Jesuit Resources on the World Wide Web

Ignatian Spirituality Resources for Parents Participating in Creighton Prep’s

Praying with St. Ignatius Program

{Resources with an * can be checked out with Lisa Scherer

Email is and phone is 402 630-6171}

Books & Journal Articles Directly Relevant

to Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian Spirituality

*Alexander, A., SJ, Waldron, M.J., Gillick, L.,SJ. (2009). Retreat in the Real World: FindingIntimacy with God Wherever You Are. Chicago: Loyola Press.

Antonio, R. (1993). The Spiritual Conquest. Tran. by McNaspy, C.J., St. Louis: Institute of Jesuit Sources.

Aquilina, M. & Stubna, Fr. K.D. (2008). Take Five: On-the-Job Meditations with St. Ignatius.

Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor.

Aschenbrenner, George, S.J. (2002). Consciousness Examen. Chicago: Jesuit Way.

*Aschenbrennner, G.A., SJ. (2004). Stretched for Greater Glory. Chicago, IL: Loyola Press.

*Barry, W.A., SJ. (1987). God and Your: Prayer as a Personal Relationship. Mahwah, NY: Paulist Press.

*Barry, W.A., SJ (1991). Finding God in All Things: A Companion to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.

Barry, William A., SJ. (1987).God and You: Prayer as Personal Relationship. New York: Paulist Press.

Barry, William A., S.J. and Robert G. Doherty, S.J. (2002). Contemplative in Action: the Jesuit Way. New York: Paulist Press.

*Benner, D.G. (2005). Desiring God’s Will: Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart of God. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

*Bergan, J.S., & Schwan, M. (1991). Praying with St. Ignatius of Loyola. Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press.

Bradley, H.C., SJ. (2002). The 19th Annotation in 24 Weeks, for the 21st Century. Philadelphia, PA: Saint Joseph’s University Press. [24-week format]

Byron, William J., S.J., (2000). Jesuit Saturdays: Sharing the Ignatian Spirit with Lay Colleagues and Friends. Chicago: Loyola Press.

*Conroy, M., RSM., (1993). The Discerning Heart: Discovering a Personal God. Chicago: Loyola.

*de Mello, A. (1985). One Minute Wisdom. New York: Doubleday.

Fellows of the Woodstock Theological Center ( ). The Dynamism of Desire: Bernard Lonergan SJ on the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola. St. Louis, MO: The Institute of Jesuit Sources.

*Fleming, D. L. ( 1996 ). Draw Me Into Your Friendship: The Spiritual Exercises, a Literal

Translation and a Contemporary Reading. St. Louis, MO: The Institute of Jesuit Sources.

Fleming, D. L. (1982). Modern Spiritual Exercises. New York: Doubleday.

*Gallagher, T.M., OMV (2005). The Discernment of Spirits. New York: Doubleday.

*Gallagher, T.M., OMV. (2006). The Examen Prayer. New York: Crossroads Publishing.

*Gallagher, T.M., OMV. (2007). An Ignatian Introduction to Prayer. New York: Crossroads Publishing.

Ganss, G., SJ. (1970). The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus. St. Louis: Institute of Jesuit Sources.

Ganss, G., SJ. (1991). Spiritual Exercises and Selected Works [Classics of Western Spirituality Series] New York: Paulist.

*Ganss, G., S.J. (1992). The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. St. Louis: The Institute of Jesuit Sources.

*Gawronski, R.T., SJ. (2003). A Personal Ignatian Retreat: A Closer Walk with Christ. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division.

*Gooley, L.L, SJ. (1997). To Share in the Life of Christ: Experiencing God in Everyday Life. St. Louis, MO: The Institute of Jesuit Sources.

*Green, T.H. (1976). A Vacation with the Lord: A Personal Directed Retreat with Thomas H. Green, S.J. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.

*Green, T.H. (2006). Opening to God: A Guide to Prayer. Huntington, IN: Notre Dame Press.

*Harter, M., SJ (2005). Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits. Chicago: Loyola Press

*Hauser, R.J., SJ. (1982). In His Spirit: A Guide to Today’s Spirituality. Mahwah, NY: Paulist Press.

*Hauser, R.J., SJ. (2002). Moving in the Spirit: Becoming a Contemplative in Action. Mahwah, NY: Paulist Press.

*Jesuit Communications Center. (2005) Sacred Space: The Prayer Book 2005. Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press.

*Kelly, P.M., SJ. (2007). Loved into Freedom and Service: Lay Experiences of the Exercises in Daily Life. Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, 39(2), 1-35.

*Kiechle, S. (2005). The Art of Discernment: Making Good Decisions in your World of Choices. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.

*Link, M., SJ. (1993). Challenge: A Daily Mediation Program Based on The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Allen, TX: Resources for Daily Living. [36-week format]

*Linn, D., Linn, S.F., & Linn, M., SJ. (1995). Sleeping with Bread. Mahwah, NY: Paulist Press.

Munitz, J., SJ. (1987). (Ed.). Inigo: Discernment Log-Book The Spiritual Diary of Saint Ignatius Loyola. London: Inigo Enterprises.

*Martini, C.M., SJ. (1993). Letting God Free Us: Meditations on Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. New Rochelle, NY: New City Press. [On Loan from Creighton Retreat Center, Griswald, IA]

Meissner, W.W. (1999). To a Greater Glory: A Psychological Study of Ignatian Spirituality. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University.

Melloni, J., SJ. (2000). The Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola in the Western Tradition.

Companion Hall: The Way Books.

*Mottola, A. (1964). The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius. New York: Doubleday.

*Mullan, E. (2007). The Spiritual Exercies of St. Ignatius of Loyola. New York: Cosimo

O’Leary, B., SJ. (2006). Pierre Favre and Discernment. Companion Hall, Oxford: The Way Books.

O’Neal, Rev. N.B. (1991). The Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola. New Orleans: The Jesuits of New Orleans.

*Puhl, L.J., SJ. (1951). The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Chicago: Loyola Press.

Rahner, H. (1960). Ignatius' Letters to Women. New York: Herder & Herder.

Ravier, A., SJ. (1991). Do It at Home Retreat: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Fort Collins, CO; Ignatius Press.

* Rausch, T.P., SJ. (2008). An 8-Day Ignatian Retreat for Priests, Religious, Deacons, and Lay Ministers. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.

*Roccasalvo, J.L., CSJ. (2005). Prayer for Finding God in All Things: The Daily Examen of St. Ignatius of Loyola. St. Louis, MO: The Institute of Jesuit Sources.

Russell, J. (2007). The God questions: What forms and shapes us. Liguori, MD: Liguori Publications.

*Silf, M. (1995). Companions of Christ: Ignatian Spirituality for Everyday Living. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmann Publishing Company.

*Skehan, J.W., SJ., (1991). Place Me with Your Son: Ignatian Spirituality in Everyday Life (3rd ed.). Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. [24-week format]

Smith, C.A., & Merz, E. (2009). Moment by Moment: A Retreat in Everyday Life. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.

*Spitzer, R.J., S.J., (2008) Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life: A Practical Guide to Prayer for Active People. San Francisco: Ignatius Press.

Tetlow, J., SJ (1994). The Lay Ministry of the Spiritual Exercises. National Jesuit News, 24(3).

Tetlow, J., SJ (1992). Ignatius of Loyola: Spiritual exercises. New York: Crossroads Publishing.

*Tetlow, J.A., SJ. (1991). Choosing Christ in the World: A Handbook for Directing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola According to Annotations Eighteen and Nineteen. St. Louis, MO: The Institute for Jesuit Resources. [36 -Week Format]

Tetlow, J.A., SJ. (2008). Making Choices in Christ: The Foundations of Ignatian. Chicago: IL: Loyola Press.

Traub, G.W. (2008). An Ingatian Spirituality Reader. Chicago:IL: Loyola Press.

*Wolff, P. (2003). Discernment and the Art of Choosing Well: Based on Ignatian Spirituality. Liguori, MO: Liguori/Triumph.

Young, W.J., (1959). (Ed., & Trans). Letters of St. Ignatius. Chicago: Loyola University Press,

Books On or By Jesuits

Brodrick, J., SJ, (1956 ). St. Ignatius of Loyola: The Pilgrim Years.

*Burke, K.F., Burke-Sullivan, E., Zagano, P. (1991). The Ignatian Tradition. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press.

Derleth, A. (1955). St. Ignatius and the Company of Jesus. Chicago: Ignatius Press.

[juvenile biography].

Donohue, J. W., S.J. (1963). Jesuit Education. New York: Fordham.

Farcicy, R. SJ. (1979). Praying for Inner Healing. New York: Paulist Press. [On Loan from Creighton Retreat Center, Griswald, IA]

Fülöp-Miller, R. (1930). The Power and the Secret of the Jesuits. New York: Viking.

*Hauser, R.J., SJ., (2002). Finding God in Troubled Times. Chicago: Loyola Press.

*Lacouture, J. (1995). Jesuits: A Multibiography. Washington D.C.: Counterpoint.

*Linn, D., Linn, S.F., & Linn, M., SJ. (2001). Understanding Difficult Scripture in a Healing Way. Mahwah, NY: Paulist Press.

Lucas, T., S.J. (1990). Ignatius, Rome and Jesuit Urbanism. Vatican: Biblioteca Apostolica.

*Martin, J., SJ. (2006). My Life with the Saints. Chicago: Loyola Press.

O'Malley, J. W. S.J. (1993). The First Jesuits. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

*Palmer, M.E.,SJ., Padberg, J.W.,S.J., McCarthy, J.L., S.J., (2006). Ignatius of Loyola: Letters and Instructions. St. Louis: The Institute of Jesuit Sources.

Purcell, M. (1981). The First Jesuit, St. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556). Chicago, Illinois: Loyola University Press.

Rahner, H. (1982). Ignatius, the Man and the Priest. Trans. John Coyne. Rome: Centrum Ingatianum Spiritualitatis.

Ravier, A. (1987). Ignatius of Loyola and the Founding of the Society of Jesus

*Wirth, E. (2007). They Made All the Difference: Life-Changing Stories from Jesuit High Schools. Chicago: Loyola.

*Tylenda, J.N, SJ, (2001). A Pilgrim’s Journey: The Autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

*Young, W.J., SJ. (1998). St. Ignatius’ Own Story as Told to Luis Gonzalez de Camera. Chicago, IL: Loyola University Press.

Books for Teens

Auer, J. (2004). Handbook for Today’s Catholic Teen. Liguri, MO: Liguri Publications

Butler, B, Evert, J., Evert, C. (2006). Theology of His Body for Teens. West Chester, PA: Ascension Press.

Hart, M. (2003). Ask the Bible Geek: Answers to Questions from Catholic Teens. Atlanta, GA: Charis Books.

Hart, M. (2007). Ask the Bible Geek 2: More Answers to Questions from Catholic Teens. Ann Arbor; MI: Servant Publications.

Kirgis, C. (2002). A Teenager’s Daily Prayer Book. Lincolnwood, IL: Publications International.

*Koch, C. (1991). (Ed.). Dreams Alive. Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press.

*Koch, C. (1994). (Ed.). More Dreams Alive: Prayers for Teenagers. Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press.

Krupp, L., & Miller, M., Shrader, M. (2006). The Catholic Youth Prayer Book. Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press.

Kurtz, D. (2007). Youth Engaging Scripture Diving Into the Sunday Gospels. Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press.

*Martin, C. (2008). Made for More. Westchester, PA: Ascension Press (Curtis Martin is Founder and President of FOCUS, Fellowship of Catholic University Students).

*Matthew, J.P. (2004). Did Adam & Eve Have Belly Buttons? Westchester, PA: Ascension Press.

Pinto, M., & Evert, J. (2005). Did Jesus Have a Last Name? And 199 Other Questions from Catholic Teenagers. Westchester, PA: Ascension Press.

Singer-Towns, B. (2003). The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth. Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press.

*Strand, R. (1994). Moments for Teens. Green Forest, AR.: New Leaf Press.

Theisen, M. (2000). Faith Sharing for Teens: 25 Experiences That Connect Faith and Life.

Skokie, IL: Acta Publications.

*Welborn, A. (2002). Prove it! Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing.

Books for Parents

*Cragon, J. ( 2005). Bless my Child. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.

Finley, M.B. (1997). Let’s Begin with Prayer: 130 Prayers for Junior and Senior High Schools. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.

*Hart, M. (2006). Blessed Are the Bored in Spirit: A Young Catholic’s Search for Meaning. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Publications

Leifeld, W. (1997). The Catholic Parent Wisdom Book. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing.

*O’Martian, S. (2005). The Power of a Praying Parent. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.

Other Spiritual Books Utilized in Program

Catoir, Fr. J., & Thomas, J.R. ( 1985). Three Minutes A Day: A Christopher Book (Vol. 23). New York: The Christophers. [On Loan from Creighton Retreat Center, Griswald, IA]

*Dunne, Mon. Peter, & Herout, V. (2009). Praying for Our Priests. Omaha, NE. Maria Regina Cleri.

*Finley, J. (2004). Christian Meditation. New York: Harper-Collins.

*Hays, E. (1979). Prayers for the Domestic Church. Easten, KS: Forest of Peace Books.

* Kolodiejchuk, M.C. (2007). (Ed. And Commentator) on Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s, Mother Teresa, Come Be My Light. New York: Doubleday.

*Lectio Divina Bible Studies (2006). Listening for God Through Ephesians. Indianapolis: Wesleyan Publishing.

*Lectio Divina Bible Studies (2005). Listening for God Through Philippians. Indianapolis: Wesleyan Publishing

Powers, I. ( 1991). Quiet Places with Jesus: 40 Guided Imagery Meditations for Personal Prayer. Mystic, CT.: Twenty-third Publications. [On Loan from Creighton Retreat Center, Griswald, IA]

Jesuit Resources on the World Wide Web

America, the national Jesuit magazine

Creighton University’s Online Ministries (Includes a link to the spiritual exercises on-line)

Daily Ways to Pray with the Oregon Jesuits:

Ignatian Spirituality Link on Xavier High School in Cincinnati

Ignatian Spirituality Center (Seattle, Washington)

The Institute of Jesuit Sources

The Jesuit Center for Ignatian Spirituality (Washington, D.C.)

Jesuit Online:

Jesuit Retreat House on-line (Wisconsin)

National Catholic Reporter Archives

Pray As You Go: daily prayer for your MP3 player:

Sacred Space: Praying with the Irish Jesuits Online:

Sacred Gateway: Sacred Space Adapted for Young People:

Society of Jesus on the Web

Stay Great (Website of Mark Link, SJ, Loyola University)


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