Math 227 StatCrunch Help - Los Angeles Mission College

Math 227 StatCrunch Help

Chapter 2 Organizing and Summarizing Data Creating a Frequency (or Relative Frequency) for a Categorical variable

With Data:

Stat Tables Frequency Select column(s) Statistics: Choose desired statistic(s)

Compute! With Summary:

Graph Bar Plot With Summary Select column(s) Categories in: Choose Category Counts in: Choose Frequency Select Type: Order by: Choose Worksheet Compute!

Creating a Frequency (or Relative Frequency) for a Numerical variable With Data:

Graph Histogram Select column(s) Select Type: Bins: Enter desired values for Start at and Width Display options: check Value able bar: Compute!

Chapter 3 Numerically Summarizing Data Finding the Descriptive Statistics:

Stat Summary Stats Columns Select column(s) Statistics: Choose desired statistic(s) Compute!

Note: Select Unadj. Variance or Unadj. for the population variance and population standard deviation

Chapter 4 Describing the Relation between Two Variables Finding the Correlation Coefficient and Regression Line:

Stat Regression Simple Linear X variable: Y variable: Compute!

Predicting the y-value & Residual

Stat Regression Simple Linear X variable: Y variable: Prediction of Y: Enter the X

value(s) Save: ResidualsCompute! Note: *Residuals (Errors) are stored in new column: Residuals

*Sum of Squared residuals is found in Analysis of variance table for regression model: in the intersection of Error and SS (Sum of Squared).

Determine the actual percentage of the data distribution:

Data Sort Select Columns: Sort Direction: Compute! Count the appropriate number

of data values and calculate the percentage.

Chapter 6 Discrete Probability Distributions

Computing the mean and the standard deviation of the random variable X .

Stat Calculators Custom. Choose X and P(x) Click Compute! Computing the binomial probability:

Stat Calculators Binomial

Chapter 7 The Normal Probability Distribution Finding Areas (Probabilities) under a Normal Curve

Stat Calculators Normal Select Standard or Between Input the value for Mean and Std. Dev. Select the inequality sign Input the value for X Compute!

Finding X-value under a Normal probability

Stat Calculators Normal Select Standard or Between Input the value for Mean and Std. Dev. Select the inequality sign Input probability Compute!

Graphing a Normality probability plot

Graph QQ Plot Select column(s) Compute!

Chapter 8 Sampling Distributions

Finding Probability of x that is Normally Distributed

Stat Calculators Normal Select Standard or Between Input the value for Mean


















Finding Probability of p^ that is Normally Distributed

Stat Calculators Normal Select Standard or Between Input the value for Mean

(p^ p^ ) and Std. Dev. p^ X Compute!

p(1 n










Chapter 9 Estimating a Population Proportion

Constructing Confidence Interval for Population Proportion

Finding the critical value Z 2 Stat Calculators Normal Select Between Input probability (confidence level) Compute!

Constructing Confidence Interval for Population Proportion

Stat Proportion Stats One Sample With Data/Summary Input # of successes and observations Select Confidence Interval and input the Confidence Level Compute!

Finding the Sample Size needed for estimating the Population Proportion

Stat Proportion Stats One Sample Power/Sample Size Select Confidence Interval Width Input the Confidence Level, Target Proportion, and Width (twice the error)

Compute! (Note: Target Proportion =0.50 with no prior estimate of P)

Constructing Confidence Interval for Population Mean

Finding the critical value t 2 Stat Calculators T Select Between Degree of Freedom (DF = n-1) Input probability (confidence level) Compute!

Constructing Confidence Interval for Population Mean

Stat T Stats One Sample With Data/Summary Input Sample mean, Sample, Sample size Select Confidence Interval and input the Confidence Level Compute!

Finding the Sample Size needed for estimating the Population Mean

Stat Z Stats One Sample Power/Sample Size Select Confidence Interval Width Input the Confidence Level, Standard deviation, and Width (twice the error) Compute!

Constructing Confidence Interval for Population Standard Deviation

Finding the critical values

2 1





Stat Calculators Chi-Square Select Between Degree of Freedom (DF = n-1) Input

probability (confidence level) Compute!

Constructing Confidence Interval for a Population Variance or Standard Deviation

Stat Variance Stats One Sample With Data/Summary Input Sample variance, Sample

size Select Confidence Interval and input the Confidence Level Compute!

Chapter 10 Hypothesis Tests Regarding a Parameter

Hypothesis Testing for Population Proportion, Mean, Variance or Standard Deviation

Finding the critical z , t , or 2 value

Stat Calculators Normal, T , Chi-Square Finding the test statistic and the corresponding P-value for a Population Proportion

Stat Proportion Stats One Sample With Summary/Data Enter # of Successes and observations Enter the value (proportion) for H0 and select the inequality in H A

Compute! Finding the test statistic and the corresponding P-value for a Population Mean

Stat T Stats One Sample With Data/Summary Enter Sample mean, Sample std. dev, Sample size Enter the value (mean) for H0 and select the inequality in H A Compute!

Finding the test statistic and the corresponding P-value for a Population Standard Deviation

Stat Variance Stats One Sample With Data/Summary Enter Sample variance, Sample size Enter the value (variance) for H0 and select the inequality in H A Compute!

Chapter 11 Inferences on Two Samples

Inference about Two Population Proportions

Performing Hypothesis Tests

Stat Proportion Stats Two Sample With Data/Summary Enter # of Successes and observations Enter the value for H0 and select the inequality in H A Compute!

Constructing Confidence Intervals

Stat Proportion Stats Two Sample With Data/Summary Enter # of Successes and observations Select Confidence Interval and input the Confidence Level Compute!

Creating a Contingency table

Stat Tables Contingency With Data/Summary Select the Row variable and Column variable Select items under Display Compute!

Inference about Two Means: Dependent Samples

*If necessary, enter the raw data into the first two columns of the spreadsheet. Name each column variable Performing Two-Sample t-Tests, Dependent Sampling

Stat T Stats Paired Select the columns for Sample 1 and Sample 2 Enter the value for H0 and select the inequality in H A Compute!

Constructing Confidence Interval, Dependent Sampling

Stat T Stats Paired Select the columns for Sample 1 and Sample 2 Select Confidence Interval and input the Confidence Level Compute!

Inference about Two Means: Independent Samples

*If necessary, enter the raw data into the first two columns of the spreadsheet. Name each column variable Performing Two-Sample t-Tests, Independent Sampling

Stat T Stats Two Sample Select the columns for Sample 1 and Sample 2 Uncheck the box "Pool variances" Enter the value for H0 and select the inequality in H A Compute!

Constructing Confidence Interval, Independent Sampling

Stat T Stats Two Sample Select the columns for Sample 1 and Sample 2 Uncheck the box "Pool variances" Select Confidence Interval and input the Confidence Level Compute!

Inference about Two Population Standard Deviations

Finding the critical F - value Stat Calculators F

Performing Hypothesis test for Comparing Two Population Standard Deviations

Stat Variance Stats Two Sample With Data/Summary Enter mean, standard deviation, and sample size Enter the value (variance) for H0 and select the inequality in H A Compute!

Constructing Confidence Interval for Comparing Two Population Standard Deviations

Stat Variance Stats Two Sample With Data/Summary Enter mean, standard deviation, and sample size Select Confidence Interval and input the Confidence Level


Chapter 12 Inferences on Categorical Data & ANOVA

Goodness-of-Fit Test

*Enter the observed counts in the first column Enter the expected counts in the second column. Name the columns observed and expected.

Stat Goodness-of-Fit Test Chi-Square Test Select the Observe column and Expected column Compute!

Chi-Square Tests for Independence

*If the data are already in a contingency table, enter them into the spreadsheet. The first column is the row variable. If the data are not in a contingency table, enter each variable in a column and name the column variable.

Stat Tables Contingency With Data/Summary Select the column variable(s) and row variable Select items Compute!

One-Way Analysis of Variance, ANOVA

*Either enter the raw data in separate columns for each sample or treatment, or enter the value of the variable in a single column with indicator variables for each sample or treatment in a second column.

Stat ANOVA One Way Select the column variable(s) If the raw data are in separate

columns, select "Compare selected columns" and then click the columns you wish to compare. If the raw data art in a single column, select "Compare values in a single column" and then choose the columns that contains the value of the variables and the column that indicates the treatment or sample Compute!

Two-Way Analysis of Variance, ANOVA

Repeat the steps for conducting a one-way analysis of variance. Check the box "Tukey HSD with confidence level before clicking Compute!


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