the radiation of the sun and other radiation emitting entities throughout space.

Because the atmosphere does offer protection from radiation to the ground, we expect to record elevated radiation levels on our satellite compared to the control badges we will have on the ground. These levels will then indicate the protection the atmosphere provides to the organisms that reside within the Earth’s natural shield.

*Sv = 1 Gy absorbed dose of alpha particles is 20 Sv dose equivalent

**Gy = Gray = absorption of an average of one joule of energy per kilogram of mass


7.1 Launch Program

- The launch is scheduled for November 11, 2006 at 8:30 am

- The team will leave Boulder, Colorado at 6:00 am

- Aquila will verify that the checklist has been completed and that all systems are functioning properly. Upon completion of pre-launch events the helium balloon will be deployed and the flight will begin. The radiation sensors will be active for the duration of the flight as will the dosimeter.

- As the satellite ascends the still image camera will take pictures of the flight. Alternatively the digital motion camera will film flight video.

7.2 Launch Personal Duties

Nick Hoffmann

Load camera film; in charge of beginning still camera footage; connect satellite to flight string

Miles Buckman

Run with satellite during launch; test heating subsystem

Geoff Morgan

Start digital video; verify lens cover open

Rahul Devnani

Connect batteries; activate power systems

Miranda Rolhfing

Check equipment for any visible damage

Lauren Wenner

Check equipment for any visible damage

All Team Members

Verify remaining systems operating correctly

7.3 Summary of Events on Launch Day

-Check all equipment for any visible damage

-Attach satellite to flight string

-Test heating subsystem

-Connect batteries

-Activate power systems

-Verify lens cover open

-Load Film

-Begin still camera footage

-Start digital video

-Verify remaining systems are operating correctly


7.4 Recovery

The recovery of our satellite will involve the physical recovery from the landing site and recovering all the data.

There will be a GPS system on the flight string that will help us track the satellite and find the landing site. First the team will make sure that all the components are all secure. After this we will switch off the heater and the timing circuit for the still camera. The video camera should have stopped filming by the time of recovery but if not it will be turned off. There is no way for us to stop the radiation badges from recording, so the time will be recorded when we remove them so that the radiation measured after the flight can be subtracted off of the total.

After the physical recovery is complete, we will recover the data from the radiation sensors and from the HOBO. The sensors will be sent to the companies that gave them to us and they will send us the results. The radiation badges will give the cumulative amount of radiation and the electronic sensor will give results over a range of altitudes. The HOBO will have the external and internal temperature of the satellite for the whole flight. That data will be extracted off of the HOBO after the team has returned to Boulder. Likewise the film from the still camera will be developed upon our return to Boulder. The digital video taken by the video camera will be uploaded to a computer at the same time as the data from the HOBO.

7.5 Account of Launch and Recovery

When we arrived to the launch site, we unloaded the vehicle and placed our satellite and the flight cord on tables. Then we began to analyze our satellite making sure that there was no visible damage, primarily to the structure. After making sure that the structure was secure we then checked the inside of the satellite. This included the heating system, connecting batteries, making sure that the lens on the camera is ready. Then we switched on the digital camera and started to record footage. The last check we did before the satellite launch was to close the open flap and seal it using aluminum tape. After that we activated the switches for the heater and the still camera.

The launch involved one person from our team holding the satellite and running with it as the balloon reached a height so that the satellite was not touching the ground. After the launch was completed, we volunteered to set up a tracking system in our vehicle. This involved setting up a GPS system to show us the direction of the satellite and this will help us in the chase of our satellites.

Fifteen minutes after launch we left the launch area and started chasing the satellite. Since there was this G.P.S in our car we had to follow all the other vehicles to make sure everyone arrived at the launch site. After a few hours of chasing the satellite it landed in a field in Eastern Colorado, just outside of Sterling. We parked our cars by the side of the road and made our way towards the satellite. Then we cut our satellite from the flight string and opened it by cutting the aluminum tape from the edge. We did this to ensure that all the components were still functioning and they are still in place. Then we switched off the heater, the still camera and the digital camera. We also turned off the electronic radiation sensor so it would not take any more readings at ground level. After all of the final launch logistics were completed and the GPS was returned we returned to Boulder.


8.1 Results and Data

Below is the data recorded from our HOBO temperature sensors as well as several photos from the still camera during the flight. The radiation data has not been analyzed by Global Dosimetry so we do not currently have that data.



In the first picture nearly the entire Continental divide can be seen. The second picture is the last picture the still camera took before it ran out of film. This occurred about 1 hour into the flight. On the flight video at about 1:06:20 the still camera can be heard rewinding the film.


This is the most spectacular picture taken by the still camera. Based on the rate of ascent of the satellite and the timing between pictures we estimate that this picture was taken at about 75,000 feet.

8.2 Analysis

External Temperature Sensor Malfunction

An analysis of the data received from the HOBO temperature sensor led to disappointing results. A malfunction had occurred in the external sensor used to measure the change in external temperature throughout the flight. While expected results from the HOBO were in the range of -60°C, actual results only were around -12°C. The following chart shows the temperature data.

Internal Temperature Sensor

The results from the internal temperature sensor fit the logical pattern of flight, with periods of heating and cooling corresponding to the particular portions of the atmosphere the BalloonSAT flew through. The data’s integrity however was compromised with the failure of the external temperature probe. Unless the external temperature probe’s malfunction can be identified the reliability of the entire HOBO sensor is uncertain. The sensor recorded a high temperature of 8.23°C shortly after flight, and a low of -5.31°C. This verifies that the heaters on the BalloonSAT performed adequately.

Radiation Sensors

The data has not yet been returned to the team.


An integral part of our satellite was the still shot camera which was positioned to take pictures of the horizon as it traveled through the atmosphere. Upon return, the camera was found to have accomplished its objective. Because the pictures that were developed were clear and focused, certain conclusions can be ascertained about the performance of the camera. Throughout the flight, the timer circuit was programmed to take photos every three minutes. Because the entire roll of film was used, it is obvious the timing circuit worked properly. With the timing circuit and the camera functioning during the entire flight, the heat in the satellite was sufficient to keep the batteries warm enough to retain their charge. Also, because the pictures were clear and focused, this means that the light sensors were fully exposed and there was no condensation on the lens. From looking at the pictures, it seemed like the satellite had a spectacular flight.

From the video it appears that objects above 50,000 feet are subjected to intense sunlight. This was gathered from observing the satellites below the camera. After the balloon passed through the clouds there was a bright glow on the satellites as well as a glare that came off of the reflective surfaces. The still camera also shows the sun appearing many times brighter than at ground level.


9.1 Problems and Correction

Fortunately all of the components of our satellite functioned as intended. The still camera and the digital video camera both provided excellent images of the earth and near space. The HOBO worked and recorded all of the data needed from the flight, although there was a glitch with the external temperature probe. The scale that the HOBO measured on seems to be distorted from what it should have been. Although, after checking the HOBO we discovered that the heater worked and kept nearly all of the components at the proper temperature. The radiation sensors also worked although their results have not yet been returned.

The most probable explanation for the HOBO failure is some kind of mechanical error. This was concluded based on the fact that the plot for the internal temperature sensor fits a logical pattern for the flight. Other possible explanations include a slippage of the external probe. If the probe slid into the box, within one inch of the tip, heat from the box may have heated the probe. However this is unlikely due to the fact that the sensor’s movement was constricted with an adhesive.

The only problem other the HOBO glitch that occurred was that the digital video camera turned off approximately 1 hour into the flight, although this is not a serious problem as the flight was only approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. After examining the camera it appeared that the extreme cold drained the batteries to the camera and it lost power. The camera itself still works fine and the batteries that were in the camera for the flight still are able to power the camera and contain about two-thirds of their capacity.

We believe the reason for the loss of power to the camera occurred because it was exposed to the air. The camera’s batteries were contained in the unit and so there were limited options for protecting them. The camera did have an extra cradle of insulation for support and temperature control, but it was not able to protect the camera for the entire flight. The heater worked but since the batteries were in the camera it could not compete with the cold air from the environment. The still camera was exposed to the air also but it did not experience a similar problem. We believe the still camera had no failure because the batteries were in a separate unit from the camera and were contained entirely inside of the satellite and were also in closer proximity to the heater.

To fix the camera problem three solutions could be implemented, however the camera still functioned within the desired parameters and these solutions are not required to repeat the flight. First, batteries that are more resistant to the cold than those used for the flight could be installed. Second, the heater could be moved closer to the video camera. Third, a small amount of insulation could be added around the part of the camera that is exposed to the air, although this is limited by the fact that the lens needs to be clear of obstructions for the video.

9.2 Storage

To ensure that the satellite functions for a second launch it should be stored with the electronics in mind. Temperature extremes, direct sunlight, moisture, etc. should all be avoided during storage. The batteries should be removed from all components and reinstalled prior to launch. Film should be placed in the still camera close to the launch date. If the satellite is to be stored for more than 6 months the procedure remains the same. There are not any components that will wear out if they are unused. One thing that should be noted however is that the radiation badges used are one use items and they need to be replaced after each launch. Also, until they are ready to be used they should be kept in the shipping material to prevent their development before the launch.

9.3 Activation

To activate the satellite three units need to be turned on. The first is the digital video camera. The video camera does not have a switch so the inside of the box needs to be accessible up until launch. After the camera is turned on the box can be sealed with aluminum tape. When it is time to launch the switches for the heater and the camera both need to be activated. The video camera, still camera, and heater are the only things that need to be activated. The radiation badges and dosimeter read data continuously and are always active. The flight radiation is gathered by subtracting the radiation measured before launch from the total.


10.1 Knowledge Gained

Our team learned a great deal from construction of this payload and the research behind our experiment of testing the radiation levels from the sun at different altitudes. For construction, although it took a couple of tries, we decided to go with a smaller cube in the end to allow enough room for all of our materials (batteries, circuits, video camera, still camera, etc) inside, but not so much room where they would just end up all over the place. We also learned that a simpler design of just one cube allowed us to construct a great payload that got the job done. As for our experiment, one of the things we definitely learned is that it’s always a great idea to keep communication going with any company you’re relying on as often as possible. This will ensure that all correct products, and possibly data, are sent to the correct person on time.

10.2 In Hindsight

If we had the chance to do this again, we would have possibly tried to do run some other tests with our payload or added something else to our main experiment. Although everything seemed to work fine, many of us would probably have enjoyed being able to collect some other type of data just to have something to compare to the radiation levels or even in something completely unrelated to the radiation levels. Overall, though, the mission was a success, and so we do have every reason to be pleased with that.


We believe one of the most important things a group can do is be able to work together. Without team unity, nothing will ever get done; no one will actually have the motivation to get the necessary things done. In addition to this, I think it’s also important to go for a great experiment with this BalloonSat, but be sure not to get in over your head. As for our group, our experiment just seemed to get simpler and simpler after we kept hitting dead ends (mostly having to do with money and mass budget). However, we feel that we were able to focus much more of our time and attention on this experiment than we would have otherwise, and so for that reason, we feel that we have learned a great deal. In the end, we would not have done much of anything differently – we believe our experiment of radiation testing went well, our HOBO worked, our video camera recorded a good bit of the flight, and our camera took the whole roll of pictures (just be sure to check before turning in your payload that all wires between your camera and your timing circuit are secured well!).

Also, here are some tips for the satellite. (1) Re-solder the wires that connect the still-shot camera to the timing circuit. They’re a very thin gauge, and with the amount you’ll be moving the materials around, they’re bound to break. Get some solid core wire (not braided, it’s harder to solder) and extend the connections a little bit. This will make the connections stronger, so they won’t break. We had problems with it two days before launch, and it could have easily been avoided. (2) Overestimate the weight of foam core, insulation, and aluminum tape. Cut as much as you can without sacrificing structural integrity, because it’s a lot heavier than you think. Try to make it as small as you possibly can, because it will keep everything warmer and lighter.

(3) Also overestimate the forces acting on your BalloonSat at launch. The group below us on the flight string had a boom arm with a camera, and it snapped about 0.2 seconds into the flight. While providing a good amount of comic relief, it ultimately was a major drawback. (4) GO ON THE CHASE. If you’re going to wake up at 4:30 and launch the thing, you might as well go for a little car ride and pick it up. It rocks way too much for you to miss it. So go. And by little car ride we mean the entire state of Colorado. Have fun!





Int. Temperature

Int. Humidity



Power (9V)



Still Camera

Timing Circuit

Digital video $74.00


Radiation sensors $83.00

Wires $10.00

Film $15.00

Small tube $5.00

Washers (2) $2.00

9V batteries (3) $15.00

23A batteries (3) $10.00

Experiments $83.00

Second Camera $74.00

Small Parts $60.00

Film $15.00

Miscellaneous $28.00

Extra $15.00

TOTAL $275.00



Miles Buckman

Rahul Devnani


Miranda Rohlfing

Power (23A)

Video Camera


Lauren Wenner



Geoff Morgan

Team Leader

Nick Hoffmann




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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