What could be one significant meaning of the Ace of Wands ...


Element: Fire, basic male energy, yang

Magical “Weapon” The Magician’s Wand

“Ruling” God: Hermes, God of magic, masculine creative energy guide to souls, trickster

Ace: Energy, life, health, courage, forcefulness, simplicity, sex, the very beginning of something, initiation

2: Choice, especially between risky and safe

3: energy manifested, opportunities, coming to an understanding of what creative energy has meant in your life, group actions

4: finding goals, people celebrating together, and outpouring of excitement and energy, possibly marriage

5: competition, change fiery new direction, conflict

6: success, victory, situations which are exciting and harmonious at the same time, confidence and optimism, possible passion and romantic interest

7: dynamic, creative, possibly aggressive, courage and bravery, open ourselves to fire

8: movement, swiftness, heading towards stability, strike now! Positive resolution, signals from God, same reversed

9: courage, strength, discipline, keep at it, its tough now but do not stop

10: burdened with responsibilities, possibly oppression, making all the effort and unappreciated, also working hard towards new adventures and paths

78 Degrees of Tarot, Pollack, R.

Wands Discussion

1. What could be one significant meaning of the Ace of Wands in a Reading?

2. What is the difference between the 2 and 3 of Wands?

3. What is the difference between the 5 and 7 of Wands?

4. Which card can sometimes mean marriage?

5. Which element does the Wands suit correspond with?

6. Give me 3 keywords that describe the Wands suit in general?

7. Which wand card do you like the most and why?

8. Which Wands card has no people in it (the only non Ace in the Rider deck to not have people as well)? What do you think this card is about?

9. Explain how 9 and 10 of wands are similar

10. If the Page, the Knight, the Queen and King of Wands were famous people, who would they be?

11. Pick a Wand card that best describes the day you have had so far…

The Meanings of Numbers in Tarot

1. New beginnings, opportunity, potential, drive, ideas, inspiration and aspiration. One deals with that which is about to take form. Many ones in a reading indicates that a situation is about to begin or is in the early stages of development.

2. Balance, duality, a crossroad or choice, partnership, assimilation, sharing, receptivity, diplomacy, gentle persuasion, application, agreement and insight. Many twos in a reading indicates a waiting period where there will be partial success but more will be revealed later. It can also indicate a reconciliation or reunion.

3. Initial achievement of goals, growth, creativity, abundance, expression, communication and friendships. The number 3 is the cementing factor of 1 and 2 and goes through to 4 to bring about that which is desired and envisioned. Multiple 3s in a reading indicate group activities or situations involving more than one person. They can also indicate delay but with the promise of future success.

4. Structure, foundation, stability, stagnation, manifestation, practical application, formation, concentration, organisation and planning. It is the result of a well-built foundation and proper application. It is what comes as a result of desire and imagination (i.e. the energy of 1, 2 and 3). Many 4s in a reading indicate fruition or the manifestation of an idea along with a foundation where things can grow.

5. Instability, conflict, loss, opportunity for change, new cycle, change, expansion and recreation. In a reading, many 5s indicate change, challenge and fluctuation. They also indicate material prosperity but spiritual poverty if not properly balanced.

6. Communication, problem-solving, cooperation, balance, relaxation, adjustment, harmony, compassion, social consciousness, domesticity, love, care, comfort and concern. Many 6s in a reading indicate adjustments in thoughts, attitudes or conditions. They also represent the ability to transcend difficulties.

7. Reflection, assessment, motives, spirituality, wisdom, perfect order, observation, investigation, meditation, discovery and knowledge. Seven represents faith – faith in the things that can’t be seen, but nevertheless exist. It is about knowing the ultimate truths, and it is through experience that understanding develops and faith in the unknown is attained. In a reading, many 7s indicate a period of introspection or solitude.

8. Movement, action, change, rebirth, regeneration, re-evaluation, capability, spiritual fortitude, success, recognition, accomplishment and attainment. Eight is associated with power that springs from within and enables one to accomplish that which one sets out to do. Many 8s indicate a positive change of mind or status.

9. Fruition, attainment, bringing things to a conclusion, completion, fulfilment, selflessness, magnetism, idealism and giver of wisdom or inspiration. Many 9s in a reading mean that situations or events are nearing completion or have just been completed and another plateau awaits.

10. Completion, end of a cycle and renewal. 10 can also become 1 (1+0 = 1) and therefore the tens represent the same things as the Aces but on a higher level. Many 10s in a reading can indicate endings which will soon transform into new beginnings.

Source: Biddy Tarot

Mercury Returns Spread


2 cards each

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What do I need to do to communicate effectively?

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