Ringkob DI Finding Forrester Film Study

Differentiated Instruction

Lesson Plan Format

Lesson Title: Finding Forrester: A Film Study Content Area and Grade Level: English, 12th Grade Author: Jennifer Ringkob School District: Bon Homme School District 4-2 Email: jennifer.ringkob@k12.sd.us

Brief Description of the Lesson/Unit:

Students analyze the film Finding Forrester as they would a novel or play. The focus of the unit is to see how racism and prejudice impact individuals, their relationships, self worth, and personal choices.

South Dakota Content Standards:

? Standard numbers and exact wording

12.LVS.1.1 Students can evaluate diction, tone, and syntax used in communication.

12.W.1.2 Students can write a research document which will defend a position or recommend a plan of action.

12.R.1.1 Students are able to analyze the effect of style on the interpretation of text.

Indicator 2: Students are able to evaluate text structures, literary elements, and literary devices within various genres to develop interpretations and form responses.

? Unpacked standards (in student-friendly wording)

12LVS.1.1 I can identify words and phrases that help me understand what the author is trying ot say.

12 W.1.2. I know where to find information to support my conclusions about the film.

12 R.1.1. I can explain how the type of diction and word choice impact the story and the meaning of the story by using specific literary terms and making comparisons to novels, stories, and plays I have read.

Stage 1 : Identify Desired Results

1. What enduring understandings are desired?

2. What essential questions will guide this unit and focus both the teaching and the learning?

What impact does society have on individuals of different socioeconomic backgrounds? How do we make sure that we learn from past experiences, especially difficult ones and not allow them to control our lives?

3. What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

4. What prior learning, interests, misconceptions, and conceptual difficulties might be brought to this unit by the students?

Stage 2 : Determine Acceptable Evidence

What evidence will show that students understand?

1. Pre-Assessment (pre-tests, concept maps, KWL, surveys, etc.):

Discussion of racism, the projects, prep schools, etc. we will listen to different types of music and imagine who is listening to it and what the inspiration might have been.

2. Performance Tasks:

Active viewing of the film paying attention to setting, dialogue, and actions and their impact on the scenes.

3. Summative Assessment (Quizzes, Tests, Prompts, Projects, etc.):

daily journal entries and discussion following student generated rubric

4. Formative Assessment (Dialogues, Observations, Work Samples, etc.):

Rubric-student generated

Briefly explain HOW you will use formative assessment and feedback to redirect and focus your instruction for improving student achievement. Provide at least one example.

Through written and verbal tasks, I will assess the depth that the student can analyze the literary aspects of film and help guide discussion to improve areas that are weaker.

5. Student Self-Assessment:

Assessing a classmate during discussion will make them ore aware of their own performance

6. Attach or include specific rubrics being used for this lesson/unit:

Stage 3 : Learning Experiences and Instruction

What sequence of teaching and learning experiences will equip students to develop and demonstrate the desired understandings?

1. Major Learning Activities:

2. Materials, Supplies, & Resources (technology & print):

3. Classroom Management:

4. Support Services and Special Teacher Notes:



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