
Y11 Unseen Poetry/Anthology Poetry Approach QueriesYour Post It My Response Don’t remember everything Listen to the Approaching Poetry Podcasts to help you remember how to approach the poetry writing. Also, revise the how to approach essay structures in the essay guide I have given you. Finally, practice attempting Unseen essays and Unseen comparisons How to make it easier to find quotes Select images or words that stand out to you. Explain how these stand out and how they link to the question Annotating poems is a new skill – How do you do this?Think:What quotes stand out – underline or highlight them Next to the quote – write what language or structure technique you notice is used Then – Make a short note of the meaning Finally – Explain the effect Remember, in the exam you aren’t going to have time to do detailed annotations, so practicing this in the lead up to the exam will help you. Okay – but it is hard to understand some of the quotes Read around the quote to help you understand the meaning Can you make an educated guess about what it is suggesting? Are you really unclear about the meaning of the quote? If so don’t use that quote in your analysis – instead choose one you feel more secure with. I really struggle with poems, the language they are written in and I don’t know what to do. Think about poems as a song – do you understand these? Why? Is it the hearing element or is it the repetition? Do you always understand a song the first time you hear it? Yes/No? What helps you to understand it? If yes, then you need to think of a poem as being like a song. It is using a combination of words to tell a story. There will be a clue in the question – eg look at how relationships are presented etc. Using this clue – look for ideas about relationships (in this example) in the poem. We will listen to and do a short analysis of a song to show you what I mean. This will also help with annotating!Difficult to find language and structure For Language - Do you know what verbs, adverbs, nouns and adjectives are? If you do you can select language through the particular choice of words.Have triplets been used? Has emotive language been used? It will appeal to you and make you feel an emotion? Has imagery been used? You can specify metaphor, simile or personification, but if you are unsure think about using imagery as the language is painting a picture in your mind.For structure – how is it laid out? What effect does this have?Is there a particular rhyme? Does the poet use punctuation for any reason – short sentences, caesura, end-stopping or enjambment and are these effective – why? How? Have a list of techniques ‘up your sleeve’ that you are really happy with.Terrible I dislike poems – I can’t do it – I can’t see it See all of the tips here. You need to persevere and have a more open mind.Vocabulary for wordsLanguage and structure terms above and just say what you think (even if you don’t know the posh term) I’m just telling you all the way in the lead up to the exam, so that you might remember it in the exam. Hard approaching it Find it hard getting quotes that link to the questionRead, re-read, re-read and highlight/label for meaning. Then give it a go. You are better at it than you think Confused as I don’t know what meaning language structure is (in the poem)Look carefully at the question Think about the story in the poem – how does it start? How is it in the middle and how does it end? Is it all the same throughout or is there a change? Does it give a negative or a positive feel? Then, go from there. Find and expand on quotes Remember, single words are good, connotations of words are good. Use triplets to explore what words mean and what they imply in the poem that they are in? Do they give a positive or negative tone and why? In this way you can begin to expand on quotes. Meaning/Effect is difficult but finding quotes is okay.You could ask yourself: What is it saying and why do I think this?What is the hidden meaning? Does it link to the question in any way? Is there a word I can zoom in on?What effect – think is this happy/sad/miserable/angry etc and how does that link to what I feel about this particular idea?Your thoughts on my response – How will this help you approach poetry? Do you have any other questions? ................

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